1000 resultados para gestión del riesgo


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Los psicóticos presentan mayor riesgo cardiovascular y peor control de sus factores de reisgo según la bibliografía. Se presenta un estudio de casos y control para comparar psicóticos vs no psicóticos atendidos en un centro de atención primaria durante 2010. El tabaquismo es más prevalente y más frecuentemente interrogado en psicóticos, y el índice de masa corporal más medido en no-psicóticos, aunque no hay otras diferencias significativas en el registro y control de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, por lo que no se puede concluir que la psicosis y su tratamiento supongan un riesgo cardiovascular aumentado.


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Puesto que es muy importante la predicción del riesgo de reincidencia en agresores sexuales, la investigación que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo la aplicación de uno de los instrumentos más novedosos para la predicción del riesgo de agresión sexual, el Sexual Violence Risc – 20 (SVR-20) desarrollado por un equipo de investigadores canadienses, de manera retrospectiva, a una muestra de agresores sexuales para evaluar la capacidad predictiva de este instrumento y así, poder anticipar la posible reincidencia de los sujetos


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La SARA es un buen instrumento para la predicción de violencia contra la pareja, convirtiéndose en la mejor estrategia profesional para reducir el impacto de la violencia antes que esta suceda, tal y como han indicado los resultados de esta investigación.


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Aquest projecte és un estudi sobre com cal emprar la gestió del coneixement en els projectes informàtics per a afegir valor a una empresa. La gestió del coneixement encara no està gaire estesa i generalitzada en una gran part dels mercats. Hi ha moltes empreses i organitzacions que encara no tenen sistemes de gestió del coneixement i que se'n podrien beneficiar.


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In the near future, access to data and home automation systems in the home supported by the implementation of GNU-Linux operating systems in our homes, a reality of the first order for the implementation of real homes and automated digital awarding a cost reduction by the intensive use of the resources provided directly by the Open Software Community. The future possibilities seem almost endless: telecommuting, centralized household accounts, software distributed online training for young people in the house, multimedia at all levels, design and artistic creation (particularly through electronic digital displays are spreading rapidly in our homes), targeted towards home automation automated digital, integrated control of home security, digital entertainment ... and with free applications at no additional cost that can be easily downloaded from the usual repositories, ensuring the online update of these tools. In short, new ways of understanding in the home automation, telecommuting and digital entertainment within the broader framework of our Information Society.


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Projecte per a la Gestió del Departament d'Informàtica en la web de l'Institut d'Educació Secundària Eduardo Merello de Port de Sagunt. L'objectiu últim del projecte és gestionar tota la informació relacionada amb el departament d'Informàtica, desenvolupant un eina senzilla que, integrada en la web del Centre, resulti còmoda, pràctica i útl, tant per als professors com per als alumnes.


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Aim: to find the Risk Assessment Scales (RAS) for pressure ulcers in children published in the literature. To determine which of them have been properly validated. Methods: a systematic review of the literature has been conducted searching in 14 Health Sciences databases. The inclusion criteria were: studies published between 1962 and 2009, with a prospective design, less than a 25 % lost to follow-up, and with data of validity, prognostic or reliability. No language restriction was applied. Methodological quality of the studies was assessed by the CASP guide. Results: seventeen studies were found. In these studies 11 RAS for children were identified. Most of them were developed for the critical care area, based on previous risk assessment scales for adult. There are only 3 scales with one validation study: NSRAS, Braden Q and Starkid Skin. Their sensibility and specificity figures are: Braden Q, sens = 88% and specif. 58%; NSRAS, 83% and 81%; and Starkid Skin, 17% and 98%. Although the NSRAS scale has good validity figures, the simple size of this study was too small, so these results need further validation. The Starkid scale has a sensibility too low. The Braden Q was the only scale with suitable validity and prognostic figures, though its inter-observers reliability has not been tested, so more research to confirm these results is needed. The assessment of pressure ulcers risk in children is recommended, although, with the available evidence, we can not recommend the use of any of these RAS over the others. More research about this topic is needed.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Productos Químicos y riesgos sanitarios)


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Productos Químicos y riesgos sanitarios)


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Also known as ferroxidase ceruloplasmin, belongs to the family of inflammation-sensitive proteins, and its main function to transport copper in the blood. Although, in addition to this transport function, at present, there are numerous studies that have attempted to use the determination of serum concentrations as a predictive indicator of cardiovascular risk in patients who are overweight or obese. The results of this study confirm the existence of a significant correlation between serum ceruloplasmin and nutritional status of the subjects, which means that for the population of students assessed, serum levels of this protein are an important predictor the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Estudio de estrategias sobre la utilización de un GRID para realizar la gestión administrativa y la puesta en marcha de localizaciones remotas para la colaboración en este tipo de tareas.


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The Andalusian Health e-Library was set-up in 2006 as a government initiative of the region. After these seven years, its achievements have placed it as the knowledge manager of Health Sciences in Andalusia. It centralizes the subscription of information resources and the acquisition of applied technologies, but it also implements the necessary services for the research community in order to provide a better management of the information which is used and generated. Nowadays, in these economic turbulence days, the Digital Library optimizes the management and the economic resources in order to suit the Andalusian Government commitment in terms of assistance and research activities.


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The Andalusian Health e-Library was set-up in 2006 as a government initiative of the region. After these seven years, its achievements have placed it as the knowledge manager of Health Sciences in Andalusia. It centralizes the subscription of information resources and the acquisition of applied technologies, but it also implements the necessary services for the research community in order to provide a better management of the information which is used and generated. Nowadays, in these economic turbulence days, the Digital Library optimizes the management and the economic resources in order to suit the Andalusian Government commitment in terms of assistance and research activities.


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Este documento forma parte del proyecto Fomento de las TIC para mejorar el aprendizaje a través de simulación en centros de salud (SIMBASE). Management model for simulation based-training oriented towards impact evaluation Versión en inglés disponible en http://www.simbase.co/results/)