941 resultados para ethical principles
Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs. Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach. Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However, in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on ethical behavior in the research
With over 30 years of tradition, breaking in Germany provides fascinating insights into the learning of dance in Hip Hop culture, reaching from informal street learning to the introduction of courses in educational institutions. This article draws information from a qualitative empirical study based on the Grounded Theory Methodology. The study asked subjects ranging from first-generation German B-Boys and B-Girls to teenage students about how they have learned and currently learn to break. The interview material reveals a rich and self-regulated learning culture with strong impact on protagonists. A synergy of social, aesthetic, and ethical principles seems to be characteristic, creating a gravitational field of learning with a unique and complex form of imitation at its core. (DIPF/Orig.)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
Introduction: It is urgent that higher education in health develop a proactive ethico-moral commitment in students which is translated into the creation of socio-professional values. Objectives: To evaluate the ethical foundations which support morality in higher education students. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sithectional study, performed in 345 ESSV/IPV students, 80% female, average age of 20.82 years old. The “Questionário de Cidadania Ativa e Modo de Agir Ético” (CiAMAE) by Cunha (2015) was applied. Results: The results were 74.8% of the students showed a positive/adequate ethical method of acting; (with 45.8% adequate and 29% very adequate). In 25.2% the method of acting was ethically inadequate. The morality of the student’s actions were focused mostly on individualism and were based on the following ethical principles: 68.7% ethical subjectivism (69.1%♂ and 68.6%♀); 56.5% Relativism ( 56.5%♂ and 56.7%♀); 53.9% Deontological Ethics (Kant) (55.8%♂ and 47.0%♀); 11.3% Subjectivism/Ethical Selfishness (7.4%♂ and 12.3%♀). Conclusions: We may infer that the majority of the students do not have/ do not use an impartial consideration of good as criteria for morality of actions. They mostly manifested accepting an ethical subjectivist perspective, which means that good is not considered as a value for everyone. In contrast, applying the criteria of ethical impartiality would imply considering the greater good, and choosing/adopting the universal point of view in which any rational and enlightened student would choose for him/ herself and for others that universal greater good.
La automedicación no responsable se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública global en las últimas décadas, por sus consecuencias individuales (por ejemplo, la intoxicación) y colectivas (por ejemplo, la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos). Las intervenciones orientadas a este comportamiento han sido aisladas y muy diferentes. Aunque se tiene evidencia de que su aplicación puede traer beneficios en diferentes poblaciones, no se halló en la literatura una compilación sistemática de dichas intervenciones. El objetivo de la presente revisión es sistematizar la literatura científica sobre las diferentes alternativas de intervención del comportamiento individual de automedicación no responsable. En cuanto al método, la revisión de literatura involucró la búsqueda sistemática de “automedicación” e “intervención” en las bases de datos académicas internacionales con contenidos de psicología, suscritas por la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario. Como resultado se encontró que las intervenciones orientadas al comportamiento de automedicación no responsable se pueden clasificar en dos grandes grupos: (a) intervenciones regulatorias, con dirección “arriba hacia abajo”, que suponen una acción de los Estados nacionales por medio de sus legislaciones o de entidades internacionales (por ejemplo, Organización Mundial de la Salud); y (b) intervenciones educativas, con dirección “abajo hacia arriba”, que suponen acciones con individuos y comunidades con el fin de enseñar acerca del uso adecuado de los medicamentos. Se concluye acerca de la necesidad de complementar ambos tipos de intervención, los cuales, si bien demuestran resultados positivos, aisladamente son insuficientes para contrarrestar integralmente este fenómeno creciente y complejo.
El consumo de medicamentos es un asunto que actualmente se ha convertido en una preocupación a nivel global, ya que no todos los medicamentos están sujetos a prescripción médica, y esto implica que su consumo dependa de otras fuentes de información, como la publicidad masiva o el consejo de personas legas, entre otros. Esta revisión se basó en la publicidad y el impacto que tiene esta frente al consumidor. La presente revisión se dividió en dos categorías dado la relevancia del tema, en la primera se encuentra las características de los medicamentos de venta libre donde se evidenció cómo funciona el sector de la industria farmacéutica, las características de los medicamentos en general y los riesgos del abuso de este comportamiento. Así mismo, en la segunda categoria se habló sobre la publicidad y mercadeo de ventas libres donde se evidenció el alto impacto que tiene la publicidad en el consumidor, las restricciones que hay en el contexto nacional e internacional.
Introduction; The awareness of HIV positiveness is important for health of the individual and of the comunity. The identicatio of HIV antibodies is possible both using conventional lab tests and quick result tests. In the bibliography it was made clear that there are no instruments in Portuguese to assert the reactions to the HIV quick tests and it was therefore considered it would be useful to adapt and validate a scale in Portuguese, since the language is the official language of 7 different countries and spoken by more than 250 milion people, Objectives: the purpose is to validate a version in European Portuguese of the HIV Antibody Testing Attitude Scale. Methods: the study refers to methodological research for the adaptation and validation of an instrument of attitude measurement. A translation and back-translation was prepared and a trial test was then carried out. A total of 317 students, lectures and co-workers of a Portuguese University was interviewes. Ethical principles were taken into consideration. the pool was obtained in the seven components of the University campus. Results: 3 trials of factorial testing of the main components of 5, 4 and 3 factors. It ended up a solution of 3 factors that explains 50.82% of the variability. In the analysis of the inter-items correlation values of between 0.018 and 0.749 were observed. The internal consistency reveals an alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.860 as a whole, and in between 0,865 and 0.659 in the 3 factors. Conclusions: this version of the instrument shows that the psychometric properties allow its use in the Portuguese speaking countries.
Recibido 08 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 10 de setiembre de 2011 Resumen. La educación ambiental (E. A.) resulta de gran importancia en la conservación del medio ambiente al transmitir valores acordes al desarrollo sustentable. Sin embargo, ante el actual paradigma ambiental cabe preguntar: ¿es necesario abordar la E. A. desde una perspectiva más amplia o nuestra visión de ella es reduccionista? La relación de las personas con el medio ambiente necesita adecuarse a la problemática. Esto implica que los esfuerzos y principios de la E. A. deberían adoptarse a nuestra vida cotidiana y aplicarse en esta, haciendo de ella una filosofía de vida, derivada del fuero interno de cada persona, meditada y basada en principios éticos. De esa manera podrían lograrse acciones y actitudes más responsables y comprometidas, que nos beneficien con su cuidado. Un aporte quizá pequeño pero continuo.
Esse artigo pretende discutir como as transformações tecnológicas vêm influenciando a ciência geográfica, especificamente com o advento das geotecnologias. Diante de inúmeras potencialidades e aplicações na análise e gestão territorial, nós devemos refletir sobre seu real significado, que certamente ultrapassa o caráter meramente técnico. É necessário compreender a vasta dimensão social, política e econômica que abrangem. Atualmente as técnicas são cada vez mais utilizadas, aceitas e menos compreendidas, o que pode implicar riscos para a sociedade em função de interpretações equivocadas e muitas vezes desprovidas de princípios éticos. Vinte anos após a “unificação” do mundo com a queda do Muro de Berlim, o cenário sociocultural e político se redefine em um paradigma de contradições. As inovações tecnológicas funcionam como um instrumento emblemático subordinado ao mercado financeiro e a globalização marca a atual fase do capitalismo, que segue seu curso encontrando as limitações inerentes à tecnologia em que se sustenta. This paper intends to discuss how the technological changes have affected the geographical science, specifically with the advent of geotechnologies. Up against with great potential and applications in analysis and land management, we must to reflect on its real meaning, which certainly goes beyond the merely technical. It’s necessary to understand the broad social, political and economic dimension wich inclued. Currently, the techniques are increasingly used, accepted and least understood, which may to implicate a risk to society due to misinterpretation and often devoid of ethical principles. Twenty years after the "unification" of the world with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the cultural and political landscape was altered in a paradigm of contradictions. Technological innovations work as a emblematic instrument subordinate to financial markets and globalization marks the current phase of capitalism, which runs its course finding the limitations inherent in the technology which supports.
Female genital cutting (also often called female genital mutilation, or female circumcision) is a cultural practice that originated thousands of years ago. Female genital cutting has various forms, some of which are more invasive than others, but all of which produce health, legal and social consequences for those involved. Due to patterns of immigration in Australia, especially since the 1990s, there are women in Australia who have experienced female genital cutting. There may be some families, or some parents, who still hold a cultural commitment to female genital cutting. As a result, female genital cutting presents complex legal, ethical, medical and social challenges in contemporary Australian society. Medical practitioners and other health and welfare workers may encounter women who have experienced genital cutting and who require treatment for its sequelae. Currently, legislative frameworks for female genital cutting vary across states and territories, including the penalties for conducting it, and for removing a child for the purpose of conducting it outside Australia. This presentation provides an overview of the history, nature and consequences of the various forms of female genital cutting, and of the major Australian legal principles, ethical controversies, and medical, legal and social challenges in this field.
A current advance within the agricultural industry is the use of genetic engineering to produce novel crops for food production. This technology raises questions about how societies should position themselves with respect to genetically modified (GM) crop development and implementation; namely, how should the potentials and risks of this technology be evaluated? We argue that current methods to evaluate the risks and benefits of GM crops are inadequate and not conducive to the strategic development of this technology, where a way to ameliorate technology assessments for GM crops is to include farmers in the research process of evaluating these crops prior to their commercialization. However, particularities concerning the ethical status of such research require special consideration and vigilance. For example, in such technology assessment initiatives, farmers would occupy both the roles of research participant and research investigator. Other particularities surface due to factors related to the nature of GM crops. These particularities are examined with reference to concepts drawn from the field of research ethics, namely informed consent, compensatory decisions, and issues of participant inclusion/exclusion.
The roles and responsibilities of school leaders in most countries across the world have become more complex and challenging in recent years. In large part, this complexity has resulted from the discontinuously changing contexts and day-to-day dynamics within which principals lead their schools. Indeed, principals are now faced with having to make a plethora of decisions in an environment of competing priorities, and with consideration for the interests of students, teachers, parents and the school and wider community. Many of these decisions present as dilemmas for school leaders, where the choices for action often involve not just choosing from ‘right’ versus ‘wrong’ alternatives but also frequently from ‘right’ versus ‘right’ alternatives (Kidder, 1995). Underlying many such decisions are issues of values, principles and ethics. Dilemmas of an ethical nature arise such that principals enter a complicated ‘minefield’ of decision-making (Dempster & Berry, 2003) where significant implications results not only for those at the core of the particular decisions but also potentially for the wider school community and beyond.
The resource allocation and utilization discourse is dominated by debates about rights particularly individual property rights and ownership. This is due largely to the philosophic foundations provided by Hobbes and Locke and adopted by Bentham. In our community, though, resources come not merely with rights embedded but also obligations. The relevant laws and equitable principles which give shape to our shared rights and obligations with respect to resources take cognizance not merely of the title to the resource (the proprietary right) but the particular context in which the right is exercised. Moral philosophy regarding resource utilisation has from ancient times taken cognizance of obligations but with ascendance of modernity, the agenda of moral philosophy regarding resources, has been dominated, at least since John Locke, by a preoccupation with property rights; the ethical obligations associated with resource management have been largely ignored. The particular social context has also been ignored. Exploring this applied ethical terrain regarding resource utilisation, this thesis: (1) Revisits the justifications for modem property rights (and in that the exclusion of obligations); (2) Identifies major deficiencies in these justifications and reasons for this; (3) Traces the concept of stewardship as understood in classical Greek writing and in the New Testament, and considers its application in the Patristic period and by Medieval and reformist writers, before turning to investigate its influence on legal and equitable concepts through to the current day; 4) Discusses the nature of the stewardship obligation,maps it and offers a schematic for applying the Stewardship Paradigm to problems arising in daily life; and, (5) Discusses the way in which the Stewardship Paradigm may be applied by, and assists in resolving issues arising from within four dominant philosophic world views: (a) Rawls' social contract theory; (b) Utilitarianism as discussed by Peter Singer; (c) Christianity with particular focus on the theology of Douglas Hall; (d) Feminism particularly as expressed in the ethics of care of Carol Gilligan; and, offers some more general comments about stewardship in the context of an ethically plural community.