945 resultados para collective cultural belonging


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour objectif de réaliser l’analyse de l’œuvre La Trilogía de Urabá des cinéastes colombiens Marta Rodríguez et Fernando Restrepo en considérant la notion de « mémoire » et comment celle-ci se développe dans ces documentaires à travers des témoignages et des pratiques culturelles comme les chroniques chantées, le dessin et la danse. Dans les films qui composent la trilogie, la mémoire se présente comme un mécanisme de résistance contre la violence subie par la population civile pendant le conflit armé en Colombie, époque durant laquelle la population civile a été sans cesse massacrée et forcée à abandonner son territoire. Notre analyse considère notamment le rôle que les documentaires attribuent aux femmes afro-colombiennes dans la construction de la mémoire culturelle et historique, étant donné que leurs témoignages dévoilent leur grand effort de résistance contre la violence. En second lieu, notre analyse vise à montrer comment La Trilogía de Urabá inscrit la mémoire culturelle dans la mémoire historique colombienne.


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This article seeks to explain how and why groups and networks of undocumented migrants mobilizing in Berlin, Montréal, and Paris since the beginning of the 2000s construct different types of claims. The authors explore the relationship between undocumented migrants and state authorities at the local level through the concept of the citizenship regime and its specific application to undocumented migrants (which they describe as the “borderline citizenship regime”). Despite their common formal exclusion from citizenship, nonstatus migrants experience different degrees and forms of exclusion in their daily lives, in terms of access to certain rights and services, recognition, and belonging within the state (whether through formally or nonformally recognized means). As a result, they have an opportunity to create different, specific forms of leeway in the society in which they live. The concurrence of these different degrees of exclusion and different forms of leeway defines specific conditions of mobilization. The authors demonstrate how the content of their claims is influenced by these conditions of mobilization.


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In this article, we consider the changing relationships between French ‘have-not’ movements (the unemployed, the homeless, undocumented persons) and the main organizations involved in the alter-globalization field from 1995 to 2005. We demonstrate how the building of the global space of protest in France was punctuated by two moments. The first corresponds to the gradual convergence of social actors around the issue of globalization, translated into a renewal of activists’ discourses, the development of multiple scales of mobilizations and a functional division of tasks among actors. The second moment corresponds more to the crystallization of divisions among them. These divisions are articulated around different conceptions of what the struggle's aims should be (a fight against liberalism or an alternative experiment) and differences regarding the sense of belonging to the global space of protest (transnational networks or national territory). The history of convergence placed the have-nots at the heart of alter-globalist mobilizations, whereas the history of divergence translated into a ‘decentering’ of the place of the have-nots within this space. Their progressive marginalization also reveals the transformations of struggles against globalization in France.


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La sociedad ha definido ciertas normas y pautas de comportamiento en los individuos que se encuentran en ella. La interacción y red de relaciones dadas entre ellos constituye la identidad de la misma. El carácter de las sociedades está determinado por medio de la Institución Social la cual proporciona una interpretación más profunda de la complejidad de las relaciones sociales de cualquier conjunto de personas relacionadas entre sí. Dentro de la sociedad existe una noción de Cultura Social que refleja una experiencia colectiva que vivencian todos los individuos en ella, los acontecimientos que han tenido lugar en el pasado y que repercuten o tienen incidencia en el presente e incluso en el futuro de ese grupo de personas. La organización resulta ser el vínculo existente entre un conjunto de individuos que se encuentran relacionados y dispuestos a alcanzar una meta común por medio del establecimiento de roles o funciones. La Cultura Organizacional genera sentido de identidad y pertenencia a la Organización, además de incentivar el compromiso entre los integrantes de la misma para la consecución de logros y objetivos en común. Por tanto, la Cultura Social no debe ser aplicada de igual forma a la Cultura Organizacional, ya que la vinculación y la clase de relación que surge de los individuos en la Sociedad o en la Organización, es completamente diferente. Los valores, creencias y ritos, que se crean en la sociedad no pueden ser transferidos a una empresa debido a que las relaciones y el fin último de cada una de ellas es diferente.


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Ante la globalización y las nuevas tendencias de consumo que se han venido desarrollando a través de los años, las diferentes firmas en el mundo se han visto en la necesidad de buscar estrategias que les permita ser productivas generando más valor a los consumidores. En este sentido, ha surgido la necesidad de trabajar de manera conjunta y a su vez crear lazos de cooperación entre las diferentes organizaciones para el logro de mejores resultados. Las redes empresariales son una opción de integración de procesos y recursos para las organizaciones, sin embargo durante la creación de esta se generan cambios organizacionales que impactan en factores como la cultura organizacional. El cambio en la cultura organizacional se produce de manera gradual o abrupta según la forma de cooperación que ejecuten las empresas o por el contexto externo al cual pertenezca la organización. Así mismo, el líder es el encargado de gestionar el cambio en los valores (núcleo de la cultura), prácticas o la filosofía de las organizaciones; sin el apoyo de los líderes el fracaso de una cultura organizacional en una empresa, red, clúster o alianza será incuestionable.


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En la actualidad, el patrimonio cultural se encuentra inmerso en un entorno dinámico y cambiante, caracterizado por la globalización y la diversidad, que planeta nuevos retos a su gestión. En el plano internacional dos modelos de marketing han dado algunas respuestas a esto, el economicista o tradicional y el específico de las artes y la cultura. Ambos modelos se basan en una noción materialista del patrimonio cultural, concebido como producto o como recurso patrimonial, y la existencia de cuatro elementos comunes de contexto: El mercado, la organización, el sistema de información y el marketing mix. Sin embargo, estos enfoques no le son aplicables al patrimonio urbano colombiano, porque su contexto es diferente, caracterizado por una dinámica nula o de mercado inexistente, sin fuerzas de mercado que atiendan por su valoración, conservación y preservación o garanticen su sostenibilidad, que está referido a bienes de carácter público, por cuyo consumo nadie está dispuesto a pagar de manera directa, cuya tutela está atribuida al Estado y frente al cual coexiste una pluralidad de actores. Por lo anterior, un modelo de marketing aplicable a dicho patrimonio cultural, debe construirse sobre lineamientos conceptuales de mayor complejidad e hibridación, que permitan una concepción integral de aquel y de su gestión.


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Diseñar un modelo de gestión cultural que busca llevar el arte, la ciencia y la tecnología a distintas regiones y ciudades del país, iniciando en la ciudad de Tunja, por medio de una exposición itinerante que vincule estos tres campos de una manera transversal con el fin de acercar a los distintos públicos a experiencias vivenciales de aprendizajes, interacción y exploración. Estas experiencias tendrán lugar por medio de contenedores.


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The article is the result of an attempt to define universal categories which permit a nonandrocentric conceptualization of the natural environment, in which femenine experience in environmental topics is unveiled and emphatized as a collective heritage. The theoretic content concentrates on defining and outlining the characteristics of two basic concepts: the femenine model of conscience and environmental actionr and ccwomen's ecologismn. The potential of both concepts for structuring research in genderlenvironment relations is demostrated. Finally, the article offers reasoned criticism of the androcentric nature of the guide-lines which predominate in environmental management and proposes, as the basis of an alternative model, the recognition of the legitimacy and authority of feminine experience in environmental affairs


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This paper introduces the concept of belonging and discusses it in the context of online social networking experience and community experience considering social capital and user’s activities as nuclear concepts to understand collective actions and social relationships mediated by social media. The paper presents an empirical approach based on the study of two local communities and analyses whether interactive social technologies promote greater social involvement and higher production of social capital and participation, that results in a greater sense of belonging within communities. The results indicate a positive relationship between the use of social media and the increase of social capital and sense of belonging. Our work discusses the role and influence of social media in communitarian practices and the relevance social capital theory has as an outcome of media technologies use that result in a greater sense of belonging to a community.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as concepções escolares, apresentando uma discussão do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico acerca destas construções produzidas no âmbito escolar, através de pesquisa etnográfica, utilizando o grupo focal, levando em conta a formação ideológica (ideias sobre si, o interlocutor e o assunto) e a formação discursiva (as marcas linguísticas, temáticas e de posição ideológica) dos participantes desta pesquisa. Por meio dos posicionamentos nas categorias: identidade, cotidiano e imaginário; pudemos observar que os discursos adquirem sentido à medida que são produzidos e que carregam em si os significados que expressam idéias, sentimentos e comportamentos. As mudanças de sentido ocorrem através de outros discursos que dialogam em um processo de construção e reconstrução. Neste entremeio o indivíduo revela-se inserido sócio-culturalmente. E a escola como espaço dinâmico é preenchida de sentido e dá novos sentidos, ora reproduzindo discursos, ora reconstruindo-os, ora formulando novos. Analisando os dados da pesquisa realizada, apreendemos que os discursos de educadores e educandos são influenciados uns pelos outros, formados pelas práticas cotidianas e pela bagagem social que cada indivíduo tem. Nessa construção mútua no processo de convívio, os papeis estabelecidos pela instituição escolar ganham novos contornos e limites no percalço do ensino-aprendizagem, não podendo separar deste contexto os elementos individuais que a escola torna coletivo e que traçam um caminho discursivo novo e ao mesmo tempo pertencente desde antes aos que fazem parte da escola.


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This paper juxtaposes postmodernist discourses on language, identity and cultural power with historical forms of language inequalities grounded in the nation-state. The discussion is presented in three sections. The first section focuses on the mixed legacies of language-state relations within the pluralist nation-state, colonial and postcolonial language policies. The second section examines the concept of linguistic minority rights beyond the nation-state. This incorporates discussion of transmigration, the breaking up of previous power blocs in Eastern Europe and the role of language in the articulation of emergent 'ethnic' nationalisms. The third section examines the concept of multilingualism within the interactive cultural landscape defined by 'informationalism'. Discussing the collective impact of these variables on the shaping of new cultural, economic and political inequalities, the paper highlights the tensions in which the concept of linguistic minority rights exists in the world today.


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Climate change as a global problem has moved relatively swiftly into high profile political debates over the last 20 years or so, with a concomitant diffusion from the natural sciences into the social sciences. The study of the human dimensions of climate change has been growing in momentum through research which attempts to describe, evaluate, quantify and model perceptions of climate change, understand more about risk and assess the construction of policy. Cultural geographers’ concerns with the construction of knowledge, the workings of social relations in space and the politics and poetics of place-based identities provide a lens through which personal, collective and institutional responses to climate change can be evaluated using critical and interpretative methodologies. Adopting a cultural geography approach, this paper examines how climate change as a particular environmental discourse is constructed through memory, observation and conversation, as well as materialised in farming practices on the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, UK


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Working outward from Edward Kamau Brathwaite’s landmark 1974 essay, “The African Presence in Caribbean Literature,” this article explores the fuller history of the idea of Africa in anglophone Caribbean critical and literary works from the 1930s to the 2000s. It demonstrates that earlier, now forgotten Caribbean critics drew on imperfect and incomplete Caribbean literary imaginings of Africa to frame a counter-colonial politics of identity. The essay also brings back into view writings by Una Marson, Victor Stafford Reid, and Derek Walcott that expressed a different politics of solidarity based on the shared experience of colonial violence. Readings of recent literary works by Charlotte Williams and Nalo Hopkinson reveal the contemporary crafting of this relation around a heightened awareness of both presence and loss, history and imagination. Importantly, this gathering of sources and perspectives allows for an appreciation of the role that a reach toward Africa has played in articulations of Caribbeanness and its complex patterning of cultural co-belonging.


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This paper provides an account of the Cultural Value of Architecture in Homes and Neighbourhoods, (CVoA), a project developed with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The first stage of the project was a critical review of ‘grey literature’ since 2000, industry based research on the value of architecture subdivided into themes: overall value; health and wellbeing; neighbourhood cohesion and heritage and belonging. Findings from the review revealed a marked absence of evidence of the value of architecture and an over preoccupation with the final building, the product of an interdisciplinary team not just Architects, as well as a general confusion about what it is that Architects do. Further consultation has led to the development of a framework for defining and communicating the skillsets of Architects and for developing an evidence base for their value. Our target audience is non-Architects as we are concerned with making the profession more inclusive hence our desire to create simple definitions and terminology.


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The narrative of the United States is of a "nation of immigrants" in which the language shift patterns of earlier ethnolinguistic groups have tended towards linguistic assimilation through English. In recent years, however, changes in the demographic landscape and language maintenance by non-English speaking immigrants, particularly Hispanics, have been perceived as threats and have led to calls for an official English language policy.This thesis aims to contribute to the study of language policy making from a societal security perspective as expressed in attitudes regarding language and identity originating in the daily interaction between language groups. The focus is on the role of language and American identity in relation to immigration. The study takes an interdisciplinary approach combining language policy studies, security theory, and critical discourse analysis. The material consists of articles collected from four newspapers, namely USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and San Francisco Chronicle between April 2006 and December 2007.Two discourse types are evident from the analysis namely Loyalty and Efficiency. The former is mainly marked by concerns of national identity and contains speech acts of security related to language shift, choice and English for unity. Immigrants are represented as dehumanised, and harmful. Immigration is given as sovereignty-related, racial, and as war. The discourse type of Efficiency is mainly instrumental and contains speech acts of security related to cost, provision of services, health and safety, and social mobility. Immigrants are further represented as a labour resource. These discourse types reflect how the construction of the linguistic 'we' is expected to be maintained. Loyalty is triggered by arguments that the collective identity is threatened and is itself used in reproducing the collective 'we' through hegemonic expressions of monolingualism in the public space and semi-public space. The denigration of immigrants is used as a tool for enhancing societal security through solidarity and as a possible justification for the denial of minority rights. Also, although language acquisition patterns still follow the historical trend of language shift, factors indicating cultural separateness such as the appearance of speech communities or the use of minority languages in the public space and semi-public space have led to manifestations of intolerance. Examples of discrimination and prejudice towards minority groups indicate that the perception of worth of a shared language differs from the actual worth of dominant language acquisition for integration purposes. The study further indicates that the efficient working of the free market by using minority languages to sell services or buy labour is perceived as conflicting with nation-building notions since it may create separately functioning sub-communities with a new cultural capital recognised as legitimate competence. The discourse types mainly represent securitising moves constructing existential threats. The perception of threat and ideas of national belonging are primarily based on a zero-sum notion favouring monolingualism. Further, the identity of the immigrant individual is seen as dynamic and adaptable to assimilationist measures whereas the identity of the state and its members are perceived as static. Also, the study shows that debates concerning language status are linked to extra-linguistic matters. To conclude, policy makers in the US need to consider the relationship between four factors, namely societal security based on collective identity, individual/human security, human rights, and a changing linguistic demography, for proposed language intervention measures to be successful.