952 resultados para cognitive task analysis


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Les personnes vieillissantes doivent composer au quotidien avec des douleurs chroniques. Le but de ce travail est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents qui contribueraient aux douleurs chroniques liées au vieillissement et par là, ouvrir un chemin vers de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques. Les contrôles inhibiteurs diffus nociceptifs (CIDN) ont un rôle qui n’est pas des moindres dans le contrôle de la douleur. Des études expérimentales examinant l’effet analgésique de la contre stimulation hétérotopique nociceptive (HNCS), un protocole permettant de tester l’efficacité de ces CIDN, suggèrent que le recrutement des CIDN au sein de cette population était plus faible (i.e. moins d’inhibition) comparé à une population plus jeune. En revanche, les études examinant la sensibilisation centrale induite par sommation temporelle (TS) de la douleur rapportent des résultats mitigés. De plus, une composante importante influençant l’expérience de douleur, les ressources cognitives, dont l’inhibition cognitive, se voient aussi décliner avec l’âge. Premièrement, le recrutement des CIDN a été comparé entre des participants sains, jeunes et des plus âgés avec la HNCS, et le recrutement des mécanismes de sensibilisation centrale avec la TS. La stimulation électrique du nerf sural a été choisie pour permettre de quantifier la douleur, tout en prenant une mesure indicative de la nociception spinale qu’est le réflexe nociceptif spinal (RIII). Nos sujets ont aussi participé à une tâche cognitive (le Stroop), testant l’inhibition cognitive. Deuxièmement, l’efficacité des CIDN ainsi que de l’inhibition cognitive a été testée chez les jeunes et les aînés en imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM), afin de vérifier la relation entre ces deux mesures psychophysiques et l’épaisseur corticale des régions qui y sont impliquées ainsi que l’effet de l’âge sur celles-ci. Les résultats suggèrent un moindre recrutement des CIDN chez les plus âgés lors de l’expérimentation de la HNCS. Également, les sujets âgés présentaient des capacités d’inhibitions cognitives plus faibles que les jeunes. En plus, une corrélation entre l’inhibition cognitive et la modulation du réflexe RIII par la HNCS a été mise en évidence. Pour l’expérience de TS, les résultats étaient comparables pour les deux groupes, suggérant que les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de la douleur ne subiraient pas l’effet de l’âge de la même manière. Pour l’étude de l’épaisseur corticale, on y trouve une diminution globale de l’épaisseur corticale liée à l’âge, mais aussi une corrélation de l’analgésie par la HNCS avec l’inhibition cognitive et également, une relation des deux avec l’épaisseur corticale du cortex orbitofrontal (OFC) latéral gauche, suggérant la possibilité d’une existence d’un réseau neuronal au moins partiellement commun du contrôle inhibiteur descendant sensoriel et cognitif. Ce travail montre que l’effet de l’âge sur les mécanismes centraux de la régulation de la douleur est loin d’être uniforme. Également, il montre une corrélation entre la modulation endogène de la douleur et l’inhibition cognitive, ces deux processus seraient associés à une même région cérébrale. Ces résultats pourraient contribuer à identifier d’autres méthodes thérapeutiques, ouvrant ainsi une nouvelle avenue vers d’autres options dans la prise en charge des douleurs chroniques chez les personnes vieillissantes.


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Notes that the central executive lies at the heart of A. D. Baddeley's theory of working memory, but that what it does has been characterized in several different ways. This chapter reviews and brings together various interpretations of central executive functioning. The authors describe an experiment involving a novel cognitive task to point out the restrictive nature of the term 'executive capacity.' The chapter concludes by commenting briefly on the implications of a working memory model in which the executive does not play a major part.


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It is widely recognized that small businesses with less than 50 employees make significant contributions to the prosperity of local, regional, and national economies. They are a major source of job creation and a driving force of economic growth for developed countries like the USA (Headd, 2005; SBA, 2005), the UK (Dixon, Thompson, & McAllister, 2002; SBS, 2005), Europe (European Commission, 2003), and developing countries such as China (Bo, 2005). The economic potential is further strengthened when firms collaborate with each other; for example, formation of a supply chain, strategic alliances, or sharing of information and resources (Horvath, 2001; O’Donnell, Cilmore, Cummins, & Carson, 2001; MacGregor, 2004; Todeva & Knoke, 2005). Owing to heterogeneous aspects of small businesses, such as firm size and business sector, a single e-business solution is unlikely to be suitable for all firms (Dixon et al., 2002; Taylor & Murphy, 2004a); however, collaboration requires individual firms to adopt standardized, simplified solutions based on open architectures and data design (Horvath, 2001). The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptual e-business framework and a generic e-catalogue, which enables small businesses to collaborate through the creation of an e-marketplace. To assist with the task, analysis of data from 6,000 small businesses situated within a locality of Greater Manchester, England within the context of an e-business portal is incorporated within this study.


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Human minds often wander away from their immediate sensory environment. It remains unknown whether such mind wandering is unsystematic or whether it lawfully relates to an individual’s tendency to attend to salient stimuli such as pain and their associated brain structure/function. Studies of pain–cognition interactions typically examine explicit manipulation of attention rather than spontaneous mind wandering. Here we sought to better represent natural fluctuations in pain in daily life, so we assessed behavioral and neural aspects of spontaneous disengagement of attention from pain. We found that an individual’s tendency to attend to pain related to the disruptive effect of pain on his or her cognitive task performance. Next, we linked behavioral findings to neural networks with strikingly convergent evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging during pain coupled with thought probes of mind wandering, dynamic resting state activity fluctuations, and diffusion MRI. We found that (i) pain-induced default mode network (DMN) deactivations were attenuated during mind wandering away from pain; (ii) functional connectivity fluctuations between the DMN and periaqueductal gray (PAG) dynamically tracked spontaneous attention away from pain; and (iii) across individuals, stronger PAG–DMN structural connectivity and more dynamic resting state PAG–DMN functional connectivity were associated with the tendency to mind wander away from pain. These data demonstrate that individual tendencies to mind wander away from pain, in the absence of explicit manipulation, are subserved by functional and structural connectivity within and between default mode and antinociceptive descending modulation networks.


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Automotive sound systems vary widely in terms of functions and way of use between different brands and models what can bring difficulties and lack of consistency to the user. This study aimed to analyze the usability of car stereo commonly found in the market. Four products were analyzed by task analysis and after use reports and the results indicate serious usability issues with respect to the form of operation, organization, clarity and quality of information, visibility and readability, among others.


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Caffeine is considered the most consumed psychostimulant in the world, presenting several central and peripheral effects. In the Central Nervous System the major effect occur by its antagonistic activity at the A1 and A2a subtypes of the adenosine receptors. These receptors are responsible for the slow-wave sleep induction, and their binding, caused by the consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cause behaviors like increase of alertness, mood and locomotion. The effects of caffeine on memory are still discussed because of the diversity of experimental protocols. Also, it does not have the same effects on all stages of the processing of memory - acquisition, consolidation and recall. Thus, using the marmoset (Callitrhix jacchus) as subject, we aim to evaluate the effects of caffeine on the memory of this primate through the conditioned place preference paradigm, where the animal selects a context by presence of food. This cognitive task consists of five phases. The first phase was two sessions of pre-exposure, in which they were evaluated for preference for any compartment of the apparatus. Then, we proceeded the training, conditioning the animals to the food-present context for 8 days. Then, there was administration of caffeine or placebo (10mg/kg) for 8 consecutive days, during the pre-sleep phase, where the 20 animals were distributed in two groups: placebo and repeated. The forth phase was one day of retraining, a re-exposure of the apparatus to the marmosets followed by the administration of caffeine (for the repeated group and a new group called abstinence) or placebo (for placebo and abstinence groups). Finally, was the test where we evaluated if the subjects learned where the food was present. Moreover, in this work we evaluate the existence of differences between females and males on the task, and the locomotor activity for the experimental groups. The results showed that in the pre-exposure phase the animals were habituated on the apparatus and did not present differences for any contexts. In training, they were able to learn the conditioning task, independent of gender. For the retraining, the two groups exhibited more interactions in rewarded context than that in non-rewarded context. Nevertheless, in the locomotor activity, the repeated group moved similarly in contact with the apparatus and outside of it. In the other hand, the animals of the placebo group moved more when in contact with the apparatus. In the test phase, the marmosets under influence of caffeine presented an increase in the locomotor activity when compared with the placebo group, corroborating works that show this increase in locomotion. In the learning evaluation, the continuous and abstinence groups had a bad performance in the task in relation to the placebo and acute groups. This suggests that the prolonged administration of caffeine disrupts the memories because it affected sleep, which is largely responsible offline processing of memories


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The home care is a growing activity in homes around the world. Many benefits are related to the practice, but the health risks involving the caregiver is the issue of this analysis. Through field interviews and in loco evaluation is raised a previous scope of this peculiar and complex task.


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Cognitive task performance differs considerably between individuals. Besides cognitive capacities, attention might be a source of such differences. The individual's EEG alpha frequency (IAF) is a putative marker of the subject's state of arousal and attention, and was found to be associated with task performance and cognitive capacities. However, little is known about the metabolic substrate (i.e. the network) underlying IAF. Here we aimed to identify this network. Correlation of IAF with regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in fifteen young healthy subjects revealed a network of brain areas that are associated with the modulation of attention and preparedness for external input, which are relevant for task execution. We hypothesize that subjects with higher IAF have pre-activated task-relevant networks and thus are both more efficient in the task-execution, and show a reduced fMRI-BOLD response to the stimulus, not because the absolute amount of activation is smaller, but because the additional activation by processing of external input is limited due to the higher baseline.


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Trained observers used components of the functional job analysis technique to categorize 3,371 tasks performed by 214 nursing assistants in four nursing homes on five occasions over 12 months. The extent to which each task was oriented toward residents versus data or things was coded along with the "level of complexity" of each of these orientations. A psychosocial index was created by multiplying orientation by complexity. Three questions structured the analyses: (a) To what extent do nursing assistants' tasks involve interacting with residents, as opposed to focusing on data or manipulating things? (b) How complex are these tasks? (c) What are the implications of the task analysis data for assessing the quality of psychosocial care? Findings reveal that even among the direct care tasks (69% of total), the orientation was not predominantly toward the resident. Functional complexity of the tasks observed was consistently low. Those task types with the greatest psychosocial quality were those performed least frequently and vice versa. Implications of these results for restructuring nursing assistants' work are discussed.


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PURPOSE: To compare objective fellow and expert efficiency indices for an interventional radiology renal artery stenosis skill set with the use of a high-fidelity simulator. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Mentice VIST simulator was used for three different renal artery stenosis simulations of varying difficulty, which were used to grade performance. Fellows' indices at three intervals throughout 1 year were compared to expert baseline performance. Seventy-four simulated procedures were performed, 63 of which were captured as audiovisual recordings. Three levels of fellow experience were analyzed: 1, 6, and 12 months of dedicated interventional radiology fellowship. The recordings were compiled on a computer workstation and analyzed. Distinct measurable events in the procedures were identified with task analysis, and data regarding efficiency were extracted. Total scores were calculated as the product of procedure time, fluoroscopy time, tools, and contrast agent volume. The lowest scores, which reflected efficient use of tools, radiation, and time, were considered to indicate proficiency. Subjective analysis of participants' procedural errors was not included in this analysis. RESULTS: Fellows' mean scores diminished from 1 month to 12 months (42,960 at 1 month, 18,726 at 6 months, and 9,636 at 12 months). The experts' mean score was 4,660. In addition, the range of variance in score diminished with increasing experience (from a range of 5,940-120,156 at 1 month to 2,436-85,272 at 6 months and 2,160-32,400 at 12 months). Expert scores ranged from 1,450 to 10,800. CONCLUSIONS: Objective efficiency indices for simulated procedures can demonstrate scores directly comparable to the level of clinical experience.


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Rezension zu "Recht verstehen. Wie Laien, Juristen und Versicherungsagenten die 'Riester-Rente' interpretieren" von Angelika Becker und Wolfgang Klein; Berlin 2008: Akademie Verlag: "Es gibt in der Literatur keinen Mangel an umfangreichen und generellen Darstellungen zu Sprache und Verstehen, auch nicht auf dem Gebiet des Rechts; dagegen fehlt es an Darlegungen dazu, wie man empirisch den Verstehensprozess untersuchen kann. Diese Lücke füllt das Buch. "


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Das bisher einzige Buch mit CBASP zu verschiedenen Störungsbildern CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy) ist als Therapieverfahren längst den Kinderschuhen entwachsen. Dieses Buch liefert eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme und wagt einen Blick nach vorn: - Wo steht die CBASP-Forschung derzeit, welche klinischen Erfahrungen gibt es und welche Fragen sind noch offen? - Wie kann man komorbide Störungen mit CBASP therapieren: Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS), Alkoholmissbrauch, Suizidalität, Zwangsstörung - In welchen Behandlungssettings kann man CBASP einsetzen, was ist zu beachten? - Welche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Perspektiven gibt es für CBASP? - Mit dem Code im Buch: zeitlich begrenzter, kostenloser Online-Zugriff auf Buchinhalt und Abbildungen Im Autorenteam sind die führenden amerikanischen und deutschsprachigen Spezialisten vertreten - der Begründer der Methode, James P. McCullough, gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand zum Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy.


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Les dépressions chroniques sont fréquentes et souvent traitées par des approches traditionnelles. Cet article vise à présenter la nature spécifique de la psychopathologie et un traitement spécifiquement adapté à ces patients avec dépression chronique. Nous décrirons d’abord les spécificités psychopathologiques de cette population, en nous référant aux travaux de J. Piaget et de D. Kiesler. À partir de ces théories, nous mettrons en avant le modèle Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), selon McCullough. Cet auteur propose deux volets d’interventions spécifiquement adaptées aux patients avec dépression chronique : l’analyse situationnelle et les techniques interpersonnelles basées sur la notion de transfert et de contre-transfert. Nous soulignerons la pertinence de cette approche par le résumé de plusieurs études empiriques ayant établi l’efficacité de ce modèle, sous certaines conditions cliniques. Nous terminerons par une réflexion de l’application de ce modèle au-delà du tableau clinique de la dépression chronique en ajoutant ainsi des arguments supplémentaires en faveur de l’apport du modèle CBASP au champ actuel de la psychothérapie des troubles mentaux.


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Der Band liefert einen Praxisleitfaden zur Behandlung von chronischen Depressionen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz. Patienten mit chronischer Depression haben häufig Schwierigkeiten bei der Bewältigung von interpersonellen Situationen. Das Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) von James McCullough hilft ihnen, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Beim Vorgehen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz lässt sich der Therapeut persönlich und ganz individuell auf seinen Patienten ein, um mit ihm zusammen interpersonelle Fertigkeiten zu trainieren. Dieses Buch vermittelt die dazu notwendige therapeutische Vorgehensweise auf praxisnahe Weise. Basierend auf einer Beschreibung des Störungsbildes erläutern die Autoren Schritt für Schritt alle Techniken des CBASP und die therapeutische Haltung im Umgang mit chronisch depressiven Patienten. Der Ablauf der Therapie, beginnend mit der Vermittlung des Krankheitsmodells, der Fallkonzeptualisierung und dem Training interpersoneller Fertigkeiten bis hin zur Rückfallprohylaxe, wird praxisorientiert erläutert. Vorgestellt werden zudem aktuelle Entwicklungen des Ansatzes, wie z.B. der Umgang mit komorbiden psychischen Störungen und die Anwendung des CBASP in der Gruppe oder im stationären Setting. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele wird außerdem der Umgang mit schwierigen Therapiesituationen vermittelt. Die dem Buch beigefügte CD-ROM enthält Materialien für den gesamten Therapieprozess einschließlich der Diagnostik. Es finden sich dort die im CBASP notwendigen Patientenarbeitsblätter und Kurzzusammenfassungen aller im CBASP verwandten Techniken.