972 resultados para diagnose
Femoroacetabular impingements (FAI) are due to an anatomical disproportion between the proximal femur and the acetabulum which causes premature wear of the joint surfaces. An operation is often necessary in order to relieve symptoms such as limited movement and pain as well as to prevent or slow down the degenerative process. The result is dependent on the preoperative status of the joint with poor results for advanced arthritis of the hip joint. This explains the necessity for an accurate diagnosis in order to recognize early stages of damage to the joint. The diagnosis of FAI includes clinical examination, X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The standard X-radiological examination for FAI is carried out using two X-ray images, an anterior-posterior view of the pelvis and a lateral view of the proximal femur, such as the cross-table lateral or Lauenstein projections. It is necessary that positioning criteria are adhered to in order to avoid distortion artifacts. MRI permits an examination of the pelvis on three levels and should also include radial planned sequences for improved representation of peripheral structures, such as the labrum and peripheral cartilage. The use of contrast medium for a direct MR arthrogram has proved to be advantageous particularly for representation of labrum damage. The data with respect to cartilage imaging are still unclear. Further developments in technology, such as biochemical-sensitive MRI applications, will be able to improve the diagnosis of the pelvis in the near future.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the contribution of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of Treponema pallidum in various biological specimens with the secondary objective of comparing its value according to HIV status. METHODS: Prospective cohort of incident syphilis cases from three Swiss hospitals (Geneva and Bern University Hospitals, Outpatient Clinic for Dermatology of Triemli, Zurich) diagnosed between January 2006 and September 2008. A case-control study was nested into the cohort. Biological specimens (blood, lesion swab or urine) were taken at diagnosis (as clinical information) and analysed by real-time PCR using the T pallidum 47 kDa gene. RESULTS: 126 specimens were collected from 74 patients with primary (n = 26), secondary (n = 40) and latent (n = 8) syphilis. Among primary syphilis, sensitivity was 80% in lesion swabs, 28% in whole blood, 55% in serum and 29% in urine, whereas among secondary syphilis, it was 20%, 36%, 47% and 44%, respectively. Among secondary syphilis, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid were also tested and provided a sensitivity of 100% and 50%, respectively. The global sensitivity of T pallidum by PCR (irrespective of the compartment tested) was 65% during primary, 53% during secondary and null during latent syphilis. No difference regarding serology or PCR results was observed among HIV-infected patients. Specificity was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Syphilis PCR provides better sensitivity in lesion swabs from primary syphilis and displays only moderate sensitivity in blood from primary and secondary syphilis. HIV status did not modify the internal validity of PCR for the diagnosis of primary or secondary syphilis.
Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen mit und ohne Hyperaktivität (AHDS/ ADS) gehören zu den häufigsten neuropsychiatrischen Diagnosen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Stimulantien haben einen hohen Stellenwert bei konventioneller multimodaler Behandlung und unerwünschte Auswirkungen, die nach anderen Therapieoptionen rufen. Es interessiert das Behandlungsergebnis einer einheitlich rekrutierten mit AD(H)S diagnostizierten Kohorte unter verschiedenen Therapieformen. Die Kinder, die nicht am Doppelblind-Versuch der Berner ADHSStudie (Frei H 2005) teilnahmen, werden in 3 diagnostische Gruppen klassifiziert: (A) AD(H)S-Diagnose und homöopathische Therapie (n = 12), (B) AD(H)S-Diagnose und vorwiegend andere Therapien (n = 13), (C) nicht eindeutige AD(H)S-Diagnose und verschiedene Therapieformen (n = 14). Der Behandlungsverlauf wird mit dem Conners’ Global Index (CGI) und offenen Fragen per Fragebogen oder Telefoninterview dokumentiert und überwiegend deskriptiv ausgewertet. Nach 10 Jahren gibt es CGI-Datensätze von 35/39 Personen (90%; 5 weiblich, 30 männlich). Die CGI-Differenz zwischen Diagnose (19.5, Bereich 14–28 Punkte) und Nachuntersuchung (8.7, 1–19) betrug für alle Patienten 10.8 Punkte (56%): in Gruppe A 61%, in den Gruppen B und C je 53%. Von den seit Rekrutierung einmal mit Methylphenidat (MPH, n = 22/39, 56%) behandelten Patienten waren 18 Patienten (82%), von den mit individueller Homöopathie Behandelten (n = 29/39, 75%) waren 17 Patienten (59%) im CGI mehr als 50% verbessert; je 7 Patienten bekamen beide Therapien. Bei 23/39 Patienten (60%) sind die MPHoder homöopathische Therapie abgeschlossen. Zwölf (12) Patienten sind noch in Behandlung: 9 mit MPH, 2 mit Homöopathie und 1 Patient mit beiden Therapien. Bei je drei Patienten waren homöopathische oder MPH-Medikamente nicht genügend erfolgreich, ein Patient erhielt ein Antidepressivum. In Übereinstimmung mit den CGI-Werten bezeichnen 25/35 Patienten (80%) ihr Befinden als besser. Sieben (7) Patienten (20%) bezeichnen ihr Befinden als gleich, obwohl die Differenz zum Ausgangswert mehr als 9 (10–14) Punkte (ca. 50% Besserung) beträgt. Der aktuelle CGI-Wert ist bei 4 dieser Patienten grösser als 14 Punkte und zeigt die Behandlungsbedürftigkeit an. Je 3 dieser 7 Patienten hatten oder haben noch MPH-Therapie mit einer Besserung von derzeit 40%. Die individuelle homöopathische Behandlung des AD(H)S scheint qualitativ der Stimulantientherapie ebenbürtig zu sein und kann deren Nebenwirkungen vermeiden.
Various assays have been used as an aid to diagnose failure of passive transfer (FPT) of immunoglobulins in neonatal foals, but often lack sensitivity as screening tests, or are time consuming to perform and impractical as confirmatory tests. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether measurement of serum total globulins (TG; i.e. total protein minus albumin) can be used to estimate the electrophoretic gamma globulin (EGG) fraction in hospitalised neonatal foals with suspected FPT. Sample data from 56 foals were evaluated retrospectively. The coefficient of rank correlation was 0.84. The area under the curve of ROC analysis was 0.887, 0.922 and 0.930 for EGG concentrations <2 g/L, < 4 g/L and <8 g/L, respectively. Cut-offs for TG achieved ≥90% sensitivity for detecting EGG <2 g/L, < 4 g/L and <8 g/L, with negative predictive values of >97% and >94%, using prevalence of 15% and 30%, respectively. These results suggest that measurement of TG can be used as a guide to predicting EGG, provided that appropriate cut-off values are selected, and this technique could be a useful initial screening test for FPT in foals.