980 resultados para ddc: 620.104
The Dora Dee Walker Papers consist of biographical sketches and data sheets, a letter, photographs, a newspaper clipping and a copy of the history of extension work in Allendale County, all relating to Dora Walker, pioneering State leader in extension work in South Carolina.
[EN] We hypothesized that reliance on lactate as a means of energy distribution is higher after a prolonged period of acclimatization (9 wk) than it is at sea level due to a higher lactate Ra and disposal from active skeletal muscle. To evaluate this hypothesis, six Danish lowlanders (25 +/- 2 yr) were studied at rest and during 20 min of bicycle exercise at 146 W at sea level (SL) and after 9 wk of acclimatization to 5,260 m (Alt). Whole body glucose Ra was similar at SL and Alt at rest and during exercise. Lactate Ra was also similar for the two conditions at rest; however, during exercise, lactate Ra was substantially lower at SL (65 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) than it was at Alt (150 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) at the same exercise intensity. During exercise, net lactate release was approximately 6-fold at Alt compared with SL, and related to this, tracer-calculated leg lactate uptake and release were both 3- or 4-fold higher at Alt compared with SL. The contribution of the two legs to glucose disposal was similar at SL and Alt; however, the contribution of the two legs to lactate Ra was significantly lower at rest and during exercise at SL (27 and 81%) than it was at Alt (45 and 123%). In conclusion, at rest and during exercise at the same absolute workload, CHO and blood glucose utilization were similar at SL and at Alt. Leg net lactate release was severalfold higher, and the contribution of leg lactate release to whole body lactate Ra was higher at Alt compared with SL. During exercise, the relative contribution of lactate oxidation to whole body CHO oxidation was substantially higher at Alt compared with SL as a result of increased uptake and subsequent oxidation of lactate by the active skeletal muscles.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
Diese Arbeit analysiert, welche Erziehungsziele ein gymnasiales Mädcheninternat in der Upper West Region in Ghana verfolgt und wie diese Erziehungsziele im Schulalltag praktisch umsetzt werden. Angeregt durch das Goffmansche Konzept der „totalen Institution“ untersucht die Arbeit den umfassenden Einfluss der katholischen Internatsschule auf die Schülerinnen, die mit dem Eintritt in die Schule ihre dörfliche Herkunftswelt verlassen und ein Übergangsstadium durchlaufen. Die Schülerinnen werden nicht nur im Unterricht erzogen, sondern der gesamte Schulalltag wird von Regeln bestimmt, die aus den Schülerinnen gute Staatsbürgerinnen machen sollen. Dabei entwickelte sich die 1959 gegründete St. Francis Girls’ Secondary School im Lauf der Zeit von einer Institution, die vor allem christliche Haus- und Ehefrauen produzieren wollte, zu einer Schule, die die Mädchen auch akademisch gut ausbilden will und ihnen vermittelt, dass sie künftig zu einer „Elite“ gehören werden. Dass der Einfluss des Internats aber weder „total“ ist, noch die Schülerinnen passiv sind, zeigt sich daran, dass die Schülerinnen zum einen die Schulregeln nicht immer befolgen und sich zum anderen auch gegenseitig, und dies nicht immer im Sinne der Regeln, disziplinieren.
Two clayey materials, one provided by a patner in mineral sector and the other coming from Balengou (West Region Cameroon) were subject of a comparative study in order to evaluate the influence of their crystalline structure on their pozzolanic property. These two natural materials were preliminary enriched in clay minerals by wet sieving and the fractions obtained are denoted K and H respectively. K and H were calcinated at 700 °C, with a heating rate of 5 °C/min and 10 hours dwell at the peak temperature, the products obtained were named MK and MH. Samples K, H, MK and MH were physicochemically characterized by the chemical (ICP), thermal(TGA/DTA) and mineralogical (DRX and Spectrometry IR) analyses together with the measurement of specific surface (BET), crystallinity and the pouzzolanicity test. The results confirmed K as a kaolinitic and H halloysic clay. The kaolinite and the halloysite respectively presented in these clayey materials exhibited a poor crystallinity, but the degree of disorder is higher in K than in H. These results were largely affected by the significant fraction of gibbsite in kaolinitic clay K. At the crude state, the pozzolanic activity of the material H is weak compared with that of K, but the heat treatment makes largely improve this property for both samples.
About 500,000 elderly people in Switzerland suffer a fall each year. Thus medical attention and help are essential for these people, who mostly live alone without a caregiver. Only 3% of people aged over 65 in Switzerland use an emergency system. Personal telehealth devices allow patients to receive enough information about the appropriate treatment, as well as followup with their doctors and reports of any emergency, in the absence of any caregiver. This increases their quality of life in a cost-effective fashion. "Limmex"-a new medical emergency watch-was launched in Switzerland in 2011 and has been a great commercial success. In this paper, we give a brief review of this watch technology, along with the results of a survey of 620 users conducted by the Department of Emergency Medicine in Bern.
BACKGROUND: Higher visual functions can be defined as cognitive processes responsible for object recognition, color and shape perception, and motion detection. People with impaired higher visual functions after unilateral brain lesion are often tested with paper pencil tests, but such tests do not assess the degree of interaction between the healthy brain hemisphere and the impaired one. Hence, visual functions are not tested separately in the contralesional and ipsilesional visual hemifields. METHODS: A new measurement setup, that involves real-time comparisons of shape and size of objects, orientation of lines, speed and direction of moving patterns, in the right or left visual hemifield, has been developed. The setup was implemented in an immersive environment like a hemisphere to take into account the effects of peripheral and central vision, and eventual visual field losses. Due to the non-flat screen of the hemisphere, a distortion algorithm was needed to adapt the projected images to the surface. Several approaches were studied and, based on a comparison between projected images and original ones, the best one was used for the implementation of the test. Fifty-seven healthy volunteers were then tested in a pilot study. A Satisfaction Questionnaire was used to assess the usability of the new measurement setup. RESULTS: The results of the distortion algorithm showed a structural similarity between the warped images and the original ones higher than 97%. The results of the pilot study showed an accuracy in comparing images in the two visual hemifields of 0.18 visual degrees and 0.19 visual degrees for size and shape discrimination, respectively, 2.56° for line orientation, 0.33 visual degrees/s for speed perception and 7.41° for recognition of motion direction. The outcome of the Satisfaction Questionnaire showed a high acceptance of the battery by the participants. CONCLUSIONS: A new method to measure higher visual functions in an immersive environment was presented. The study focused on the usability of the developed battery rather than the performance at the visual tasks. A battery of five subtasks to study the perception of size, shape, orientation, speed and motion direction was developed. The test setup is now ready to be tested in neurological patients.
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
Chemical investigations of superheavy elements in the gas-phase, i.e. elements with Z≥104Z≥104, allow assessing the influence of relativistic effects on their chemical properties. Furthermore, for some superheavy elements and their compounds quite unique gas-phase chemical properties were predicted. The experimental verification of these properties yields supporting evidence for a firm assignment of the atomic number. Prominent examples are the high volatility observed for HsO4 or the very weak interaction of Cn with gold surfaces. The unique properties of HsO4 were exploited to discover the doubly-magic even–even nucleus 270Hs and the new isotope 271Hs. The combination of kinematic pre-separation and gas-phase chemistry allowed gaining access to a new class of relatively fragile compounds, the carbonyl complexes of elements Sg through Mt. A not yet resolved issue concerns the interaction of Fl with gold surfaces. While competing experiments agree on the fact that Fl is a volatile element, there are discrepancies concerning its adsorption on gold surfaces with respect to its daughter Cn. The elucidation of these and other questions amounts to the fascination that gas-phase chemical investigations exert on current research at the extreme limits of chemistry today.