944 resultados para complex wavelet transform


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This paper addresses the problem of processing biological data, such as cardiac beats in the audio and ultrasonic range, and on calculating wavelet coefficients in real time, with the processor clock running at a frequency of present application-specified integrated circuits and field programmable gate array. The parallel filter architecture for discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been improved, calculating the wavelet coefficients in real time with hardware reduced up to 60%. The new architecture, which also processes inverse DWT, is implemented with the Radix-2 or the Booth-Wallace constant multipliers. One integrated circuit signal analyzer in the ultrasonic range, including series memory register banks, is presented. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper presents a method to enhance microcalcifications and classify their borders by applying the wavelet transform. Decomposing an image and removing its low frequency sub-band the microcalcifications are enhanced. Analyzing the effects of perturbations on high frequency subband it's possible to classify its borders as smooth, rugged or undefined. Results show a false positive reduction of 69.27% using a region growing algorithm. © 2008 IEEE.


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Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are of many distinct types, and different classification systems make it difficult to diagnose them correctly. Many of these systems classify lymphomas only based on what they look like under a microscope. In 2008 the World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced the most recent system, which also considers the chromosome features of the lymphoma cells and the presence of certain proteins on their surface. The WHO system is the one that we apply in this work. Herewith we present an automatic method to classify histological images of three types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Our method is based on the Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), and it consists of three steps: 1) extracting sub-bands from the histological image through SWT, 2) applying Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to clean noise and select the most relevant information, 3) classifying it by the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. The kernel types Linear, RBF and Polynomial were evaluated with our method applied to 210 images of lymphoma from the National Institute on Aging. We concluded that the following combination led to the most relevant results: detail sub-band, ANOVA and SVM with Linear and RBF kernels.


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This paper presents two diagnostic methods for the online detection of broken bars in induction motors with squirrel-cage type rotors. The wavelet representation of a function is a new technique. Wavelet transform of a function is the improved version of Fourier transform. Fourier transform is a powerful tool for analyzing the components of a stationary signal. But it is failed for analyzing the non-stationary signal whereas wavelet transform allows the components of a non-stationary signal to be analyzed. In this paper, our main goal is to find out the advantages of wavelet transform compared to Fourier transform in rotor failure diagnosis of induction motors.


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Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed.


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Adaptive embedded systems are required in various applications. This work addresses these needs in the area of adaptive image compression in FPGA devices. A simplified version of an evolution strategy is utilized to optimize wavelet filters of a Discrete Wavelet Transform algorithm. We propose an adaptive image compression system in FPGA where optimized memory architecture, parallel processing and optimized task scheduling allow reducing the time of evolution. The proposed solution has been extensively evaluated in terms of the quality of compression as well as the processing time. The proposed architecture reduces the time of evolution by 44% compared to our previous reports while maintaining the quality of compression unchanged with respect to existing implementations. The system is able to find an optimized set of wavelet filters in less than 2 min whenever the input type of data changes.


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La teledetección o percepción remota (remote sensing) es la ciencia que abarca la obtención de información (espectral, espacial, temporal) sobre un objeto, área o fenómeno a través del análisis de datos adquiridos por un dispositivo que no está en contacto con el elemento estudiado. Los datos obtenidos a partir de la teledetección para la observación de la superficie terrestre comúnmente son imágenes, que se caracterizan por contar con un sinnúmero de aplicaciones que están en continua evolución, por lo cual para solventar los constantes requerimientos de nuevas aplicaciones a menudo se proponen nuevos algoritmos que mejoran o facilitan algún proceso en particular. Para el desarrollo de dichos algoritmos, es preciso hacer uso de métodos matemáticos que permitan la manipulación de la información con algún fin específico. Dentro de estos métodos, el análisis multi-resolución se caracteriza por permitir analizar una señal en diferentes escalas, lo que facilita trabajar con datos que puedan tener resoluciones diferentes, tal es el caso de las imágenes obtenidas mediante teledetección. Una de las alternativas para la implementación de análisis multi-resolución es la Transformada Wavelet Compleja de Doble Árbol (DT-CWT). Esta transformada se implementa a partir de dos filtros reales y se caracteriza por presentar invariancia a traslaciones, precio a pagar por su característica de no ser críticamente muestreada. A partir de las características de la DT-CWT se propone su uso en el diseño de algoritmos de procesamiento de imagen, particularmente imágenes de teledetección. Estos nuevos algoritmos de procesamiento digital de imágenes de teledetección corresponden particularmente a fusión y detección de cambios. En este contexto esta tesis presenta tres algoritmos principales aplicados a fusión, evaluación de fusión y detección de cambios en imágenes. Para el caso de fusión de imágenes, se presenta un esquema general que puede ser utilizado con cualquier algoritmo de análisis multi-resolución; este algoritmo parte de la implementación mediante DT-CWT para luego extenderlo a un método alternativo, el filtro bilateral. En cualquiera de los dos casos la metodología implica que la inyección de componentes pueda realizarse mediante diferentes alternativas. En el caso del algoritmo de evaluación de fusión se presenta un nuevo esquema que hace uso de procesos de clasificación, lo que permite evaluar los resultados del proceso de fusión de forma individual para cada tipo de cobertura de uso de suelo que se defina en el proceso de evaluación. Esta metodología permite complementar los procesos de evaluación tradicionales y puede facilitar el análisis del impacto de la fusión sobre determinadas clases de suelo. Finalmente, los algoritmos de detección de cambios propuestos abarcan dos enfoques. El primero está orientado a la obtención de mapas de sequía en datos multi-temporales a partir de índices espectrales. El segundo enfoque propone la utilización de un índice global de calidad espectral como filtro espacial. La utilización de dicho filtro facilita la comparación espectral global entre dos imágenes, esto unido a la utilización de umbrales, conlleva a la obtención de imágenes diferencia que contienen la información de cambio. ABSTRACT Remote sensing is a science relates to information gathering (spectral, spatial, temporal) about an object, area or phenomenon, through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the studied item. In general, data obtained from remote sensing to observe the earth’s surface are images, which are characterized by having a number of applications that are constantly evolving. Therefore, to solve the constant requirements of applications, new algorithms are proposed to improve or facilitate a particular process. With the purpose of developing these algorithms, each application needs mathematical methods, such as the multiresolution analysis which allows to analyze a signal at different scales. One of the options is the Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) which is implemented from two real filters and is characterized by invariance to translations. Among the advantages of this transform is its successful application in image fusion and change detection areas. In this regard, this thesis presents three algorithms applied to image fusion, assessment for image fusion and change detection in multitemporal images. For image fusion, it is presented a general outline that can be used with any multiresolution analysis technique; this algorithm is proposed at first with DT-CWT and then extends to an alternative method, the bilateral filter. In either case the method involves injection of components by various means. For fusion assessment, the proposal is focused on a scheme that uses classification processes, which allows evaluating merger results individually for each type of land use coverage that is defined in evaluation process. This methodology allows complementing traditional assessment processes and can facilitate impact analysis of the merger on certain kinds of soil. Finally, two approaches of change detection algorithms are included. The first is aimed at obtaining drought maps in multitemporal data from spectral indices. The second one takes a global index of spectral quality as a spatial filter. The use of this filter facilitates global spectral comparison between two images and by means of thresholding, allows imaging containing change information.


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The wavelet transform and Lipschitz exponent perform well in detecting signal singularity.With the bridge crack damage modeled as rotational springs based on fracture mechanics, the deflection time history of the beam under the moving load is determined with a numerical method. The continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) is applied to the deflection of the beam to identify the location of the damage, and the Lipschitz exponent is used to evaluate the damage degree. The influence of different damage degrees,multiple damage, different sensor locations, load velocity and load magnitude are studied.Besides, the feasibility of this method is verified by a model experiment.


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This paper presents a forecasting technique for forward energy prices, one day ahead. This technique combines a wavelet transform and forecasting models such as multi- layer perceptron, linear regression or GARCH. These techniques are applied to real data from the UK gas markets to evaluate their performance. The results show that the forecasting accuracy is improved significantly by using the wavelet transform. The methodology can be also applied to forecasting market clearing prices and electricity/gas loads.


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This paper proposes a JPEG-2000 compliant architecture capable of computing the 2 -D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. The proposed architecture uses a single processor and a row-based schedule to minimize control and routing complexity and to ensure that processor utilization is kept at 100%. The design incorporates the handling of borders through the use of symmetric extension. The architecture has been implemented on the Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA.


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We propose a study of the mathematical properties of voice as an audio signal -- This work includes signals in which the channel conditions are not ideal for emotion recognition -- Multiresolution analysis- discrete wavelet transform – was performed through the use of Daubechies Wavelet Family (Db1-Haar, Db6, Db8, Db10) allowing the decomposition of the initial audio signal into sets of coefficients on which a set of features was extracted and analyzed statistically in order to differentiate emotional states -- ANNs proved to be a system that allows an appropriate classification of such states -- This study shows that the extracted features using wavelet decomposition are enough to analyze and extract emotional content in audio signals presenting a high accuracy rate in classification of emotional states without the need to use other kinds of classical frequency-time features -- Accordingly, this paper seeks to characterize mathematically the six basic emotions in humans: boredom, disgust, happiness, anxiety, anger and sadness, also included the neutrality, for a total of seven states to identify


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This paper presents an investigation on the wave propagation in timber poles with Wavelet Transform (WT) analysis for identification of the condition and underground depth of embedded timber poles in service. Most of non-destructive testing (NDT) applications for timber poles using wave-based methods consider only single wave mode and no dispersion. However, for wave propagations in timber poles (damaged/undamaged), such simplification may not be correct, especially for broad band excitation using impulse impact. To investigate the problem, a 5m timber pole was investigated numerically and experimentally. A dispersion curve is generated from the numerical results to provide guidance on the velocity and wave mode selection. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is applied on the same signal to verify the presence of modes and to process data from experimental testing. The results are presented in both time domain and time-frequency domain for comparison. The results of the investigation showed that, wavelet transform analysis can be a reliable signal processing tool for NDT in terms of condition and embedment length determination.


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This paper presents an application of Wavelet Transfonn (WT) for determination of stress wave velocity for Non-destructive Testing of timber utility poles in service. For surface Non-destructive Testing (NDT), the hammer impact, which produces generally broadband frequency excitation, is used to generate stress wave. Moreover, due to practicality the impact location for field testing of a utility pole is on the side of the pole and 1.5 m above ground level. And the geometry of utility pole could not guarantee non-dispersive longitudinal wave. All of these issues have resulted in lack of accuracy and reliability of results from surface NDT in field testing. In recognition of such problem, this research explores methods to reliably calculate desired wave velocity by isolating wave mode and studying dispersive nature of utility pole. Fast Fourier Transfonn (FFT) is firstly conducted to determine the suitable frequency from a stress wave data. Then WT is applied on the wave data mentioned to perfonn time-frequency analysis. Velocity can be detennined by time history data of desired frequency from WT results which will be compared with the available analytical solution for longitudinal wave velocity. The results of the investigation showed that wavelet transfonn analysis can be a reliable signal processing tool for non-destructive testing in tenns of velocity detennination, which in tum also helps to detennine the embedded length of the timber pole.


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We present a novel method to perform an accurate registration of 3-D nonrigid bodies by using phase-shift properties of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT). Since the phases of DT-\BBCWT coefficients change approximately linearly with the amount of feature displacement in the spatial domain, motion can be estimated using the phase information from these coefficients. The motion estimation is performed iteratively: first by using coarser level complex coefficients to determine large motion components and then by employing finer level coefficients to refine the motion field. We use a parametric affine model to describe the motion, where the affine parameters are found locally by substituting into an optical flow model and by solving the resulting overdetermined set of equations. From the estimated affine parameters, the motion field between the sensed and the reference data sets can be generated, and the sensed data set then can be shifted and interpolated spatially to align with the reference data set. © 2011 IEEE.