994 resultados para digital financial administration
The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.
The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.
A cidade de Piraí, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, é palco do programa Piraí Digital, um leque de iniciativas, em cinco áreas de atuação – governo, educação, saúde, negócios e cidadania –, com o objetivo de vencer a exclusão digital no município e contribuir para seu desenvolvimento. O programa foi estudado por meio da associação entre um modelo heurístico para análise da inclusão digital e a Teoria Ator-Rede (ANT). O trabalho apresenta a descrição da evolução do programa segundo os atores que o construíram. Entre 1997 e 2009, Piraí Digital contribuiu para uma série de mudanças positivas em Piraí, notadamente nas áreas de educação, a qual adotou a computação 1:1 em toda a rede municipal no ano de 2009; saúde, que utiliza a estrutura de rede de computadores e internet da cidade para disseminar seus sistemas; e governo, onde a administração pública teve ganhos de produtividade e arrecadação por meio da informatização da máquina administrativa. O estudo de Piraí Digital permite compreender a importância da associação de artefatos – rede de computadores, telecentros, Planos Diretores e outros – e das pessoas nos esforços para vencer a exclusão digital e contribuir para o desenvolvimento local. Explorando o contraste entre a grande notoriedade de Piraí Digital fora do município e o baixo conhecimento do programa pela população local, o autor faz a analogia com uma obra de saneamento, pouco conhecida e visível, mas essencial para a população. Em Piraí, o saneamento digital está pronto, com bits jorrando das torneiras nas escolas e a saúde se beneficiando da TI para escoar seu fluxo de informações para benefício dos cidadãos piraienses.
Despite the large size of the Brazilian debt market, as well the large diversity of its bonds, the picture that emerges is of a market that has not yet completed its transition from the role it performed during the megainflation years, namely that of providing a liquid asset that provided positive real returns. This unfinished transition is currently placing the market under severe stress, as fears of a possible default from the next administration grow larger. This paper analyzes several aspects pertaining to the management of the domestic public debt. The causes for the extremely large and fast growth ofthe domestic public debt during the seven-year period that President Cardoso are discussed in Section 2. Section 3 computes Value at Risk and Cash Flow at Risk measures for the domestic public debt. The rollover risk is introduced in a mean-variance framework in Section 4. Section 5 discusses a few issues pertaining to the overlap between debt management and monetary policy. Finally, Section 6 wraps up with policy discussion and policy recommendations.
This paper presents a reflection on the use of robotics in education technology and the fostering of social and digital inclusion, unveiling a new field that has been outlined today. Robotics constitutes a tool still little known and not regulated at national level in education, there is little experience involving the tool in the Northeast. This research aims to reveal one of the first experiments with educational level robotics in Rio Grande do Norte. We present a field research conducted in a public school chancellor for a major institute of science and technology education of the state from seeking review of the robotics course, understand how they work and show their use in school and shows that contributions were generated for digital inclusion category students, based on speeches by teachers, engineers, management and students. As part of gathering information, we used the focus group technique, applied in two stages, one with groups of students, teachers and other school administration, as well as comments directed to the times when the robotics course was being finalized. As a result, we found that the school, through the robotics course is a provider of social and digital inclusion, since it awakens in the sample of students in this research knowledge enabler of social change. And that despite the student category do not understand the depth of meaning of inclusion, the same report in daily actions that integrate technology into their social context in harmony, enjoying its cultural citizenship in full
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Esse estudo caracteriza lesões de dermatite digital (DD) nos dígitos acessórios de vacas leiteiras, além de apresentar a terapia aplicada. Foram utilizados 15 bovinos leiteiros da raça Holandês com DD nos dígitos acessórios dos membros pélvicos. Os animais eram provenientes de quatro fazendas leiteiras com histórico prévio de dermatite digital (DD). Todos os quinze animais foram tratados da mesma forma: após excisão das lesões e sutura das feridas cutâneas, aplicou-se oxitetraciclina pó topicamente sob bandagem e oxitetraciclina (20mg/kg) de longa ação, via intramuscular. Obtiveram-se amostras de tecidos para histopatologia, inclusive por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Observou-se cicatrização em todos os animais após 15 dias do procedimento cirúrgico. A maioria das lesões macroscópicas foram projeções papilomatosas ou em forma de verrugas. Os achados histopatológicos de todas as amostras revelaram hiperplasia da epiderme com hiperceratose, inúmeras mitoses no estrato basal, com invasões alongadas em forma de rede na derme superficial e intermediária. A MET evidenciou organismos com formas longas, afiladas e espiraladas, presumivelmente espiroquetas. Tanto as características morfológicas, quanto a resposta à terapia das lesões foram comparáveis às descritas para DD.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of homeopathic treatment with comfrey (Shymphytum officinalis 6CH) on radiographic bone density and area around titanium implants.Material and methods: Forty-eight rats were divided into two groups of 24 animals each: a control group (C) and a test group (SO). Each animal received one titanium micro-implant placed in the tibia. The animals in Group SO were subjected to 10 drops of comfrey 6CH per day mixed into their drinking water until the day of sacrifice. Eight animals of each group were sacrificed at 7, 14 and 28 days post-surgery, respectively.Standardized digital radiographs were obtained on the day of implant installation (baseline images) and on the day of sacrifice (final images). Digital subtraction of the two corresponding images was performed to evaluate changes in bone density and the area related to change around the implant between baseline and final images.Results: Subtraction images demonstrated that a significant difference existed in mean shade of gray at 14 days post-surgery between Group SO (mean 175.3 +/- 14.4) and Group C (mean 146.2 +/- 5.2). Regarding the area in pixels corresponding to the bone gain in Group SO, the differences observed between the sacrifice periods and groups were only significant at 7 days sacrifice between Group SO (mean 171.2 +/- 21.9) and Group C (mean 64.5 +/- 60.4).Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, comfrey administration promotes an increase in radiographic bone density around titanium implants in the initial period of bone healing.
Includes bibliography.
In soil surveys, several sampling systems can be used to define the most representative sites for sample collection and description of soil profiles. In recent years, the conditioned Latin hypercube sampling system has gained prominence for soil surveys. In Brazil, most of the soil maps are at small scales and in paper format, which hinders their refinement. The objectives of this work include: (i) to compare two sampling systems by conditioned Latin hypercube to map soil classes and soil properties; (II) to retrieve information from a detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed for its refinement, comparing two data mining tools, and validation of the new soil map; and (III) to create and validate a soil map of a much larger and similar area from the extrapolation of information extracted from the existing soil map. Two sampling systems were created by conditioned Latin hypercube and by the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube. At each prospection place, soil classification and measurement of the A horizon thickness were performed. Maps were generated and validated for each sampling system, comparing the efficiency of these methods. The conditioned Latin hypercube captured greater variability of soils and properties than the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube, despite the former provided greater difficulty in field work. The conditioned Latin hypercube can capture greater soil variability and the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube presents great potential for use in soil surveys, especially in areas of difficult access. From an existing detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed, topographical information for each soil class was extracted from a Digital Elevation Model and its derivatives, by two data mining tools. Maps were generated using each tool. The more accurate of these tools was used for extrapolation of soil information for a much larger and similar area and the generated map was validated. It was possible to retrieve the existing soil map information and apply it on a larger area containing similar soil forming factors, at much low financial cost. The KnowledgeMiner tool for data mining, and ArcSIE, used to create the soil map, presented better results and enabled the use of existing soil map to extract soil information and its application in similar larger areas at reduced costs, which is especially important in development countries with limited financial resources for such activities, such as Brazil.
The purpose of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of tetracycline in plasma, synovial fluid, and milk following either a single systemic intravenous (i.v.) injection or a single i.v. regional antibiosis (IVRA) administration of tetracycline hydrochloride to dairy cattle with papillomatous digital dermatitis (PDD). To this end, plasma and synovial fluid tetracycline concentrations were compared with the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the major bacteria, which are known to cause digital diseases and thus assess its efficacy in PDD. Residual tetracycline concentrations in milk from cows treated by both methods were also determined. Twelve Holstein cows with various stages of PDD were randomly assigned to two groups of six animals. Group 1 received a single systemic i.v. injection of 10 mg/kg of tetracycline hydrochloride. Group 2 received 1000 mg of tetracycline hydrochloride by IVRA of the affected limb. Blood, synovial fluid and milk samples were taken prior to tetracycline administration (time 0 control), and then at 22, 45 and 82 min, and 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h following drug administration. Tetracycline concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean tetracycline plasma and milk concentrations in Group 1 were higher than Group 2. The opposite was observed for synovial fluid concentrations. Group 2 synovial fluid concentrations were higher than the MIC value over 24 h for the bacteria most frequently responsible for claw disease. Compared with i.v. administration, IVRA administration of tetracycline produced very high synovial fluid and low plasma and milk concentrations.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Jessie Huey Laurence Papers primarily consist of correspondence, but also included are speeches, program notes, minutes, financial records, photographs, clippings, and scrapbooks relating to her role in the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1928-1937); her promotion of a compulsory school attendance bill for South Carolina (1934-1936); the formation of the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1935); Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Public Works Administration (PWA) projects in South Carolina; and her interest in the Catawba Indians of York County, as chairman of Indian Affairs Committee for the Catawba Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Subjects include literacy, Santee-Cooper Dam, Winthrop College, World War II, York County Historical Society, York, Chester, and Lancaster Counties and family history material including: Adams, Craig, Jackson, Lesslie, Lessly, Mull, Muehl, Robinson, Taylor, Weidner, Witherspoon, and Wylie families.
The Come-See-Me Festival Records consist of records and memorabilia from the Come-See-Me Festivals since its founding in 1962. The collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, financial reports and papers, promotional materials, and other records and material chronicling the development of the Come-See-Me Festival in Rock Hill, SC.