960 resultados para intramolecular rearrangement
The preparation and use of an azide-containing monolithic reactor is described for use in a flow chemistry device and in particular for conducting Curtius rearrangement reactions via acid chloride inputs.
Unveiling the mechanisms of energy relaxation in biomolecules is key to our understanding of protein stability, allostery, intramolecular signaling, and long-lasting quantum coherence phenomena at ambient temperatures. Yet, the relationship between the pathways of energy transfer and the functional role of the residues involved remains largely unknown. Here, we develop a simulation method of mapping out residues that are highly efficient in relaxing an initially localized excess vibrational energy and perform site-directed mutagenesis functional assays to assess the relevance of these residues to protein function. We use the ligand binding domains of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) subtypes as a test case and find that conserved arginines, which are critical to TR transactivation function, are the most effective heat diffusers across the protein structure. These results suggest a hitherto unsuspected connection between a residue`s ability to mediate intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution and its functional relevance.
The activation parameters for the thermal decomposition of 13 acridinium-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes, bearing an aromatic moiety, were determined and their chemiluminescence emission quantum yields estimated, utilizing in situ photosensitized 1,2-dioxetane generation and observation of its thermal decomposition kinetics, without isolation of these highly unstable cyclic peroxides. Decomposition rate constants show linear free-energy correlation for electron-withdrawing substituents, with a Hammett reaction constant of rho = 1.3 +/- 0.1, indicating the occurrence of an intramolecular electron transfer from the acridinium moiety to the 1,2-dioxetane ring, as postulated by the intramolecular chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL) mechanism. Emission quantum yield behavior can also be rationalized on the basis of the intramolecular CIEEL mechanism, additionally evidencing its occurrence in this transformation. Both relations constitute the first experimental evidence for the occurrence of the postulated intramolecular electron transfer in the catalyzed and induced decomposition of properly substituted 1,2-dioxetanes.
The dideprotonation of 4-(4-nitrophenylazo)resorcinol generates an anionic species with substantial electronic pi delocalization. As compared to the parent neutral species, the anionic first excited electronic transition, characterized as an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from the CO(-) groups to the NO(2) moiety, shows a drastic red shift of ca. 200 nm in the lambda(max) in the UV-vis spectrum, leading to one of the lowest ICT energies observed (lambda(max) = 630 nm in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) in this class of push-pull molecular systems. Concomitantly, a threefold increase in the molar absorptivity (epsilon(max)) in comparison to the neutral species is observed. The resonance Raman enhancement profiles reveal that in the neutral species the chromophore involves several modes, as nu(C-N), nu(N=N), nu(C=C) and nu(s)(NO(2)), whereas in the dianion, there is a selective enhancement of the NO(2) vibrational modes. The quantum chemical calculations of the electronic transitions and vibrational wavenumbers led to a consistent analysis of the enhancement patterns observed in the resonance Raman spectra. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This work reports the energy transfer mechanism process of [Eu(TTA)(2)(NO(3))(TPPO)(2)] (bis-TTA complex) and [Eu(TTA)(3)(TPPO)(2)] (tris-TTA complex) based on experimental and theoretical spectroscopic properties, where TTA = 2-thienoyltrifluoroacetone and TPPO = triphenylphosphine oxide. These complexes were synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, infrared spectroscopy and thermogavimetric analysis. The theoretical complexes geometry data by using Sparkle model for the calculation of lanthanide complexes (SMLC) is in agreement with the crystalline structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The emission spectra for [Gd(TTA)(3)(TPPO)(2)] and [Gd(TTA)(2) (NO(3))(TPPO)(2)] complexes are associated to T -> S(0) transitions centered on coordinated TTA ligands. Experimental luminescent properties of the bis-TTA complex have been quantified through emission intensity parameters Omega(lambda)(lambda = 2 and 4), spontaneous emission rates (A(rad)), luminescence lifetime (tau), emission quantum efficiency (eta) and emission quantum yield (q), which were compared with those for tris-TTA complex. The experimental data showed that the intensity parameter value for bis-TTA complex is twice smaller than the one for tris-TTA complex, indicating the less polarizable chemical environment in the system containing nitrate ion. A good agreement between the theoretical and experimental quantum yields for both Eu(Ill) complexes was obtained. The triboluminescence (TL) of the [Eu(TTA)(2)(NO(3))(TPPO)(2)] complexes are discussed in terms of ligand-to-metal energy transfer. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
Neste trabalho, realizou-se a síntese e a caracterização de quatro novas bases de Tröger. Estes compostos pertencem à classe de heterociclos 2-hidroxifenibenzazóis, que caracterizam-se por apresentar uma forte emissão de fluorescência, devido à reação de transferência protônica intramolecular no estado excitado -ESIPT- por eles sofrrida quando excitados por luz ultravioleta. Os heterociclos sintetizadosapesentam ligações de hidrogênio intramolecular entrte o nitrogênio azólico e a hidroxila fenólica e um granded deslocamento de Stokes, características tíicas de compostos que sofrem a ESIPT. As bases de Tröger, que são quirais, são bem conhecidas como receptores moleculares devido a concavidade que estas moléculas apresentam, Os compostos obtidos são os primeiro exmeplos de bases de Tröger fluorescentes, via ESIP, na literatura, por isso, despertam grande interesse na síntese de sondas biológicas moleculares fluorescentes. A partir da resolução quiral das bases de Tröger, estas potencialmente podem vir a ser utilizadas como indutores quirais e/ou par ao reconhecimento enantiosseletivo do DNA. A resolução quiral foi feita para uma das bases de Tröger sintetizadas.
As técnicas de espalhamento de luz estático e dinâmico foram utilizadas para a caracterização dos copolímeros de PMMA-benzazolas e do PMMA, em clorofórmio e THF nos regimes diluído e semi-diluído. Os copolímeros foram obtidos pela polimerização do metil-metacrilato na presença dos corantes orgânicos do tipo benzazolas, que caracterizam-se por apresentar uma intensa emissão de fluorescência através de um mecanismo de transferência protônica intramolecular no estado eletrônico excitado. Através da técnica de espalhamento de luz estático foram obtidos parâmetros macromoleculares como a massa molar ponderal média, o raio de giro e o segundo coeficiente virial, bem como o módulo osmótico reduzido e o parâmetro g, relacionado com a arquitetura do polímero em solução. Estes parâmetros indicam que os copolímeros e o PMMA em solução diluída comportam-se como cadeias lineares flexíveis e apresentam-se como esferas homogêneas em solução. Através da espectroscopia de correlação de fótons foram obtidas funções normalizadas de correlação temporal de intensidade correspondentes a um único processo dinâmico tanto para o PMMA como para os copolímeros em regime diluído, independentemente do solvente utilizado. Esta dinâmica corresponde à difusão das cadeias poliméricas em solução. Para as soluções em regime semi-diluído (5£c£30 g·L-1), as funções de correlação temporal de intensidade apresentaram um único decaimento exponencial correspondente a difusão cooperativa dos entrelaçamento das cadeias poliméricas em solução pode ser observado em ambos os solventes. O tempo de relaxação ( t) obtido sugere que o copolímero apresenta, neste regime de diluição, uma dinâmica diferente daquela observada para o PMMA. Portanto, a incorporação da benzazola na cadeia polimérica afeta a dinâmica do polímero tanto em THF como em clorofórmio. Para soluções contendo PMMA e o Copolímero 6 na concentração de 60 g·L-1 em THF observou-se o aparecimento de um segundo movimento, mais lento, nas funções normalizadas de correlação temporal de intensidade, sugerindo a formação de uma estrutura contínua em solução. O mesmo não ocorre utilizando-se clorofórmio como solvente.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) yeast cells can enter mammalian cells and probably manipulate the host cell environment to favor their own growth and survival. We studied the uptake of strain Pb 18 into A549 lung and Vero epithelial cells, with an emphasis on the repercussions in the cytoskeleton and the apoptosis of host cells. Cytoskeleton components of the host cells, such as actin and tubulin, were involved in the P. brasiliensis invasion process. Cytochalasin D and colchicine treatment substantially reduced invasion, indicating the functional participation of microfilaments (MFs) and microtubules (MTs) in this mechanism. Cytokeratin could also play a role in the P. brasiliensis interaction with the host. Gp43 was recognized by anti-actin and anti-cytokeratin antibodies, but not by anti-tubulin. The apoptosis induced by this fungus in infected epithelial cells was demonstrated by various techniques: TUNEL, DNA fragmentation and Bak and Bcl-2 immunocytochemical expression. DNA fragmentation was observed in infected cells but not in uninfected ones, by both TUNEL and gel electrophoresis methods. Moreover, Bcl-2 and Bak did not show any differences until 24 h after infection of cells, suggesting a competitive mechanism that allows persistence of infection. Overexpression of Bak was observed after 48 h, indicating the loss of competition between death and survival signals. In conclusion, the mechanisms of invasion of host cells, persistence within them, and the subsequent induction of apoptosis of such cells may explain the efficient dissemination of P. brasiliensis. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier SAS.
Intramolecular proton transfer from oxygen to nitrogen atoms in the alpha-alanine amino acid has been studied by ab initio methods at the HF/6-31G*, HF/6-31 ++ G** and MP2/6-31 ++ G** levels of calculation including the solvent effects by means of self-consistent reaction field theory. An analysis of the results based on the natural bond orbital charges shows that the transition structure presents an imbalance in the sense that the charge shift lags behind the proton transfer and that the bond formation is always in advance with respect to the bond cleavage. All calculation levels show that the barrier height associated with the conformational change on alpha-alanine is larger than the proton transfer process. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article supplies a review on the chemistry of cyclometallated compounds. Emphasis is given to those formed by cyclometallation reactions. In this class of complexes, called organometallic intramolecular-coordination compounds, a special attention is given to the reactivity of cyclometallated of palladium(II) due to their use in important chemical processes. Metal-carbon bonds in these palladium(II) complexes can undergo a large variety of insertion reactions and they offer a potentially important sequence in organic synthetic methodology,homogeneous catalysis and liquid crystals manufacturing.