929 resultados para glycoproteins and pathological findings


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This report provides information on selected summary results of the National Survey of Noncommunicable Diseases in Seychelles in 2013‐2014 (Seychelles Heart Study IV). The survey is also referred shortly as the "2013 Survey" in this report. Overall crude results were reported in a comprehensive report in November 2014. Further detailed analyses and recommendations on particular topics will be performed separately.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate mammographic breast density in asymptomatic menopausal women in correlation with clinical and sonographic findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mammograms and clinical and sonographic findings of 238 asymptomatic patients were retrospectively reviewed in the period from February/2022 to June/2006. The following variables were analyzed: mammographic density patterns, sonographic findings, patients' age, parity, body mass index and use of hormone replacement therapy. RESULTS: Age, parity and body mass index showed a negative correlation with breast density pattern, while use of hormone replacement therapy showed a positive correlation. Supplementary breast ultrasonography was performed in 103 (43.2%) patients. Alterations which could not be visualized at mammography were found in 34 (33%) of them, most frequently in women with breast density patterns 3 and 4. CONCLUSION: The authors concluded that breast density patterns were influenced by age, parity, body mass index and time of hormone replacement therapy. Despite not having found any malignant abnormality in the studied cases, the authors have observed a predominance of benign sonographic abnormalities in women with high breast density patterns and without mammographic abnormalities, proving the relevance of supplementary ultrasonography to identify breast lesions in such patients.


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Objective To correlate the results of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) performed with a specific protocol for assessment of breasts with histological/immunohistochemical findings in breast carcinoma patients. Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study with prospective data collection, where patients with biopsy-confirmed breast carcinomas were studied. The patients underwent PET/CT examination in prone position, with a specific protocol for assessment of breasts. PET/CT findings were compared with histological and immunohistochemical data. Results The authors identified 59 malignant breast lesions in 50 patients. The maximum diameter of the lesions ranged from 6 to 80 mm (mean: 32.2 mm). Invasive ductal carcinoma was the most common histological type (n = 47; 79.7%). At PET/CT, 53 (89.8%) of the lesions demonstrated anomalous concentrations of 18F-FDG, with maximum SUV ranging from 0.8 to 23.1 (mean: 5.5). A statistically significant association was observed between higher values of maximum SUV and histological type, histological grade, molecular subtype, tumor diameter, mitotic index and Ki-67 expression. Conclusion PET/CT performed with specific protocol for assessment of breasts has demonstrated good sensitivity and was associated with relevant histological/immunohistochemical factors related to aggressiveness and prognosis of breast carcinomas.


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Resting 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) has been employed in the evaluation of young asymptomatic subjects to detect pre-existing heart diseases. Although the incorporation of routine ECG remains controversial, there is increasing evidence that cardiomyopathies and ion channelopathies show ECG changes as the initial manifestation. The causes of sudden cardiac death in young people show a significant geographical variation. We aim to determine the prevalence and spectrum of ECG findings in a youth population. Methodology: From May 2010 to April 2013, a total of 976 young secondary school students (mean age, 14 years; range, 13-15) underwent voluntary medical screening that included a resting 12-lead ECG and structured clinical survey. Subjects with abnormal ECG findings were classified into two groups: major ECG findings group, which fulfilled a pre-specified checklist to screen for principal structural and electrical cardiopathies, and minor ECG findings group showing other ECG changes. The major ECG findings group was referred for secondary diagnostic tests at a tertiary institution. Results: Of the 976 subjects screened, 252 (25.82%; CI95%, 23.17-28.66) had ECG findings. Of note, 17 (1.74%) had major findings and 235 (24.08%) had minor findings on ECG. The prevalence of cardiovascular pathology within the major ECG findings group was 35.29%. The prevalence of ECG abnormalities was significantly higher in males than in females (29% vs 20.9%, P<0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of ECG findings in a youth population was 25.82%. There were significant gender differences. The inclusion of universal ECG screening, in addition to medical history, may increase the sensitivity of a cardiovascular screening program. Knowledge of the spectrum and prevalence of ECG findings and disease conditions would be pivotal in designing customized screening programs


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Tausta: Polyneuropatia (PNP) on ääreishermoston sairaus, joka aiheuttaa laaja-alaisia, yleensä symmetrisiä vaurioita ääreishermostossa. PNP:aan johtavia syitä on satoja. Tavoitteet: Löytää parhaat neurofysiologiset menetelmät uremian, myelooman hoidossa käytettävän talidomidin sekä Fabryn taudin aiheuttaman PNP:n diagnosoimiseksi. Fabryn taudissa tutkin lisäksi ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia neuropatologisia löydöksiä iholta otetusta koepalasta. Tutkimuksissa kartoitettiin lisäksi PNP:n aiheuttamien subjektiivisten oireiden korrelaatio neurofysiologisten ja neuropatologisten löydösten kanssa. Munuaisten vajaatoimintaa sairastavilla potilailla tavoitteena oli tutkia dialyysihoidon tehon vaikutusta autonomisen hermoston toimintaan sekä yhden dialyysikerran vaikutusta neurofysiologisiin löydöksiin. Aineisto ja menetelmät: I: Tutkittiin 21 uremiapotilaan sensoristen ja motoristen hermojen vasteet, värinä- sekä lämpötuntokynnykset ennen ja jälkeen hemodialyysin. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin PNP oireita kysyvillä kaavakkeella. II:12 talidomidi hoitoa saavaa myeloomapotilasta, tutkimuksen menetelmät olivat samat kuin tutkimuksessa I. III: 12 Fabryn tautia sairastavaa potilasta, edellä mainittujen neurofysiologisten tutkimusten lisäksi potilailta otettiin ihobiopsia säären alueelta. Ihobiopsiasta laskettiin ohuiden hermosyiden määrä koepalan värjäyksen jälkeen. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin kyselykaavakkeella. Sydämen sykevaihtelu tutkittiin levossa taajuustason analyysillä. IV: 32 uremiapotilaan autonomisen hermoston toimintaa tutkittiin sydämen sykevaihtelun aikatason analysillä, paksujen myelinoituneiden säikeiden toimintaa tutkittiin perifeeristen sensoristen hermojen mittauksilla toistetusti noin 2.9 vuoden aikana. Tulokset: Ureemisen PNP:n diagnostiikassa herkimmät tutkimukset ovat F-aaltojen parametrit alaraajojen motorisista hermoista, värinätuntokynnys alaraajoista sekä suralishermon amplitudi. Positiiviset PNP oireet uremiassa korreloivat värinätunto-kynnyksen sekä sensoristen hermojen neurografialöydösten kanssa. Neurofysiologisten tutkimusten ajankohdalla dialyysiajankohtaan nähden ei ole merkitystä. Talidomidi-PNP on pääasiassa sensorinen, mutta motoriset syyt ovat lievästi vaurioituneet. Talidomidi PNP:ssa subjektiiviset oireet korreloivat huonosti neurofysiologisten löydösten kanssa. Fabryn taudissa naisilla on oletettua enemmän ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia oireita ja löydöksiä. Paksujen säikeiden löydöksiä ei tullut esiin. Ohutsäieneuropatian diagnostiikassa ihobiopsia ja kvantitatiiviset tuntokynnysmittaustestit täydentävät toisiaan. Tehokas dialyysi parantaa autonomisen hermoston toimintaa uremiapotilailla. Päätelmät: Erityyppisten polyneuropatioiden diagnostiikassa pitää etukäteen valita PNP tyypille oikeat tutkimusmenetelmät raskaiden tutkimuspatterien vähentämiseksi sekä diagnostiikan parantamiseksi. PNP:n aiheuttamat oireet ja kliiniset löydökset pitää aina tutkia, mutta yksin ne eivät ole herkkiä PNP:n diagnostiikassa.


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PURPOSE: In placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies, Hofbauer cells either disappear or become scanty after the fourth to fifth month of gestation. Immunohistochemistry though, reveals that a high percentage of stromal cells belong to Hofbauer cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in morphology and density of Hofbauer cells in placentas from normal and pathological pregnancies. METHODS: Seventy placentas were examined: 16 specimens from normal term pregnancies, 10 from first trimester's miscarriages, 26 from cases diagnosed with chromosomal abnormality of the fetus, and placental tissue specimens complicated with intrauterine growth restriction (eight) or gestational diabetes mellitus (10). A histological study of hematoxylin-eosin (HE) sections was performed and immunohistochemical study was performed using the markers: CD 68, Lysozyme, A1 Antichymotrypsine, CK-7, vimentin, and Ki-67. RESULTS: In normal term pregnancies, HE study revealed Hofbauer cells in 37.5% of cases while immunohistochemistry revealed in 87.5% of cases. In first trimester's miscarriages and in cases with prenatal diagnosis of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, both basic and immunohistochemical study were positive for Hofbauer cells. In pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth restriction or gestational diabetes mellitus, a positive immunoreaction was observed in 100 and 70% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Hofbauer cells are present in placental villi during pregnancy, but with progressively reducing density. The most specific marker for their detection seems to be A1 Antichymotrypsine. It is remarkable that no mitotic activity of Hofbauer cells was noticed in our study, as the marker of cellular multiplication Ki-67 was negative in all examined specimens.


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Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.


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Swine influenza (SI) is caused by the type A swine influenza virus (SIV). It is a highly contagious disease with a rapid course and recovery. The major clinical signs and symptoms are cough, fever, anorexia and poor performance. The disease has been associated with other co-infections in many countries, but not in Brazil, where, however, the first outbreak has been reported in 2011. The main aim of this study was to characterize the histological features in association with the immunohistochemical (IHC) results for influenza A (IA), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in lung samples from 60 pigs submitted to Setor de Patologia Veterinária at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil, during 2009-2010. All of these lung samples had changes characterized by interstitial pneumonia with necrotizing bronchiolitis, never observed previously in the evaluation of swine lungs in our laboratory routine. Pigs in this study had showed clinical signs of a respiratory infection. Swine samples originated from Rio Grande do Sul 31 (52%), Santa Catarina 14 (23%), Paraná 11 (18%), and Mato Grosso do Sul 4 (7%). Positive anti-IA IHC labelling was observed in 45% of the cases, which were associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis, atelectasis, purulent bronchopneumonia and hyperemia. Moreover, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, alveolar and bronchiolar polyp-like structures, bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) hyperplasia and pleuritis were the significant features in negative anti-IA IHC, which were also associated with chronic lesions. There were only two cases with positive anti-PCV2 IHC and none to PRRSV. Therefore, SIV was the predominant infectious agent in the lung samples studied. The viral antigen is often absent due to the rapid progress of SI, which may explain the negative IHC results for IA (55%); therefore, IHC should be performed at the beginning of the disease. This study has shown how important a careful histological evaluation is for the diagnosis. Since 2009, a new histological feature of swine pneumonia in animals with respiratory clinical signs has been observed in samples from pigs with clinical respiratory disease submitted to SPV-UFRGS. In addition, the results proved the importance of histological evaluation for swine herd health management.


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Autopsy examination is considered to be an essential element for medical auditing and teaching. Despite the significant progress in diagnostic procedures, autopsy has not always confirmed the clinical diagnosis. In the present study, we compared the diagnosis recorded on medical charts with reports of 96 autopsies performed at the University Teaching Hospital of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, between 1975 and 1982, and of 156 autopsies performed at the same institution between 1992 and 1996. The clinical diagnosis of the basic cause of death was confirmed at autopsy in 77% of cases. The percent confirmation fell to 60% when the immediate terminal cause of death was considered, and in 25% of cases, the terminal cause was only diagnosed at autopsy. The discrepancies between clinical and autopsy diagnosis were even larger for secondary diagnoses: 50% of them were not suspected upon clinical diagnosis. Among them, we emphasize the diagnosis of venous thromboses (83%), pulmonary embolisms (80%), bronchopneumonias (46%) and neoplasias (38%). Iatrogenic injuries were very frequent, and approximately 90% of them were not described in clinical reports. Our results suggest that highly sensitive and specific diagnostic tests are necessary but cannot substitute the clinical practice for the elaboration of correct diagnoses.


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In contrast to most developed countries, most patients with primary hyperparathyroidism in Brazil are still symptomatic at diagnosis. However, we have been observing a change in this pattern, especially in the last few years. We evaluated 104 patients, 77 females and 27 males aged 11-79 years (mean: 54.4 years), diagnosed between 1985 and 2002 at a University Hospital. Diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical findings and of high total and/or ionized calcium levels, high or inappropriate levels of intact parathyroid hormone and of surgical findings in 80 patients. Patients were divided into three groups, i.e., patients diagnosed from 1985 to 1989, patients diagnosed from 1990 to 1994, and patients diagnosed from 1995 to 2002. The number of new cases diagnosed/year increased from 1.8/year in the first group to 6.0/year in the second group and 8.1/year in the third group. The first group comprised 9 patients (mean serum calcium ± SD, 13.6 ± 1.6 mg/dl), 8 of them (88.8%) defined as symptomatic. The second group comprised 30 patients (mean calcium ± SD, 12.2 ± 1.63 mg/dl), 22 of them defined as symptomatic (73.3%). The third group contained 65 patients (mean calcium 11.7 ± 1.1 mg/dl), 34 of them symptomatic (52.3%). Patients from the first group tended to be younger (mean ± SD, 43.0 ± 15 vs 55.1 ± 14.4 and 55.7 ± 17.3 years, respectively) and their mean serum calcium was significantly higher (P < 0.05). All of symptomatic patients independent of group had higher serum calcium levels (12.4 ± 1.53 mg/dl, N = 64) than asymptomatic patients (11.4 ± 1.0 mg/dl, N = 40). Our data showed an increase in the percentage of asymptomatic patients over the years in the number of primary hyperparathyroidism cases diagnosed. This finding may be due to an increased availability of diagnostic methods and/or to an increased awareness about the disease.


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The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) is under the control of an SR protein named phospholamban (PLN). Dephosphorylated PLN inhibits SERCA2a, whereas phosphorylation of PLN at either the Ser16 site by PKA or the Thr17 site by CaMKII reverses this inhibition, thus increasing SERCA2a activity and the rate of Ca2+ uptake by the SR. This leads to an increase in the velocity of relaxation, SR Ca2+ load and myocardial contractility. In the intact heart, ß-adrenoceptor stimulation results in phosphorylation of PLN at both Ser16 and Thr17 residues. Phosphorylation of the Thr17 residue requires both stimulation of the CaMKII signaling pathways and inhibition of PP1, the major phosphatase that dephosphorylates PLN. These two prerequisites appear to be fulfilled by ß-adrenoceptor stimulation, which as a result of PKA activation, triggers the activation of CaMKII by increasing intracellular Ca2+, and inhibits PP1. Several pathological situations such as ischemia-reperfusion injury or hypercapnic acidosis provide the required conditions for the phosphorylation of the Thr17 residue of PLN, independently of the increase in PKA activity, i.e., increased intracellular Ca2+ and acidosis-induced phosphatase inhibition. Our results indicated that PLN was phosphorylated at Thr17 at the onset of reflow and immediately after hypercapnia was established, and that this phosphorylation contributes to the mechanical recovery after both the ischemic and acidic insults. Studies on transgenic mice with Thr17 mutated to Ala (PLN-T17A) are consistent with these results. Thus, phosphorylation of the Thr17 residue of PLN probably participates in a protective mechanism that favors Ca2+ handling and limits intracellular Ca2+ overload in pathological situations.