Ceruloplasmina y su importancia clínica como factor indicador del riesgo cardiovascular en una población de escolares de Granada.
Aguilar Cordero, M J; González Jiménez, E; Perona, J S; Alvarez Ferre, J; Padilla López, C A; Rivas García, F; Katarzyna, P; Ocete Hita, E
Also known as ferroxidase ceruloplasmin, belongs to the family of inflammation-sensitive proteins, and its main function to transport copper in the blood. Although, in addition to this transport function, at present, there are numerous studies that have attempted to use the determination of serum concentrations as a predictive indicator of cardiovascular risk in patients who are overweight or obese. The results of this study confirm the existence of a significant correlation between serum ceruloplasmin and nutritional status of the subjects, which means that for the population of students assessed, serum levels of this protein are an important predictor the risk of cardiovascular disease.
English Abstract; Letter;
Aguilar Cordero MJ, González Jiménez E, Perona JS, Álvarez Ferre J, Padilla López CA, Rivas García F, et al. Ceruloplasmina y su importancia clínica como factor indicador del riesgo cardiovascular en una población de escolares de Granada. Nutr Hosp; 26(3):655-8