912 resultados para fiber suspension
Beaver only had been found in Portugal in a Chalcolithic locality, the Vila Nova de S. Pedro castrum. It has now been idenrified in the Upper Paleolithic (Solurrean) from Gruta do Caldeirão, near Tomar. The species has been found recently at «Gruta do Almonda»; 4 teeth were collected in bed C, older than a Solutrean sequence (see Anexo for details). The species seems to have been rare, as it was also the case with portuguese miocene Castoridae Enroxenomys minutus and Chalicomys jaegeri. If account is taken of the presence in the Middle Ages until Castille of words meaning beaver (related to the popular latin Fiber/Biber), it is obvious that these animals still existed then. Such nouns were largely predominant over the rather erudite larin (greek derived) words as Castor, -óris and derived ones, as it could be expected. This allowed us to recognize that veiro should be the corresponding word with Fiber affinities in archaic portuguese. It was previously supposed to mean only expensive furs then imported into Portugal. Indeed it was also a zoonym. Anyway, beaver should be scarce by XIIIth century since it is not included in the quite detailed price list imposed by the «Lei da Almotaçaria» from December 26, 1253 (see Quadro II). Toponyms in veiro and derived words (fig. 2; Quadro III) (plural, feminines, diminutives, inhabited places) give a restrictive view of the Middle Age distribution. Some of them are certainly older than Portugal itself (first half of XIIth century); others existed by the XIVth century but were probably older. Some rare toponyms seem to be derived from rhe erudite latin Castor, -óris. Nothing suggests that these words were still in use as zoonyms during the Middle Ages. All toponyms are located in regions near rivers and other freshwaters ecologically suitable for beavers, so wecan approximately retrace irs former, Middle Age distribution in Portugal (fig. 2; Quadro III). Most of them are located in the Center-West and Northwest of Portugal, with a suitable c1imate (rainfall in general over 800 milimeters per year); the only sure geographical exception is Veiros, in Alto Alentejo province, in a region with comparable precipitations and less dry climare conditions than most of the territories South of the Tagus. There are less and less of these toponyms towards the South and the inner part of the country, and they are enrirely lacking in ali drier regions from Trás-os-Montes, Beira, Alentejo beyond Tagus' basin, and in Algarve. Nothing suggests beavers lived there, No pose-medieval toponym is known, nor any reference after middle XVth century. No such locality was at, or close by to, any frontier. Hence the hypothesis of veiro (e: al.) as meaning but points where expensive furs(supposedly known as veiros in general but without clearly saying from what animal they were obtained from) is to be discarded. During the Middle Ages, beaver distribution concerned all the main river basins from Minho to Tagus ones. Quice racefied in the XIIIth, the beavers may have disappeared from Portugal during the XVth century. Ecological requirements restricted their former distribution. Vulnerability to natural causes (i.e., severe drought) and to human pressure may have accounted heavily for this species extinction. Last (1446) reference for Portugal known to us suggests the species was by then almost extinct.
Abstract Background: Nanotechnology has the potential to provide agriculture with new tools that may be used in the rapid detection and molecular treatment of diseases and enhancement of plant ability to absorb nutrients, among others. Data on nanoparticle toxicity in plants is largely heterogeneous with a diversity of physicochemical parameters reported, which difficult generalizations. Here a cell biology approach was used to evaluate the impact of Quantum Dots (QDs) nanocrystals on plant cells, including their effect on cell growth, cell viability, oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, besides their cytomobility. Results: A plant cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa was settled for the assessment of the impact of the addition of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs. Cell growth was significantly reduced when 100 mM of mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs was added during the exponential growth phase, with less than 50% of the cells viable 72 hours after mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs addition. They were up taken by Medicago sativa cells and accumulated in the cytoplasm and nucleus as revealed by optical thin confocal imaging. As part of the cellular response to internalization, Medicago sativa cells were found to increase the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in a dose and time dependent manner. Using the fluorescent dye H2DCFDA it was observable that mercaptopropanoic acid-QDs concentrations between 5-180 nM led to a progressive and linear increase of ROS accumulation. Conclusions: Our results showed that the extent of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs cytotoxicity in plant cells is dependent upon a number of factors including QDs properties, dose and the environmental conditions of administration and that, for Medicago sativa cells, a safe range of 1-5 nM should not be exceeded for biological applications.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: crosslinked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.
Formula Student events gather engineering students, who compete, designing, building and racing single-seater cars. The team of ISEP is working on its first car that soon will take part in this competition. This work aims to analyze the current design’s chassis, focusing on suspension geometry and frame’s performance. After analyzing results of the tests planned suggestions, that can be taken into consideration during design process of next cars will be presented. As the car has not been tested yet this work can also be helpful to explain its performance on the track later.
An adaptive control damping the forced vibration of a car while passing along a bumpy road is investigated. It is based on a simple kinematic description of the desired behavior of the damped system. A modified PID controller containing an approximation of Caputo’s fractional derivative suppresses the high-frequency components related to the bumps and dips, while the low frequency part of passing hills/valleys are strictly traced. Neither a complete dynamic model of the car nor ’a priori’ information on the surface of the road is needed. The adaptive control realizes this kinematic design in spite of the existence of dynamically coupled, excitable internal degrees of freedom. The method is investigated via Scicos-based simulation in the case of a paradigm. It was found that both adaptivity and fractional order derivatives are essential parts of the control that can keep the vibration of the load at bay without directly controlling its motion.
Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering
Deep-eutectic solvents (DES) are considered novel renewable and biodegradable solvents, with a cheap and easy synthesis, without waste production. Later it was discovered a new subclass of DES that even can be biocompatible, since their synthesis uses primary metabolites such as amino acids, organic acids and sugars, from organisms. This subclass was named natural deep-eutectic solvents (NADES). Due to their properties it was tried to study the interaction between these solvents and biopolymers, in order to produce functionalized fibers for biomedical applications. In this way, fibers were produced by using the electrospinning technique. However, it was first necessary to study some physical properties of NADES, as well as the influence of water in their properties. It has been concluded that the water has a high influence on NADES properties, which can be seen on the results obtained from the rheology and viscosity studies. The fluid dynamics had changed, as well as the viscosity. Afterwards, it was tested the viability of using a starch blend. First it was tested the dissolution of these biopolymers into NADES, in order to study the viability of their application in electrospinning. However the results obtained were not satisfactory, since the starch polymers studied did not presented any dissolution in any NADES, or even in organic solvents. In this way it was changed the approach, and it was used other biocompatible polymers. Poly(ethylene oxide), poly(vinyl alcohol) and gelatin were the others biopolymers tested for the electrospinning, with NADES. All polymers show good results, since it was possible to obtain fibers. However for gelatin it was used only eutectic mixtures, containing active pharmaceutical ingredients (API’s), instead of NADES. For this case it was used mandelic acid (antimicrobial properties), choline chloride, ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory properties) and menthol (analgesic properties). The polymers and the produced fibers were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). With the help of these techniques it was possible to conclude that it was possible to encapsulate NADES within the fibers. Rheology it was also study for poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(vinyl alcohol), in a way to understand the influence of polymer concentration, on the electrospinning technique. For the gelatin, among the characterization techniques, it was also performed cytotoxicity and drug release studies. The gelatin membranes did not show any toxicity for the cells, since their viability was maintained. Regarding the controlled release profile experiment no conclusion could be drawn from the experiments, due to the rapid and complete dissolution of the gelatin in the buffer solution. However it was possible to quantify the mixture of choline chloride with mandelic acid, allowing thus to complete, and confirm, the information already obtained for the others characterization technique.
Madine Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell lines have been extensively evaluated for their potential as host cells for influenza vaccine production. Recent studies allowed the cultivation of these cells in a fully defined medium and in suspension. However, reaching high cell densities in animal cell cultures still remains a challenge. To address this shortcoming, a combined methodology allied with knowledge from systems biology was reported to study the impact of the cell environment on the flux distribution. An optimization of the medium composition was proposed for both a batch and a continuous system in order to reach higher cell densities. To obtain insight into the metabolic activity of these cells, a detailed metabolic model previously developed by Wahl A. et. al was used. The experimental data of four cultivations of MDCK suspension cells, grown under different conditions and used in this work came from the Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg, Germany. Classical metabolic flux analysis (MFA) was used to estimate the intracellular flux distribution of each cultivation and then combined with partial least squares (PLS) method to establish a link between the estimated metabolic state and the cell environment. The validation of the MFA model was made and its consistency checked. The resulted PLS model explained almost 70% of the variance present in the flux distribution. The medium optimization for the continuous system and for the batch system resulted in higher biomass growth rates than the ones obtained experimentally, 0.034 h-1 and 0.030 h-1, respectively, thus reducing in almost 10 hours the duplication time. Additionally, the optimal medium obtained for the continuous system almost did not consider pyruvate. Overall the proposed methodology seems to be effective and both proposed medium optimizations seem to be promising to reach high cell densities.
In order to evaluate age related changes of the elastic fiber system in the interfoveolar ligament, we studied the deep inguinal ring from 33 male cadavers aged from stillborn to 76 years. Selective and alternated staining methods for elastic fibers were performed to differentiate oxytalan, elaunin, and mature elastic fibers. We confirmed quantitative changes of the elastic fiber system with aging. There was a significant and progressive reduction of the oxytalan fibers (responsible for tissue resistance) and a significant increment in the mature elastic and elaunin fibers (responsible for tissue elasticity). Furthermore, there were structural changes in the thickness, shortness and curling of these mature elastic fibers. These changes induced loss of the elastic fiber function and loss of the interfoveolar ligament compliance. These factors predispose individuals to the development of indirect inguinal hernias that frequently emerge in adults and aged individuals, especially above the fifth decade.
This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
High performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) is developing rapidly to a modern structural material with unique rheological and mechanical characteristics. Despite applying several methodologies to achieve self15 compacting requirements, some doubts still remain regarding the most convenient strategy for developing a HPFRC. In the present study, an innovative mix design method is proposed for the development of high17 performance concrete reinforced with a relatively high dosage of steel fibers. The material properties of the developed concrete are assessed, and the concrete structural behavior is characterized under compressive, flexural and shear loading. This study better clarifies the significant contribution of fibers for shear resistance of concrete elements. This paper further discusses a FEM-based simulation, aiming to address the possibility of calibrating the constitutive model parameters related to fracture modes I and II.
Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) fiber mats find applications in an increasing number of areas, such as battery separators, filtration and detection membranes, due to their excellent properties. However, there are limitations due to the hydrophobic nature and low surface energy of PVDF. In this work, oxygen plasma treatment has been applied in order to modify the surface wettability of PVDF fiber mats and superhydrophilic PVDF electrospun membranes have been obtained. Further, plasma treatment does not significantly influences fiber average size (~400 ± 200 nm), morphology, electroactive -phase content (~80-85%) or the degree of crystallinity (Xc of 42 ± 2%), allowing to maintain the excellent physical-chemical characteristics of PVDF. Plasma treatment mainly induces surface chemistry modifications, such as the introduction of oxygen and release of fluorine atoms that significantly changes polymer membrane wettability by a reduction of the contact angle of the polymer fibers and an overall decrease of the surface tension of the membranes.
Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) fiber mats find applications in an increasing number of areas, such as battery separators, filtration and detection membranes, due to their excellent properties. However, there are limitations due to the hydrophobic nature and low surface energy of PVDF. In this work, oxygen plasma treatment has been applied in order to modify the surface wettability of PVDF fiber mats and superhydrophilic PVDF electrospun membranes have been obtained. Further, plasma treatment does not significantly influences fiber average size (~400 ± 200 nm), morphology, electroactive -phase content (~80-85%) or the degree of crystallinity (Xc of 42 ± 2%), allowing to maintain the excellent physical-chemical characteristics of PVDF. Plasma treatment mainly induces surface chemistry modifications, such as the introduction of oxygen and release of fluorine atoms that significantly changes polymer membrane wettability by a reduction of the contact angle of the polymer fibers and an overall decrease of the surface tension of the membranes.
The growing concerns regarding the environmental impact generated by the use of inorganic materials in different fields of application increased the interest towards products based on materials with low environmental impact. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards the development of materials obtained from renewable sources, easily recoverable or biodegradable at the end of use. In the field of civil structures, a few attempts have been done to replace the most common composites (e.g. carbon and glass fibers) by materials less harmful to the environment, as natural fibers. This work presents a comprehensive experimental research on the mechanical performance of natural fibers for the strengthening of masonry constructions. Flax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir fibers have been investigated both from physical and mechanical points of view. The fibers with better performance were tested together with three different matrices (two of organic nature) in order to produce composites. These experimental results represent a useful database for understanding the potentialities of natural fibers as strengthening systems.
Las fibras del seudotallo de plátano (FSP) fueron modificadas mediante epiclorhidrina (EP), anhídrido acético (AA), y su combinación (AA_EP), y con plasma a tres descargas de barrera dieléctrica (DBD) 1, 3 y 6 kW min m-2. Las FSP tratadas y sin tratar fueron caracterizadas mediante espectroscopia infrarroja por la transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), termogravimetría (TGA), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y pruebas mecánicas de tensión y de humectabilidad. Los espectros FT-IR, las micrografías SEM, y el análisis TGA indicaron pérdidas de lignina, hemicelulosa, impurezas y ceras. Estos efectos en conjunto con las reacciones de grupos OH y -C-C-, con los tratamientos químicos y de plasma respectivamente, incrementaron la hidrofobicidad de las FSP tratadas. Los tratamientos químicos produjeron reacciones de esterificación, eterificación y entrecruzamiento de los grupos OH libres en las FSP, lo que hizo que mostraran mayor rigidez que las expuestas al plasma. Las micrografías SEM mostraron que las FSP expuestas al plasma quedaron con superficie más irregular y rugosa que la de las FSP tratadas químicamente. La humectabilidad de las fibras, medida mediante pruebas de ángulo de contacto, se redujo como consecuencia de ambos tratamientos, característica importante para un relleno en los materiales compuestos.