959 resultados para computer-generated drawings


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Esta pesquisa inicia-se pelo estudo das diferentes maneiras de representação de um projeto arquitetônico: desenhos analógicos e digitais, desenhos naturais e técnicos, desenhos auxiliados por computador, maquetes físicas e modelos digitais. Teve como objetivo analisar a representação gráfica utilizada nas publicações de obras arquitetônicas em mídias impressas especializadas, tendo sido selecionada a Revista Projeto & Design como estudo de caso. Com este estudo foi possível, por meio de bibliometria gráfica, verificar as contribuições das representações na compreensão e leitura dos projetos arquitetônicos, elencando-se e exemplificando-se as tipologias de imagens utilizadas nas últimas décadas, bem como relacionar os resultados com o momento histórico em que foram projetadas ou publicadas.


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Da maligne Neoplasien durch Mutationen in Proto-Onko- und/oder Tumorsuppressorgenen ausgelöst werden, stellt die DNA eines der wichtigsten Targets für die Entwicklung neuer Zytostatika dar. Auch bei den im Arbeitskreis Pindur designten und synthetisier-ten Verbindungen der Nukleobasen-gekoppelten Pyrrolcarboxamid-, der Hetaren[a]carbazol- und der Combilexin-Reihe handelt es sich um DNA-Liganden mit potentiell antitumoraktiven Eigenschaf-ten. Die einen dualen Bindemodus aufweisenden Combilexine bestehen aus einem Interkalator (u. a. Naphthalimid, Acridon), der über einen Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit einer rinnenbin-denden, von Netropsin abgeleiteten Bispyrrol-, oder einer bioisosteren Imidazol-, Thiazol- oder Thiophen-pyrrolcarboxamid-struktur verknüpft ist. Das N-terminale Ende der Combilexine wird von einer N,N-Dimethylaminopropyl- oder -ethyl-Seitenkette gebildet. Die DNA-Affinitäten der Liganden wurden mittels Tm-Wert-Messung-en bestimmt. Diese Denaturierungsexperimente wurden sowohl mit poly(dAdT)2- als auch mit Thymus-DNA (~42% GC-Anteil) durchge-führt, um Aussagen zur Stärke und zur Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung machen zu können. Des Weiteren wurden die Bindekon-stanten einiger ausgewählter Vertreter mit Hilfe des Ethidium-bromid-Verdrängungsassays ermittelt; einige Testverbindungen wurden zudem auf potentiell vorhandene, TOPO I-inhibierende Eigenschaften untersucht. Diese biochemischen und biophysika-lischen Tests wurden durch Molecular Modelling-Studien ergänzt, die die Berechnung von molekularen Eigenschaften, die Durch-führung von Konformerenanalysen und die Simulation von DNA-Ligand-Komplexen (Docking) umfassten. Durch Korrelation der in vitro-Befunde mit den in silico-Daten gelang es, vor allem für die Substanzklasse der Combilexine einige richtungweisende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen aufzustellen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Einführung eines Imidazol-Rings in die rinnen-bindende Hetaren-pyrrolcarboxamid-Struktur der Combilexine aufgrund der H-Brücken-Akzeptor-Funktion des sp2-hybridisierten N-Atoms eine Verschiebung der Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung von AT- zu GC-reichen Arealen der DNA bedingt. Zudem erwies sich ein C3-Linker für die Verknüpfung des Naphthalimids mit dem rinnenbindenden Strukturelement als am besten geeignet, während bei den Acridon-Derivaten die Verbindungen mit einem N-terminalen Buttersäure-Linker die höchste DNA-Affinität aufwiesen. Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich auf die im Vergleich zum Naphthalimid-Molekül geringere y-Achsen-Ausdehnung (bzgl. eines x/y-Koordinatensystems) des Acridons zurückzuführen. Die ermittelten Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen können dazu herangezogen werden, das rationale Design neuer DNA-Liganden mit potentiell stärkerer DNA-Bindung zu optimieren.


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Form und Gestalt kraniofazialer Strukturen sind primär beeinflusst durch die inhärente Integration der unterschiedlichsten Funktionssysteme und externer selektiver Einflüsse. Die Variabilität der Schädel-Morphe ist ein Indikator für solche Einflussfaktoren und damit ein idealer Gegenstand für vergleichende Analysen morphogenetischer Formbildung. Zur Ermittlung morphologisch-adaptiver Trends und Muster wurden sowohl Hypothesen zur morphologischen Differenziertheit als auch zu Korrelationen zwischen modularen Schädelkompartimenten (fazial, neurokranial, basikranial) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden aus Schichtröntgenaufnahmen (CT) virtuelle Modelle rekonstruiert, welche die Interpretation der statistischen Befunde unterstützen sollten. Zur Berechnung der Gestaltunterschiede wurden mittels eines mechanischen Gelenkarm-Messgerätes (MicroScribe-G2) max. 85 ektokraniale Messpunkte (Landmarks) bzw. dreidimensionale Koordinaten an ca. 520 Schädeln von fünf rezenten Gattungen der Überfamilie Hominoidea (Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan und Homo) akquiriert. Aus dem Datensatz wurden geometrische Störfaktoren (Größe, Translation, Rotation) mathematisch eliminiert und die verbleibenden Residuale bzw. ‚Gestalt-Variablen‘ diversen multivariat-statistischen Verfahren unterzogen (Faktoren, Cluster-, Regressions- und Korrelationsanalysen sowie statistische Tests). Die angewandten Methoden erhalten die geometrische Information der Untersuchungsobjekte über alle Analyseschritte hinweg und werden unter der Bezeichnung „Geometric Morphometrics (GMM)“ als aktueller Ansatz der Morphometrie zusammengefasst. Für die unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen wurden spezifische Datensätze generiert. Es konnten diverse morphologische Trends und adaptive Muster mit Hilfe der Synthese statistischer Methoden und computer-basierter Rekonstruktionen aus den generierten Datensätzen ermittelt werden. Außerdem war es möglich, präzise zu rekonstruieren, welche kranialen Strukturen innerhalb der Stichprobe miteinander wechselwirken, einzigartige Variabilitäten repräsentieren oder eher homogen gestaltet sind. Die vorliegenden Befunde lassen erkennen, dass Fazial- und Neurokranium am stärksten miteinander korrelieren, während das Basikranium geringe Abhängigkeiten in Bezug auf Gesichts- oder Hirnschädelveränderungen zeigte. Das Basikranium erweist sich zudem bei den nicht-menschlichen Hominoidea und über alle Analysen hinweg als konservative und evolutiv-persistente Struktur mit dem geringsten Veränderungs-Potential. Juvenile Individuen zeigen eine hohe Affinität zueinander und zu Formen mit einem kleinem Gesichts- und großem Hirnschädel. Während das Kranium des rezenten Menschen primär von Enkephalisation und fazialer Retraktion (Orthognathisierung) dominiert ist und somit eine einzigartige Gestalt aufweist, zeigt sich der Kauapparat als maßgeblich formbildendes Kompartiment bei den nicht-menschlichen Formen. Die Verbindung von GMM mit den interaktiven Möglichkeiten computergenerierter Modelle erwies sich als valides Werkzeug zur Erfassung der aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen. Die Interpretation der Befunde ist durch massive Interkorrelationen der untersuchten Strukturen und der statistisch-mathematischen Prozeduren als hoch komplex zu kennzeichnen. Die Studie präsentiert einen innovativen Ansatz der modernen Morphometrie, welcher für zukünftige Untersuchungen im Bereich der kraniofazialen Gestaltanalyse ausgebaut werden könnte. Dabei verspricht die Verknüpfung mit ‚klassischen’ und modernen Zugängen (z. B. Molekularbiologie) gesteigerte Erkenntnismöglichkeiten für künftige morphometrische Fragestellungen.


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In dieser Dissertation wurden die Methoden Homologiemodellierung und Molekulardynamik genutzt, um die Struktur und das Verhalten von Proteinen in Lösung zu beschreiben. Mit Hilfe der Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung wurden die mit den Computermethoden erzeugten Vorhersagen verifiziert. Für das alpha-Hämolysin, ein Toxin von Staphylococcus aureus, das eine heptamere Pore formen kann, wurde erstmalig die monomere Struktur des Protein in Lösung beschrieben. Homologiemodellierung auf Basis verwandter Proteine, deren monomere Struktur bekannt war, wurde verwendet, um die monomere Struktur des Toxins vorherzusagen. Flexibilität von Strukturelementen in einer Molekulardynamiksimulation konnte mit der Funktionalität des Proteines korreliert werden: Intrinsische Flexibilität versetzt das Protein in die Lage den Konformationswechsel zur Pore nach Assemblierung zu vollziehen. Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung bewies die Unterschiede der monomeren Struktur zu den Strukturen der verwandten Proteine und belegt den eigenen Vorschlag zur Struktur. Überdies konnten Arbeiten an einer Mutante, die in einer sogenannten Präporenkonformation arretiert und nicht in der Lage ist eine Pore zu formen, zeigen, dass dieser Übergangszustand mit der Rotationsachse senkrecht zur Membran gelagert ist. Eine geometrische Analyse beweist, dass es sterisch möglich ist ausgehend von dieser Konformation die Konformation der Pore zu erreichen. Eine energetische und kinetische Analyse dieses Konformationswechsels steht noch aus. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit den Konformationswechseln von Hämocyaninen. Diese wurden experimentell mittels Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung verfolgt. Konformationswechsel im Zusammenhang mit der Oxygenierung konnten für die 24meren Hämocyanine von Eurypelma californicum und Pandinus imperator beschrieben werden. Für eine Reihe von Hämocyaninen ist nachgewiesen, dass sie unter Einfluss des Agenz SDS Tyrosinaseaktivität entfalten können. Der Konformationswechsel der Hämocyanine von E. californicum und P. imperator bei der Aktivierung zur Tyrosinase mittels SDS wurde experimentell bestätigt und die Stellung der Dodekamere der Hämocyanine als wesentlich bei der Aktivierung festgestellt. Im Zusammenhang mit anderen Arbeiten gilt damit die Relaxierung der Struktur unter SDS-Einfluss und der sterische Einfluss auf die verbindenden Untereinheiten b & c als wahrscheinliche Ursache für die Aktivierung zur Tyrosinase. Eigene Software zum sogenannten rigid body-Modellierung auf der Basis von Röntgenkleinwinkelstreudaten wurde erstellt, um die Streudaten des hexameren Hämocyanins von Palinurus elephas und Palinurus argus unter Einfluss der Effektoren Urat und Koffein strukturell zu interpretieren. Die Software ist die erste Implementierung eines Monte Carlo-Algorithmus zum rigid body-Modelling. Sie beherrscht zwei Varianten des Algorithmus: In Verbindung mit simulated annealing können wahrscheinliche Konformationen ausgefiltert werden und in einer anschließenden systematischen Analyse kann eine Konformation geometrisch beschrieben werden. Andererseits ist ein weiterer, reiner Monte Carlo-Algorithmus in der Lage die Konformation als Dichteverteilung zu beschreiben.


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In this paper we propose a new system that allows reliable acetabular cup placement when the THA is operated in lateral approach. Conceptually it combines the accuracy of computer-generated patient-specific morphology information with an easy-to-use mechanical guide, which effectively uses natural gravity as the angular reference. The former is achieved by using a statistical shape model-based 2D-3D reconstruction technique that can generate a scaled, patient-specific 3D shape model of the pelvis from a single conventional anteroposterior (AP) pelvic X-ray radiograph. The reconstructed 3D shape model facilitates a reliable and accurate co-registration of the mechanical guide with the patient’s anatomy in the operating theater. We validated the accuracy of our system by conducting experiments on placing seven cups to four pelvises with different morphologies. Taking the measurements from an image-free navigation system as the ground truth, our system showed an average accuracy of 2.1 ±0.7 o for inclination and an average accuracy of 1.2 ±1.4 o for anteversion.


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Background The effectiveness of durable polymer drug-eluting stents comes at the expense of delayed arterial healing and subsequent late adverse events such as stent thrombosis (ST). We report the 4 year follow-up of an assessment of biodegradable polymer-based drug-eluting stents, which aim to improve safety by avoiding the persistent inflammatory stimulus of durable polymers. Methods We did a multicentre, assessor-masked, non-inferiority trial. Between Nov 27, 2006, and May 18, 2007, patients aged 18 years or older with coronary artery disease were randomly allocated with a computer-generated sequence to receive either biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stents (BES) or durable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents (SES; 1:1 ratio). The primary endpoint was a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or clinically-indicated target vessel revascularisation (TVR); patients were followed-up for 4 years. Analysis was by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00389220. Findings 1707 patients with 2472 lesions were randomly allocated to receive either biodegradable polymer BES (857 patients, 1257 lesions) or durable polymer SES (850 patients, 1215 lesions). At 4 years, biodegradable polymer BES were non-inferior to durable polymer SES for the primary endpoint: 160 (18·7%) patients versus 192 (22·6%) patients (rate ratios [RR] 0·81, 95% CI 0·66–1·00, p for non-inferiority <0·0001, p for superiority=0·050). The RR of definite ST was 0·62 (0·35–1·08, p=0·09), which was largely attributable to a lower risk of very late definite ST between years 1 and 4 in the BES group than in the SES group (RR 0·20, 95% CI 0·06–0·67, p=0·004). Conversely, the RR of definite ST during the first year was 0·99 (0·51–1·95; p=0·98) and the test for interaction between RR of definite ST and time was positive (pinteraction=0·017). We recorded an interaction with time for events associated with ST but not for other events. For primary endpoint events associated with ST, the RR was 0·86 (0·41–1·80) during the first year and 0·17 (0·04–0·78) during subsequent years (pinteraction=0·049). Interpretation Biodegradable polymer BES are non-inferior to durable polymer SES and, by reducing the risk of cardiac events associated with very late ST, might improve long-term clinical outcomes for up to 4 years compared with durable polymer SES. Funding Biosensors Europe SA, Switzerland.


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Background Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and fatal lung disease with inevitable loss of lung function. The CAPACITY programme (studies 004 and 006) was designed to confirm the results of a phase 2 study that suggested that pirfenidone, a novel antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory drug, reduces deterioration in lung function in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Methods In two concurrent trials (004 and 006), patients (aged 40–80 years) with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were randomly assigned to oral pirfenidone or placebo for a minimum of 72 weeks in 110 centres in Australia, Europe, and North America. In study 004, patients were assigned in a 2:1:2 ratio to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, pirfenidone 1197 mg/day, or placebo; in study 006, patients were assigned in a 1:1 ratio to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day or placebo. The randomisation code (permuted block design) was computer generated and stratified by region. All study personnel were masked to treatment group assignment until after final database lock. Treatments were administered orally, 801 mg or 399 mg three times a day. The primary endpoint was change in percentage predicted forced vital capacity (FVC) at week 72. Analysis was by intention to treat. The studies are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, numbers NCT00287729 and NCT00287716. Findings In study 004, 174 of 435 patients were assigned to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, 87 to pirfenidone 1197 mg/day, and 174 to placebo. In study 006, 171 of 344 patients were assigned to pirfenidone 2403 mg/day, and 173 to placebo. All patients in both studies were analysed. In study 004, pirfenidone reduced decline in FVC (p=0·001). Mean FVC change at week 72 was −8·0% (SD 16·5) in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day group and −12·4% (18·5) in the placebo group (difference 4·4%, 95% CI 0·7 to 9·1); 35 (20%) of 174 versus 60 (35%) of 174 patients, respectively, had a decline of at least 10%. A significant treatment effect was noted at all timepoints from week 24 and in an analysis over all study timepoints (p=0·0007). Mean change in percentage FVC in the pirfenidone 1197 mg/day group was intermediate to that in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day and placebo groups. In study 006, the difference between groups in FVC change at week 72 was not significant (p=0·501). Mean change in FVC at week 72 was −9·0% (SD 19·6) in the pirfenidone group and −9·6% (19·1) in the placebo group, and the difference between groups in predicted FVC change at week 72 was not significant (0·6%, −3·5 to 4·7); however, a consistent pirfenidone effect was apparent until week 48 (p=0·005) and in an analysis of all study timepoints (p=0·007). Patients in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day group had higher incidences of nausea (125 [36%] of 345 vs 60 [17%] of 347), dyspepsia (66 [19%] vs 26 [7%]), vomiting (47 [14%] vs 15 [4%]), anorexia (37 [11%] vs 13 [4%]), photosensitivity (42 [12%] vs 6 [2%]), rash (111 [32%] vs 40 [12%]), and dizziness (63 [18%] vs 35 [10%]) than did those in the placebo group. Fewer overall deaths (19 [6%] vs 29 [8%]) and fewer deaths related to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (12 [3%] vs 25 [7%]) occurred in the pirfenidone 2403 mg/day groups than in the placebo groups. Interpretation The data show pirfenidone has a favourable benefit risk profile and represents an appropriate treatment option for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.


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This thesis had two goals: to explore the transformation of Hollywood from the 1930s to present, and to investigate how Contemporary Hollywood functions in a growing attention economy. Evident in the types of films that it produces as well as its evolving industrial structure, Contemporary Hollywood significantly differs from the Classical Hollywood of the 1930s. New digital technologies like surround sound and computer-generated imagery (CGI) have allowed studios to create a different type of film like the blockbuster and to have more extensive control over their films. Additionally, growing exhibition and distribution platforms have also fundamentally altered the industrial landscape of Hollywood. In order to combat this more egalitarian distribution system, Contemporary Hollywood has turned to conglomeratization. But, what has caused such a radical shift in the form and function of Contemporary Hollywood and its films? This thesis argues that Hollywood is failing to thrive in this new media landscape¿not because of changing technologies¿but because of a changing consumer. Richard Lanham theorizes that we are living in a growing attention economy, where human attention is the most valuable commodity in such an information-saturated society. For the current consumer, there is near-constant media over-stimulation: he or she is exposed to any number of screens (mobile phones, laptops, tablets, televisions, etc.) at any given time. Because we can access anything from anywhere at anytime, we¿ve become somewhat schizophrenic and impatient in terms of the media that we consume in our lives.


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BACKGROUND: In women with chronic anovulation, the choice of the FSH starting dose and the modality of subsequent dose adjustments are critical in controlling the risk of overstimulation. The aim of this prospective randomized study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a decremental FSH dose regimen applied once the leading follicle was 10-13 mm in diameter in women treated for WHO Group II anovulation according to a chronic low-dose (CLD; 75 IU FSH for 14 days with 37.5 IU increment) step-up protocol. METHODS: Two hundred and nine subfertile women were treated with recombinant human FSH (r-hFSH) (Gonal-f) for ovulation induction according to a CLD step-up regimen. When the leading follicle reached a diameter of 10-13 mm, 158 participants were randomized by means of a computer-generated list to receive either the same FSH dose required to achieve the threshold for follicular development (CLD regimen) or half of this FSH dose [sequential (SQ) regimen]. HCG was administered only if not more than three follicles >or=16 mm in diameter were present and/or serum estradiol (E(2)) values were <1200 pg/ml. The primary outcome measure was the number of follicles >or=16 mm in size at the time of hCG administration. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics and ovarian parameters at the time of randomization were similar in the two groups. Both CLD and SQ protocols achieved similar follicular growth as regards the total number of follicles and medium-sized or mature follicles (>/=16 mm: 1.5 +/- 0.9 versus 1.4 +/- 0.7, respectively). Furthermore, serum E(2) levels were equivalent in the two groups at the time of hCG administration (441 +/- 360 versus 425 +/- 480 pg/ml for CLD and SQ protocols, respectively). The rate of mono-follicular development was identical as well as the percentage of patients who ovulated and achieved pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the CLD step-up regimen for FSH administration is efficacious and safe for promoting mono-follicular ovulation in women with WHO Group II anovulation. This study confirms that maintaining the same FSH starting dose for 14 days before increasing the dose in step-up regimen is critical to adequately control the risk of over-response. Strict application of CLD regimen should be recommended in women with WHO Group II anovulation.


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BACKGROUND: A novel stent platform eluting biolimus, a sirolimus analogue, from a biodegradable polymer showed promising results in preliminary studies. We compared the safety and efficacy of a biolimus-eluting stent (with biodegradable polymer) with a sirolimus-eluting stent (with durable polymer). METHODS: We undertook a multicentre, assessor-blind, non-inferiority study in ten European centres. 1707 patients aged 18 years or older with chronic stable coronary artery disease or acute coronary syndromes were centrally randomised by a computer-generated allocation sequence to treatment with either biolimus-eluting (n=857) or sirolimus-eluting (n=850) stents. The primary endpoint was a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or clinically-indicated target vessel revascularisation within 9 months. Analysis was by intention to treat. 427 patients were randomly allocated to angiographic follow-up, with in-stent percentage diameter stenosis as principal outcome measure at 9 months. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00389220. FINDINGS: We analysed all randomised patients. Biolimus-eluting stents were non-inferior to sirolimus-eluting stents for the primary endpoint at 9 months (79 [9%] patients vs 89 [11%], rate ratio 0.88 [95% CI 0.64-1.19], p for non-inferiority=0.003, p for superiority=0.39). Frequency of cardiac death (14 [1.6%] vs 21 [2.5%], p for superiority=0.22), myocardial infarction (49 [5.7%] vs 39 [4.6%], p=0.30), and clinically-indicated target vessel revascularisation (38 [4.4%] vs 47 [5.5%], p=0.29) were similar for both stent types. 168 (79%) patients in the biolimus-eluting group and 167 (78%) in the sirolimus-eluting group had data for angiographic follow-up available. Biolimus-eluting stents were non-inferior to sirolimus-eluting stents in in-stent percentage diameter stenosis (20.9%vs 23.3%, difference -2.2% [95% CI -6.0 to 1.6], p for non-inferiority=0.001, p for superiority=0.26). INTERPRETATION: Our results suggest that a stent eluting biolimus from a biodegradable polymer represents a safe and effective alternative to a stent eluting sirolimus from a durable polymer in patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease or acute coronary syndromes. FUNDING: Biosensors Europe SA, Switzerland.


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From Bush’s September 20, 2001 “War on Terror” speech to Congress to President-Elect Barack Obama’s acceptance speech on November 4, 2008, the U.S. Army produced visual recruitment material that addressed the concerns of falling enlistment numbers—due to the prolonged and difficult war in Iraq—with quickly-evolving and compelling rhetorical appeals: from the introduction of an “Army of One” (2001) to “Army Strong” (2006); from messages focused on education and individual identity to high-energy adventure and simulated combat scenarios, distributed through everything from printed posters and music videos to first-person tactical-shooter video games. These highly polished, professional visual appeals introduced to the American public during a time of an unpopular war fought by volunteers provide rich subject matter for research and analysis. This dissertation takes a multidisciplinary approach to the visual media utilized as part of the Army’s recruitment efforts during the War on Terror, focusing on American myths—as defined by Barthes—and how these myths are both revealed and reinforced through design across media platforms. Placing each selection in its historical context, this dissertation analyzes how printed materials changed as the War on Terror continued. It examines the television ad that introduced “Army Strong” to the American public, considering how the combination of moving image, text, and music structure the message and the way we receive it. This dissertation also analyzes the video game America’s Army, focusing on how the interaction of the human player and the computer-generated player combine to enhance the persuasive qualities of the recruitment message. Each chapter discusses how the design of the particular medium facilitates engagement/interactivity of the viewer. The conclusion considers what recruitment material produced during this time period suggests about the persuasive strategies of different media and how they create distinct relationships with their spectators. It also addresses how theoretical frameworks and critical concepts used by a variety of disciplines can be combined to analyze recruitment media utilizing a Selber inspired three literacy framework (functional, critical, rhetorical) and how this framework can contribute to the multimodal classroom by allowing instructors and students to do a comparative analysis of multiple forms of visual media with similar content.


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BACKGROUND: there is inadequate evidence to support currently formulated NHS strategies to achieve health promotion and preventative care in older people through broad-based screening and assessment in primary care. The most extensively evaluated delivery instrument for this purpose is Health Risk Appraisal (HRA). This article describes a trial using HRA to evaluate the effect on health behaviour and preventative-care uptake in older people in NHS primary care. METHODS: a randomised controlled trial was undertaken in three London primary care group practices. Functionally independent community-dwelling patients older than 65 years (n = 2,503) received a self-administered Health Risk Appraisal for Older Persons (HRA-O) questionnaire leading to computer-generated individualised written feedback to participants and general practitioners (GPs), integrated into practice information-technology (IT) systems. All primary care staff received training in preventative health in older people. The main outcome measures were self-reported health behaviour and preventative care uptake at 1-year follow-up. RESULTS: of 2,503 individuals randomised, 2,006 respondents (80.1%) (intervention, n = 940, control n = 1,066) were available for analysis. Intervention group respondents reported slightly higher pneumococcal vaccination uptake and equivocal improvement in physical activity levels compared with controls. No significant differences were observed for any other categories of health behaviour or preventative care measures at 1-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: HRA-O implemented in this way resulted in minimal improvement of health behaviour or uptake of preventative care measures in older people. Supplementary reinforcement involving contact by health professionals with patients over and above routine clinical encounters may be a prerequisite to the effectiveness of IT-based delivery systems for health promotion in older people.


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Abstract. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of strabismus on an individual's ability to find employment based on the opinion of Swiss headhunters. Methods: Forty Swiss headhunters retrieved from a Swiss online telephone directory were interviewed using a validated questionnaire in order to determine if strabismus would have an impact on a person's ability to find employment. Photographs of a strabismic man and woman as well as of other computer-generated facial anomalies could be downloaded from the Internet during the interview. Results: 72.5% of headhunters judged that strabismic individuals would have more difficulties in finding a job than orthotropic persons. These difficulties were judged to be stronger in women than in men (P = 0.006), and in exotropic compared to esotropic persons (P = 0.01). Asked about seven facial anomalies, exotropia was found to have the third and esotropia the fourth (women) or fifth (men) most strongly negative impact on finding employment, after having strong acne and a visible missing tooth. Headhunters judged that persons with strabismus are significantly perceived as less attractive and less intelligent by potential employers. Conclusion: Visible strabismus negatively influences individuals' ability to find a job and therefore has an impact on their economic status. Successful strabismus surgery realigns the visual axes, producing a normal facial appearance and therefore eliminating the negative impact of strabismus on employability.


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AIMS: To determine the influence of strabismus on the ability to find a partner. METHODS: We interviewed Swiss dating agents retrieved from two Swiss online telephone directories using a validated questionnaire to determine whether strabismus has any impact on the ability to find a partner. During the interviews, subjects with internet access could view downloadable, digitally altered photographs of a strabismic man and women, as well as images of other computer-generated facial anomalies. RESULTS: Of the 40 dating agents, 92.5% judged that strabismic subjects have more difficulty finding a partner (p<0.001). Such difficulty was not associated with either gender or age but was perceived as being greater in exotropic than in esotropic persons (p<0.001). Among the seven facial disfigurements, strabismus was believed to have the third largest negative impact on finding a partner, after strong acne and a visible missing tooth. Dating agents also believed that potential partners perceive persons with strabismus as significantly less attractive (p<0.001), erotic (p<0.001), likeable (p<0.001), interesting (p<0.001), successful (p<0.001), intelligent (p = 0.001) and sporty (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Visible strabismus negatively influences the ability to find a partner. Because strabismus surgery in adults restores a normal functioning condition and reduces not only physical but also psychosocial difficulties, it cannot be considered a cosmetic procedure.


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Virtual studio technology plays an important role for modern television productions. Blue-screen matting is a common technique for integrating real actors or moderators into computer generated sceneries. Augmented reality offers the possibility to mix real and virtual in a more general context. This article proposes a new technological approach for combining real studio content with computergenerated information. Digital light projection allows a controlled spatial, temporal, chrominance and luminance modulation of illumination – opening new possibilities for TV studios.