987 resultados para functional polymers


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Synthetic Routes toward Functional Block Copolymers and Bioconjugates via RAFT PolymerizationrnSynthesewege für funktionelle Blockcopolymere und Biohybride über RAFT PolymerisationrnDissertation von Dipl.-Chem. Kerstin T. WissrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden effiziente Methoden für die Funktionalisierung beider Polymerkettenenden für Polymer- und Bioanbindung von Polymeren entwickelt, die mittels „Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer“ (RAFT) Polymerisation hergestellt wurden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Dithioester-basiertes Kettentransferagens (CTA) mit einer Aktivestereinheit in der R-Gruppe (Pentafluorphenyl-4-phenylthiocarbonylthio-4-cyanovaleriansäureester, kurz PFP-CTA) synthetisiert und seine Anwendung als universelles Werkzeug für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe demonstriert. Zum Einen wurde gezeigt, wie dieser PFP-CTA als Vorläufer für die Synthese anderer funktioneller CTAs durch einfache Aminolyse des Aktivesters genutzt werden kann und somit den synthetischen Aufwand, der üblicherweise mit der Entwicklung neuer CTAs verbunden ist, reduzieren kann. Zum Anderen konnte der PFP-CTA für die Synthese verschiedener Poly(methacrylate) mit enger Molekulargewichtsverteilung und wohl definierter reaktiver -Endgruppe verwendet werden. Dieses Kettenende konnte dann erfolgreich mit verschiedenen primären Aminen wie Propargylamin, 1-Azido-3-aminopropan und Ethylendiamin oder direkt mit den Amin-Endgruppen verschiedener Peptide umgesetzt werden.rnAus der Reaktion des PFP-CTAs mit Propargylamin wurde ein Alkin-CTA erhalten, der sich als effizientes Werkzeug für die RAFT Polymerisation verschiedener Methacrylate erwiesen hat. Der Einbau der Alkin-Funktion am -Kettenende wurde mittels 1H und 13C NMR Spektroskopie sowie MALDI TOF Massenspektroskopie bestätigt. Als Modelreaktion wurde die Kopplung eines solchen alkin-terminierten Poly(di(ethylenglykol)methylethermethacrylates) (PDEGMEMA) mit azid-terminiertem Poly(tert-butylmethacrylat), das mittels Umsetzung einer Aktivester-Endgruppe erhalten wurde, als kupferkatalysierte Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition (CuAAC) durchgeführt. Die Aufarbeitung des resultierenden Diblockcopolymers durch Fällen ermöglichte die vollständige Abtrennung des Polymerblocks 1, der im Überschuss eingesetzt wurde. Darüber hinaus blieb nur ein sehr kleiner Anteil (< 2 Gew.-%) nicht umgesetzten Polymerblocks 2, was eine erfolgreiche Polymeranbindung und die Effizienz der Endgruppen-Funktionalisierung ausgehend von der Aktivester--Endgruppe belegt.rnDie direkte Reaktion von stimuli-responsiven Polymeren mit Pentafluorphenyl(PFP)ester-Endgruppen, namentlich PDEGMEMA und Poly(oligo(ethylenglykol)methylethermethacrylat), mit kollagen-ähnlichen Peptiden ergab wohl definierte Polymer-Peptid-Diblockcopolymere und Polymer-Peptid-Polymer-Triblockcopolymer unter nahezu quantitativer Umsetzung der Endgruppen. Alle Produkte konnten vollständig von nicht umgesetztem Überschuss des Homopolymers befreit werden. In Analogie zu natürlichem Kollagen und dem nicht funktionalisierten kollagen-ähnlichen Peptid bilden die PDEGMEMA-basierten, entschützten Hybridcopolymere Trimere mit kollagen-ähnlichen Triple-Helices in kalter wässriger Lösung, was mittels Zirkular-Dichroismus-Spektroskopie (CD) nachgewiesen werden konnte. Temperaturabhängige CD-Spektroskopie, Trübungsmessungen und dynamische Lichtstreuung deuteten darauf hin, dass sie bei höheren Temperaturen doppelt stimuli-responsive Überstrukturen bilden, die mindestens zwei konformative Übergänge beim Aufheizen durchlaufen. Einer dieser Übergänge wird durch den hydrophoben Kollaps des Polymerblocks induziert, der andere durch Entfalten der kollagen-ähnlichen Triple-Helices.rnAls Ausweitung dieser synthetischen Strategie wurde homotelecheles PDEGMEMA mit zwei PFP-Esterendgruppen dargestellt, wozu der PFP-CTA für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe und die radikalische Substitution des Dithioesters durch Behandlung mit einem Überschuss eines funktionellen AIBN-Derivates für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe ausgenutzt wurde. Die Umsetzung der beiden reaktiven Kettenenden mit dem N-Terminus eines Peptidblocks ergab ein Peptid-Polymer-Peptid Triblockcopolymer.rnSchließlich konnten die anorganisch-organischen Hybridmaterialien PMSSQ-Poly(2,2-diethoxyethylacrylat) (PMSSQ-PDEEA) und PMSSQ-Poly(1,3-dioxolan-2-ylmethylacrylat) (PMSSQ-PDMA) für die Herstellung robuster, peptid-reaktiver Oberflächen durch Spin Coaten und thermisch induziertes Vernetzen angewendet werden. Nach saurem Entschützen der Acetalgruppen in diesen Filmen konnten die resultierenden Aldehydgruppen durch einfaches Eintauchen in eine Lösung mit einer Auswahl von Aminen und Hydroxylaminen umgesetzt werden, wodurch die Oberflächenhydrophilie modifiziert werden konnte. Darüber hinaus konnten auf Basis der unterschiedlichen Stabilität der zwei hier verglichenen Acetalgruppen Entschützungsprotokolle für die exklusive Entschützung der Diethylacetale in PMSSQ-PDEEA und deren Umsetzung ohne Entschützung der zyklischen Ethylenacetale in PMSSQ-PDMA entwickelt werden, die die Herstellung multifunktioneller Oberflächenbeschichtungen z.B. für die Proteinimmobilisierung ermöglichen.


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In Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Polymerstrukturen auf Basis des klinisch zugelassenen Polymers Poly(N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide) (PHPMA) entwickelt. Der synthetische Zugang beruht zum einen auf der Verwendung von Reaktivesterpolymeren und zum anderen auf der Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerisationsmethode. Diese Form einer kontrollierten radikalischen Polymerisation ermöglichte es, neben der Synthese von besser definierten Homopolymeren auch statistische und Blockcopolymere herzustellen. Die Reaktivesterpolymere können durch einfache Aminolyse in HPMA-basierte Systeme überführt werden. Somit können sie als eine vielversprechende Basis zur Synthese von umfangreichen Polymerbibliotheken angesehen werden. Die hergestellten Polymere kombinieren verschiedene Funktionalitäten bei konstantem Polymerisationsgrad. Dies ermöglicht eine Optimierung auf eine gezielte Anwendung hin ohne den Parameter der Kettenlänge zu verändern.rnIm weiteren war es durch Verwendung der RAFT Polymerisation möglich partiell bioabbaubare Blockcopolymere auf Basis von Polylactiden und HPMA herzustellen, in dem ein Kettentransferreagenz (CTA) an ein wohl definiertes Polylactid Homopolymer gekoppelt wurde. Diese Strukturen wurden in ihrer Zusammensetzung variiert und mit Erkennungsstrukturen (Folaten) und markierenden Elementen (Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe und +-emittierenden Radionukleide) versehen und im weiteren in vitro und in vivo evaluiert.rnAuf Grund dieser Errungenschaften war es möglich den Einfluss der Polymermikrostruktur auf das Aggregationsverhalten hin mittel Lichtstreuung und Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie zu untersuchen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass erst diese Informationen über die Überstrukturbildung die Kinetik der Zellaufnahme erklären können. Somit wurde die wichtige Rolle von Strukturwirkungsbeziehungen nachgewiesen.rnSomit konnte neben der Synthese, Charakterisierung und ersten biologischen Evaluierungen ein Beitrag zum besseres Verständnis zur Interaktion von polymeren Partikeln mit biologischen Systemen geleistet werden.


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The prologue of this thesis (Chapter 1.0) gives a general overview on lactone based poly(ester) chemistry with a focus on advanced synthetic strategies for ring-opening polymerization, including the emerging field of organo catalysis. This section is followed by a presentation of the state-of the art regarding the two central fields of the thesis: (i) polyfunctional and branched poly(ester)s in Chapter 1.1 as well as (ii) the development of new poly(ester) based block copolymers with functional methacrylates (Chapter 1.2). Chapter 2 deals with the synthesis of new, non-linear poly(ester) structures. In Chapter 2.1, the synthesis of poly(lactide)-based multiarm stars, prepared via a grafting-from method, is described. The hyperbranched poly(ether)-poly(ol) poly(glycerol) is employed as a hydrophilic core molecule. The resulting star block copolymers exhibit potential as phase transfer agents and can stabilize hydrophilic dyes in a hydrophobic environment. In Chapter 2.2, this approach is expanded to poly(glycolide) multiarm star polymers. The problem of the poor solubility of linear poly(glycolide)s in common organic solvents combined with an improvement of the thermal properties has been approached by the reduction of the total chain length. In Chapter 2.3, the first successful synthesis of hyperbranched poly(lactide)s is presented. The ring-opening, multibranching copolymerization of lactide with the “inimer” 5HDON (a hydroxyl-functional lactone monomer) was carefully examined. Besides a precise molecular characterization involving the determination of the degree of branching, we were able to put forward a reaction model for the formation of branching during polymerization. Several innovative approaches to amphiphilic poly(ester)/poly(methacrylate)-based block copolymers are presented in the third part of the thesis (Chapter 3). Block copolymer build-up especially relies on the combination of ring-opening and living radical polymerization. Atom transfer radical polymerization has been successfully combined with lactide ring-opening, using a “double headed” initiator. This strategy allowed for the realization of poly(lactide)-block-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymers, which represent promising materials for tissue engineering scaffolds with anti-fouling properties (Chapter 3.1). The two-step/one-pot approach forgoes the use of protecting groups for HEMA by a careful selection of the reaction conditions. A series of potentially biocompatible and partially biodegradable homo- and block copolymers is described in Chapter 3.2. In order to create a block copolymer with a comparably strong hydrophilic character, a new acetal-protected glycerol monomethacrylate monomer (cis-1,3- benzylidene glycerol methacrylate/BGMA) was designed. The hydrophobic poly(BGMA) could be readily transformed into the hydrophilic and water-soluble poly(iso-glycerol methacrylate) (PIGMA) by mild acidic hydrolysis. Block copolymers of PIGMA and poly(lactide) exhibited interesting spherical aggregates in aqueous environment which could be significantly influenced by variation of the poly(lactide)s stereo-structure. In Chapter 3.3, pH-sensitive poly(ethylene glycol)-b-PBGMA copolymers are described. At slightly acidic pH values (pH 4/37°C), they decompose due to a polarity change of the BGMA block caused by progressing acetal cleavage. This stimuli-responsive behavior renders the system highly attractive for the targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs. In Chapter 3.4, which was realized in cooperation, the concept of biocompatible, amphiphilic poly(lactide) based polymer drug conjugates, was pursued. This was accomplished in the form of fluorescently labeled poly(HPMA)-b-poly(lactide) copolymers. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of partially biodegradable block copolymer aggregates exhibited fast cellular uptake by human cervix adenocarcinoma cells without showing toxic effects in the examined concentration range (Chapter 4.1). The current state of further projects which will be pursued in future studies is addressed in Chapter 4. This covers the synthesis of biocompatible star block copolymers (Chapter 4.2) and the development of new methacrylate monomers for biomedical applications (Chapters 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the further investigation of hydroxyl-functional lactones and carbonates which are promising candidates for the synthesis of new hydrophilic linear or hyperbranched biopolymers, is addressed in Chapter 4.5.


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Diese Dissertation zeigt zum ersten Mal den Ansatz gesättigte und ungesättigte Poly(Phosphorester) herzustellen, deren Polymergerüst und Seitenketten durch präzises Anbring-en von funktionellen und/oder solubilisierenden Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Durch Kombinieren der Vorteile der Olefinmetathese mit der Vielseitigkeit der Phos-phorchemie, eröffnet dieser variable Ansatz den Zugang zu einer neuen Klasse ungesättigter Poly-phosphate. Die zu Grunde liegende Idee ist das maßgeschneiderte Anpassen der Architektur und der Mikrostruktur dieser Polymere. Lineare, verzweigte, markierte und telechele Poly(Phosphorester) können in großem Maßstab mit hohen Funktionalisierungsgrad hergestellt werden.rnEiner der größten Vorteile dieses Ansatzes ist es, das Polymerrückrat modifizieren zu können, was weder bei der Ringöffnungs- noch bei klassischen Polymerisationen möglich ist, bei denen nur eine limitierte Anzahl an Monomeren existieren.rnDie Eigenschaften des Phosphors werden in neue Polymerarchitekturen übertragen, was von Nutzen für flammenhemmenden Materialen und Anwendung bei Gewebetherapeutika ist. Diese Doktorarbeit führt auch einzigartige Poly(Phosphorester) ein, welche im Feld der Op-toelektronik als Sauerstofffänger eingesetzten werden können. Die beschriebenen Synthese-vorschriften können einfach in größeren Maßstab durchgeführt werden und sind vielversprechend für industrielle Anwendungen, da ungesättigte Polyester einen sehr wichtigen Markt repräsentieren.


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The plasmin-antiplasmin system plays a key role in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. Plasmin and (2)-antiplasmin are primarily responsible for a controlled and regulated dissolution of the fibrin polymers into soluble fragments. However, besides plasmin(ogen) and (2)-antiplasmin the system contains a series of specific activators and inhibitors. The main physiological activators of plasminogen are tissue-type plasminogen activator, which is mainly involved in the dissolution of the fibrin polymers by plasmin, and urokinase-type plasminogen activator, which is primarily responsible for the generation of plasmin activity in the intercellular space. Both activators are multidomain serine proteases. Besides the main physiological inhibitor (2)-antiplasmin, the plasmin-antiplasmin system is also regulated by the general protease inhibitor (2)-macroglobulin, a member of the protease inhibitor I39 family. The activity of the plasminogen activators is primarily regulated by the plasminogen activator inhibitors 1 and 2, members of the serine protease inhibitor superfamily.


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Conjugation of functional entities with a specific set of optical, mechanical or biological properties to DNA strands allows engineering of sophisticated DNA-containing architectures. Among various hybrid systems, DNA-grafted polymers occupy an important place in modern materials science. In this contribution we present the non-covalent synthesis and properties of DNA-grafted linear supramolecular polymers (SPs), which are assembled in a controllable manner from short chimeric DNA-pyrene oligomers. The synthetic oligomers consist of two parts: a 10 nucleotides long DNA chain and a covalently attached segment of variable number of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. The temperature-dependent formation of DNA-grafted SPs is described by a nucleation-elongation mechanism. The high tendency of pyrenes to aggregate in water, leads to the rapid formation of SPs. The core of the assemblies consists of stacked pyrenes. They form a 1D platform, to which the DNA chains are attached. Combined spectroscopic and microscopic studies reveal that the major driving forces of the polymerization are π-stacking of pyrenes and hydrophobic interactions, and DNA pairing contributes to a lesser extent. AFM and TEM experiments demonstrate that the 1D SPs appear as elongated ribbons with a length of several hundred nanometers. They exhibit an apparent helical structure with a pitch-to-pitch distance of 50±15 nm. Since DNA pairing is a highly selective process, the ongoing studies are aimed to utilize DNA-grafted SPs for the programmable arrangement of functional entities. For example, the addition of non-modified complementary DNA strands to the DNA-grafted SPs leads to the cooperative formation of higher-order assemblies. Also, our experiments suggest that the fluorescent pyrene core of 1D ribbons serves as an efficient donor platform for energy transfer applications.


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Conjugation of functional entities with a specific set of optical, mechanical or biological properties to DNA strands allows engineering of sophisticated DNA-containing architectures. Among various hybrid systems, DNA-grafted polymers occupy an important place in modern materials science. In this contribution we present the non-covalent synthesis and properties of DNA-grafted linear supramolecular polymers (SPs), which are assembled in a controllable manner from short chimeric DNA-pyrene oligomers. The synthetic oligomers consist of two parts: a 10 nucleotides long DNA chain and a covalently attached segment of variable number of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. The temperature-dependent formation of DNA-grafted SPs is described by a nucleation-elongation mechanism. The high tendency of pyrenes to aggregate in water, leads to the rapid formation of SPs. The core of the assemblies consists of stacked pyrenes. They form a 1D platform, to which the DNA chains are attached. Combined spectroscopic and microscopic studies reveal that the major driving forces of the polymerization are π-stacking of pyrenes and hydrophobic interactions, and DNA pairing contributes to a lesser extent. AFM and TEM experiments demonstrate that the 1D SPs appear as elongated ribbons with a length of several hundred nanometers. They exhibit an apparent helical structure with a pitch-to-pitch distance of 50±15 nm. Since DNA pairing is a highly selective process, the ongoing studies are aimed to utilize DNA-grafted SPs for the programmable arrangement of functional entities. For example, the addition of non-modified complementary DNA strands to the DNA-grafted SPs leads to the cooperative formation of higher-order assemblies. Also, our experiments suggest that the fluorescent pyrene core of 1D ribbons serves as an efficient donor platform for energy transfer applications.


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Creation of biocompatible functional materials is an important task in supramolecular chemistry. In this contribution, we report on noncovalent synthesis of DNA-grafted supramolecular polymers (SPs). DNA-grafted SPs enable programmed arrangement of oligonucleotides in a regular, tightly packed one-dimensional array. Further interactions of DNA-grafted SPs with complementary DNA strands leads to the formation of networks through highly cooperative G-C blunt-end stacking interactions. The structural changes in the polymeric core enable to monitor spectroscopically the stepwise formation of networks. Such stimuli-responsive supramolecular networks may lead to the development of DNA-based smart materials.


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In the current model for bacterial cell division, the FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other essential division proteins such as FtsA and ZipA. The putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. The essential cell division protein FtsZ is a functional and structural homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, and like tubulin, FtsZ hydrolyzes GTP and self-assembles into protein filaments in a strictly GTP-dependent manner. FtsA shares sequence similarity with members of the ATPase superfamily that include actin, but its actual function remains unknown. To test the division model and elucidate functions of the division proteins, this dissertation primarily focuses on the analysis of FtsZ and FtsA in Escherichia coli. ^ By tagging with green fluorescent protein, we first demonstrated that FtsA also exhibits a ring-like structure at the potential division site. The localization of FtsA was dependent on functional FtsZ, suggesting that FtsA is recruited to the septum by the FtsZ ring. In support of this idea, we showed that FtsA and FtsZ directly interact. Using a novel E. coli in situ assay, we found that the FtsA-FtsZ interaction appears to be species-specific, although an interspecies interaction could occur between FtsA and FtsZ proteins from two closely related organisms. In addition, mutagenesis of FtsA revealed that no single domain is solely responsible for its septal localization or interaction with FtsZ. To explore the function of FtsA, we purified FtsA protein and demonstrated that it has ATPase activity. Furthermore, purified FtsA stimulates disassembly of FtsZ polymers in a sedimentation assay but does not affect GTP hydrolysis of FtsZ. This result suggests that in the cell, FtsA may function similarly in regulating dynamic instability of the FtsZ ring during the cell division process. ^ To elucidate the structure-function relationship of FtsZ, we carried out thorough genetic and functional analyses of the mutagenized FtsZ derivatives. Our results indicate that the conserved N-terminal domain of FtsZ is necessary and sufficient for FtsZ self-assembly and localization. Moreover, we discovered a critical role for an extreme C-terminal domain of FtsZ that consists of only 12 residues. Truncated FtsZ derivatives lacking this domain, though able to polymerize and localize, are defective in ring formation in vivo as well as interaction with FtsA and ZipA. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of this region pinpointed at least five residues necessary for the function of FtsZ. Studies of protein levels and protein-protein interactions suggested that these residues may be involved in regulating protein stability and/or FtsZ-FtsA interactions. Interestingly, two of the point mutants exhibited dominant-negative phenotypes. ^ In summary, results from this thesis work have provided additional support for the division machinery model and will contribute to a better understanding of the coordinate functions of FtsA and FtsZ in the cell division process. ^


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The assembly of polymer chains in solution is a powerful method that is leading to the preparation of interesting and unique macromolecular-based synthetic nanostructures. Specific control over the intramolecular and intermolecular physical interactions dictates either the folding of single chains or the aggregation and ordering of multiple chains. This control is provided through the selective placement of functional groups along the polymer backbone and the relative strengths of their attractive and repulsive interactions.


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The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a homolog of tubulin, but it has not been determined whether FtsZ polymers are structurally related to the microtubule lattice. In the present study, we have obtained high-resolution electron micrographs of two FtsZ polymers that show remarkable similarity to tubulin polymers. The first is a two-dimensional sheet of protofilaments with a lattice very similar to that of the microtubule wall. The second is a miniring, consisting of a single protofilament in a sharply curved, planar conformation. FtsZ minirings are very similar to tubulin rings that are formed upon disassembly of microtubules but are about half the diameter. This suggests that the curved conformation occurs at every FtsZ subunit, but in tubulin rings the conformation occurs at either beta- or alpha-tubulin subunits but not both. We conclude that the functional polymer of FtsZ in bacterial cell division is a long thin sheet of protofilaments. There is sufficient FtsZ in Escherichia coli to form a protofilament that encircles the cell 20 times. The similarity of polymers formed by FtsZ and tubulin implies that the protofilament sheet is an ancient cytoskeletal system, originally functioning in bacterial cell division and later modified to make microtubules.


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We report first principles density functional calculations for 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) and several oxidised forms. DHICA and 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) are believed to be the basic building blocks of the eumelanins. Our results show that carboxylation has a significant effect on the physical properties of the molecules. In particular, the relative stabilities and the highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gaps (calculated with the DeltaSCF method) of the various redox forms are strongly affected. We predict that, in contrast to DHI, the density of unpaired electrons, and hence the ESR signal, in DHICA is negligibly small. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One of the main objectives of this study was to functionalise various rubbers (i.e. ethylene propylene copolymer (EP), ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), and natural rubber (NR)) using functional monomers, maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), via reactive processing routes. The functionalisation of the rubber was carried out via different reactive processing methods in an internal mixer. GMA was free-radically grafted onto EP and EPDM in the melt state in the absence and presence of a comonomer, trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TRlS). To optinuse the grafting conditions and the compositions, the effects of various paranleters on the grafting yields and the extent of side reactions were investigated. Precipitation method and Soxhlet extraction method was established to purifY the GMA modified rubbers and the grafting degree was determined by FTIR and titration. It was found that without TRlS the grafting degree of GMA increased with increasing peroxide concentration. However, grafting was low and the homopolymerisation of GMA and crosslinking of the polymers were identified as the main side reactions competing with the desired grafting reaction for EP and EPDM, respectively. The use of the tri-functional comonomer, TRlS, was shown to greatly enhance the GMA grafting and reduce the side reactions in terms of the higher GMA grafting degree, less alteration of the rheological properties of the polymer substrates and very little formation of polyGMA. The grafting mechanisms were investigated. MA was grafted onto NR using both thermal initiation and peroxide initiation. The results showed clearly that the reaction of MA with NR could be thermally initiated above 140°C in the absence of peroxide. At a preferable temperature of 200°C, the grafting degree was increased with increasing MA concentration. The grafting reaction could also be initiated with peroxide. It was found that 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis(ter-butylproxy) hexane (TIOI) was a suitable peroxide to initiate the reaction efficiently above I50°C. The second objective of the work was to utilize the functionalised rubbers in a second step to achieve an in-situ compatibilisation of blends based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), in particular, with GMA-grafted-EP and -EPDM and the reactive blending was carried out in an internal mixer. The effects of GMA grafting degree, viscosities of GMAgrafted- EP and -EPDM and the presence of polyGMA in the rubber samples on the compatibilisation of PET blends in terms of morphology, dynamical mechanical properties and tensile properties were investigated. It was found that the GMA modified rubbers were very efficient in compatibilising the PET blends and this was supported by the much finer morphology and the better tensile properties. The evidence obtained from the analysis of the PET blends strongly supports the existence of the copolymers through the interfacial reactions between the grafted epoxy group in the GMA modified rubber and the terminal groups of PET in the blends.


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Atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) of styrene in xylene solution initiated with 1-phenylethyl bromide and mediated by CuBr/N-propyl-2- pyridinemethanimine catalyst complex was studied. The polymerisation was ill-controlled, yielding polymers with broad molecular weight distributions and values of number average molecular weight considerably higher than the theoretical values calculated from 100% initiator efficiency. The degree of control afforded over the polymerisation was enhanced by use of a more soluble catalyst complex, CuBr/N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine. Furthermore, the use of a more polar solvent, diglyme, generated a homogeneous catalyst complex that facilitated the production of polymers having narrow molecular weight distributions (1.10 < PDi < 1.20). The kinetics of the atom transfer radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate at 90°C in diglyme solution initiated with ethyl-2-bromoisobutyrate and mediated by CuBr/N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine was studied and the orders of the reaction were established. The effect on the rate of polymerisation of the ratio of CuBr:N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine was also determined. The temperature dependencies of the rate of polymerisation of methyl methacrylate in diglyme solution and xylene solution were studied, and were found to be non-linear and dependent upon the polarity of the solvent. The use of highly polar aprotic solvents, such as N,N-dimethylformamide and dimethylsulphoxide, was found to be detrimental to the degree of control afforded over the polymerisation of methyl methacrylate. This was circumvented by use of a 5-fold excess, over that conventionally used, of catalyst complex. The atom transfer radical polymerisation of (4-nitrophenyl)-[3-[N-[2- (methacryloyloxy)ethyl]carbazolyl]]diazene in dimethyl sulphoxide solution was studied. Although homopolymerisation yielded only oligomers, copolymerisation of this monomer with methyl methacrylate was found to be readily achievable. Keywords: ATRP, Styrene; Methyl methacrylate; Polar solvents; Fully-functional photorefractive polymer. 2


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Alkyl aluminium alkoxides have been used as initiators for the ring opening polymerisation of ε-caprolactone and δ-valerolactone. The effect of the reaction solvent on the kinetics of the polymerisation of ε-caprolactone has been studied. The rate of polymerisation was found to be faster in solvents of lower polarity and donor nature such as toluene. In general solvents of higher polarity resulted in a decreased rate of polymerisation. However solvents such as THF or DMF with a lone pair of electrons capable of forming a complex with the aluminium centre slowed the polymerisation further. The size of the monomer also proved to be an important factor in the kinetics of the reaction. The six membered ring, δ-valerolactone has less ring strain than the seven membered ring ε-caprolactone and thus the polymerisation of δ-valerolactone is slower than the corresponding polymerisation of ε-caprolactone. Both the alkoxide and alkyl group structures have an effect on the polymerisation. In general bulkier alkoxide groups provide greater steric hindrance around the active site at the beginning of the reaction. This causes an induction or a build up period that is related to the both the steric hindrance and also the electronic effects provided by the alkoxide group. The alkyl group structure has an effect throughout the polymerisation because it remains adjacent to the active centre. The number of alkoxide groups on the aluminium centre is also important, using a dialkoxide as an initiator yields polymers with molecular weights approximately half that of the corresponding reactions using a mono alkoxide. Transesterification reactions have also been found to occur after most of the monomer has been consumed. These transesterification reactions are exaggerated as temperature increases. A method of producing tri-block co-polymers has also been developed. A di-hydroxy functional pre-polymer, PHBV, was reacted with an aluminium alkyl to form a di-alkoxide macroinitiator which was subsequently used as an initiator for the polymerisation of ε-caprolactone to form an ABA type tri-block co-polymer. The molecular weight and other properties were predictable from the initial monomer/initiator ratios.