824 resultados para drink walking
In this study the rheological behavior in different temperatures (0; 6; 18 e 24 ºC) and physicochemical parameters of integral annona (Annona squamosa) pulp and the annona pulp with milk in different percentages pulp/milk (75g of annona pulp/25g of milk, 50g of annona pulp/50g of milk, 25g of annona pulp/75g of milk) have been availed, in order to verify the effect of temperature and pulp concentration in the rheological behavior of these beverages. To obtain the rheological parameters a concentric cylinder rheometer has been used and the rheograms were analyzed using the Ostwald-de-Wael (power Law) and Herschel-Bulkley models. The physicochemical parameters (sugars, pH, ash, acidity and soluble solids) were determined in order to establish correlations with the rheological behavior. Finally, the best results had been obtained using the Herschel-Bulkley model; the low values for the behavior index (n <1) obtained confirm the pseudoplastic behavior of all samples.
Diplomityössä perehdytään Hartwall Lahden tuotantolaitoksen juomanvalmistuksen osaston siiderin ja long drink –juomien valmistusprosessin kehittämiseen. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli löytää prosessin ongelma- ja poikkeamakohtia, tutkia mahdollisia hävikkikohteita ja suorittaa laadun osalta ajoseurantamittauksia. Ongelmakohtien pohjalta laadittiin parannusehdotuksia ja niitä toteutettiin jo tämän projektin aikana. Ongelma- ja poikkeamakohtia tutkittiin ajoprosessin aikana. Hävikkitutkimus kohdennettiin aromiliuoksen annostelulinjaan, nestesokerin an-nostelulinjaan ja tuotteiden alku- ja lopputyönnöille painetankkeihin. Painetankkien osalta mahdollisia hävikkikohteita tutkittiin kokeellisen toiminnan avulla ajo-prosessin aikana. Ajoprosessin käynnistyksen jälkeen selvitettiin milloin valmis tuote on painetankkien venttiilimatriisilla. Uudet parametrit alku- ja lopputyönnöille määritettiin tuoteputken, painetankkien pohjaputkien ja venttiilimatriisin tilavuuksien avulla. Hävikkitutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin pienennettyä hävikkiä ja näin ollen syntyi kustannussäästöjä. Hiilidioksidin sitoutuvuutta tutkittiin mittauksien avulla valmistusprosessin aikana. Mittauksien perusteella havaittiin, että hiilidioksidipitoisuus laskee painetankissa. Tämä johtuu valmiin tuotteen lämpötilamuutoksista. Tuotteen lämpötilaa voidaan tasata esimerkiksi levylämmönvaihtimen avulla.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the role of physical exercise as well as the influence of hydration with an isotonic sports drink on renal function in male Wistar rats. Four groups were studied over a period of 42 days: 1) control (N = 9); 2) physical exercise (Exe, N = 7); 3) isotonic drink (Drink, N = 8); 4) physical exercise + isotonic drink (Exe + Drink, N = 8). Physical exercise consisted of running on a motor-driven treadmill for 1 h/day, at 20 m/min, 5 days a week. The isotonic sports drink was a commercial solution used by athletes for rehydration after physical activity, 2 ml administered by gavage twice a day. Urine cultures were performed in all animals. Twenty-four-hour urine samples were collected in metabolic cages at the beginning and at the end of the protocol period. Urinary and plasma parameters (sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, calcium) did not differ among groups. However, an amorphous material was observed in the bladders of animals in the Exe + Drink and Drink groups. Characterization of the material by Western blot revealed the presence of Tamm-Horsfall protein and angiotensin converting enzyme. Physical exercise and the isotonic drink did not change the plasma or urinary parameters measured. However, the isotonic drink induced the formation of intravesical matrix, suggesting a potential lithogenic risk.
The purpose of this research was to define content marketing and to discover how content marketing performance can be measured especially on YouTube. Further, the aim was to find out what companies are doing to measure content marketing and what kind of challenges they face in the process. In addition, preferences concerning the measurement were examined. The empirical part was conducted through multiple-case study and cross-case analysis methods. The qualitative data was collected from four large companies in Finnish food and drink industry through semi-structured phone interviews. As a result of this research, a new definition for content marketing was derived. It is suggested that return on objective, or in this case, brand awareness and engagement are used as the main metrics of content marketing performance on YouTube. The major challenge is the nature of the industry, as companies cannot connect the outcome directly to sales.
The purpose of this research was to combine the use of the component blend design to the response surface methodology, in order to foresee the effect of ternary apple juice blends (Catarina, Granny Smith and Pink Lady cultivars) on the physical-chemical characteristics of musts appointed to sparkling drink elaboration. Twelve mixes were made (three individual samples, three binary mixes and six ternary mixes), analyzed on the content of total reducing sugars, total titratable acidity and phenolic compounds; and adjusted, respectively, to the linear, quadratic and special cubic models. The results were organized in ternary charts of surface response and, from the overlap of these charts, it was determined a viable region which delimited the range of apple juice compositions that make musts physically and chemically suitable to sparkling drink elaboration. To represent the various possible combinations, the central point of the triangular area of the viable region was calculated and, this point, which represents the proportions of 23.22% of Catarina, 66.23% of Granny Smith and 10.55% of Pink Lady cultivars, was chosen to constitute the formulation of the must to be used in the elaboration of apple sparkling drinks.
This study assesses the storage temperature effect on the anthocyanins of pasteurized and unpasteurized açaí pulp. The data was obtained using a pasteurized and lyophilized pulp (PLP) to evaluate the temperature effect (0, 25, and 40 °C). Part of non-pasteurized frozen pulp (NPP) was pasteurized (NPP-P) at 90 °C for 30 seconds; both pulps were stored at 40 °C. The anthocyanin content reduction in the drink was evaluated from the half-life time (t1/2), activation energy (Ea), temperature quotient (Q10), and the reaction rate constant (k). The t1/2 of the PLP anthocyanins stored at 40 °C was 1.8 times less than that stored at 25 °C and 15 times less than that stored at 0 °C; therefore, the higher temperatures decreased the stability of anthocyanins. The pasteurization increased the t1/2 by 6.6 times (10.14 hours for NPP and 67.28 hours for NPP-P). The anthocyanin degradation on NPP-P followed a first order kinetic, while NPP followed a second order kinetic; thus it can be said that the pasteurization process can improve the preservation of anthocyanins in the pulp.
This study aimed to quantify the levels of catechins and caffeine in various forms of presentation of green tea: infusion tea bags, extract, and ready-to-drink beverage and, based on their content, identify the most suitable for consumption. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analytical method was used for the quantification of catechins and caffeine. The tea bags had the highest concentration of total catechins with 5 to 9.5% followed by the extract with 3.64 to 4.88%, and ready-to-drink green tea beverage showed low levels of catechins, from 0.14 to 0.26%. As for caffeine content, green tea extract had higher concentration (1.96 to 3.54%) compared to the tea bags (1.39 to 1.57%). Tea bags were found the most suitable for consumption because it contains higher amounts of catechins and smaller amounts of caffeine.
The goal of this study was to develop a symbiotic lacteous drink, evaluate its physicochemical and sensory characteristics, and verify the viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in the drink. The milk serum-based drink consisted of 50% milk serum containing 10% saccharose, 25% powdered milk, 15% yacon pulp, and cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus-La 5E and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB12. It was stored for up to 21 days under refrigeration. The milk serum-based drink was analyzed for protein, ether extract, total dietary fiber, total frutans, carbohydrate content, color, pH, acidity, and contamination by coliforms, and Salmonella sp. Coliforms and Salmonella sp were not detected, and L. acidophilus and B. bifidum provided satisfactory probiotic counts up to 21 days of storage under refrigeration. Lactobacillus acidophilus resistance to gastric acids and bile salts was detected only up to seven days of storage when evaluated in vitro. Sensory analysis and purchase viability were evaluated by consumers at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. Based on the analytical results and consumer evaluation, the drink was acceptable up to seven days of storage.
SUMMARY Background: Age related declines in lower extremity strength have been associated with impaired mobility and changes in gait patterns, which increase the likelihood of falls. Since community dwelling adults encounter a wide range of locomotor challenges including uneven and obstmcted walking surfaces, we examined the effect of a strength 11 and balance exercise program on obstructed walking in postmenopausal women. Objectives: This study examined the effect of a weighted-vest strength and balance exercise program on adaptations of the stance leg during obstacle walking in postmenopausal women. Methods: Eighteen women aged 44-62 years who had not engaged in regular resistance training for the past year were recruited from the St. Catharines community to participate in this study. Eleven women volunteered for an aerobic (walking), strength, and balance training program 3 times per week for 12 weeks while 7 women volunteered as controls. Measurements included: force platform dynamic balance measure of the center of pressure (COP) and ground reaction forces (GRFs) in the stance leg while going over obstacles of different heights (0,5, 10,25 and 30 cm); and isokinetic strength measures of knee and ankle extension and flexion. Results: Of the 18 women, who began the trial, 16 completed it. The EX group showed a significant increase of 40% in ankle plantar flexion strength (P < 0.05). However, no improvements in measures of COP or GRFs were observed for either group. Failure to detect any changes in measures of dynamic balance may be due to small sample size. Conclusions: Postmenopausal women experience significant improvements in ankle strength with 12 weeks of a weighted-vest balance and strength training program, however, these changes do not seem to be associated with any improvement in measures of dynamic balance.
Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.
Contents extracted from "Upward", the monthly magazine of the Preston Board of Hope Union, July 1897-January 1899 and June 1900, and from "The Temperance Mirror", February 1900, one of 20 copies. Inscribed on "Explanatory" page: Wm. Livesey. August 3rd 1900. Inscribed on title-page: J. Sherlock, with W. Livesey's Kind Regards.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by postural instability and gait impairment. Verbal instructions can reduce postural sway and improve gait performance in PD. For gait, this evidence is limited to unobstructed straight-path walking. As falls in PD often occur when turning, the purpose of this thesis was to determine if instructions can benefit turning performance in this population. Twelve individuals with PD performed two walking tasks (normal walking, walking with a 180 degree turn) under four instruction conditions (no instruction, take big steps, make larger trunk movements, focus on end and/or turn point). Task duration and trunk yaw and roll sway were calculated. In general, the results demonstrated that the instruction to take big steps improved performance for both tasks compared to providing no instruction or externally based instruction. These results suggest that instructions related to step amplitude may facilitate walking and turning performance in PD.