132 resultados para fundraising
The Creative Economy is an experimental laboratory for the creation , innovation , invention and reinvention of the universe of media - analog and digital . The scenery in the media and converging technologies favors the process of “ creative destruction and destructive creation “ of this field . The mapping of basins and technological corridors distributed through the territory of concentrated areas creates an infrastructural chassis for the production of content , information and entertainment . As locus and logos of immaterial production , digital ecology that gives speed to the flow of production - planning, fundraising , publishing , distribution and enjoyment - and allows the dispossession of their local clusters , the fragmentation and dilution of their creative chains . The collective cultural production and creation appropriating these capilarizados articles and produce content against political, economic and social status quo . The land is fertile and favorable to the emergence of radical media and rebels that recreate the public sphere , and edit poor public spheres , alternative , radical and efficient , the tactical point of view . This article aims to contribute to studies and research that scour the ecosystem of the media for understanding the management of their creative processes, actors and critics of tangible and intangible resources that support their communication actions .
Congressional leadership is a constantly changing phenomenon. New factors and actors are constantly affecting and altering which members ascend to positions of leadership and how that leadership is exercised. A critical change that has occurred in recent times is the inclusion of women in the congressional leadership for the first time. While there has been a great deal of theoretical work on gender and on congressional leadership, there have not been enough actual female leaders in Congress to perform a study until now. The present study examines the impact of gender, committee/legislative performance, ideology, and fundraising ability on leadership ascendancy. The variables are investigated through a comparative case study of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Harry Reid.
This paper investigates the effects on open-seat races in the United States House of Representatives. This project focuses on the influence that the House leadership exerts on races. Generally, the leadership influences race through spending by party organizations and leadership visits. During each election cycle, national party organizations spend millions of dollars to get their candidates into office. I have developed a multiple regression model that measures different types of spending from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the Republican National Committee and the effects of these spending types on the election results. Also, the study examines the number of visits by each party’s leadership to each race. I introduced control variables that account for the year, the competitiveness of each race, and the individual candidate fundraising. In terms of statistical significance, the results were mixed showing one type of party spending to be highly influential in the outcome of the race. Competitiveness and individual candidate fundraising also achieved statistical significance. The study also includes a qualitative investigation of leadership visits and individual case studies in order to understand better the way in which the data interact in real campaigns.
This article presents a case study of a nonprofit child welfare agency that delivered family preservation services under three different purchase-of-service (POS) contracts. The research specifically focuses on how certain POS contract provisions and reimbursement rates influence the delivery of family preservation services. The three contacts examined differed on criteria, such as reimbursement mechanism, service volume, definition of clientele, and reimbursement rate. The study found that as reimbursement rates decline and as administrative costs increase, the service provider struggled with cash flow, staffing, fundraising, and service provision, among other things. It is concluded that contract-related resources, policies, and procedures impact provider agencies in multiple, significant ways that are critical to the provision of services and the accomplishment of positive client outcomes.
Muchas de las grandes iniciativas empresariales, se ven truncadas por falta de un adecuado análisis económico-financiero. Incluso, muchas grandes ideas no son implantadas correctamente en el primer intento por este motivo, y son otras personas las que consiguen posteriormente el éxito de esas brillantes ideas gracias a una correcta aproximación financiera. Las empresas necesitan definir sus objetivos, establecer las para lograrlos, identificar las personas responsables de su ejecución (sus roles y funciones) y elaborar un plan económico-financiero que recoja el estudio de inversiones necesarias, el análisis de costes, la previsión de ingresos, así como la estrategia financiera más adecuada para la captación de los fondos necesarios para llevar a cabo las acciones programadas. Una vez iniciado el proyecto empresarial, será imprescindible realizar un seguimiento y control de la evolución (integración), tomando las medidas que se estimen oportunas para mantener el rumbo adecuado durante todo el tiempo de actividad. En este trabajo, aplicaremos las metodologías y buenas prácticas de la gestión de proyectos, como marco estructurado que nos permita abordar las principales cuestiones económico-financieras a tener en cuenta a la hora de enfrentarnos a un proyecto empresarial, para contribuir, en la medida de lo posible, a que los emprendedores tengan en cuenta estas cuestiones, facilitando así el desarrollo de negocios, en un difícil entorno económico de crisis como el que actualmente estamos viviendo en España, y animando de esta manera a optar por la iniciativa emprendedora, tratando de minimizar el riesgo en base al contenido. ---ABSTRACT---Lack of adequate economic and financial analysis truncates many of the entrepreneurship and innovation programs. Because of that reason, many great ideas are not even correctly implemented on the first attempt, and the person who finds the proper financial approach, succeed. All the enterprises have to establish clear objectives, actions to accomplish those objectives, assign roles, responsibilities and executive functions to specific people. Elaborate funding plan that contains surveys on necessary investments, cost analysis, estimate the income, liquid assets and also financial strategy suitable for fundraising to finance programmed actions. Once the project has been executed it is essential to monitor and control the development and integration adopting measures accordingly to the needs. This thesis applies methodology and best practice of project management as structured framework for the principal economic and financial issues facing business project. It is necessary contribution to entrepreneurs understanding of business, therefore facilitates business development in such rough environment as Spain is at this moment, and at the same time encourages adopting entrepreneur’s solution as less risky one. This document aims to explore all the economic and financial issues from methodological point of view based on my own professional experience, resulting in helping to understand the importance that economy and finances have in developing adequate corporate strategy. Crisis has highlighted inadequate functionality of many companies. Most popular first symptom is lack of cash flow that deteriorates the company, and results in suspension of payments followed by closing. In other cases, difficulties appear due to poor financial management of committed resources; to be observed in lack of prevision and planning or incorrect basic functionality and operational matters on daily basis. What would be your advice to someone who have magnificent business idea however no knowledge on how to handle finances in order to succeed in initiating and executing the project? Despite of the fact that the central nucleus of this paper is at economics and finances area, all the other concepts and topics given during master will be revived; for example business strategy, consultants abilities, organization and standard processes, among others, are impregnated with knowledge of project management.
Ida Simon graduated from Lincoln University in 1971. She earned the Master’s of Education Degree from Theological Seminary in New York City. Ida Simon became the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and the Executive Director of the Lincoln University Foundation. She was known for her fundraising activities at Lincoln University.
Este trabajo analiza la eficacia de dos cambios regulatorios sobre la captación de fondos de capital riesgo. En particular, se estudia el efecto de cambios en la tasa impositiva sobre las ganancias de capital y la introducción de una legislación específica que regula la actividad de capital riesgo. Considerando la población de entidades de capital riesgo en España en el periodo 1991-2007, los resultados muestran la eficacia de la introducción de una regulación específica que pretende limitar la doble tributación y aportar seguridad jurídica a los inversores. Por el contrario, no se encuentra suficiente evidencia del efecto de una reducción impositiva en las ganancias de capital en la tributación de las personas físicas, quizá por el efecto indirecto que tiene a través de la demanda de capital riesgo. Estos resultados son importantes para el regulador pues señalan la efectividad de determinadas normas encaminadas al desarrollo de los mercados de capital riesgo.
The long hardcover account book contains handwritten records of the Harvard College Lottery in the hand of College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer. The volume begins with a transcription of the Massachusetts General Court June 13, 1794 legislation sanctioning the lottery, and a note that the managers of the lottery gave security bonds to the Corporation. The bulk of the volume records the activities of the four classes of the lottery including lists of the individual tickets returned by the managers Benjamin Austin Jr., George R. Minot, Henry Warren, and John Kneeland, and the accounts of prizes drawn and tickets returned. The volume has a table of contents and there is a note pasted onto the third page calculating the sum raised if all tickets had been sold.
Radical Islamic militants from Central Asia have ceased to be a local phenomenon. The organisations created by those groups (the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Union) engage in propaganda, recruitment, fundraising and terrorist operations in states distant from their traditional area of interest, such as European Union countries, South Asia and the United States. Their ranks contain not only Central Asian Islamists, but also those from other countries, such as Russia, Pakistan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, Turkey and even Myanmar. These organisations’ current activities and forms are multidimensional and complicated, characterised by combat versatility, structural amorphism, operational mobility and simultaneous operations in different fields and theatres. As a result of the universalization of Islamic terrorism, these organisations have been intensifying contacts with other international Islamic terrorist organisations based in Waziristan (mainly al-Qaida, Taliban and the Haqqani Network). A specific system of mutual cooperation has developed between them, involving the specialisation of various terrorist organisations in particular aspects of terrorist activity. The IMU and IJU specialise in the recruitment and training of Islamic radicals from around the world, and have thus become a kind of ‘jihad academy’.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Commencing 13 March 2000, the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999 (Cth) introduced changes to the regulation of corporate fundraising in Australia. In particular, it effected a reduction in the litigation risk associated with initial public offering prospectus disclosure. We find that the change is associated with a reduction in forecast frequency and an increase in forecast value relevance, but not with forecast error or bias. These results confirm previous findings that changes in litigation risk affect the level but not the quality of disclosure. They also suggest that the reforms' objectives of reducing fundraising costs while improving investor protection, have been achieved.
A vantagem competitiva e o desempenho organizacional são conceitos administrativos estreitamente ligados à competitividade das empresas e sua permanência no mercado a longo prazo. Para que alcancem tal objetivo, de acordo com os fundamentos da RBV, as capacidades organizacionais dessas empresas devem ser dinâmicas, o que significa estar à frente das mudanças ambientais, mantendo, criando e desenvolvendo novas capacidades. Um dos caminhos para que isso se realize é a aposta na sua capitalização, que pode ocorrer com a captação de recursos de terceiros ou recursos próprios, com maior ou menor grau de risco. A captação de recursos com capital de terceiros acontece, principalmente, via instituições financeiras e factorings. A captação por meio de capital próprio pode ocorrer por retenção de lucros ou pelo underwriting. A emissão feita via mercado primário configura a oferta pública inicial de ações ou Initial Public Offering (IPO). No Brasil, a escolha dos fundos de Private Equity e Venture Capital, segmentos do mercado financeiro que consistem fundamentalmente em aporte temporário de capital, vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Contudo, existem poucas pesquisas a respeito da utilização e do desempenho financeiro que esses fundos trazem para as empresas. O presente estudo procura averiguar se as empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA no período de 2002 a 2008 e que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO desenvolveram desempenho financeiro superior às que receberam ou não outros tipos de financiamento no mesmo período. Foram selecionados dados secundários como: balanços patrimoniais, demonstração de resultados e valores das ações, utilizando-se da base de dados da Economática. Tomando o logaritmo do Q de Tobin como variável dependente e log_Ativo, Debt to Equity, ROA, crescimento de vendas, crescimento de investimentos, crescimento investimento Fama e CrescInv_endividamento como variáveis de controle, foram aplicados testes estatísticos, comparando a média dos índices, seguidos de análise por setor econômico, subsetor e segmento. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as empresas que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO, tornaram-se diferentes das demais empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA naquele período. O presente trabalho busca, dessa forma, contribuir para o enriquecimento de conhecimento acadêmico acerca do tema.(AU)
This study explored Taiwanese technological higher education administrators' perceptions about the motivation and capability of their institutions to form intercollegiate alliance, their preferred areas of collaboration, and their preferred partner attributes. Possible differences in perceptions of administrators from public and private institutions were also explored. ^ The study targeted six chief administrators in each of 88 technological and vocational higher education institutions in Taiwan. A mix of quantitative and qualitative research designs was used to collect and analyze data. Quantitative data were collected from 328 administrators through a questionnaire and analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. In addition, to obtain a deeper understanding of the process of alliance formation, qualitative data were collected through interviews with 13 administrators and content analyzed using emergent themes analysis. ^ Findings revealed that Taiwanese technological education administrators were not strongly confident in the competitive positions of their institutions. They perceived themselves as non-competitive in faculty research performance, in getting financial support, and having easy-access locations. Administrators believed that forming an alliance would help them obtain more external resources, achieve academic enhancement, provide better services, have a stronger voice, and obtain promotion to a higher institutional level. Cost cutting was not believed to be an attainable goal. ^ Strong interest was expressed for an alliance in the sharing of technology, information networks, and library resources; cross-registration; admissions and recruitment practices; school-industry endeavors; and international academic exchanges. Sharing of administrators and staff, joint bidding and purchasing, and cooperative fundraising were considered of less interest. ^ Administrators favored partners who have excellent academic programs, who have complementary skills, who are willing to share resources, and who are enthusiastic leaders. They also wanted partners to match their institutions in performance and prestige and to be geographically close to them. ^ Multivariate analysis of variance did not reveal significant differences between the perceptions of the administrators from public and private institutions. It was concluded that despite governmental encouragement and the institutions' eagerness for forming an alliance, the administrators had little confidence that a sustainable alliance could be arranged. ^