954 resultados para current-mode design
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large superfamily of signaling proteins expressed on the plasma membrane. They are involved in a wide range of physiological processes and, therefore, are exploited as drug targets in a multitude of therapeutic areas. In this extent, knowledge of structural and functional properties of GPCRs may greatly facilitate rational design of modulator compounds. Solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy represents a powerful method to gather atomistic insights into protein structure and dynamics. In spite of the difficulties inherent the solution of the structure of membrane proteins through NMR, these methods have been successfully applied, sometimes in combination with molecular modeling, to the determination of the structure of GPCR fragments, the mapping of receptor-ligand interactions, and the study of the conformational changes associated with the activation of the receptors. In this review, we provide a summary of the NMR contributions to the study of the structure and function of GPCRs, also in light of the published crystal structures.
Centenarians are reservoirs of genetic and environmental information to successful ageing and local centenarian groups may help us to understand some of these secrets. The current centenarian cohort in Belfast survived the 1970s epidemic of death from coronary heart disease in Northern Ireland, where cardiovascular mortality was almost highest in the world. These centenarians provided an opportunity to assess biological and genetic factors important in cardiovascular risk and ageing. Methods: Thirty-five (27 female, 8 male) centenarians, participants of the Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Ageing STudy (BELFAST), were community-living and of good cognition at enrollment.
A V-band wide tuning-range VCO and high frequency divide-by-8 frequency divider using Infineon 0.35 µm SiGe HBT process are presented in this paper. An LC impedance peaking technique is introduced in the Miller divider to increase the sensitivity and operation frequency range of the frequency divider. Two static frequency dividers implemented using current mode logic are used to realize dividing by 4 in the circuit. The wide tuning range VCO operates from 51.9 to 64.1 GHz i.e. 20.3% frequency tuning range. The measured phase noise at the frequency divider output stage is around -98.5 dBc at 1 MHz. The circuit consumes 200mW and operates from a 3.5Vdc supply, and occupies 0.6×0.8 mm2 die area.
Risk factors for the microvascular complications (nephropathy and retinopathy) of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the associated accelerated atherosclerosis include: age, diabetes duration, genetic factors, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, smoking, inflammation, glycation and oxidative stress and dyslipoproteinaemia. Hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL and small dense LDL are common features of Type 2 diabetes and Type 1 diabetes with poor glycaemic control or renal complications. With the expansion of knowledge and of clinical and research laboratory tools, a broader definition of 'lipid' abnormalities in diabetes is appropriate. Dyslipoproteinaemia encompasses alterations in lipid levels, lipoprotein subclass distribution, composition (including modifications such as non-enzymatic glycation and oxidative damage), lipoprotein-related enzymes, and receptor interactions and subsequent cell signaling. Alterations occur in all lipoprotein classes; chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL, and Lp(a). There is also emerging evidence implicating lipoprotein related genotypes in the development of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Lipoprotein related mechanisms associated with damage to the cardiovascular system may also be relevant to damage to the renal and ocular microvasculature. Adverse tissue effects are mediated by both alterations in lipoprotein function and adverse cellular responses. Recognition and treatment of lipoprotein-related risk factors, supported by an increasing array of assays and therapeutic agents, may facilitate early recognition and treatment of high complication risk diabetic patients. Further clinical and basic research, including intervention trials, is warranted to guide clinical practice. Optimal lipoprotein management, as part of a multi-faceted approach to diabetes care, may reduce the excessive personal and economic burden of microvascular complications and the related accelerated atherosclerosis.
Background: Current therapeutic strategies for advanced prostate cancer (PCa) are largely ineffective. Because aberrant DNA methylation associated with inappropriate gene-silencing is a common feature of PCa, DNA methylation inhibitors might constitute an alternative therapy. In this study we aimed to evaluate the anti-cancer properties of RG108, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), in PCa cell lines. Methods: The anti-tumoral impact of RG108 in LNCaP, 22Rv1, DU145 and PC-3 cell lines was assessed through standard cell viability, apoptosis and cell cycle assays. Likewise, DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global levels of DNA methylation were evaluated in the same cell lines. The effectiveness of DNA demethylation was further assessed through the determination of promoter methylation and transcript levels of GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2, by quantitative methylation-specific PCR and RT-PCR, respectively. Results: RG108 led to a significant dose and time dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in LNCaP, 22Rv1 and DU145. LNCaP and 22Rv1 also displayed decreased DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global DNA methylation. Interestingly, chronic treatment with RG108 significantly decreased GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2 promoter hypermethylation levels, although mRNA re-expression was only attained GSTP1 and APC. Conclusions: RG108 is an effective tumor growth suppressor in most PCa cell lines tested. This effect is likely mediated by reversion of aberrant DNA methylation affecting cancer related-genes epigenetically silenced in PCa. However, additional mechanism might underlie the anti-tumor effects of RG108. In vivo studies are now mandatory to confirm these promising results and evaluate the potential of this compound for PCa therapy.
It is hoped that the use of gene transfer technology to treat both monogenetic and acquired diseases may soon become a common therapy option in medicine. For gene therapy to achieve this objective, any gene delivery method will have to meet several criteria, including ease of manufacturing, efficient gene transfer to target tissue, long-term gene expression to alleviate the disease, and most importantly safety in patients. Viral vectors are an attractive choice for use in gene therapy protocols due to their relative efficiency in gene delivery. Since there is inherent risk in using viruses, investigators in the gene therapy community have devoted extensive efforts toward reengineering viral vectors for enhance safety. Here we review the approaches and technologies that are being evaluated for the use of recombinant vectors based upon adeno-associated virus (AAV) in the treatment of a variety of human diseases. AAV is currently the only known human DNA virus that is non-pathogenic and AAV-based vectors are classified as Risk Group 1 agents for all laboratory and animal studies carried out in the US. Although its apparent safety in natural infection and animals appears well documented, we examine the accumulated knowledge on the biology and vectorology of AAV, lessons learned from gene therapy clinical trials, and how this information is impacting current vector design and manufacturing with an overall emphasis on biosafety.
Dans son texte, l’auteur tente de répondre à quatre grandes questions : le cadre juridique actuel qui régi la gestion des renseignements personnels dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux protège–t–il adéquatement ces données sensibles ? Peut–on tenter d’améliorer cette protection ? Quels facteurs contribuent à l’émergence des nouvelles normes ? Quel rôle les exigences techniques, les intérêts économiques et les considérations politiques jouent–ils dans l’émergence de ces nouvelles normes ? À l’égard de ces interrogations, l’auteur montre que le régime actuel, qui se distingue particulièrement par sa complexité et son opacité, ne protège pas adéquatement les renseignements personnels appelés à circuler dans l’univers numérique en émergence. Il examine donc les facteurs qui contribuent À l’émergence des nouvelles normes alors que les règles juridiques actuelles se trouvent en porte–à–faux par rapport aux développements technologiques. Par la suite, il tente de situer ou de mesurer l’influence des intérêts économiques, des considérations politiques et des impératifs techniques dans l’émergence de ces nouvelles normes. Finalement, il met de l’avant un concept nouveau, celui des aires de partage, qu’il présente comme un moyen de mieux protéger les renseignements personnels et confidentiels dans l’ère de l’information.
Recent advances in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have shown that controlling cells microenvironment during growth is a key element to the development of successful therapeutic system. To achieve such control, researchers have first proposed the use of polymeric scaffolds that were able to support cellular growth and, to a certain extent, favor cell organization and tissue structure. With nowadays availability of a large pool of stem cell lines, such approach has appeared to be rather limited since it does not offer the fine control of the cell micro-environment in space and time (4D). Therefore, researchers are currently focusing their efforts on developing strategies that include active compound delivery systems in order to add a fourth dimension to the design of 3D scaffolds. This review will focus on recent concepts and applications of 2D and 3D techniques that have been used to control the load and release of active compounds used to promote cell differentiation and proliferation in or out of a scaffold. We will first present recent advances in the design of 2D polymeric scaffolds and the different techniques that have been used to deposit molecular cues and cells in a controlled fashion. We will continue presenting the recent advances made in the design of 3D scaffolds based on hydrogels as well as polymeric fibers and we will finish by presenting some of the research avenues that are still to be explored.
Diese Dissertation stellt eine Studie da, welche sich mit den Änderungen in der Governance der Hochschulbildung in Vietnam beschäftigt. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist die Untersuchung der Herkunft und Änderung in der Beziehung der Mächte zwischen dem vietnamesischen Staat und den Hochschulbildungsinstituten (HI), welche hauptsächlich aus der Interaktion dieser beiden Akteure resultiert. Die Macht dieser beiden Akteure wurde im sozialen Bereich konstruiert und ist hauptsächlich durch ihre Nützlichkeit und Beiträge für die Hochschulbildung bestimmt. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich dabei besonders mit dem Aspekt der Lehrqualität. Diese Studie nimmt dabei die Perspektive einer allgemeinen Governance ein, um die Beziehung zwischen Staat und HI zu erforschen. Zudem verwendet sie die „Resource Dependence Theory“ (RDT), um das Verhalten der HI in Bezug auf die sich verändernde Umgebung zu untersuchen, welche durch die Politik und eine abnehmende Finanzierung charakterisiert ist. Durch eine empirische Untersuchung der Regierungspolitik sowie der internen Steuerung und den Praktiken der vier führenden Universitäten kommt die Studie zu dem Schluss, dass unter Berücksichtigung des Drucks der Schaffung von Einkommen die vietnamesischen Universitäten sowohl Strategien als auch Taktiken entwickelt haben, um Ressourcenflüsse und Legitimität zu kontrollieren. Die Entscheidungs- und Zielfindung der Komitees, die aus einer Mehrheit von Akademikern bestehen, sind dabei mächtiger als die der Manager. Daher werden bei initiativen Handlungen der Universitäten größtenteils Akademiker mit einbezogen. Gestützt auf die sich entwickelnden Muster der Ressourcenbeiträge von Akademikern und Studierenden für die Hochschulbildung prognostiziert die Studie eine aufstrebende Governance Konfiguration, bei der die Dimensionen der akademischen Selbstverwaltung und des Wettbewerbsmarktes stärker werden und die Regulation des Staates rational zunimmt. Das derzeitige institutionelle Design und administrative System des Landes, die spezifische Gewichtung und die Koordinationsmechanismen, auch als sogenanntes effektives Aufsichtssystem zwischen den drei Schlüsselakteuren - der Staat, die HI/Akademiker und die Studierenden – bezeichnet, brauchen eine lange Zeit zur Detektion und Etablierung. In der aktuellen Phase der Suche nach einem solchen System sollte die Regierung Management-Tools stärken, wie zum Beispiel die Akkreditierung, belohnende und marktbasierte Instrumente und das Treffen informations-basierter Entscheidungen. Darüber hinaus ist es notwendig die Transparenz der Politik zu erhöhen und mehr Informationen offenzulegen.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
The human gut microbiota comprises a diverse microbial consortium closely co-evolved with the human genome and diet. The importance of the gut microbiota in regulating human health and disease has however been largely overlooked due to the inaccessibility of the intestinal habitat, the complexity of the gut microbiota itself and the fact that many of its members resist cultivation and are in fact new to science. However, with the emergence of 16S rRNA molecular tools and "post-genomics" high resolution technologies for examining microorganisms as they occur in nature without the need for prior laboratory culture, this limited view of the gut microbiota is rapidly changing. This review will discuss the application of molecular microbiological tools to study the human gut microbiota in a culture independent manner. Genomics or metagenomics approaches have a tremendous capability to generate compositional data and to measure the metabolic potential encoded by the combined genomes of the gut microbiota. Another post-genomics approach, metabonomics, has the capacity to measure the metabolic kinetic or flux of metabolites through an ecosystem at a particular point in time or over a time course. Metabonomics thus derives data on the function of the gut microbiota in situ and how it responds to different environmental stimuli e. g. substrates like prebiotics, antibiotics and other drugs and in response to disease. Recently these two culture independent, high resolution approaches have been combined into a single "transgenomic" approach which allows correlation of changes in metabolite profiles within human biofluids with microbiota compositional metagenomic data. Such approaches are providing novel insight into the composition, function and evolution of our gut microbiota.
Many currently available drugs show unfavourable physicochemical properties for delivery into or across the skin and temporary chemical modulation of the penetrant is one option to achieve improved delivery properties. Pro-drugs are chemical derivatives of an active drug which is covalently bonded to an inactive pro-moiety in order to overcome pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic barriers. A pro-drug relies upon conversion within the body to release the parent active drug (and pro-moiety) to elicit its pharmacological effect. The main drawback of this approach is that the pro-moiety is essentially an unwanted ballast which, when released, can lead to adverse effects. The term ‘co-drug’ refers to two or more therapeutic compounds active against the same disease bonded via a covalent chemical linkage and it is this approach which is reviewed for the first time in the current article. For topically applied co-drugs, each moiety is liberated in situ, either chemically or enzymatically, once the stratum corneum barrier has been overcome by the co-drug. Advantages include synergistic modulation of the disease process, enhancement of drug delivery and pharmacokinetic properties and the potential to enhance stability by masking of labile functional groups. The amount of published work on co-drugs is limited but the available data suggest the co-drug concept could provide a significant therapeutic improvement in dermatological diseases. However, the applicability of the co-drug approach is subject to strict limitations pertaining mainly to the availability of compatible moieties and physicochemical properties of the overall molecule.
There is increasing awareness that the human gut microflora plays a critical role in maintaining host health, both within the gastrointestinal tract and, through the absorption of metabolites, systemically. An 'optimal' gut microflora establishes an efficient barrier to the invasion and colonisation of the gut by pathogenic bacteria, produces a range of metabolic substrates which in turn are utilized by the host (e.g. vitamins and short chain fatty acids) and stimulates the immune system in a non-inflammatory manner. Although little is known about the individual species of bacteria responsible for these beneficial activities, it is generally accepted that the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli constitute important components of the beneficial gut microflora. A number of diet-based microflora management tools have been developed and refined over recent decades including probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic approaches. Each aims to stimulate numbers and/or activities of the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli within the gut microflora. The aim of this article is to examine how prebiotics are being applied to the improvement of human health and to review the scientific evidence supporting their use.
The human gut microbiota comprises a diverse microbial consortium closely co-evolved with the human genome and diet. The importance of the gut microbiota in regulating human health and disease has however been largely overlooked due to the inaccessibility of the intestinal habitat, the complexity of the gut microbiota itself and the fact that many of its members resist cultivation and are in fact new to science. However, with the emergence of 16S rRNA molecular tools and "post-genomics" high resolution technologies for examining microorganisms as they occur in nature without the need for prior laboratory culture, this limited view of the gut microbiota is rapidly changing. This review will discuss the application of molecular microbiological tools to study the human gut microbiota in a culture independent manner. Genomics or metagenomics approaches have a tremendous capability to generate compositional data and to measure the metabolic potential encoded by the combined genomes of the gut microbiota. Another post-genomics approach, metabonomics, has the capacity to measure the metabolic kinetic or flux of metabolites through an ecosystem at a particular point in time or over a time course. Metabonomics thus derives data on the function of the gut microbiota in situ and how it responds to different environmental stimuli e.g. substrates like prebiotics, antibiotics and other drugs and in response to disease. Recently these two culture independent, high resolution approaches have been combined into a single "transgenomic" approach which allows correlation of changes in metabolite profiles within human biofluids with microbiota compositional metagenomic data. Such approaches are providing novel insight into the composition, function and evolution of our gut microbiota.