165 resultados para compartmentalization


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Die intrazelluläre Lokalisation von Proteinen und Makromolekülen unterliegt in Eukaryoten einer strengen Regulation. Insbesondere erlaubt die Kompartimentierung eukaryotischer Zellen in Zellkern und Zytoplasma den simultanen Ablauf räumlich getrennter biochemischer Reaktionen, und damit die unabhängige Regulation zellulärer Programme. Da trotz intensiver Forschungsbemühungen bis dato die molekularen Details sowie die (patho)biologische Bedeutung von Kern-Zytoplasma-Transportprozessen noch immer nicht vollkommen verstanden sind, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Fokus auf die Identifizierung von chemischen Transportinhibitoren gelegt. Das zu diesem Zweck entwickelte Translokations-Biosensor-System basiert auf der Kombination von autofluoreszierenden Proteinen, sowie spezifisch ausgewählten Kernexport- und Kernimportsignalen. Nach Etablierung geeigneter Zellmodelle, die effizient und stabil die Translokations-Biosensoren exprimieren, wurde die 17 000 Substanzen umfassende Bibliothek der ChemBioNet-Initiative nach Kernexportinhibitoren mittels einer Fluoreszenzmikroskopie-basierten Hochdurchsatzanalyse-Plattform durchmustert. Zunächst wurden Translokations-Algorithmen, welche eine zuverlässige automatisierte Erkennung von Zellkern und Zytoplasma erlauben, optimiert. Im Folgenden konnten acht neue niedermolekulare Kernexport-Inhibitoren identifiziert werden, die sich in der Stärke, der Geschwindigkeit, sowie in der Beständigkeit der vermittelten Inhibition unterscheiden. Die Aktivität der Inhibitoren konnte auf den isolierten nukleären Exportsignalen (NES) von HIV-1 Rev und Survivin als auch auf den entsprechenden Volllängeproteinen mittels Mikroinjektionsexperimenten sowie durch umfassende in vitro und biochemische Methoden bestätigt werden. Zur Untersuchung der funktionellen Einheiten der Inhibitoren wurden homologe Substanzen auf Ihre Aktivität hin getestet. Dabei konnten für die Aktivität wichtige chemische Gruppen definiert werden. Alle Substanzen stellen neue Inhibitoren des Crm1-abhängigen Exports dar und zeigen keine nachweisbare NES-Selektivität. Interessanterweise konnte jedoch eine zytotoxische und Apoptose-induzierende Wirkung auf verschiedene Krebszellarten festgestellt werden. Da diese Wirkung unabhängig vom p53-Status der Tumorzellen ist und die Inhibitoren C3 und C5 die Vitalität nicht-maligner humaner Zellen signifikant weniger beeinträchtigen, wurden diese Substanzen zum internationalen Patent angemeldet. Da der nukleäre Export besonders für Tumorzellen einen wichtigen Überlebenssignalweg darstellt, könnte dessen reversible Hemmung ausgenutzt werden, um besonders in Kombination mit gängigen Krebstherapien eine therapeutisch relevante Tumorinhibition zu erzeugen. Eine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit der neuen Exportinhibitoren ist auf dem Gebiet der Infektionskrankheiten zu sehen, da auch die Aktivität des essentiellen HIV-1 Rev-Proteins inhibiert wird. Zusätzlich konnte in der Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass der zelluläre Kofaktor des Crm1-abhängigen Exports des HIV-1 Rev-Proteins, die RNA-Helikase DDX3, ein eigenes NES enthält. Der Nachweis einer direkten Interaktion des HIV-1 Rev- mit dem DDX3-Protein impliziert, dass multiple Angriffstellen für chemische Modulatoren hinsichtlich einer antiviralen Therapie gegeben sind. Da die Vielfalt des chemischen Strukturraums es unmöglich macht diesen experimentell vollständig zu durchmustern, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auch Naturstoffe als vielversprechende Wirkstoffquelle untersucht. Um zukünftig umfassend bioaktive Substanzen aus diesen hochkomplexen Stoffgemischen experimentell identifizieren zu können, wurde eine Fluoreszenzmikroskopie-basierte Hochdurchsatzanalyse-Plattform am Mainz Screening Center (MSC) etabliert. Damit konnte bereits ein weiterer, bisher unbekannter Exportinhibitor aus Cyphellopsis anomala identifiziert werden. Neben einer Anwendung dieser Substanz als chemisches Werkzeug zur Aufklärung der Regulation von Transportvorgängen, stellt sich auch die evolutionsbiologisch relevante Frage, wie es dem Pilzproduzenten gelingt die Blockierung des eigenen Kernexports zu umgehen. Weiterführende Projekte müssen sich neben der Aufklärung der molekularen Wirkmechanismen der gefundenen Substanzen mit der Identifizierung spezifischer chemischer „Funktionseinheiten“ beschäftigen. Neben einem verbesserten mechanistischen Verständnis von Transportvorgängen stellen die erarbeiteten Transportinhibitoren Vorstufen zur Weiterentwicklung möglicher Wirkstoffe dar. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit etablierte Technologie-Plattform und molekularen Werkzeuge stellen darüber hinaus eine wichtige Voraussetzung dar, um eine systematische Suche nach möglichen Wirkstoffen im Forschungsfeld der „Chemischen Biomedizin“ voranzutreiben.


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Cancer most probably originates from stem/progenitor cells and exhibits a similar cell hierarchy as normal tissues. Moreover, there is growing evidence that only the stem cells are capable of metastasis formation. We have previously shown that overexpression of a dominant negative ephrin-B2 mutant interferes with mammary gland differentiation and confers a metastatic phenotype to NeuT-induced mammary tumors with an increase in cells with stem/progenitor characteristics. To investigate the role of ephrin-B2 in the control of the mammary stem cell niche, we analyzed the mammary stem and progenitor cell populations in transgenic mice overexpressing the mutant ephrin-B2. Quantification by FACS analysis revealed a significant increase of cells in the basal/alveolar cell-, the bi-potent progenitor- and the stem cell-enriched fractions. Moreover, the supposed precursors of estrogen receptor-positive cells were elevated in the stem cell-enriched fraction. In contrast, the epithelium from transgenic mice overexpressing the native ephrin-B2 gene showed an augmentation of the luminal cell- and the bi-potent progenitor-enriched fractions. Repopulation assays revealed that the epithelial cells of truncated ephrin-B2 transgenic epithelial cells have a higher regeneration capacity than those of controls and of native ephrin-B2 transgenic mice, confirming the augmentation of stem cells. Morphologically, these outgrowths exhibited impaired basal/luminal compartmentalization and epithelial polarization. These results demonstrate that deregulated ephrin-B2 expression interferes with the regulation of the stem cell niche and leads to a shift of the differentiation pathway and may thereby contribute to the acquisition of the metastatic phenotype long before carcinogenic growth becomes apparent.


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B cell activation factor of the TNF family (BAFF) is a potent B cell survival factor. BAFF overexpressing transgenic mice (BAFF-Tg mice) exhibit features of autoimmune disease, including B cell hyperplasia and hypergammaglobulinemia, and develop fatal nephritis with age. However, basal serum IgA levels are also elevated, suggesting that the pathology in these mice may be more complex than initially appreciated. Consistent with this, we demonstrate here that BAFF-Tg mice have mesangial deposits of IgA along with high circulating levels of polymeric IgA that is aberrantly glycosylated. Renal disease in BAFF-Tg mice was associated with IgA, because serum IgA was highly elevated in nephritic mice and BAFF-Tg mice with genetic deletion of IgA exhibited less renal pathology. The presence of commensal flora was essential for the elevated serum IgA phenotype, and, unexpectedly, commensal bacteria-reactive IgA antibodies were found in the blood. These data illustrate how excess B cell survival signaling perturbs the normal balance with the microbiota, leading to a breach in the normal mucosal-peripheral compartmentalization. Such breaches may predispose the nonmucosal system to certain immune diseases. Indeed, we found that a subset of patients with IgA nephropathy had elevated serum levels of a proliferation inducing ligand (APRIL), a cytokine related to BAFF. These parallels between BAFF-Tg mice and human IgA nephropathy may provide a new framework to explore connections between mucosal environments and renal pathology.


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Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the main secretory immunoglobulin of mucous membranes and is powerfully induced by the presence of commensal microbes in the intestine. B cells undergo class switch recombination to IgA in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, particularly mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and Peyer's patches, through both T-dependent and T-independent pathways. IgA B cells primed in the mucosa traffic from the intestinal lymphoid structures, initially through the lymphatics and then join the bloodstream, to home back to the intestinal mucosa as IgA-secreting plasma cells. Once induced, anti-bacterial IgA can be extremely long-lived but is replaced if there is induction of additional IgA specificities by other microbes. The mucosal immune system is anatomically separated from the systemic immune system by the MLNs, which act as a firewall to prevent penetration of live intestinal bacteria to systemic sites. Dendritic cells sample intestinal bacteria and induce B cells to switch to IgA. In contrast, intestinal macrophages are adept at killing extracellular bacteria and are able to clear bacteria that have crossed the mucus and epithelial barriers. There is both a continuum between innate and adaptive immune mechanisms and compartmentalization of the mucosal immune system from systemic immunity that function to preserve host microbial mutualism.


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Healthy individuals live in peaceful co-existence with an immense load of intestinal bacteria. This symbiosis is advantageous for both the host and the bacteria. For the host it provides access to otherwise undigestible nutrients and colonization resistance against pathogens. In return the bacteria receive an excellent nutrient habitat. The mucosal immune adaptations to the presence of this commensal intestinal microflora are manifold. Although bacterial colonization has clear systemic consequences, such as maturation of the immune system, it is striking that the mutualistic adaptive (T and B cells) and innate immune responses are precisely compartmentalized to the mucosal immune system. Here we summarize the mechanisms of mucosal immune compartmentalization and its importance for a healthy host-microbiota mutualism.


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11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is essential for the local activation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Unlike unliganded cytoplasmic GR, 11beta-HSD1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-membrane protein with lumenal orientation. Cortisone might gain direct access to 11beta-HSD1 by free diffusion across membranes, indirectly via intracellular binding proteins or, alternatively, by insertion into membranes. Membranous cortisol, formed by 11beta-HSD1 at the ER-lumenal side, might then activate cytoplasmic GR or bind to ER-lumenal secretory proteins. Compartmentalization of 11beta-HSD1 is important for its regulation by hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which regenerates cofactor NADPH in the ER lumen and stimulates oxoreductase activity. ER-lumenal orientation of 11beta-HSD1 is also essential for the metabolism of the alternative substrate 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), a major cholesterol oxidation product found in atherosclerotic plaques and taken up from processed cholesterol-rich food. An 11beta-HSD1 mutant adopting cytoplasmic orientation efficiently catalyzed the oxoreduction of cortisone but not 7KC, indicating access to cortisone from both sides of the ER-membrane but to 7KC only from the lumenal side. These aspects may be relevant for understanding the physiological role of 11beta-HSD1 and for developing therapeutic interventions to control glucocorticoid reactivation.


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The association of simian virus 40 (SV40) with malignant pleural mesothelioma is currently under debate. In some malignancies of viral aetiology, viral DNA can be detected in the patients' serum or plasma. To characterize the prevalence of SV40 in Swiss mesothelioma patients, we optimized a real-time PCR for quantitative detection of SV40 DNA in plasma, and used a monoclonal antibody for immunohistochemical detection of SV40 in mesothelioma tissue microarrays. Real-time PCR was linear over five orders of magnitude, and sensitive to a single gene copy. Repeat PCR determinations showed excellent reproducibility. However, SV40 status varied for independent DNA isolates of single samples. We noted that SV40 detection rates by PCR were drastically reduced by the implementation of strict room compartmentalization and decontamination procedures. Therefore, we systematically addressed common sources of contamination and found no cross-reactivity with DNA of other polyomaviruses. Contamination during PCR was rare and plasmid contamination was infrequent. SV40 DNA was reproducibly detected in only 4 of 78 (5.1%) plasma samples. SV40 DNA levels were low and not consistently observed in paired plasma and tumour samples from the same patient. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a weak but reproducible SV40 staining in 16 of 341 (4.7%) mesotheliomas. Our data support the occurrence of non-reproducible SV40 PCR amplifications and underscore the importance of proper sample handling and analysis. SV40 DNA and protein were found at low prevalence (5%) in plasma and tumour tissue, respectively. This suggests that SV40 does not appear to play a major role in the development of mesothelioma.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly specialized structural and functional component of the central nervous system that separates the circulating blood from the brain and spinal cord parenchyma. Brain endothelial cells (BECs) that primarily constitute the BBB are tightly interconnected by multiprotein complexes, the adherens junctions and the tight junctions, thereby creating a highly restrictive cellular barrier. Lipid-enriched membrane microdomain compartmentalization is an inherent property of BECs and allows for the apicobasal polarity of brain endothelium, temporal and spatial coordination of cell signaling events, and actin remodeling. In this manuscript, we review the role of membrane microdomains, in particular lipid rafts, in the BBB under physiological conditions and during leukocyte transmigration/diapedesis. Furthermore, we propose a classification of endothelial membrane microdomains based on their function, or at least on the function ascribed to the molecules included in such heterogeneous rafts: (1) rafts associated with interendothelial junctions and adhesion of BECs to basal lamina (scaffolding rafts); (2) rafts involved in immune cell adhesion and migration across brain endothelium (adhesion rafts); (3) rafts associated with transendothelial transport of nutrients and ions (transporter rafts).


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Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are a family of ion channels activated by the binding of cyclic nucleotides. Endogenous channels have been used to measure cyclic nucleotide signals in photoreceptor outer segments and olfactory cilia for decades. Here we have investigated the subcellular localization of cGMP signals by monitoring CNG channel activity in response to agonists that activate either particulate or soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channels were heterologously expressed in either human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells that stably overexpress a particulate guanylyl cyclase (HEK-NPRA cells), or cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was used to activate the particulate guanylyl cyclase and the nitric oxide donor S-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) was used to activate the soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channel activity was monitored by measuring Ca2+ or Mn2+ influx through the channels using the fluorescent dye, fura-2. We found that in HEK-NPRA cells, ANP-induced increases in cGMP levels activated CNG channels in a dose-dependent manner (0.05-10 nM), whereas SNAP (0.01-100 microM) induced increases in cGMP levels triggered little or no activation of CNG channels (P < 0.01). After pretreatment with 100 microM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, ANP-induced Mn2+ influx through CNG channels was significantly enhanced, while SNAP-induced Mn2+ influx remained small. In contrast, we found that in the presence of IBMX, both 1 nM ANP and 100 microM SNAP triggered similar increases in total cGMP levels. We next sought to determine if cGMP signals are compartmentalized in VSMCs, which endogenously express particulate and soluble guanylyl cyclase. We found that 10 nM ANP induced activation of CNG channels more readily than 100 muM SNAP; whereas 100 microM SNAP triggered higher levels of total cellular cGMP accumulation. These results suggest that cGMP signals are spatially segregated within cells, and that the functional compartmentalization of cGMP signals may underlie the unique actions of ANP and nitric oxide.


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Pathogenic streptococci and enterococci primarily rely on the conserved secretory (Sec) pathway for the translocation and secretion of virulence factors out of the cell. Since many secreted virulence factors in gram-positive organisms are subsequently attached to the bacterial cell surface via sortase enzymes, we sought to investigate the spatial relationship between secretion and cell wall attachment in Enterococcus faecalis. We discovered that sortase A (SrtA) and sortase C (SrtC) are colocalized with SecA at single foci in the enterococcus. The SrtA-processed substrate aggregation substance accumulated in single foci when SrtA was deleted, implying a single site of secretion for these proteins. Furthermore, in the absence of the pilus-polymerizing SrtC, pilin subunits also accumulate in single foci. Proteins that localized to single foci in E. faecalis were found to share a positively charged domain flanking a transmembrane helix. Mutation or deletion of this domain in SrtC abolished both its retention at single foci and its function in efficient pilus assembly. We conclude that this positively charged domain can act as a localization retention signal for the focal compartmentalization of membrane proteins.


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Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection of the uterine cervix is linked to the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies using HPV-containing human cervical carcinoma cell lines have shown that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, rapamycin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, erlotinib, can induce growth delay of xenografts. Activation of Akt and mTOR are also observed in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and, the expression of phosphorylated mTOR was reported to serve as a marker to predict response to chemotherapy and survival of cervical cancer patients. Therefore, we investigated: a) the expression level of EGFR in cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) versus non-neoplastic cervical squamous epithelium; b) the state of activation of the mTOR pathway in these same tissues; and c) any impact of these signal transduction molecules on cell cycle. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue microarray blocks containing 20 samples each of normal cervix, HSIL and invasive SCC, derived from a total of 60 cases of cervical biopsies and cervical conizations were examined. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect the following antigens: EGFR; mTOR pathway markers, phosphorylated (p)-mTOR (Ser2448) and p-p70S6K (Thr389); and cell cycle associated proteins, Ki-67 and S phase kinase-associated protein (Skp)2. Protein compartmentalization and expression were quantified in regard to proportion (0-100%) and intensity (0-3+). Mitotic index (MI) was also assessed. An expression index (EI) for pmTOR, p-p70S6K and EGFR, respectively was calculated by taking the product of intensity score and proportion of positively staining cells. We found that plasmalemmal EGFR expression was limited to the basal/parabasal cells (2-3+, EI = 67) in normal cervical epithelium (NL), but was diffusely positive in all HSIL (EI = 237) and SCC (EI 226). The pattern of cytoplasmic p-mTOR and nuclear p-p70S6K expression was similar to that of EGFR; all showed a significantly increased EI in HSIL/SCC versus NL (p<0.02). Nuclear translocation of p-mTOR was observed in all SCC lesions (EI = 202) and was significantly increased versus both HSIL (EI = 89) and NL (EI = 54) with p<0.015 and p<0.0001, respectively. Concomitant increases in MI and proportion of nuclear Ki-67 and Skp2 expression were noted in HSIL and SCC. In conclusion, morphoproteomic analysis reveals constitutive activation and overexpression of the mTOR pathway in HSIL and SCC as evidenced by: increased nuclear translocation of pmTOR and p-p70S6K, phosphorylated at putative sites of activation, Ser2448 and Thr389, respectively; correlative overexpression of the upstream signal transducer, EGFR, and increases in cell cycle correlates, Skp2 and mitotic indices. These results suggest that the mTOR pathway plays a key role in cervical carcinogenesis and targeted therapies may be developed for SCC as well as its precursor lesion, HSIL.


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Bone remodeling is controlled by the osteoclast, which resorbs bone, and the osteoblast, which synthesizes and secretes proteins that are eventually mineralized into bone. Ca$\sp{2+}$ homeostasis and signaling contribute to the function of nearly all cell types, and understanding both in the osteoblast is of importance given its secretory properties and interaction with osteoclasts. This study was undertaken to identify and investigate the physiology of the Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling mechanisms present in osteoblasts. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ pumps, stores and channels present in osteoblasts were studied. RT-PCR cloning revealed that osteoblast-like cells express PMCA1b, an alternatively spliced transcript of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase. The PMCA1b isoform contains a consensus phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and a modified calmodulin binding domain. The regulation of osteoblast function by agents that act via cAMP-mediated pathways may involve alterations in the activity of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase.^ Calcium release from intracellular stores is a signaling mechanism used universally by cells responding to hormones and growth factors, and the compartmentalization and regulated release of calcium is cell-type specific. Fura-2 was employed to monitor intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$. Thapsigargin and 2,5,-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (tBuHQ), two inhibitors of endoplasmic reticulum Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase activity, both emptied a single intracellular calcium pool which was released in response to either ATP or thrombin, identifying it as the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium store. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ storage system present in osteoblasts is typical of a non-excitable cell type, despite these cells sharing characteristics of excitable cells such as voltage-sensitive Ca$\sp{2+}$ channels (VSCCs).^ VSCCs are important cell surface regulators of membrane permeability to Ca$\sp{2+}$. In non-excitable cells VSCCs act as cellular transducers of stimulus-secretion coupling, activators of intracellular proteins, and in control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional VSCCs have been shown to exist in osteoblasts, however, no molecular cloning has been reported. To obtain information concerning the molecular identity of the osteoblastic VSCC, we used an RT-PCR regional amplification approach. Sequencing of the products indicated that osteoblasts express at least two isoforms of the L-type VSCC, $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-a}$ and the $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-d}$, which share regions of identity to the $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ isoform first identified in cardiac myocytes. The ability of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and structural analogs to modulate expression of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA was then investigated. Cells were cultured for 48 hr in the presence of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ or vitamin D analogs, and the levels of mRNA encoding VSCC $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ were quantitated using a competitive RT-PCR assay. It was found that $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and analog BT reduced steady state levels of $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ mRNA. Conversely, analog AT did not alter steady state levels of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA. Since it has been shown previously that analog BT, but not AT, binds and activates the nuclear vitamin D receptor, these findings suggest that the down regulation of channel mRNA involves the nuclear receptor for $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$. ^


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Steroid hormones regulate target cell function via quantitative and qualitative changes in RNA and protein synthesis. In the testis, androgens are known to play an important role in the regulation of spermatogenesis. The Sertoli cell (SC), whose function is thought to be supportive to the developing germ cell, has been implicated as an androgen target cell. Although cytoplasmic androgen receptors and chromatin acceptor sites for androgen-receptor complexes have been found in SC, effects on RNA synthesis have not previously been demonstrated. In this study, SC RNA synthetic activity was characterized and the effect of testosterone on SC nuclear transcriptional activity in vitro assessed. SC exhibited two fold increases in RNA and ribonucleotide pool concentrations during sexual maturation. These changes appeared to correlate with a previously observed increase in protein concentration per cell over an age span of 15-60 days. Following incubation with ('3)H-uridine, SC from older animals incorporated more label into RNA than SC from younger animals. Since the relative concentration of cytidine nucleotides was higher in SC from older rats, the age-related increase in tritium incorporation may reflect an associated increase in incorporation of ('3)H-CMP into RNA. Alternatively, the enhanced labeling may be the result of either a change in the base composition of the RNA resulting in a higher proportion of CMP and UMP in the RNA, or compartmentalization of the nucleotide pools. The physiologic consequences of these maturational alterations of nucleotide pools remains to be elucidated. RNA polymerase activities were characterized in intact nuclei obtained from cultured rat SC. (alpha)-Amanitin resistant RNA polymerase I+III activity was identical when measured in low or high ionic strength (0.05 M or 0.25 M ammonium sulfate (AS)) in the presence of MnCl(,2) or MgCl(,2), with a divalent cation optimum of 1.6 mM. RNA polymerase II was most active in 0.25 M AS and 1.6 mM MnCl(,2). The apparent Km of RNA polymerase II for UTP was 0.016 mM in 0.05 M AS and 0.037 mM in 0.25 M AS. The apparent Km values for total polymerase activity was 0.008 mM and 0.036 mM at low and high ionic strenghts, respectively. These data indicate that Sertoli cell RNA polymerase activities have catalytic properties characteristic of eukaryotic polymerase activities in general. In the presence of 21 (mu)M testosterone, RNA polymerase II activity increased two fold at 15 minutes, then declined but was still elevated over control values six hours after androgen addition. Polymerase I+III activity was not greatly affected by testosterone. The stimulation of polymerase II measured at 15 minutes was dose-dependent, with a maximum at 0.53 nM and no further stimulation up to 10('-5) M (ED(,50) = 0.25 nM testosterone), and was androgen specific. The results of preliminary RNA isolation and characterization experiments suggested that the synthesis of several species of RNA was enhanced by testosterone administration. These findings have great potential importance since they represent the first demonstration of a direct effect of androgens on the transcriptional process in the Sertoli cell. Furthermore, the results of these studies constitute further evidence that the Sertoli cell is a target for androgen action in the testis. ^


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A prerequisite for establishment of mutualism between the host and the microbial community that inhabits the large intestine is the stringent mucosal compartmentalization of microorganisms. Microbe-loaded dendritic cells trafficking through lymphatics are arrested at the mesenteric lymph nodes, which constitute the firewall of the intestinal lymphatic circulation. We show in different mouse models that the liver, which receives the intestinal venous blood circulation, forms a vascular firewall that captures gut commensal bacteria entering the bloodstream during intestinal pathology. Phagocytic Kupffer cells in the liver of mice clear commensals from the systemic vasculature independently of the spleen through the liver's own arterial supply. Damage to the liver firewall in mice impairs functional clearance of commensals from blood, despite heightened innate immunity, resulting in spontaneous priming of nonmucosal immune responses through increased systemic exposure to gut commensals. Systemic immune responses consistent with increased extraintestinal commensal exposure were found in humans with liver disease (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). The liver may act as a functional vascular firewall that clears commensals that have penetrated either intestinal or systemic vascular circuits.


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether variability in the shape of dendritic spines affects protein movement within the plasma membrane. Using a combination of confocal microscopy and the fluorescence loss in photobleaching technique in living hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons expressing membrane-linked GFP, we observed a clear correlation between spine shape parameters and the diffusion and compartmentalization of membrane-associated proteins. The kinetics of membrane-linked GFP exchange between the dendritic shaft and the spine head compartment were slower in dendritic spines with long necks and/or large heads than in those with short necks and/or small heads. Furthermore, when the spine area was reduced by eliciting epileptiform activity, the kinetics of protein exchange between the spine compartments exhibited a concomitant decrease. As synaptic plasticity is considered to involve the dynamic flux by lateral diffusion of membrane-bound proteins into and out of the synapse, our data suggest that spine shape represents an important parameter in the susceptibility of synapses to undergo plastic change.