159 resultados para fissure


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Central é um depósito aurífero do campo mineralizado do Cuiú-Cuiú, Província Aurífera do Tapajós, Cráton Amazônico. A zona mineralizada está hospedada em falha e compreende 800m de comprimento na direção NW-SE, seguindo o trend regional da província Tapajós, com largura entre 50 e 70m e profundidade vertical de pelo menos 450m. A mineralização está hospedada em monzogranito datado em 1984±3 Ma e atribuído à Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. Os recursos auríferos preliminarmente definidos são de 18,6t de ouro. A alteração hidrotermal é predominantemente fissural. Sericitização, cloritização, silicificação, carbonatação e sulfetação foram os tipos de alteração identificados. Pirita é o sulfeto principal e os demais sulfetos (calcopirita, esfalerita e galena) estão em fraturas ou nas bordas da pirita. O ouro preenche fraturas da pirita e análises semi-quantitativas detectaram Ag associada ao ouro. Foram identificados três tipos de inclusões fluidas hospedados em veios e vênulas de quartzo. O tipo 1 é o menos abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por uma (CO2vapor) ou duas fases (CO2liq-CO2vapor), o tipo 2 tem abundância intermediária e é formado por inclusões fluidas compostas por duas (H2Oliq-CO2liq) ou três fases (H2Oliq-CO2liq-CO2vapor) e o tipo 3 é o mais abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por duas fases (H2Oliq- H2Ovapor). O CO2 representa o volátil nas inclusões com CO2 e essas (tipo 1 e 2) foram geradas pelo processo de separação de fases oriundo de um fluido aquo-carbônico. A densidade global (0,33 - 0,80 g/cm³) e a salinidade (11,15 - 2,42 % em peso equivalente de NaCl) desse fluido são baixas a moderadas e a temperatura de homogeneização mostra um máximo em 340ºC. Quanto ao tipo 3, o NaCl é o principal sal, a densidade global está no intervalo de 0,65 a 1,11 g/cm³, a salinidade compreendida entre 1,16 e 13,3 % em peso equivalente de NaCl e a temperatura de homogeneização é bimodal, com picos em 120-140ºC e 180ºC. A composição isotópica das inclusões fluidas presentes no quartzo e do quartzo, calcita e clorita mostram valores de δ18O e δD de +7,8 a +13,6 ‰ e -15 a -35 ‰, respectivamente. Os valores de δ34S na pirita são de +0,5 a +4,0 ‰ e δ13C na calcita e CO2 de inclusões fluidas de -18 a -3,7 ‰. Os valores de δ18OH2O e de δDH2O no quartzo e inclusões fluidas, respectivamente, plotam no campo das águas metamórficas, com um desvio em direção à linha da água meteórica. Considerando a inexistência de evento metamórfico na região do Tapajós à época da mineralização, o sistema hidrotermal responsável pela mineralização no Central, inicialmente, deu-se a partir de fluidos aquo-carbônicos magmático-hidrotermais, exsolvidos por magma félsico relacionado com a fase mais tardia de evolução da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. As inclusões aquo-carbônicas e carbônicas formaram-se nessa etapa, predominantemente em torno de 340°C. A contínua exsolução de fluido pelo magma levou ao empobrecimento em CO2 nas fases mais tardias e, com o resfriamento do fluido, as inclusões aquosas passaram a predominar. A partir daí o sistema pode ter interagido com água meteórica, responsável pelo aprisionamento da maior parte das inclusões aquosas de mais baixa temperatura. É possível que parte das inclusões aquosas (as de maior temperatura) represente a mistura local dos fluidos de origens distintas. Essas observações e interpretações permitem classificar Central como um depósito de ouro magmático-hidrotermal relacionado à fase final da formação da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the anticaries potential of pit and fissure sealants containing amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) by synchrotron microtomography. Bovine enamel blocks (4x4 mm; n=50) were selected through surface hardness (Knoop) analysis. Slabs were obtained through cross-sections taken 1 mm from the border of the enamel. Five indentations, spaced 100 mu m apart, were made 300 mu m from the border. Ten specimens were prepared for each tested material (Ultraseal XT plus TM, Aegis, Embrace, Vitremer and Experimental Sealant). The materials were randomly attached to the sectioned surfaces of the enamel blocks and fixed with sticky wax. The specimens were submitted to pH cycling. After that, the surface hardness (SH1) was determined, and the blocks were submitted to synchrotron microcomputed tomography analysis to calculate the mineral concentration (Delta g(HAp) cm(-3)) at different areas of the enamel. The comparison between the SH1 and DgHAp cm(-3) showed a correlation for all groups (r=0.840; p<0.001). The fluoride groups presented positive values of DgHAp cm(-3), indicating a mineral gain that was observed mainly in the outer part of the enamel. The ACP showed mineral loss in the outer enamel compared with fluoride groups, although it inhibited the demineralization in the deeper areas of enamel. The combination of two remineralizing agents (fluoride and ACP) was highly effective in preventing demineralization.


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The clinical behavior of Concise and Prisma Shield sealants for pit and fissure was analyzed by clinical/photographic evaluation. A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface 7 days, 18 months, 36 months, and 11 years after the occlusal sealing, thus allowing the sealant material on the surface to be checked. At each analysis time, each occlusal surface was photographed, and the photographs corresponding to each time were submitted to clinical/photographic evaluation. Although the sealant materials showed marginal alterations over time, they did not require reapplication because the region composed of the pit and fissure remained covered.


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The author has verified the average depth of the mandibular fossa, in the X-ray image, using the oblique lateral transcranial technique from the right and left sides samples of each patient, which included a total of 176 patients, 87 male and 89 female. The patients were in following phases: deciduous dentítion (the patients had only deciduous teeth in the oral cavity or, if they had any permanent teeth, they could not be in occlusion), mixed dentition (the patients presented deciduous and permanent in the oral cavity) and permanent dentition (the patients had only permanent teeth in the oral cavity), until the eruption of the permanent third molars, in the region from São José dos Campos. São Paulo. Brazil. The patients were under treatment at the Dental School. UNESP (São Paulo State University). ln order to measure the depth of the mandibular fossa in millimeters an imaginary line was traced on the X-ray image, perpendicular to the other line that served as a reference, which was traced from the botton part of the articular eminence up to the tympanosquamous fissure. After the data were obtained and put in a data sheet, they underwent statistical analysis. The results showed that, in the average, the depth of the mandibular fossa in masculine sex is non-statistically signíficant larger than what was observed in feminíne sex, and the right side is larger than the left side, with significant statistical differences. However, only in permanent dentition, in masculine sex, the depth of the mandibular fossa on the right side is larger than on the left side with significant statistical differences


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Oocysts of Eimeria funduli were studied by transmission electron microscopy in naturally-infected livers of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. Tissues were cryo-processed because membranous structures in the oocyst appear to hinder routine fixation and embedment. The oocyst wall (about 25 nm thick) was adjacent to the host cell and consisted of an outer membrane that limited the host cell cytoplasm and an inner membrane separated from the outer membrane by a narrow space. In some specimens, dense material was applied to the inner face of the inner membrane. Individual sporocysts were surrounded by a membranous "veil" (about 25 nm thick) that consisted of two unit membranes. Sporopodia, projections of the sporocyst wall, supported the veil. The sporocyst wall (130-150 nm thick) consisted of two layers, a thin electron-lucent outer layer (about 10 nm thick) and a thick electron dense inner layer (about 130 nm thick). Depending on the plane of section, the inner layer had transverse striations with periods of 3 to 4 nm or 12 to 15 nm. A narrow fissure, broadest at the anterior pole of the sporocyst, extended about one-third the length of the sporocyst wall. The posterior pole of the sporocyst was characterized by a bulbous swelling. Although this swelling resembled a Stieda body in light microscopic preparations, ultrastructurally, the swelling was a knoblike thickening in the sporocyst wall and did not plug a gap in this wall


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The aim of this study was to determine the influence of thickness and aging on the intrinsic fluorescence of sealing materials and their ability to block fluorescence from the underlying surface as assessed using a laser fluorescence device. Cavities of 0.5 mm and 1 mm depth were drilled into acrylic boards which were placed over two surfaces with different fluorescence properties: a low-fluorescence surface, to assess the intrinsic fluorescence of the sealing materials, and a high-fluorescence surface, to assess the fluorescence-blocking ability of the sealing materials. Ten cavities of each depth were filled with different sealing materials: Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose, Adper Single Bond 2, FluroShield, Conseal f and UltraSeal XT Plus. Fluorescence was measured with a DIAGNOdent pen at five different time points: empty cavity, after polymerization, and 1 day, 1 week and 1 month after filling. The individual values after polymerization, as well as the area under the curve for the different periods were submitted to ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). At 0.5 mm, Scotchbond, FluroShield and UltraSeal showed insignificant changes in intrinsic fluorescence with aging and lower fluorescence after polymerization than Single Bond and Conseal. At 1 mm, Scotchbond and FluroShield showed the lowest intrinsic fluorescence, but only Scotchbond showed no chagnes in fluorescence with aging. At both depths, Scotchbond blocked significantly less fluorescence. All sealing materials blocked more fluorescence when applied to a depth of 1 mm. At 0.5 mm, fissure sealants blocked more fluorescence than adhesives, and did not show significant changes with aging. Scotchbond had the least affect on the fluorescence from the underlying surface and would probably have the least affect on the monitoring of sealed dental caries by laser fluorescence.


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Objective: Pulmonary fissures completeness predicts efficacy in endobronchial valves (EBV) implantation, a new lobar volume reduction therapy for severe emphysematous patients. We assessed the incidence of incomplete fissures and the interobserver agreement in its evaluation with MDCT, in severe emphysematous patients prior to EBV implantation. Materials and Methods: Volumetric thin-section CT scans of 35 patients (CODP GOLD 3/4, heterogeneous emphysema) were retrospectively reviewed by 2 pneumologists, 1 general and 2 experienced chest radiologists, independently and blinded for treatment outcome, and the pulmonary fissures were classified as either complete or incomplete. Interobserver agreement was assessed with Kappa index (KI). Results: Agreement between all readers for the left oblique, right oblique and horizontal fissure was, respectively, moderate (KI = 0.53), fair (KI = 0.37) and moderate (KI = 0.42). Highest agreement (99/105 fissures) was observed among experienced radiologists, being for left oblique, right oblique and horizontal, respectively, almost perfect (KI = 0.79), perfect (KI = 1.0) and moderate (KI = 0.52). These 2 reviewers found that all of 35 patients had at least one incomplete fissure, with a proportion of incomplete fissures assigned as 74/65%, 85/85% and 91/88%, respectively for the left oblique, right oblique and horizontal fissures. Conclusions: Pneumologists and radiologists agreed fairly to moderately in fissures analysis, while the experienced chest radiologists reached the highest clinically adequate agreement of 94%. We believe that clinical routine visual analysis of the fissures integrity can be done with a good degree of confidence in MDCT images, and experienced readers might be required. Also, a higher than expected incidence of incomplete fissures was described in our studied population. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: One of the most common problems of the surgical management of Graves upper eyelid retraction is the occurrence of eyelid contour abnormalities. In the present study, the postoperative contour of a large sample of eyelids of patients with Graves orbitopathy was measured. Methods: The postoperative upper eyelid contour of 62 eyes of 43 patients with Graves orbitopathy was subjectively classified by 3 experienced surgeons in 3 categories: poor, fair, and good. The shape of the eyelid contours in each category was then measured with a recently developed custom-made software by measuring multiple midpupil eyelid distances each 15 degrees along the palpebral fissure. The upper eyelid contour of 60 normal subjects was also quantified as a control group. Results: The mean ratio between the sum of the lateral and medial midpupil eyelid distances (lateral/medial ratio) was 1.10 +/- 0.11 standard deviation in controls and 1.15 +/- 0.13 standard deviation in patients. Postoperatively, the mean midpupil eyelid distance at 90 degrees was 4.16 +/- 1.13 mm standard deviation. The distribution lateral/medial ratios of the eyelids judged as having good contours was similar to the distribution of the controls with a modal value centered on the interval between 1.0 and 1.10. The distribution of lateral/medial ratios of the eyelids judged as having poor contour was bimodal, with eyelids with low and high lateral/medial ratios. Low lateral/medial ratios occurred when there was a lateral overcorrection, giving the eyelid a flat or a medial ptosis appearance. High lateral/medial ratios were due to a central or medial overcorrection or a lateral peak maintenance. Conclusions: Postoperative upper eyelid contour abnormalities can be quantified by comparing the sum of multiple midpupil eyelid distances of the lateral and medial sectors of the eyelid. Low and high lateral/medial ratios are anomalous and judged as unpleasant. (Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2012;28:429-433)


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: DON, a serious complication of GO, is frequently difficult to diagnose clinically in its early stages because of confounding signs and symptoms of congestive orbitopathy. We evaluated the ability of square area measurements of orbital apex crowding, calculated with MDCT, to detect DON. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-six patients with GO were studied prospectively with complete neuro-ophthalmologic examination and MDCT scanning. Square measurements were taken from coronal sections 12 mm, 18 mm, and 24 mm from the interzygomatic line. The ratio between the extraocular muscle area and the orbital bone area was used as a Cl. Intracranial fat prolapse through the superior orbital fissure was recorded as present or absent. Severity of optic nerve crowding was also subjectively graded on corona! images. Orbits were divided into 2 groups (with or without clinical evidence of DON) and compared. RESULTS: Ninety-five orbits (36 with and 59 without DON) were studied. The CIs at all 3 levels and the subjective crowding score were significantly greater in orbits with DON (P<.001). No significant difference was observed regarding intracranial fat prolapse (P=.105). The area under the ROC curves was 0.91, 0.93, and 0.87 for CIs at 12, 18, and 24 mm, respectively. The best performance was at 18 mm, where a cutoff value of 57.5% corresponded to 91.7% sensitivity, 89.8% specificity, and an odds ratio of 97.2 for detecting DON. A significant correlation (P<.001) between the CIs and VF defects was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Orbital Cls based on area measurements were found to predict DON more reliably than subjective grading of orbital crowding or intracranial fat prolapse.


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Purpose: To describe a new computerized method for the analysis of lid contour based on the measurement of multiple radial midpupil lid distances. Design: Evaluation of diagnostic technology. Participants and Controls: Monocular palpebral fissure images of 35 patients with Graves' upper eyelid retraction and of 30 normal subjects. Methods: Custom software was used to measure the conventional midpupil upper lid distance (MPLD) and 12 oblique MPLDs on each 15 degrees across the temporal (105 degrees, 120 degrees, 135 degrees, 150 degrees, 165 degrees, and 180 degrees) and nasal (75 degrees, 60 degrees, 45 degrees, 30 degrees, 15 degrees, and 0 degrees) sectors of the lid fissure. Main Outcome Measures: Mean, standard deviation, 5th and 95th percentiles of the oblique MPLDs obtained for patients and controls. Temporal/nasal MPLD ratios of the same angles with respect to the midline. Results: The MPLDs increased from the vertical midline in both nasal and temporal sectors of the fissure. In the control group the differences between the mean central MPLD (90 degrees) and those up to 30 degrees in the nasal (75 degrees and 60 degrees) and temporal sectors (105 degrees and 120 degrees) were not significant. For greater eccentricities, all temporal and nasal mean MPLDs increased significantly. When the MPLDs of the same angles were compared between groups, the mean values of the Graves' patients differed from control at all angles (F = 4192; P<0.0001). The greatest temporal/nasal asymmetry occurred 60 degrees from the vertical midline. Conclusions: The measurement of radial MPLD is a simple and effective way to characterize lid contour abnormalities. In patients with Graves' upper eyelid retraction, the method demonstrated that the maximum amplitude of the lateral lid flare sign occurred at 60 degrees from the vertical midline. Financial Disclosure(s): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any of the materials discussed in this article. Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 625-628 (C) 2012 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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The soft tick Ornithodoros guaporensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodida: Argasidae) is described from larvae and adults. Morphological analysis and 16S rDNA sequences are provided. Adults were collected from a rocky fissure inhabited by bats located in the Amazonian forest in north-eastern Bolivia (Beni Department) close to the Guaporé River. Larvae were obtained from eggs laid by females collected in the field, and which were fed on rabbits in the laboratory. Larvae of O. guaporensis are morphologically closely related to Ornithodoros rioplatensis, Ornithodoros puertoricensis and Orni-thodoros talaje. Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be separated from O. puertoricensis and O. talaje by the number of pairs of dorsal setae (20 in O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis, 18 in O. puertoricensis and 17 in O. talaje). Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be differentiated by the medial dental formula (2/2 in O. guaporensis and 3/3 in O. rioplatensis) and the apex of the hypostome, which is more pointed in O. rioplatensis than in O. guaporensis. The Principal Component Analysis performed with morphometric characters of larvae showed a clear separation among O. guaporensis, O. rioplatensis, O. puertoricensis and O. talaje. Significant morphological differences among adults of these four species were not found. The analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences allowed for the differentiation between O. guaporensis and the remaining Neotropical species of the family Argasidae.


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The durability of stone building materials is an issue of utmost importance in the field of monument conservation. In order to be able to preserve our built cultural heritage, the thorough knowledge of its constituent materials and the understanding of the processes that affect them are indispensable. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the durability of a special stone type, the crystalline stones, in correlation with their intrinsic characteristics, the petrophysical properties. The crystalline stones are differentiated from the cemented stones on the basis of textural features. Their most important specific property is the usually low, fissure-like porosity. Stone types of significant monumental importance, like the marble or granite belong to this group. The selected materials for this investigation, indeed, are a marble (Macael marble, Spain) and a granite (Silvestre Vilachán granite, Spain). In addition, an andesite (Szob andesite, Hungary) also of significant monumental importance was selected. This way a wide range of crystalline rocks is covered in terms of petrogenesis: stones of metamorphic, magmatic and volcanic origin, which can be of importance in terms of mineralogical, petrological or physical characteristics. After the detailed characterization of the petrophysical properties of the selected stones, their durability was assessed by means of artificial ageing. The applied ageing tests were: the salt crystallization, the frost resistance in pure water and in the presence of soluble salts, the salt mist and the action of SO2 in the presence of humidity. The research aimed at the understanding of the mechanisms of each weathering process and at finding the petrophysical properties most decisive in the degradation of these materials. Among the several weathering mechanisms, the most important ones were found to be the physical stress due to crystallization pressure of both salt and ice, the thermal fatigue due to cyclic temperature changes and the chemical reactions (mostly the acidic attack) between the mineral phases and the external fluids. The properties that fundamentally control the degradation processes, and thus the durability of stones were found to be: the mineralogical and chemical composition; the hydraulic properties especially the water uptake, the permeability and the drying; the void space structure, especially the void size and aperture size distribution and the connectivity of the porous space; and the thermal and mechanical properties. Because of the complexity of the processes and the high number of determining properties, no mechanisms or characteristics could be identified as typical for crystalline stones. The durability or alterability of each stone type must be assessed according to its properties and not according to the textural or petrophysical classification they belong to. Finally, a critical review of standardized methods is presented, based on which an attempt was made for recommendations of the most adequate methodology for the characterization and durability assessment of crystalline stones.


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Zusammenfassung:Hintergrund/Ziel: Die Beschreibung der funktionellen Einteilung der Leber basiert auf dem Schema von Claude de Couinaud. Die Grenze zwischen der rechten und linken Leberhälfte scheint leicht durch die Lage der mittleren Lebervene lokalisierbar. Nach der gängigen Meinung wird diese Grenze nicht durch die Trias aus Pfortader, Arterie und Gallengang überschritten. Es soll untersucht werden, ob die Lage dieser gefäßarmen Zone zwischen den Pfortaderästen benachbarter Segmente von der Lage der Grenzebene durch die mittlere Lebervene abweicht.Methode: Bei 73 Patienten wurden im Rahmen der normalen präoperativen Diagnostik dreiphasige Spiral-CT Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Aus diesen Daten wurden dreidimensionale Rekonstruktionen erzeugt und ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mittlere Sektorengrenze unterschiedliche Positionen einnimmt, je nach welchem Gefäßsystem sie bestimmt wird. Die mittlere Sektorengrenze zeigt hierbei einen Unterschied in ihrer Lage von 14,2° im Median. An der ventralen Leberoberfläche liegt die Grenzebene nach der mittleren Lebervene damit rechts lateral der gefäßarmen Zone zwischen den Pfortaderästen.Schlussfolgerung: Der Unterschied der Grenzebenen ist in dreidimensionalen Rekonstruktionen demonstrierbar und findet Anwendung bei der Segmentzuordnung von Läsionen. Diese Rekonstruktionen erleichtern die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und erlauben eine vereinfachte und möglicherweise präzisere Operationsplanung.