969 resultados para intervention modelling experiments
Ein charakteristisches, neuropathologisches Merkmal der Alzheimer-Demenz (AD), der am häufigsten vorkommenden Demenz-Form des Menschen, ist das Auftreten von senilen Plaques im Gehirn der Patienten. Hierbei stellt das neurotoxische A-beta Peptid den Hauptbestandteil dieser Ablagerungen dar. Einen Beitrag zu der pathologisch erhöhten A-beta Generierung liefert das verschobene Expressionsgleichgewicht der um APP-konkurrierenden Proteasen BACE-1 und ADAM10 zu Gunsten der beta-Sekretase BACE-1. In der vorliegenden Dissertation sollten molekulare Mechanismen identifiziert werden, die zu einem pathologisch veränderten Gleichgewicht der APP-Spaltung und somit zum Entstehen und Fortschritt der AD beitragen. Des Weiteren sollten Substanzen identifiziert werden, die durch Beeinflussung der Genexpression einer der beiden Proteasen das physiologische Gleichgewicht der APP-Prozessierung wiederherstellen können und somit therapeutisch einsetzbar sind.rnAnhand eines „Screenings“ von 704 Transkriptionsfaktoren wurden 23 Faktoren erhalten die das Verhältnis ADAM10- pro BACE-1-Promotor Aktivität beeinflussten. Exemplarisch wurden zwei der molekularen Faktoren auf ihren Wirkmechanismus untersucht: Der TF „X box binding protein-1“ (XBP-1), der die so genannte „unfolded protein response“ (UPR) reguliert, erhöhte die Expression von ADAM10 in Zellkultur-Experimenten. Die Menge dieses Faktors war in AD-Patienten im Vergleich zu gesunden, Alters-korrelierten Kontrollen signifikant erniedrigt. Im Gegensatz dazu verminderte der Seneszenz-assoziierte TF „T box 2“ (Tbx2) die Menge an ADAM10 in SH-SY5Y Zellen. Die Expression des Faktors selbst war in post-mortem Kortexgewebe von AD-Patienten erhöht. Zusätzlich zu den TFs konnten in einer Kooperation mit dem Helmholtz Zentrum München drei microRNAs (miRNA 103, 107, 1306) bioinformatisch prädiziert und experimentell validiert werden, die die Expression des humanen ADAM10 reduzierten.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten damit körpereigene Faktoren identifiziert werden, die die Menge an ADAM10 regulieren und folglich potenziell an der Entstehung der gestörten Homöostase der APP-Prozessierung beteiligt sind. Somit ist die AD auch im Hinblick auf eine A-beta-vermittelte Pathologie als multifaktorielle Krankheit zu verstehen, in der verschiedene Regulatoren zur gestörten APP-Prozessierung und somit zur pathologisch gesteigerten A-beta Generierung beitragen können. rnEine pharmakologische Erhöhung der ADAM10 Genexpression würde zu der Freisetzung von neuroprotektivem APPs-alpha und gleichzeitig zu einer reduzierten A-beta Generierung führen. Deshalb war ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit die Evaluierung von Substanzen mit therapeutischem Potenzial im Hinblick auf eine erhöhte ADAM10 Expression. Von 640 FDA-zugelassenen Medikamenten einer Substanz-Bibliothek wurden 23 Substanzen identifiziert, die die Menge an ADAM10 signifikant steigerten während die Expression von BACE-1 und APP unbeeinflusst blieb. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Pathologie (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) wurde ein Zellkultur-basiertes Modell etabliert, um die Permeationsfähigkeit der potenziellen Kandidaten-Substanzen über die Blut-Hirn Schranke (BHS) zu untersuchen. Von den 23 Medikamenten konnten neun im Rahmen des etablierten Modells als BHS-gängig charakterisiert werden. Somit erfüllen diese verbleibenden Medikamente die grundlegenden Anforderungen an ein AD-Therapeutikum. rnADAM10 spaltet neben APP eine Vielzahl anderer Substrate mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen in der Zelle. Zum Beispiel reguliert das Zelladhäsionsmolekül Neuroligin-1 (NL-1), das von ADAM10 prozessiert wird, die synaptische Funktion exzitatorischer Neurone. Aus diesem Grund ist die Abschätzung potenzieller, Therapie-bedingter Nebenwirkungen sehr wichtig. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsaufenthalts an der Universität von Tokio konnte in primären, kortikalen Neuronen der Ratte bei einer Retinoid-induzierten Erhöhung von ADAM10 neben einer vermehrten alpha-sekretorischen APP-Prozessierung auch eine gesteigerte Spaltung von NL-1 beobachtet werden. Dies lässt vermuten, dass bei einer Behandlung mit dem Retinoid Acitretin neben einer vermehrten APP-Spaltung durch ADAM10 auch die Regulation glutamaterger Neurone durch die Spaltung von NL-1 betroffen ist. Anhand eines geeigneten Alzheimer-Tiermodells sollten diese Befunde weiter analysiert werden, um so auf einen sicheren therapeutischen Ansatz bezüglich einer vermehrten ADAM10 Genexpression schließen zu können.rn
Systems Biology is an innovative way of doing biology recently raised in bio-informatics contexts, characterised by the study of biological systems as complex systems with a strong focus on the system level and on the interaction dimension. In other words, the objective is to understand biological systems as a whole, putting on the foreground not only the study of the individual parts as standalone parts, but also of their interaction and of the global properties that emerge at the system level by means of the interaction among the parts. This thesis focuses on the adoption of multi-agent systems (MAS) as a suitable paradigm for Systems Biology, for developing models and simulation of complex biological systems. Multi-agent system have been recently introduced in informatics context as a suitabe paradigm for modelling and engineering complex systems. Roughly speaking, a MAS can be conceived as a set of autonomous and interacting entities, called agents, situated in some kind of nvironment, where they fruitfully interact and coordinate so as to obtain a coherent global system behaviour. The claim of this work is that the general properties of MAS make them an effective approach for modelling and building simulations of complex biological systems, following the methodological principles identified by Systems Biology. In particular, the thesis focuses on cell populations as biological systems. In order to support the claim, the thesis introduces and describes (i) a MAS-based model conceived for modelling the dynamics of systems of cells interacting inside cell environment called niches. (ii) a computational tool, developed for implementing the models and executing the simulations. The tool is meant to work as a kind of virtual laboratory, on top of which kinds of virtual experiments can be performed, characterised by the definition and execution of specific models implemented as MASs, so as to support the validation, falsification and improvement of the models through the observation and analysis of the simulations. A hematopoietic stem cell system is taken as reference case study for formulating a specific model and executing virtual experiments.
Isochrysis galbana is a widely-used strain in aquaculture in spite of its low productivity. To maximize the productivity of processes based on this microalgae strain, a model was developed considering the influence of irradiance, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration on the photosynthesis and respiration rate. Results demonstrate that this strain tolerates temperatures up to 35ºC but it is highly sensitive to irradiances higher than 500 µE·m-2·s-1 and dissolved oxygen concentrations higher than 11 mg·l-1. With the researcher group of the “Universidad de Almeria”, the developed model was validated using data from an industrial-scale outdoor tubular photobioreactor demonstrating that inadequate temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations reduce productivity to half that which is maximal, according to light availability under real outdoor conditions. The developed model is a useful tool for managing working processes, especially in the development of new processes based on this strain and to take decisions regarding optimal control strategies. Also the outdoor production of Isochrysis galbana T-iso in industrial size tubular photobioreactors (3.0 m3) has been studied. Experiments were performed modifying the dilution rate and evaluating the biomass productivity and quality, in addition to the overall performance of the system. Results confirmed that T-iso can be produced outdoor at commercial scale in continuous mode, productivities up to 20 g·m-2·day-1 of biomass rich in proteins (45%) and lipids (25%) being obtained. The utilization of this type of photobioreactors allows controlling the contamination and pH of the cultures, but daily variation of solar radiation imposes the existence of inadequate dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature at which the cells are exposed to inside the reactor. Excessive dissolved oxygen reduced the biomass productivity to 68% of maximal, whereas inadequate temperature reduces to 63% of maximal. Thus, optimally controlling these parameters the biomass productivity can be duplicated. These results confirm the potential to produce this valuable strain at commercial scale in optimally designed/operated tubular photobioreactors as a biotechnological industry.
Real living cell is a complex system governed by many process which are not yet fully understood: the process of cell differentiation is one of these. In this thesis work we make use of a cell differentiation model to develop gene regulatory networks (Boolean networks) with desired differentiation dynamics. To accomplish this task we have introduced techniques of automatic design and we have performed experiments using various differentiation trees. The results obtained have shown that the developed algorithms, except the Random algorithm, are able to generate Boolean networks with interesting differentiation dynamics. Moreover, we have presented some possible future applications and developments of the cell differentiation model in robotics and in medical research. Understanding the mechanisms involved in biological cells can gives us the possibility to explain some not yet understood dangerous disease, i.e the cancer. Le cellula è un sistema complesso governato da molti processi ancora non pienamente compresi: il differenziamento cellulare è uno di questi. In questa tesi utilizziamo un modello di differenziamento cellulare per sviluppare reti di regolazione genica (reti Booleane) con dinamiche di differenziamento desiderate. Per svolgere questo compito abbiamo introdotto tecniche di progettazione automatica e abbiamo eseguito esperimenti utilizzando vari alberi di differenziamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che gli algoritmi sviluppati, eccetto l'algoritmo Random, sono in grado di poter generare reti Booleane con dinamiche di differenziamento interessanti. Inoltre, abbiamo presentato alcune possibili applicazioni e sviluppi futuri del modello di differenziamento in robotica e nella ricerca medica. Capire i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento cellulare può fornirci la possibilità di spiegare patologie ancora oggi non comprese, come il cancro.
The objective of this study was to develop a criteria catalogue serving as a guideline for authors to improve quality of reporting experiments in basic research in homeopathy. A Delphi Process was initiated including three rounds of adjusting and phrasing plus two consensus conferences. European researchers who published experimental work within the last 5 years were involved. A checklist for authors provide a catalogue with 23 criteria. The “Introduction” should focus on underlying hypotheses, the homeopathic principle investigated and state if experiments are exploratory or confirmatory. “Materials and methods” should comprise information on object of investigation, experimental setup, parameters, intervention and statistical methods. A more detailed description on the homeopathic substances, for example, manufacture, dilution method, starting point of dilution is required. A further result of the Delphi process is to raise scientists' awareness of reporting blinding, allocation, replication, quality control and system performance controls. The part “Results” should provide the exact number of treated units per setting which were included in each analysis and state missing samples and drop outs. Results presented in tables and figures are as important as appropriate measures of effect size, uncertainty and probability. “Discussion” in a report should depict more than a general interpretation of results in the context of current evidence but also limitations and an appraisal of aptitude for the chosen experimental model. Authors of homeopathic basic research publications are encouraged to apply our checklist when preparing their manuscripts. Feedback is encouraged on applicability, strength and limitations of the list to enable future revisions.
The progress of wet age-related macular degeneration can now be controlled by intravitreal drug injection. This approach requires repeated injections, which could be avoided by delivering the drug to the retina. Intraocular implants are a promising solution for drug delivery near the retina. Currently, their accurate placement is challenging, and they can only be removed after a vitrectomy. In this paper, we introduce an approach for minimally invasive retinal drug delivery using magnetic intraocular inserts. We briefly discuss the electromagnetic-control system for magnetic implants and then focus on evaluating their ability to move in the vitreous humor. The mobility of magnetic intraocular implants is estimated in vitro with synthesized vitreous humors, and ex vivo with experiments on cadaver porcine eyes. Preliminary results show that with such magnetic implants a vitrectomy can be avoided.
BACKGROUND: Published individual-based, dynamic sexual network modelling studies reach different conclusions about the population impact of screening for Chlamydia trachomatis. The objective of this study was to conduct a direct comparison of the effect of organised chlamydia screening in different models. METHODS: Three models simulating population-level sexual behaviour, chlamydia transmission, screening and partner notification were used. Parameters describing a hypothetical annual opportunistic screening program in 16-24 year olds were standardised, whereas other parameters from the three original studies were retained. Model predictions of the change in chlamydia prevalence were compared under a range of scenarios. RESULTS: Initial overall chlamydia prevalence rates were similar in women but not men and there were age and sex-specific differences between models. The number of screening tests carried out was comparable in all models but there were large differences in the predicted impact of screening. After 10 years of screening, the predicted reduction in chlamydia prevalence in women aged 16-44 years ranged from 4% to 85%. Screening men and women had a greater impact than screening women alone in all models. There were marked differences between models in assumptions about treatment seeking and sexual behaviour before the start of the screening intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Future models of chlamydia transmission should be fitted to both incidence and prevalence data. This meta-modelling study provides essential information for explaining differences between published studies and increasing the utility of individual-based chlamydia transmission models for policy making.
BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: Recent studies have suggested placental growth factor (PlGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as promising new biomarkers for risk stratification in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, little is known about the influence of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on circulating PlGF and VEGF levels. METHODS: Thirty-five patients with ACS, 27 patients with stable coronary artery disease (sCAD), and nine healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Although all patients with ACS and 14 patients with stable angina pectoris underwent PCI, 13 patients with coronary artery disease required no revascularization (sCAD). PlGF and VEGF plasma concentrations were measured by immunoassay during and at the end of PCI and coronary angiography. RESULTS: Plasma PlGF levels were comparable in patients with ACS and sCAD on admission. Although coronary angiography or heparin alone did not alter PlGF and VEGF levels, immediately after PCI a dramatic increase was seen in circulating PlGF and a decrease in VEGF, which was independent of the clinical presentation of the patients, heparin administration, or the angiographic procedure itself, but was associated with the extent of coronary artery disease and the amount of the injected contrast media. In-vitro experiments revealed that radiocontrast agents induced the release of PlGF from endothelial cells without altering PlGF mRNA expression. CONCLUSION: Patients undergoing PCI exhibit an increase in circulating PlGF, probably caused by posttranslational modifications of radiocontrast agents in endothelial cells. Therefore, analysis of plasma PlGF and VEGF levels may consider the timing of blood sampling with respect to PCI and contrast media exposure.
We focus on kernels incorporating different kinds of prior knowledge on functions to be approximated by Kriging. A recent result on random fields with paths invariant under a group action is generalised to combinations of composition operators, and a characterisation of kernels leading to random fields with additive paths is obtained as a corollary. A discussion follows on some implications on design of experiments, and it is shown in the case of additive kernels that the so-called class of “axis designs” outperforms Latin hypercubes in terms of the IMSE criterion.
In cranio-maxillofacial surgery, the determination of a proper surgical plan is an important step to attain a desired aesthetic facial profile and a complete denture closure. In the present paper, we propose an efficient modeling approach to predict the surgical planning on the basis of the desired facial appearance and optimal occlusion. To evaluate the proposed planning approach, the predicted osteotomy plan of six clinical cases that underwent CMF surgery were compared to the real clinical plan. Thereafter, simulated soft-tissue outcomes were compared using the predicted and real clinical plan. This preliminary retrospective comparison of both osteotomy planning and facial outlook shows a good agreement and thereby demonstrates the potential application of the proposed approach in cranio-maxillofacial surgical planning prediction.
Based on the results from detailed structural and petrological characterisation and on up-scaled laboratory values for sorption and diffusion, blind predictions were made for the STT1 dipole tracer test performed in the Swedish A¨ spo¨ Hard Rock Laboratory. The tracers used were nonsorbing, such as uranine and tritiated water, weakly sorbing 22Na+, 85Sr2 +, 47Ca2 +and more strongly sorbing 86Rb+, 133Ba2 +, 137Cs+. Our model consists of two parts: (1) a flow part based on a 2D-streamtube formalism accounting for the natural background flow field and with an underlying homogeneous and isotropic transmissivity field and (2) a transport part in terms of the dual porosity medium approach which is linked to the flow part by the flow porosity. The calibration of the model was done using the data from one single uranine breakthrough (PDT3). The study clearly showed that matrix diffusion into a highly porous material, fault gouge, had to be included in our model evidenced by the characteristic shape of the breakthrough curve and in line with geological observations. After the disclosure of the measurements, it turned out that, in spite of the simplicity of our model, the prediction for the nonsorbing and weakly sorbing tracers was fairly good. The blind prediction for the more strongly sorbing tracers was in general less accurate. The reason for the good predictions is deemed to be the result of the choice of a model structure strongly based on geological observation. The breakthrough curves were inversely modelled to determine in situ values for the transport parameters and to draw consequences on the model structure applied. For good fits, only one additional fracture family in contact with cataclasite had to be taken into account, but no new transport mechanisms had to be invoked. The in situ values for the effective diffusion coefficient for fault gouge are a factor of 2–15 larger than the laboratory data. For cataclasite, both data sets have values comparable to laboratory data. The extracted Kd values for the weakly sorbing tracers are larger than Swedish laboratory data by a factor of 25–60, but agree within a factor of 3–5 for the more strongly sorbing nuclides. The reason for the inconsistency concerning Kds is the use of fresh granite in the laboratory studies, whereas tracers in the field experiments interact only with fracture fault gouge and to a lesser extent with cataclasite both being mineralogically very different (e.g. clay-bearing) from the intact wall rock.
The Wetland and Wetland CH4 Intercomparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP) was created to evaluate our present ability to simulate large-scale wetland characteristics and corresponding methane (CH4) emissions. A multi-model comparison is essential to evaluate the key uncertainties in the mechanisms and parameters leading to methane emissions. Ten modelling groups joined WETCHIMP to run eight global and two regional models with a common experimental protocol using the same climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) forcing datasets. We reported the main conclusions from the intercomparison effort in a companion paper (Melton et al., 2013). Here we provide technical details for the six experiments, which included an equilibrium, a transient, and an optimized run plus three sensitivity experiments (temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO2 concentration). The diversity of approaches used by the models is summarized through a series of conceptual figures, and is used to evaluate the wide range of wetland extent and CH4 fluxes predicted by the models in the equilibrium run. We discuss relationships among the various approaches and patterns in consistencies of these model predictions. Within this group of models, there are three broad classes of methods used to estimate wetland extent: prescribed based on wetland distribution maps, prognostic relationships between hydrological states based on satellite observations, and explicit hydrological mass balances. A larger variety of approaches was used to estimate the net CH4 fluxes from wetland systems. Even though modelling of wetland extent and CH4 emissions has progressed significantly over recent decades, large uncertainties still exist when estimating CH4 emissions: there is little consensus on model structure or complexity due to knowledge gaps, different aims of the models, and the range of temporal and spatial resolutions of the models.
Global wetlands are believed to be climate sensitive, and are the largest natural emitters of methane (CH4). Increased wetland CH4 emissions could act as a positive feedback to future warming. The Wetland and Wetland CH4 Inter-comparison of Models Project (WETCHIMP) investigated our present ability to simulate large-scale wetland characteristics and corresponding CH4 emissions. To ensure inter-comparability, we used a common experimental protocol driving all models with the same climate and carbon dioxide (CO2) forcing datasets. The WETCHIMP experiments were conducted for model equilibrium states as well as transient simulations covering the last century. Sensitivity experiments investigated model response to changes in selected forcing inputs (precipitation, temperature, and atmospheric CO2 concentration). Ten models participated, covering the spectrum from simple to relatively complex, including models tailored either for regional or global simulations. The models also varied in methods to calculate wetland size and location, with some models simulating wetland area prognostically, while other models relied on remotely sensed inundation datasets, or an approach intermediate between the two. Four major conclusions emerged from the project. First, the suite of models demonstrate extensive disagreement in their simulations of wetland areal extent and CH4 emissions, in both space and time. Simple metrics of wetland area, such as the latitudinal gradient, show large variability, principally between models that use inundation dataset information and those that independently determine wetland area. Agreement between the models improves for zonally summed CH4 emissions, but large variation between the models remains. For annual global CH4 emissions, the models vary by ±40% of the all-model mean (190 Tg CH4 yr−1). Second, all models show a strong positive response to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations (857 ppm) in both CH4 emissions and wetland area. In response to increasing global temperatures (+3.4 °C globally spatially uniform), on average, the models decreased wetland area and CH4 fluxes, primarily in the tropics, but the magnitude and sign of the response varied greatly. Models were least sensitive to increased global precipitation (+3.9 % globally spatially uniform) with a consistent small positive response in CH4 fluxes and wetland area. Results from the 20th century transient simulation show that interactions between climate forcings could have strong non-linear effects. Third, we presently do not have sufficient wetland methane observation datasets adequate to evaluate model fluxes at a spatial scale comparable to model grid cells (commonly 0.5°). This limitation severely restricts our ability to model global wetland CH4 emissions with confidence. Our simulated wetland extents are also difficult to evaluate due to extensive disagreements between wetland mapping and remotely sensed inundation datasets. Fourth, the large range in predicted CH4 emission rates leads to the conclusion that there is both substantial parameter and structural uncertainty in large-scale CH4 emission models, even after uncertainties in wetland areas are accounted for.
The combination of scaled analogue experiments, material mechanics, X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and Digital Volume Correlation techniques (DVC) is a powerful new tool not only to examine the 3 dimensional structure and kinematic evolution of complex deformation structures in scaled analogue experiments, but also to fully quantify their spatial strain distribution and complete strain history. Digital image correlation (DIC) is an important advance in quantitative physical modelling and helps to understand non-linear deformation processes. Optical non-intrusive (DIC) techniques enable the quantification of localised and distributed deformation in analogue experiments based either on images taken through transparent sidewalls (2D DIC) or on surface views (3D DIC). X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) analysis permits the non-destructive visualisation of the internal structure and kinematic evolution of scaled analogue experiments simulating tectonic evolution of complex geological structures. The combination of XRCT sectional image data of analogue experiments with 2D DIC only allows quantification of 2D displacement and strain components in section direction. This completely omits the potential of CT experiments for full 3D strain analysis of complex, non-cylindrical deformation structures. In this study, we apply digital volume correlation (DVC) techniques on XRCT scan data of “solid” analogue experiments to fully quantify the internal displacement and strain in 3 dimensions over time. Our first results indicate that the application of DVC techniques on XRCT volume data can successfully be used to quantify the 3D spatial and temporal strain patterns inside analogue experiments. We demonstrate the potential of combining DVC techniques and XRCT volume imaging for 3D strain analysis of a contractional experiment simulating the development of a non-cylindrical pop-up structure. Furthermore, we discuss various options for optimisation of granular materials, pattern generation, and data acquisition for increased resolution and accuracy of the strain results. Three-dimensional strain analysis of analogue models is of particular interest for geological and seismic interpretations of complex, non-cylindrical geological structures. The volume strain data enable the analysis of the large-scale and small-scale strain history of geological structures.
The neodymium (Nd) isotopic composition (Nd) of seawater is a quasi-conservative tracer of water mass mixing and is assumed to hold great potential for paleoceanographic studies. Here we present a comprehensive approach for the simulation of the two neodymium isotopes 143Nd, and 144Nd using the Bern3D model, a low resolution ocean model. The high computational efficiency of the Bern3D model in conjunction with our comprehensive approach allows us to systematically and extensively explore the sensitivity of Nd concentrations and Nd to the parametrisation of sources and sinks. Previous studies have been restricted in doing so either by the chosen approach or by computational costs. Our study thus presents the most comprehensive survey of the marine Nd cycle to date. Our model simulates both Nd concentrations as well as Nd in good agreement with observations. Nd covaries with salinity, thus underlining its potential as a water mass proxy. Results confirm that the continental margins are required as a Nd source to simulate Nd concentrations and Nd consistent with observations. We estimate this source to be slightly smaller than reported in previous studies and find that above a certain magnitude its magnitude affects Nd only to a small extent. On the other hand, the parametrisation of the reversible scavenging considerably affects the ability of the model to simulate both, Nd concentrations and Nd. Furthermore, despite their small contribution, we find dust and rivers to be important components of the Nd cycle. In additional experiments, we systematically varied the diapycnal diffusivity as well as the Atlantic-to-Pacific freshwater flux to explore the sensitivity of Nd concentrations and its isotopic signature to the strength and geometry of the overturning circulation. These experiments reveal that Nd concentrations and Nd are comparatively little affected by variations in diapycnal diffusivity and the Atlantic-to-Pacific freshwater flux. In contrast, an adequate representation of Nd sources and sinks is crucial to simulate Nd concentrations and Nd consistent with observations. The good agreement of our results with observations paves the way for the evaluation of the paleoceanographic potential of Nd in further model studies.