864 resultados para fluidos supercríticos


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Este estudo consistiu na investigação sobre a interação dos lubrificantes empregados na usinagem de metais com a matéria orgânica natural (substâncias húmicas), a sua mobilidade no solo, a degradação microbiológica e a remoção dos mesmos do solo. Realizou-se, também, um estudo sobre as mudanças nas características dos fluidos após a sua utilização. Para o processo de degradação das amostras de fluido, submetidos aos efeitos de diferentes fatores ambientais, foram utilizados quatro tratamentos : (i) microrganismos nativos, chamada amostra controle; (ii) amostra controle com matéria orgânica proveniente de turfa; (iii) amostra controle acrescida de microrganismos existentes nos efluentes de máquinas de corte; e (iv) amostra controle com adição de microrganismos de compostagem. Para a pesquisa da degradação sem o efeito dos parâmetros climáticos, foram utilizadas amostras de solo contaminadas mantendo-se em estufa, e a inoculação dos microrganismos em meios de cultura com e sem acréscimo de fonte alternativa de carbono. Como técnicas analíticas, foram utilizadas a CG-DIC e a CG-EM. Essas técnicas são indicadas tanto para estudar a composição dos fluidos quanto dos produtos de degradação microbiológica, tendo sido otimizados métodos analíticos para serem empregados no monitoramento ambiental e de estudos de degradação. As análises por IVTF e por EF também foram empregadas na identificação e quantificação dos fluidos. Observou-se uma considerável interação dos fluidos solúveis com a matéria orgânica do solo, embora tenham se apresentado com alta mobilidade para alguns constituintes, bem como um acelerado processo de degradação durante o uso. De outro modo, os fluidos insolúveis se apresentaram mais imóveis, ficando retidos na matéria orgânica do solo, entretanto, foram mais prontamente degradados no ambiente que os solúveis. A adição de matéria orgânica e de microrganismos de compostagem acelerou o processo de degradação para todos os fluidos de corte investigados.


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Sólidos, líquidos y gases: densidad; Elasticidad en sólidos: tensión y deformación; Elasticidad en fluidos: presión; Temperatura y dilatación térmica; Estática de fluidos; Fenómenos de superficie: tensión superficial, capilaridad; Dinámica de fluidos ideales; Fluidos reales: viscosidad.


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This study aimed mainly to evaluate the influence of xanthan gum (XG) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in the filtration process of water-based drilling fluids, considering the conformational changes suffered by the polyelectrolyte with the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) in different concentrations (0.17, 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1). It was also evaluated the behavior of the fluid by the addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in pure water and in brine. Seeking a better understanding of the interaction between the polymers used and CaCO3, polymer adsorption analyzes were performed using a depletion method, which yielded a higher percentage of adsorption of Xanthan Gum in this material (29%), which can justify the formation of a thin and waterproof filter cake for drilling fluids containing this polymer. However, the best values of apparent viscosity (20 and 24 mPa.s) and volume of filtrate (8.0 and 8.1 mL) were obtained for the systems consisting of xanthan gum, CMC and CaCO3, in NaCl aqueous solutions concentrations of 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1, respectively. The values can be related to the presence of CMC that increases the apparent viscosity and reduces the volume of filtrate. In addition, the CaCO3 added acts as a bridging agent, promoting the formation of a less permeable filter cake


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Drilling fluids have fundamental importance in the petroleum activities, since they are responsible for remove the cuttings, maintain pressure and well stability, preventing collapse and inflow of fluid into the rock formation and maintain lubrication and cooling the drill. There are basically three types of drilling fluids: water-based, non-aqueous and aerated based. The water-based drilling fluid is widely used because it is less aggressive to the environment and provide excellent stability and inhibition (when the water based drilling fluid is a inhibition fluid), among other qualities. Produced water is generated simultaneously with oil during production and has high concentrations of metals and contaminants, so it’s necessary to treat for disposal this water. The produced water from the fields of Urucu-AM and Riacho da forquilha-RN have high concentrations of contaminants, metals and salts such as calcium and magnesium, complicating their treatment and disposal. Thus, the objective was to analyze the use of synthetic produced water with similar characteristics of produced water from Urucu-AM and Riacho da Forquilha-RN for formulate a water-based drilling mud, noting the influence of varying the concentration of calcium and magnesium into filtered and rheology tests. We conducted a simple 32 factorial experimental design for statistical modeling of data. The results showed that the varying concentrations of calcium and magnesium did not influence the rheology of the fluid, where in the plastic viscosity, apparent viscosity and the initial and final gels does not varied significantly. For the filtrate tests, calcium concentration in a linear fashion influenced chloride concentration, where when we have a higher concentration of calcium we have a higher the concentration of chloride in the filtrate. For the Urucu’s produced water based fluids, volume of filtrate was observed that the calcium concentration influences quadratically, this means that high calcium concentrations interfere with the power of the inhibitors used in the formulation of the filtered fluid. For Riacho’s produced water based fluid, Calcium’s influences is linear for volume of filtrate. The magnesium concentration was significant only for chloride concentration in a quadratic way just for Urucu’s produced water based fluids. The mud with maximum concentration of magnesium (9,411g/L), but minimal concentration of calcium (0,733g/L) showed good results. Therefore, a maximum water produced by magnesium concentration of 9,411g/L and the maximum calcium concentration of 0,733g/L can be used for formulating water-based drilling fluids, providing appropriate properties for this kind of fluid.


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This work describes the synthesis and study of the application of a new surfactant (Triester Lipophilic – TEL) obtained by citric acid with octanol. It is reaction was followed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and after purification the product was characterized by proton and 13 – carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( H and 13C NMR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and surface tension analysis of oil-in-water emulsions. The TEL performance as surfactant in ester, n-paraffin and biodiesel based drilling fluids on the 70/30 and 60/40 water- oil rations (WOR) was evaluated by comparative tests of two commercial products used in the fields. These drilling fluids were aged in roller oven at 200 0 F during 16 h. The rheological and electric stability measurements were carried out at 135 ºF, the phase separation was evaluated after seven days at rest and the filtrate volume of drilling fluids was determined at high temperature and high pressure. The rheological behavior of the drilling fluids was evaluated by the flow curves. The results showed that the drilling fluids studied here presented Binghamian behavior as well as the used in the oil fields. The laboratory tests showed that the TEL reduced the filtrate volume and promoted the enhance of the thermal and mechanical stabilities.


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In this study, we investigated the effect of addition of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and bentonite in the physicochemical properties of acquous drilling fluids. Two formulations were evaluated: F1 formulation, which was used as reference, containing carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), magnesium oxide (MgO), calcite (calcium carbonate - CaCO3 ), xanthan gum, sodium chloride (NaCl) and triazine (bactericidal); and F2, containig HPAM steady of CMC and bentonite in substituition of calcite. The prepared fluids were characterized by rheological properties, lubricity and fluid loss. Calcite was characterized by granulometry and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The formulation F2 presented filtration control at 93◦C 34 mL while F1 had total filtration. The lubricity coefficient was 0.1623 for F2 and 0.2542 for F1, causing reduction in torque of 25% for F1 and 52 % for F2, compared to water. In the temperature of 49 ◦C and shear rate of 1022 s −1 , the apparent viscosities were 25, 5 and 48 cP for F1 and F2 formulation, respectively, showing greater thermal resistance to F2. With the confirmation of higher thermal stability of F2, factorial design was conducted in order to determine the HPAM and of bentonite concentrations that resulted in the better performance of the fluids. The statistical design response surfaces indicated the best concentrations of HPAM (4.3g/L) and bentonite (28.5 g/L) to achieve improved properties of the fluids (apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point and fluid loss) with 95% confidence, as well as the correlations between these factors (HPAM and bentonite concentrations). The thermal aging tests indicated that the formulations containing HPAM and bentonite may be used to the maximum temperature until 150 ◦C. The analyze of the filter cake formed after filtration of fluids by X-ray diffraction showed specific interactions between the bentonite and HPAM, explaining the greater thermal stability of F2 compared to the fluid F1, that supports maximum temperature of 93 ◦C.


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In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.


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In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.


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The advance of drilling in deeper wells has required more thermostable materials. The use of synthetic fluids, which usually have a good chemical stability, faces the environmental constraints, besides it usually generate more discharge and require a costly disposal treatment of drilled cuttings, which are often not efficient and require mechanical components that hinder the operation. The adoption of aqueous fluids generally involves the use of chrome lignosulfonate, used as dispersant, which provides stability on rheological properties and fluid loss under high temperatures and pressures (HTHP). However, due to the environmental impact associated with the use of chrome compounds, the drilling industry needs alternatives that maintain the integrity of the property and ensure success of the operation in view of the strong influence of temperature on the viscosity of aqueous fluids and polymers used in these type fluids, often polysaccharides, passives of hydrolysis and biological degradation. Therefore, vinyl polymers were selected for this study because they have predominantly carbon chain and, in particular, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) for resisting higher temperatures and partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA) and clay by increasing the system's viscosity. Moreover, the absence of acetal bonds reduces the sensitivity to attacks by bacteria. In order to develop an aqueous drilling fluid system for HTHP applications using PVP, HPAM and clay, as main constituents, fluid formulations were prepared and determined its rheological properties using rotary viscometer of the Fann, and volume filtrate obtained by filtration HTHP following the standard API 13B-2. The new fluid system using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with high molar weight had higher viscosities, gels and yield strength, due to the effect of flocculating clay. On the other hand, the low molecular weight PVP contributed to the formation of disperse systems with lower values in the rheological properties and fluid loss. Both systems are characterized by thermal stability gain up to around 120 ° C, keeping stable rheological parameters. The results were further corroborated through linear clay swelling tests.


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The advance of drilling in deeper wells has required more thermostable materials. The use of synthetic fluids, which usually have a good chemical stability, faces the environmental constraints, besides it usually generate more discharge and require a costly disposal treatment of drilled cuttings, which are often not efficient and require mechanical components that hinder the operation. The adoption of aqueous fluids generally involves the use of chrome lignosulfonate, used as dispersant, which provides stability on rheological properties and fluid loss under high temperatures and pressures (HTHP). However, due to the environmental impact associated with the use of chrome compounds, the drilling industry needs alternatives that maintain the integrity of the property and ensure success of the operation in view of the strong influence of temperature on the viscosity of aqueous fluids and polymers used in these type fluids, often polysaccharides, passives of hydrolysis and biological degradation. Therefore, vinyl polymers were selected for this study because they have predominantly carbon chain and, in particular, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) for resisting higher temperatures and partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA) and clay by increasing the system's viscosity. Moreover, the absence of acetal bonds reduces the sensitivity to attacks by bacteria. In order to develop an aqueous drilling fluid system for HTHP applications using PVP, HPAM and clay, as main constituents, fluid formulations were prepared and determined its rheological properties using rotary viscometer of the Fann, and volume filtrate obtained by filtration HTHP following the standard API 13B-2. The new fluid system using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with high molar weight had higher viscosities, gels and yield strength, due to the effect of flocculating clay. On the other hand, the low molecular weight PVP contributed to the formation of disperse systems with lower values in the rheological properties and fluid loss. Both systems are characterized by thermal stability gain up to around 120 ° C, keeping stable rheological parameters. The results were further corroborated through linear clay swelling tests.


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La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es la elaboración de un plan estratégico para la empresa Ingeniería de Sistemas de Fluidos SAC para los siguientes tres años. Este plan se inicia analizando el entorno externo en el que se desempeña ISF SAC, tanto el entorno general como el entorno de la industria, de esta manera conocer las oportunidades y amenazas a las que se debe enfrentar la empresa. Una vez analizado el entorno externo, se realiza el análisis interno en el cual se evalúan las áreas funcionales así como la cadena de valor con la finalidad de obtener las fortalezas y debilidades de ISF SAC. Complementando estos resultados, se evalúan los recursos y capacidades para luego obtener la ventaja competitiva de la empresa y determinar la estrategia genérica. Una vez definida la estrategia genérica, se realiza el análisis de costos de los proyectos, por ser un aspecto crucial para el buen desempeño de la empresa en el largo plazo. Con esto, se puede proceder a determinar la misión, visión y objetivos estratégicos para ISF SAC, los cuales se tratarán de alcanzar siguiendo una estrategia de crecimiento adecuada y desarrollando planes funcionales para diferentes áreas de la empresa. La estrategia de crecimiento a emplearse se determina utilizando los métodos de la matriz FODA cruzada y la matriz PEYEA, cuyos resultados se analizan en la matriz cuantitativa de la planificación estratégica. Los cuatro planes funcionales (marketing, operaciones, recursos humanos y finanzas), detallan las acciones que se deben tomar para alcanzar los objetivos definidos previamente. El plan de responsabilidad social empresarial, complementa todos los resultados para establecer la importancia de las operaciones de la empresa dentro de la sociedad. Finalmente, se propone llevar el control de todos los aspectos antes mencionados utilizando el método del Balanced Scorecard donde se asignan los indicadores, metas y responsables de alcanzar los objetivos definidos. El trabajo finaliza con las conclusiones obtenidas así como recomendaciones para el futuro.


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Drilling fluids present a thixotropic behavior and they usually gel when at rest. The sol-gel transition is fundamental to prevent the deposit of rock fragments, generated by drilling the well, over the drill bit during eventual stops. Under those conditions, high pressures are then required in order to break-up the gel when circulation is resumed. Moreover, very high pressures can damage the rock formation at the bottom of the well. Thus, a better understanding of thixotropy and the behavior of thixotropic materials becomes increasingly important for process control. The mechanisms that control thixotropy are not yet well defined and modeling is still a challenge. The objective of this work is to develop a mathematical model to study the pressure transmission in drilling fluids. This work presents a review of thixotropy and of different mathematical models found in the literature that are used to predict such characteristic. It also shows a review of transient flows of compressible fluids. The problem is modeled as the flow between the drillpipe and the annular region (space between the wall and the external part of the drillpipe). The equations that describe the problem (mass conservation, momentum balance, constitutive and state) are then discretized and numerically solved by using a computational algorithm in Fortran. The model is validated with experimental and numerical data obtained from the literature. Comparisons between experimental data obtained from Petrobras and calculated by three viscoplastic and one pseudoplastic models are conducted. The viscoplastic fluids, due to the yield stress, do not fully transmit the pressure to the outlet of the annular space. Sensibility analyses are then conducted in order to evaluate the thixotropic effect in pressure transmission.