967 resultados para experimental methodology


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A new methodology is proposed in this paper to predict the lowest power consumption for a double-tube-socket (DTS) pneumatic conveying system. This methodology is established on both experimental work and numerical simulation. After parametric studies by numerical simulation, the desired conveying cases which have the lowest power consumption were obtained. Finally those cases were carried out in our experimental system. The measured power consumption was close to that predicted. In this paper the experimental work is discussed and the numerical simulation introduced. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new methodology based on the use of CFD is proposed to estimate the energy consumptions in a DTS (DOUBLE-TUBE-SOCKET) pneumatic conveying. A simple computational program based on this methodology is developed. It can directly give the lowest energy consumption and the compatible gas consumption by only input the distance of conveying and the conveying tonnage. This computational program has been validated through our experimental work.


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In the flip-chip assembly process, no-flow underfill materials have a particular advantage over traditional underfill: the application and curing of the former can be undertaken before and during the reflow process. This advantage can be exploited to increase the flip-chip manufacturing throughput. However, adopting a no-flow underfill process may introduce reliability issues such as underfill entrapment, delamination at interfaces between underfill and other materials, and lower solder joint fatigue life. This paper presents an analysis on the assembly and the reliability of flip-chips with no-flow underfill. The methodology adopted in the work is a combination of experimental and computer-modeling methods. Two types of no-flow underfill materials have been used for the flip chips. The samples have been inspected with X-ray and scanning acoustic microscope inspection systems to find voids and other defects. Eleven samples for each type of underfill material have been subjected to thermal shock test and the number of cycles to failure for these flip chips have been found. In the computer modeling part of the work, a comprehensive parametric study has provided details on the relationship between the material properties and reliability, and on how underfill entrapment may affect the thermal–mechanical fatigue life of flip chips with no-flow underfill.


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the mechanism of nanoscale fatigue using nano-impact and multiple-loading cycle nanoindentation tests, and compare it to previously reported findings of nanoscale fatigue using integrated stiffness and depth sensing approach. Two different film loading mechanism, loading history and indenter shapes are compared to comprehend the influence of test methodology on the nanoscale fatigue failure mechanisms of DLC film. An amorphous 100 nm thick DLC film was deposited on a 500 μm silicon substrate using sputtering of graphite target in pure argon atmosphere. Nano-impact and multiple-load cycle indentations were performed in the load range of 100 μN to 1000 μN and 0.1 mN to 100 mN, respectively. Both test types were conducted using conical and Berkovich indenters. Results indicate that for the case of conical indenter, the combination of nano-impact and multiple-loading cycle nanoindentation tests provide information on the life and failure mechanism of DLC film, which is comparable to the previously reported findings using the integrated stiffness and depth sensing approach. However, the comparison of results is sensitive to the applied load, loading mechanism, test-type and probe geometry. The loading mechanism and load history is therefore critical which also leads to two different definitions of film failure. The choice of exact test methodology, load and probe geometry should therefore be dictated by the in-service tribological conditions, and where necessary both test methodologies can be used to provide better insights of failure mechanism. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the elastic response of nanoindentation is reported, which indicates that the elastic modulus of the film measured using MD simulation was higher than that experimentally measured. This difference is attributed to the factors related to the presence of material defects, crystal structure, residual stress, indenter geometry and loading/unloading rate differences between the MD and experimental results.


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A novel methodology has been developed to quantify important saltwater intrusion parameters in a sandbox style experiment using image analysis. Existing methods found in the literature are based mainly on visual observations, which are subjective, labour intensive and limits the temporal and spatial resolutions that can be analysed. A robust error analysis was undertaken to determine the optimum methodology to convert image light intensity to concentration. Results showed that defining a relationship on a pixel-wise basis provided the most accurate image to concentration conversion and allowed quantification of the width of mixing zone between the saltwater and freshwater. A large image sample rate was used to investigate the transient dynamics of saltwater intrusion, which rendered analysis by visual observation unsuitable. This paper presents the methodologies developed to minimise human input and promote autonomy, provide high resolution image to concentration conversion and allow the quantification of intrusion parameters under transient conditions.


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The fabrication and electrical characterization of Schottky junction diodes have been extensively researched for three-quarters of a century since the original work of Schottky in 1938. This study breaks from the highly standardized regime of such research and provides an alternative methodology that prompts novel, more efficient applications of the adroit Schottky junction in areas such as chemical and thermal sensing. The core departure from standard Schottky diode configuration is that the metal electrode is of comparable or higher resistance than the underlying semiconductor. Further, complete electrical characterization is accomplished through recording four-probe resistance-temperature (R-D-T) characteristics of the device, where electrical sourcing and sensing is done only via the metal electrode and not directly through the semiconductor. Importantly, this results in probing a nominally unbiased junction while eliminating the need for an Ohmic contact to the semiconductor. The characteristic R-D-T plot shows two distinct regions of high (metal) and low (semiconductor) resistances at low and high temperatures, respectively, connected by a crossover region of width, DT, within which there is a large negative temperature coefficient of resistance. The R-D-T characteristic is highly sensitive to the Schottky barrier height; consequently, at a fixed temperature, R-D responds appreciably to small changes in barrier height such as that induced by absorption of a chemical species (e.g., H-2) at the interface. A theoretical model is developed to simulate the R-D-T data and applied to Pd/p-Si and Pt/p-Si Schottky diodes with a range of metal electrode resistance. The analysis gives near-perfect fits to the experimental R-D-T characteristics, yielding the junction properties as fit parameters. The modelling not only helps elucidate the underlying physics but also helps to comprehend the parameter space essential for the discussed applications. Although the primary regime of application is limited to a relatively narrow range (DT) for a given type of diode, the alternative methodology is of universal applicability to all metal-semiconductor combinations forming Schottky contacts. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Therapist responses to initial shame disclosure in therapy have received little empirical attention.

This study explored different therapeutic responses to shame disclosures in terms of their perceived helpfulness. Responses ranged from complete withdrawal from the feeling (withdrawal) to completely tuning into it (non-withdrawal). Given the tendency of shame to evoke avoidance, participants higher on shame-proneness (as measured by The Experience of Shame Scale) were expected to perceive withdrawal responses to shame as more helpful than non-withdrawal responses.

Fifty-five non-clinical participants were assessed for shame-proneness before viewing videos of mock therapy sessions showing clients either disclosing shame (two videos) or shock (control condition). Participants then rated the helpfulness of different therapist responses. The responses differed in the degree they allowed the client to withdraw from their emotions.

High shame proneness was associated with rating withdrawal responses to shame as least helpful. Overall, neither the withdrawal response nor the non-withdrawal response were rated as particularly helpful. The therapeutic response which addressed management strategies when shame is initially experienced in therapy was deemed most helpful.

Despite the tendency to withdraw from shame feelings, this response is not deemed helpful in therapy.


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Background and objectives: Cognitive models suggest that attentional biases are integral in the maintenance of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS). Such biases have been established experimentally in anxiety disorders; however, the evidence is unclear in Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD). In the present study, an eye-tracking methodology was employed to explore attentional biases in relation to OCS.
Methods: A convenience sample of 85 community volunteers was assessed on OCS using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-self report. Participants completed an eye-tracking paradigm where they were exposed to OCD, Aversive and Neutral visual stimuli. Indices of attentional bias were derived from the eye-tracking data.
Results: Simple linear regressions were performed with OCS severity as the predictor and eye-tracking measures of the different attentional biases for each of the three stimuli types were the criterion variables. Findings revealed that OCS severity moderately predicted greater frequency and duration of fixations on OCD stimuli, which reflect the maintenance attentional bias. No significant results were found in support of other biases.
Limitations: Interpretations based on a non-clinical sample limit the generalisability of the conclusions, although use of such samples in OCD research has been found to be comparable to clinical populations. Future research would include both clinical and sub-clinical participants.
Conclusions: Results provide some support for the theory of maintained attention in OCD attentional biases, as opposed to vigilance theory. Individuals with greater OCS do not orient to OCD stimuli any faster than individuals with lower OCS, but once a threat is identified, these individuals allocate more attention to OCS-relevant stimuli.


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This paper presents the applications of a novel methodology to quantify saltwater intrusion parameters in laboratory-scale experiments. The methodology uses an automated image analysis procedure, minimizing manual inputs and the subsequent systematic errors that can be introduced. This allowed the quantification of the width of the mixing zone which is difficult to measure in experimental methods that are based on visual observations. Glass beads of different grain sizes were tested for both steady-state and transient conditions. The transient results showed good correlation between experimental and numerical intrusion rates. The experimental intrusion rates revealed that the saltwater wedge reached a steady state condition sooner while receding than advancing. The hydrodynamics of the experimental mixing zone exhibited similar
traits; a greater increase in the width of the mixing zone was observed in the receding saltwater wedge, which indicates faster fluid velocities and higher dispersion. The angle of intrusion analysis revealed the formation of a volume of diluted saltwater at the toe position when the saltwater wedge is prompted to recede. In addition, results of different physical repeats of the experiment produced an average coefficient of variation less than 0.18 of the measured toe length and width of the mixing zone.


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Response surface methodology was used to develop models to predict the effect of tomato cultivar, juice pH, blanching temperature and time on colour change of tomato juice after blanching. The juice from three tomato cultivars with adjusted pH levels ranging from 3.9 to 4.6 were blanched at temperatures from 60-100 °C for 1-5 min using the central composite design (CCD). The colour change was assessed by calculating the redness (a/b) and total colour change (∆E) after measuring the Hunter L, a and b values. Developed models for both redness and ∆E were significant (p<0.0001) with satisfactory coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.99 and 0.97) and low coefficient of variation (CV% = 1.89 and 7.23), respectively. Multilevel validation that was implemented revealed that the variation between the predicted and experimental values obtained for redness and ∆E were within the acceptable error range of 7.3 and 22.4%, respectively


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A Formação Continuada de Professores de Ciências assume-se como uma via capaz de ajudar os alunos a desenvolver competências, como as de resolução de problemas. Nesta perspetiva, a Educação em Ciências deve visar o desenvolvimento de cidadãos cada vez mais participativos, responsáveis, capazes de tomar decisões conscientes, exigindo-se o desenvolvimento da literacia científica como uma meta a alcançar pelas escolas. Uma das estratégias considerada como potenciadora do desenvolvimento de tais competências é o trabalho experimental desenvolvido com os alunos, durante as aulas de Ciências de 2.º CEB. Neste contexto, desenvolveu-se um Programa de Formação Continuada de Professores em Ensino Experimental das Ciências no 2.º CEB, procurando-se avaliar o seu impacte nas conceções e práticas de índole experimental de quatro professores. Assim, formularam-se as seguintes questões de investigação: Qual o impacte do Programa de Formação para uma Educação em Ciências de base experimental: a) na (re)construção das conceções dos professores do 2.º CEB acerca do Trabalho Experimental?; b) e na promoção intencional, por parte dos professores envolvidos, de práticas didático-pedagógicas de base experimental no 2.º CEB? De forma a dar resposta às questões formuladas, desenvolveu-se uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, que pretendeu contribuir para a compreensão da relação entre a formação continuada de professores e as conceções e práticas de índole experimental desenvolvidas na disciplina de Ciências da Natureza, do 2.º CEB. O planeamento escolhido foi o de estudo de caso com quatro professoras participantes na formação continuada, tendo-se recorrido a várias técnicas e instrumentos de recolha e análise de dados. Para a caraterização das conceções das professoras sobre trabalho experimental foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada, o Diário do Investigador e as transcrições das aulas destas professoras, bem como a reflexão oral nas sessões de acompanhamento com a Formadora. Este último instrumento também foi usado para a caracterização das práticas das professoras, assim como o Instrumento de Caraterização das Práticas Didático-Pedagógicas de índole experimental, desenvolvido para o presente estudo. Utilizou-se ainda um Questionário de Avaliação do Programa de Formação e os Portefólios das quatro professoras do estudo, para se obter a avaliação destas docentes acerca do Programa de Formação frequentado. Os resultados parecem indicar que, antes do Programa de Formação, apenas a Professora D apresentava conceções acerca de trabalho experimental, em sintonia com a perspetiva defendida na revisão de literatura. Após o Programa de Formação as quatro professoras revelaram conceções mais realistas acerca de trabalho experimental. Relativamente às práticas de índole experimental, antes do Programa de Formação, nenhuma das professoras colaboradoras do estudo implementava esta estratégia com os alunos. Após o Programa de Formação, todas as docentes passaram a contemplar nas suas práticas o trabalho experimental. De uma maneira geral, no que concerne à avaliação do Programa de Formação, as quatro docentes consideram que este teve impacte quer nas suas conceções quer nas suas práticas de índole experimental, destacando a importância do contributo das sessões de acompanhamento em sala de aula, com a Formadora, para a implementação efetiva do trabalho experimental nas suas práticas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o Programa de Formação contribuiu para que as quatro professoras colaboradoras do estudo (re) construíssem as suas conceções sobre trabalho experimental e para que o privilegiassem efetivamente nas suas aulas. O presente estudo visou contribuir para o desenvolvimento da formação de professores em ensino experimental das ciências, no que respeita à clarificação de conceções sobre o trabalho experimental e sua implementação efetiva com os alunos, dando-lhes autonomia e apelando ao desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de pensamento, relacionadas, por exemplo, com a identificação e controlo de variáveis.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.


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An experimental and Finite Element study was performed on the bending behaviour of wood beams of the Pinus Pinaster species repaired with adhesively-bonded carbon–epoxy patches, after sustaining damage by cross-grain failure. This damage is characterized by crack growth at a small angle to the beams longitudinal axis, due to misalignment between the wood fibres and the beam axis. Cross-grain failure can occur in large-scale in a wood member when trees that have grown spirally or with a pronounced taper are cut for lumber. Three patch lengths were tested. The simulations include the possibility of cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer, failure within the wood beam in two propagation planes and patch interlaminar failure, by the use of cohesive zone modelling. The respective cohesive properties were estimated either by an inverse method or from the literature. The comparison with the tests allowed the validation of the proposed methodology, opening a good perspective for the reduction of costs in the design stages of these repairs due to extensive experimentation.


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The Dudding group is interested in the application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) in developing asymmetric methodologies, and thus the focus of this dissertation will be on the integration of these approaches. Several interrelated subsets of computer aided design and implementation in catalysis have been addressed during the course of these studies. The first of the aims rested upon the advancement of methodologies for the synthesis of biological active C(1)-chiral 3-methylene-indan-1-ols, which in practice lead to the use of a sequential asymmetric Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation/Mizoroki Heck reaction sequence. An important aspect of this work was the utilization of ortho-substituted arylaldehyde reagents which are known to be a problematic class of substrates for existing asymmetric allylation approaches. The second phase of my research program lead to the further development of asymmetric allylation methods using o-arylaldehyde substrates for synthesis of chiral C(3)-substituted phthalides. Apart from the de novo design of these chemistries in silico, which notably utilized water-tolerant, inexpensive, and relatively environmental benign indium metal, this work represented the first computational study of a stereoselective indium-mediated process. Following from these discoveries was the advent of a related, yet catalytic, Ag(I)-catalyzed approach for preparing C(3)-substituted phthalides that from a practical standpoint was complementary in many ways. Not only did this new methodology build upon my earlier work with the integrated (experimental/computational) use of the Ag(I)-catalyzed asymmetric methods in synthesis, it provided fundamental insight arrived at through DFT calculations, regarding the Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation. The development of ligands for unprecedented asymmetric Lewis base catalysis, especially asymmetric allylations using silver and indium metals, followed as a natural extension from these earlier discoveries. To this end, forthcoming as well was the advancement of a family of disubstituted (N-cyclopropenium guanidine/N-imidazoliumyl substituted cyclopropenylimine) nitrogen adducts that has provided fundamental insight into chemical bonding and offered an unprecedented class of phase transfer catalysts (PTC) having far-reaching potential. Salient features of these disubstituted nitrogen species is unprecedented finding of a cyclopropenium based C-H•••πaryl interaction, as well, the presence of a highly dissociated anion projected them to serve as a catalyst promoting fluorination reactions. Attracted by the timely development of these disubstituted nitrogen adducts my last studies as a PhD scholar has addressed the utility of one of the synthesized disubstituted nitrogen adducts as a valuable catalyst for benzylation of the Schiff base N-diphenyl methylene glycine ethyl ester. Additionally, the catalyst was applied for benzylic fluorination, emerging from this exploration was successful fluorination of benzyl bromide and its derivatives in high yields. A notable feature of this protocol is column-free purification of the product and recovery of the catalyst to use in a further reaction sequence.


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Aquesta comunicació exposa l’experiència desenvolupada a través de la xarxa d’Innovació Docent (XID) d’Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP) de la nostra Universitat. La xarxa d’ABP forma part d’una proposta d’innovació docent endegada per l’ICE el curs 2009-2010 dins un conjunt d’iniciatives entre les que hi ha altres xarxes. Els membres de la xarxa d’ABP pertanyem a diferents disciplines: Ciències de la Salut, Socials, Educació i Enginyeria. El grup es va organitzar a partir d’una coordinació que, alhora, es vehiculava amb les altres xarxes d’innovació docent de l’ICE. A banda de les sessions presencials, es van utilitzar altres formes de comunicació i relació, a través de la plataforma Moodle i el correu electrònic