989 resultados para coupled wave theory


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Theorie der analytischen zweiten Ableitungen für die EOMIP-CCSD-Methode formuliert sowie die durchgeführte Implementierung im Quantenchemieprogramm CFOUR beschrieben. Diese Ableitungen sind von Bedeutung bei der Bestimmung statischer Polarisierbarkeiten und harmonischer Schwingungsfrequenzen und in dieser Arbeit wird die Genauigkeit des EOMIP-CCSD-Ansatzes bei der Berechnung dieser Eigenschaften für verschiedene radikalische Systeme untersucht. Des Weiteren können mit Hilfe der ersten und zweiten Ableitungen vibronische Kopplungsparameter berechnet werden, welche zur Simulation von Molekülspektren in Kombination mit dem Köppel-Domcke-Cederbaum (KDC)-Modell - in der Arbeit am Beispiel des Formyloxyl (HCO2)-Radikals demonstriert - benötigt werden.rnrnDer konzeptionell einfache EOMIP-CC-Ansatz wurde gewählt, da hier die Wellenfunktion eines Radikalsystems ausgehend von einem stabilen geschlossenschaligen Zustand durch die Entfernung eines Elektrons gebildet wird und somit die Problematik der Symmetriebrechung umgangen werden kann. Im Rahmen der Implementierung wurden neue Programmteile zur Lösung der erforderlichen Gleichungen für die gestörten EOMIP-CC-Amplituden und die gestörten Lagrange-Multiplikatoren zeta zum Quantenchemieprogramm CFOUR hinzugefügt. Die unter Verwendung des Programms bestimmten Eigenschaften werden hinsichtlich ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit im Vergleich zu etablierten Methoden wie z.B. CCSD(T) untersucht. Bei der Berechnung von Polarisierbarkeiten und harmonischen Schwingungsfrequenzen liefert die EOMIP-CCSD-Theorie meist gute Resultate, welche nur wenig von den CCSD(T)-Ergebnissen abweichen. Einzig bei der Betrachtung von Radikalen, für die die entsprechenden Anionen nicht stabil sind (z.B. NH2⁻ und CH3⁻), liefert der EOMIP-CCSD-Ansatz aufgrund methodischer Nachteile keine aussagekräftige Beschreibung. rnrnDie Ableitungen der EOMIP-CCSD-Energie lassen sich auch zur Simulation vibronischer Kopplungen innerhalb des KDC-Modells einsetzen.rnZur Kopplung verschiedener radikalischer Zustände in einem solchen Modellpotential spielen vor allem die Ableitungen von Übergangsmatrixelementen eine wichtige Rolle. Diese sogenannten Kopplungskonstanten können in der EOMIP-CC-Theorie besonders leicht definiert und berechnet werden. Bei der Betrachtung des Photoelektronenspektrums von HCO2⁻ werden zwei Alternativen untersucht: Die vertikale Bestimmung an der Gleichgewichtsgeometrie des HCO2⁻-Anions und die Ermittlung adiabatischer Kraftkonstanten an den Gleichgewichtsgeometrien des Radikals. Lediglich das adiabatische Modell liefert bei Beschränkung auf harmonische Kraftkonstanten eine qualitativ sinnvolle Beschreibung des Spektrums. Erweitert man beide Modelle um kubische und quartische Kraftkonstanten, so nähern sich diese einander an und ermöglichen eine vollständige Zuordnung des gemessenen Spektrums innerhalb der ersten 1500 cm⁻¹. Die adiabatische Darstellung erreicht dabei nahezu quantitative Genauigkeit.


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We construct and analyze thermal spinning giant gravitons in type II/M-theory based on spherically wrapped black branes, using the method of thermal probe branes originating from the blackfold approach. These solutions generalize in different directions recent work in which the case of thermal (non-spinning) D3-brane giant gravitons was considered, and reveal a rich phase structure with various new properties. First of all, we extend the construction to M-theory, by constructing thermal giant graviton solutions using spherically wrapped M2- and M5-branes. More importantly, we switch on new quantum numbers, namely internal spins on the sphere, which are not present in the usual extremal limit for which the brane world volume stress tensor is Lorentz invariant. We examine the effect of this new type of excitation and in particular analyze the physical quantities in various regimes, including that of small temperatures as well as low/high spin. As a byproduct we find new stationary dipole-charged black hole solutions in AdS m × S n backgrounds of type II/M-theory. We finally show, via a double scaling extremal limit, that our spinning thermal giant graviton solutions lead to a novel null-wave zero-temperature giant graviton solution with a BPS spectrum, which does not have an analogue in terms of the conventional weakly coupled world volume theory.


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Con esta tesis ”Desarrollo de una Teoría Uniforme de la Difracción para el Análisis de los Campos Electromagnéticos Dispersados y Superficiales sobre un Cilindro” hemos iniciado una nueva línea de investigación que trata de responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la impedancia de superficie que describe una estructura de conductor eléctrico perfecto (PEC) convexa recubierta por un material no conductor? Este tipo de estudios tienen interés hoy en día porque ayudan a predecir el campo electromagnético incidente, radiado o que se propaga sobre estructuras metálicas y localmente convexas que se encuentran recubiertas de algún material dieléctrico, o sobre estructuras metálicas con pérdidas, como por ejemplo se necesita en determinadas aplicaciones aeroespaciales, marítimas o automovilísticas. Además, desde un punto de vista teórico, la caracterización de la impedancia de superficie de una estructura PEC recubierta o no por un dieléctrico es una generalización de varias soluciones que tratan ambos tipos de problemas por separado. En esta tesis se desarrolla una teoría uniforme de la difracción (UTD) para analizar el problema canónico del campo electromagnético dispersado y superficial en un cilindro circular eléctricamente grande con una condición de contorno de impedancia (IBC) para frecuencias altas. Construir una solución basada en UTD para este problema canónico es crucial en el desarrollo de un método UTD para el caso más general de una superficie arbitrariamente convexa, mediante el uso del principio de localización de los campos electromagnéticos a altas frecuencias. Esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo a través de una serie de hitos que se enumeran a continuación, enfatizando las contribuciones a las que ha dado lugar. Inicialmente se realiza una revisión en profundidad del estado del arte de los métodos asintóticos con numerosas referencias. As í, cualquier lector novel puede llegar a conocer la historia de la óptica geométrica (GO) y la teoría geométrica de la difracción (GTD), que dieron lugar al desarrollo de la UTD. Después, se investiga ampliamente la UTD y los trabajos más importantes que pueden encontrarse en la literatura. As í, este capítulo, nos coloca en la posición de afirmar que, hasta donde nosotros conocemos, nadie ha intentado antes llevar a cabo una investigación rigurosa sobre la caracterización de la impedancia de superficie de una estructura PEC recubierta por un material dieléctrico, utilizando para ello la UTD. Primero, se desarrolla una UTD para el problema canónico de la dispersión electromagnética de un cilindro circular eléctricamente grande con una IBC uniforme, cuando es iluminado por una onda plana con incidencia oblicua a frecuencias altas. La solución a este problema canónico se construye a partir de una solución exacta mediante una expansión de autofunciones de propagación radial. Entonces, ésta se convierte en una nueva expansión de autofunciones de propagación circunferencial muy apropiada para cilindros grandes, a través de la transformación de Watson. De esta forma, la expresión del campo se reduce a una integral que se evalúa asintóticamente, para altas frecuencias, de manera uniforme. El resultado se expresa según el trazado de rayos descrito en la UTD. La solución es uniforme porque tiene la importante propiedad de mantenerse continua a lo largo de la región de transición, a ambos lados de la superficie del contorno de sombra. Fuera de la región de transición la solución se reduce al campo incidente y reflejado puramente ópticos en la región iluminada del cilindro, y al campo superficial difractado en la región de sombra. Debido a la IBC el campo dispersado contiene una componente contrapolar a causa de un acoplamiento entre las ondas TEz y TMz (donde z es el eje del cilindro). Esta componente contrapolar desaparece cuando la incidencia es normal al cilindro, y también en la región iluminada cuando la incidencia es oblicua donde el campo se reduce a la solución de GO. La solución UTD presenta una muy buena exactitud cuando se compara numéricamente con una solución de referencia exacta. A continuación, se desarrolla una IBC efectiva para el cálculo del campo electromagnético dispersado en un cilindro circular PEC recubierto por un dieléctrico e iluminado por una onda plana incidiendo oblicuamente. Para ello se derivan dos impedancias de superficie en relación directa con las ondas creeping y de superficie TM y TE que se excitan en un cilindro recubierto por un material no conductor. Las impedancias de superficie TM y TE están acopladas cuando la incidencia es oblicua, y dependen de la geometría del problema y de los números de onda. Además, se ha derivado una impedancia de superficie constante, aunque con diferente valor cuando el observador se encuentra en la zona iluminada o en la zona de sombra. Después, se presenta una solución UTD para el cálculo de la dispersión de una onda plana con incidencia oblicua sobre un cilindro eléctricamente grande y convexo, mediante la generalización del problema canónico correspondiente al cilindro circular. La solución asintótica es uniforme porque se mantiene continua a lo largo de la región de transición, en las inmediaciones del contorno de sombra, y se reduce a la solución de rayos ópticos en la zona iluminada y a la contribución de las ondas de superficie dentro de la zona de sombra, lejos de la región de transición. Cuando se usa cualquier material no conductor se excita una componente contrapolar que tiende a desaparecer cuando la incidencia es normal al cilindro y en la región iluminada. Se discuten ampliamente las limitaciones de las fórmulas para la impedancia de superficie efectiva, y se compara la solución UTD con otras soluciones de referencia, donde se observa una muy buena concordancia. Y en tercer lugar, se presenta una aproximación para una impedancia de superficie efectiva para el cálculo de los campos superficiales en un cilindro circular conductor recubierto por un dieléctrico. Se discuten las principales diferencias que existen entre un cilindro PEC recubierto por un dieléctrico desde un punto de vista riguroso y un cilindro con una IBC. Mientras para un cilindro de impedancia se considera una impedancia de superficie constante o uniforme, para un cilindro conductor recubierto por un dieléctrico se derivan dos impedancias de superficie. Estas impedancias de superficie están asociadas a los modos de ondas creeping TM y TE excitadas en un cilindro, y dependen de la posición y de la orientación del observador y de la fuente. Con esto en mente, se deriva una solución UTD con IBC para los campos superficiales teniendo en cuenta las dependencias de la impedancia de superficie. La expansión asintótica se realiza, mediante la transformación de Watson, sobre la representación en serie de las funciones de Green correspondientes, evitando as í calcular las derivadas de orden superior de las integrales de tipo Fock, y dando lugar a una solución rápida y precisa. En los ejemplos numéricos realizados se observa una muy buena precisión cuando el cilindro y la separación entre el observador y la fuente son grandes. Esta solución, junto con el método de los momentos (MoM), se puede aplicar para el cálculo eficiente del acoplamiento mutuo de grandes arrays conformados de antenas de parches. Los métodos propuestos basados en UTD para el cálculo del campo electromagnético dispersado y superficial sobre un cilindro PEC recubierto de dieléctrico con una IBC efectiva suponen un primer paso hacia la generalización de una solución UTD para superficies metálicas convexas arbitrarias cubiertas por un material no conductor e iluminadas por una fuente electromagnética arbitraria. ABSTRACT With this thesis ”Development of a Uniform Theory of Diffraction for Scattered and Surface Electromagnetic Field Analysis on a Cylinder” we have initiated a line of investigation whose goal is to answer the following question: what is the surface impedance which describes a perfect electric conductor (PEC) convex structure covered by a material coating? These studies are of current and future interest for predicting the electromagnetic (EM) fields incident, radiating or propagating on locally smooth convex parts of highly metallic structures with a material coating, or by a lossy metallic surfaces, as for example in aerospace, maritime and automotive applications. Moreover, from a theoretical point of view, the surface impedance characterization of PEC surfaces with or without a material coating represents a generalization of independent solutions for both type of problems. A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is developed in this thesis for analyzing the canonical problem of EM scattered and surface field by an electrically large circular cylinder with an impedance boundary condition (IBC) in the high frequency regime, by means of a surface impedance characterization. The construction of a UTD solution for this canonical problem is crucial for the development of the corresponding UTD solution for the more general case of an arbitrary smooth convex surface, via the principle of the localization of high frequency EM fields. The development of the present doctoral thesis has been carried out through a series of landmarks that are enumerated as follows, emphasizing the main contributions that this work has given rise to. Initially, a profound revision is made in the state of art of asymptotic methods where numerous references are given. Thus, any reader may know the history of geometrical optics (GO) and geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), which led to the development of UTD. Then, the UTD is deeply investigated and the main studies which are found in the literature are shown. This chapter situates us in the position to state that, as far as we know, nobody has attempted before to perform a rigorous research about the surface impedance characterization for material-coated PEC convex structures via UTD. First, a UTD solution is developed for the canonical problem of the EM scattering by an electrically large circular cylinder with a uniform IBC, when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident high frequency plane wave. A solution to this canonical problem is first constructed in terms of an exact formulation involving a radially propagating eigenfunction expansion. The latter is converted into a circumferentially propagating eigenfunction expansion suited for large cylinders, via the Watson transformation, which is expressed as an integral that is subsequently evaluated asymptotically, for high frequencies, in a uniform manner. The resulting solution is then expressed in the desired UTD ray form. This solution is uniform in the sense that it has the important property that it remains continuous across the transition region on either side of the surface shadow boundary. Outside the shadow boundary transition region it recovers the purely ray optical incident and reflected ray fields on the deep lit side of the shadow boundary and to the modal surface diffracted ray fields on the deep shadow side. The scattered field is seen to have a cross-polarized component due to the coupling between the TEz and TMz waves (where z is the cylinder axis) resulting from the IBC. Such cross-polarization vanishes for normal incidence on the cylinder, and also in the deep lit region for oblique incidence where it properly reduces to the GO or ray optical solution. This UTD solution is shown to be very accurate by a numerical comparison with an exact reference solution. Then, an effective IBC is developed for the EM scattered field on a coated PEC circular cylinder illuminated by an obliquely incident plane wave. Two surface impedances are derived in a direct relation with the TM and TE surface and creeping wave modes excited on a coated cylinder. The TM and TE surface impedances are coupled at oblique incidence, and depend on the geometry of the problem and the wave numbers. Nevertheless, a constant surface impedance is found, although with a different value when the observation point lays in the lit or in the shadow region. Then, a UTD solution for the scattering of an obliquely incident plane wave on an electrically large smooth convex coated PEC cylinder is introduced, via a generalization of the canonical circular cylinder problem. The asymptotic solution is uniform because it remains continuous across the transition region, in the vicinity of the shadow boundary, and it recovers the ray optical solution in the deep lit region and the creeping wave formulation within the deep shadow region. When a coating is present a cross-polar field term is excited, which vanishes at normal incidence and in the deep lit region. The limitations of the effective surface impedance formulas are discussed, and the UTD solution is compared with some reference solutions where a very good agreement is met. And in third place, an effective surface impedance approach is introduced for determining surface fields on an electrically large coated metallic circular cylinder. Differences in analysis of rigorouslytreated coated metallic cylinders and cylinders with an IBC are discussed. While for the impedance cylinder case a single constant or uniform surface impedance is considered, for the coated metallic cylinder case two surface impedances are derived. These are associated with the TM and TE creeping wave modes excited on a cylinder and depend on observation and source positions and orientations. With this in mind, a UTD based method with IBC is derived for the surface fields by taking into account the surface impedance variation. The asymptotic expansion is performed, via the Watson transformation, over the appropriate series representation of the Green’s functions, thus avoiding higher-order derivatives of Fock-type integrals, and yielding a fast and an accurate solution. Numerical examples reveal a very good accuracy for large cylinders when the separation between the observation and the source point is large. Thus, this solution could be efficiently applied in mutual coupling analysis, along with the method of moments (MoM), of large conformal microstrip array antennas. The proposed UTD methods for scattered and surface EM field analysis on a coated PEC cylinder with an effective IBC are considered the first steps toward the generalization of a UTD solution for large arbitrarily convex smooth metallic surfaces covered by a material coating and illuminated by an arbitrary EM source.


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Caption title.


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"Contract AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572. Sponsored by: Wright Air Development Center"


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"Contract No. AF33(616)-3220 Project No. 6(7-4600) Task 40572 Wright Air Development Center"


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The introduction situates the ‘hard problem’ in its historical context and argues that the problem has two sides: the output side (the Kant-Eccles problem of the freedom of the Will) and the input side (the problem of qualia). The output side ultimately reduces to whether quantum mechanics can affect the operation of synapses. A discussion of the detailed molecular biology of synaptic transmission as presently understood suggests that such affects are unlikely. Instead an evolutionary argument is presented which suggests that our conviction of free agency is an evolutionarily induced illusion and hence that the Kant-Eccles problem is itself illusory. This conclusion is supported by well-known neurophysiology. The input side, the problem of qualia, of subjectivity, is not so easily outflanked. After a brief review of the neurophysiological correlates of consciousness (NCC) and of the Penrose-Hameroff microtubular neuroquantology it is again concluded that the molecular neurobiology makes quantum wave-mechanics an unlikely explanation. Instead recourse is made to an evolutionarily- and neurobiologically-informed panpsychism. The notion of an ‘emergent’ property is carefully distinguished from that of the more usual ‘system’ property used by most dual-aspect theorists (and the majority of neuroscientists) and used to support Llinas’ concept of an ‘oneiric’ consciousness continuously modified by sensory input. I conclude that a panpsychist theory, such as this, coupled with the non-classical understanding of matter flowing from quantum physics (both epistemological and scientific) may be the default and only solution to the problem posed by the presence of mind in a world of things.


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R-matrix with time-dependence theory is applied to electron-impact ionisation processes for He in the S-wave model. Cross sections for electron-impact excitation, ionisation and ionisation with excitation for impact energies between 25 and 225 eV are in excellent agreement with benchmark cross sections. Ultra-fast dynamics induced by a scattering event is observed through time-dependent signatures associated with autoionisation from doubly excited states. Further insight into dynamics can be obtained through examination of the spin components of the time-dependent wavefunction.


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This thesis describes two separate projects. The first is a theoretical and experimental investigation of surface acoustic wave streaming in microfluidics. The second is the development of a novel acoustic glucose sensor. A separate abstract is given for each here. Optimization of acoustic streaming in microfluidic channels by SAWs Surface Acoustic Waves, (SAWs) actuated on flat piezoelectric substrates constitute a convenient and versatile tool for microfluidic manipulation due to the easy and versatile interfacing with microfluidic droplets and channels. The acoustic streaming effect can be exploited to drive fast streaming and pumping of fluids in microchannels and droplets (Shilton et al. 2014; Schmid et al. 2011), as well as size dependant sorting of particles in centrifugal flows and vortices (Franke et al. 2009; Rogers et al. 2010). Although the theory describing acoustic streaming by SAWs is well understood, very little attention has been paid to the optimisation of SAW streaming by the correct selection of frequency. In this thesis a finite element simulation of the fluid streaming in a microfluidic chamber due to a SAW beam was constructed and verified against micro-PIV measurements of the fluid flow in a fabricated device. It was found that there is an optimum frequency that generates the fastest streaming dependent on the height and width of the chamber. It is hoped this will serve as a design tool for those who want to optimally match SAW frequency with a particular microfluidic design. An acoustic glucose sensor Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterised by an inability to properly regulate blood glucose levels. In order to keep glucose levels under control some diabetics require regular injections of insulin. Continuous monitoring of glucose has been demonstrated to improve the management of diabetes (Zick et al. 2007; Heinemann & DeVries 2014), however there is a low patient uptake of continuous glucose monitoring systems due to the invasive nature of the current technology (Ramchandani et al. 2011). In this thesis a novel way of monitoring glucose levels is proposed which would use ultrasonic waves to ‘read’ a subcutaneous glucose sensitive-implant, which is only minimally invasive. The implant is an acoustic analogy of a Bragg stack with a ‘defect’ layer that acts as the sensing layer. A numerical study was performed on how the physical changes in the sensing layer can be deduced by monitoring the reflection amplitude spectrum of ultrasonic waves reflected from the implant. Coupled modes between the skin and the sensing layer were found to be a potential source of error and drift in the measurement. It was found that by increasing the number of layers in the stack that this could be minimized. A laboratory proof of concept system was developed using a glucose sensitive hydrogel as the sensing layer. It was possible to monitor the changing thickness and speed of sound of the hydrogel due to physiological relevant changes in glucose concentration.


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Dynamical Chern-Simons gravity is an extension of general relativity in which the gravitational field is coupled to a scalar field through a parity-violating Chern-Simons term. In this framework, we study perturbations of spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes, assuming that the background scalar field vanishes. Our results suggest that these spacetimes are stable, and small perturbations die away as a ringdown. However, in contrast to standard general relativity, the gravitational waveforms are also driven by the scalar field. Thus, the gravitational oscillation modes of black holes carry imprints of the coupling to the scalar field. This is a smoking gun for Chern-Simons theory and could be tested with gravitational-wave detectors, such as LIGO or LISA. For negative values of the coupling constant, ghosts are known to arise, and we explicitly verify their appearance numerically. Our results are validated using both time evolution and frequency domain methods.


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We introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and from biomass burning aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostics include the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between the simulated biomass burning aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM(2.5)) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosondes and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained.


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We study the one-loop low-energy effective action for the higher-derivative superfield gauge theory coupled to chiral matter.