116 resultados para caliber
Objetivos: reducir pérdidas durante la conservación frigorífica, emplear atmósfera modificada como método suplementario a la refrigeración, alargar el período de aptitud comercial. Metodología: se trabajó con fruta acondicionada a 0±1 °C y 90±5 % HR, según las siguientes variantes: 1. testigo: 20 kg fruta a granel sin seleccionar en caja plástica; 2. granel + film PVC: 10 kg de fruta a granel en bandejas de madera más cartón corrugado recubierta con film de PVC; 3. celpack: bandejas de madera recubiertas de cartón corrugado con dos celpack de 23 frutos cada uno; 4. celpack + atmósfera modificada: ídem anterior pero cada celpack en bolsa de polietileno de baja densidad de 20 μ. A partir de los 30 días de conservación se extrajo semanalmente, durante 9 semanas, una muestra de 46 frutos, de los cuales 23 fueron analizados al momento de ser extraídos y los 23 restantes luego de 48 horas de comercialización simulada (sc). Para la evaluación estadística se aplicó análisis de la varianza con el programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System) y se determinaron las diferencias entre tratamientos con el test de Duncan. Para sabor, en cambio, se aplicó una prueba de homogeneidad de P2. La evaluación de sabor se realizó mediante degustación con panel de 5 catadores entrenados. Resultados: Los frutos tenían las siguientes características al inicio de conservación: calibre 61.4 mm, peso 117.8 g, firmeza de pulpa 3.1 kgf, sabor agridulce, contenido de sólidos solubles 17.5 °Bx, acidez 0.78 g ác. málico%g, % cubrimiento 83.69 %. Luego de la conservación frigorífica (97días): % de color de cobertura 95 %. La firmeza de la pulpa en el tratamiento celpack + bolsa se diferencia con valores más altos, media de 2.8 kgf , el resto con media 2.6 kgf. En sc la firmeza es inferior y esta disminución es menor en celpack + bolsa. Sólidos solubles, media 17.21 °Bx, en sc valores con media de un 0.3 % más. Acidez titulable: disminución progresiva, de 0.68 a 0.47 g%g al fin de conservación. Sabor: a partir de los 59 días aumentan los frutos insípidos y desagradables excepto en celpack + bolsa. Síntomas de deshidratación: a partir de los 79 días la única variante que no presenta síntomas es celpack + bolsa. Conclusiones: El acondicionamiento en celpack redujo la incidencia de ataque por mohos (fue el único tratamiento sin ataque durante 94 días); tampoco presentó sabores desagradables y su limitación en conservación se debió a la deshidratación evidente a partir de 74 días. La fruta embalada en celpack + bolsa tuvo mayores valores de resistencia a la presión y 100 % de frutos sin deshidratación a los 94 días de conservación; a partir de 80 días es evidente el ataque de mohos y frutos con sabores desagradables. Las variantes granel y granel + film presentan deterioro por deshidratación a partir de 74 días. La conservación no debería superar 80 días. Celpack + bolsa muestra mejores resultados, con mayores valores de resistencia a la presión que los otros tratamientos; con respecto al sabor, mantiene una mayor proporción de sabor dulce.
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático é o único tratamento efetivo para uma variedade de doenças hepáticas irreversíveis. No entanto, o número limitado de doadores pediátricos leva ao uso de enxertos hepáticos de doadores adultos, com necessidade de anastomoses vasculares mais complexas. Essas anastomoses tornam-se complicadas pela diferença no calibre dos vasos entre o doador e o receptor, resultando em alterações do fluxo sanguíneo, estenose da anastomose venosa ou arterial e trombose. Os efeitos para regeneração hepática decorrentes da privação do fluxo sanguíneo pela veia porta ou pela artéria hepática não estão completamente elucidados. Experimentalmente, quando um lobo do fígado não recebe o fluxo venoso portal, é observada atrofia deste segmento e hipertrofia do restante do órgão perfundido. Embora existam vários modelos experimentais para estudo da regeneração hepática, poucos são focados em animais em crescimento. Além disso, os efeitos regenerativos de drogas como o tacrolimus e a insulina precisam ser pesquisados, com o objetivo de encontrar um tratamento ideal para a insuficiência hepática ou um método de estimular a regeneração do fígado após ressecções ou transplantes parciais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever modelos de regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com: 1) ausência de fluxo hepático arterial e 2) redução do fluxo portal. Adicionalmente, o estudo avalia o efeito pró-regenerativo do tacrolimus e da insulina nesses modelos descritos. MÉTODOS: cento e vinte ratos (entre 50 e 100g de peso) foram divididos em 6 grupos, de acordo com o tipo de intervenção cirúrgica: Grupo 1, incisão abdominal sem intervenção hepática; Grupo 2, hepatectomia a 70%; Grupo 3, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta; Grupo 4, hepatectomia a 70% + ligadura da artéria hepática; Grupo 5, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + insulina; Grupo 6, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + tacrolimus. Os animais dos grupos 1 ao 4 foram subdivididos em 5 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 1, 2, 3, 5 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os animais dos grupos 5 e 6 foram subdividos em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 2 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os lobos hepáticos remanescentes foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica, imuno-histoquímica e molecular. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que no grupo com hepatectomia a 70% houve recuperação do peso do fígado no terceiro dia com aumento da atividade mitótica, enquanto que no grupo com estenose portal não se observou esse fenômeno (p < 0,001). A insulina e o tacrolimus promoveram aumento do peso do fígado e do índice mitótico. A atividade mitótica foi considerada aumentada nos animais dos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria, insulina e tacrolimus; e esse parâmetro estava reduzido no grupo submetido à hepatectomia + estenose portal (p < 0,001). A expressão de interleucina 6 estava presente em todos os animais, sendo significativamente maior nos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria e significativamente menor no grupo hepatectomia + estenose portal. Entretanto, a administração de tacrolimus ou insulina recuperou os níveis teciduais de interleucina 6 no grupo com estenose portal. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo foi padronizado um modelo simples e facilmente reprodutível para estudar a regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com redução do fluxo arterial ou venoso para o fígado. Foi demonstrado que a administração de insulina ou tacrolimus é capaz de reverter os efeitos deletérios da estenose portal na regeneração hepática. A obstrução do fluxo arterial não afetou a capacidade regenerativa hepática
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Fruticultura Integrada.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
In - Appraising Work Group Performance: New Productivity Opportunities in Hospitality Management – a discussion by Mark R. Edwards, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, Arizona State University and Leslie Edwards Cummings, Assistant Professor, College of Hotel Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas; the authors initially provide: “Employee group performance variation accounts for a significant portion of the degree of productivity in the hotel, motel, and food service sectors of the hospitality industry. The authors discuss TEAMSG, a microcomputer based approach to appraising and interpreting group performance. TEAMSG appraisal allows an organization to profile and to evaluate groups, facilitating the targeting of training and development decisions and interventions, as well as the more equitable distribution of organizational rewards.” “The caliber of employee group performance is a major determinant in an organization's productivity and success within the hotel and food service industries,” Edwards and Cummings say. “Gaining accurate information about the quality of performance of such groups as organizational divisions, individual functional departments, or work groups can be as enlightening...” the authors further reveal. This perspective is especially important not only for strategic human resources planning purposes, but also for diagnosing development needs and for differentially distributing organizational rewards.” The authors will have you know, employee requirements in an unpredictable environment, which is what the hospitality industry largely is, are difficult to quantify. In an effort to measure elements of performance Edwards and Cummings look to TEAMSG, which is an acronym for Team Evaluation and Management System for Groups. They develop the concept. In discussing background for employees, Edwards and Cummings point-out that employees - at the individual level - must often possess and exercise varied skills. In group circumstances employees often work at locations outside of, or move from corporate unit-to-unit, as in the case of a project team. Being able to transcend individual-to-group mentality is imperative. “A solution which addresses the frustration and lack of motivation on the part of the employee is to coach, develop, appraise, and reward employees on the basis of group achievement,” say the authors. “An appraisal, effectively developed and interpreted, has at least three functions,” Edwards and Cummings suggest, and go on to define them. The authors do place a great emphasis on rewards and interventions to bolster the assertion set forth in their thesis statement. Edwards and Cummings warn that individual agendas can threaten, erode, and undermine group performance; there is no - I - in TEAM.
Congenital fiber-type disproportion myopathy causes impaired muscle maturation or development. It is characterized by moderate to severe hypotonia and generalized muscle weakness at birth or during the first year of life, especially in the lower extremities. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive, dominant and X-linked. It is diagnosed by clinical data confirmation, generalized hypotonia and a muscle biopsy in which muscle fibers type I are smaller in caliber, 12% smaller than those of type II and type I fibers are more common than type II. Treatment is multidisciplinary. The following describes the case of a patient who was born in the ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’ University Hospital in Monterrey, N.L, who presented clinical and muscle biopsy compatible with this myopathy.
Background: Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital genital anomalies in males that necessitates to be operated early in infancy (when 6 to 9 months old). On the other hand, hypospadias is a challenging field of pediatric urology with multiple reconstruction techniques. A perfect hypospadias repair is supposed to return urethral continuity with sufficient caliber, eradicate phallus curvature, and supply an acceptable appearance with low complications. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of using onlay island flap technique in the repair of hypospadias with shallow urethral plate. Patients and Methods: In this prospective study within June 2012 to December 2013, we performed onlay island flap procedure to repair hypospadias with shallow urethral plate measuring less than 6 millimeter. This technique was selected for all types of hypospadiasis except subcoronal type. Nesbit’s dorsal plication procedure was established for chordee. In cases with very small glans, urethroplasty was performed without glansplasty. Results: Twenty three patients with mean age of 30 (range 10 - 60) months underwent onlay island flap repair; all had a shallow urethral plate < 6 mm, 3 had a very small glans, and 18 had chordee. Meatus was located in distal shaft in 5 cases, mid shaft in 8, proximal in 6 and penoscrotal type in 4 patients. Chordee was corrected with Nesbit’s dorsal plication in 16 cases. Complications were: meatal stenosis in 2 cases and urethrocutaneous fistula in 2 patients, all of which were repaired surgically. Mean follow up time was 13 (3 - 20) months. All cases that had glansplasty have excellent esthetic appearance. Conclusions: This technique offers acceptable results regarding meatal stenosis, urethrocutaneous fistula and esthetic outcome.
Electrical impedance tomography is applied to the problem of detecting, locating, and tracking fractures in ballistics gelatin. The hardware developed is intended to be physically robust and based on off-the-shelf hardware. Fractures were created in two separate ways: by shooting a .22 caliber bullet into the gelatin and by injecting saline solution into the gelatin. The .22 caliber bullet created an air gap, which was seen as an increase in resistivity. The saline solution created a fluid filled gap, which was seen as a decrease in resistivity. A double linear array was used to take data for each of the fracture mechanisms and a two dimensional cross section was inverted from the data. The results were validated by visually inspecting the samples during the fracture event. It was found that although there were reconstruction errors present, it was possible to reconstruct a representation of the resistive cross section. Simulations were performed to better understand the reconstructed cross-sections and to demonstrate the ability of a ring array, which was not experimentally tested.
Alterations to the supply of oxygen during early life presents a profound stressor to physiological systems with aberrant remodeling that is often long-lasting. Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) is a feature of apnea of prematurity, chronic lung disease, and sleep apnea. CIH affects respiratory control but there is a dearth of information concerning the effects of CIH on respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm—the major pump muscle of breathing. We investigated the effects of exposure to gestational CIH (gCIH) and postnatal CIH (pCIH) on diaphragm muscle function in male and female rats. CIH consisted of exposure in environmental chambers to 90 s of hypoxia reaching 5% O2 at nadir, once every 5 min, 8 h a day. Exposure to gCIH started within 24 h of identification of a copulation plug and continued until day 20 of gestation; animals were studied on postnatal day 22 or 42. For pCIH, pups were born in normoxia and within 24 h of delivery were exposed with dams to CIH for 3 weeks; animals were studied on postnatal day 22 or 42. Sham groups were exposed to normoxia in parallel. Following gas exposures, diaphragm muscle contractile, and endurance properties were examined ex vivo. Neither gCIH nor pCIH exposure had effects on diaphragm muscle force-generating capacity or endurance in either sex. Similarly, early life exposure to CIH did not affect muscle tolerance of severe hypoxic stress determined ex vivo. The findings contrast with our recent observation of upper airway dilator muscle weakness following exposure to pCIH. Thus, the present study suggests a relative resilience to hypoxic stress in diaphragm muscle. Co-ordinated activity of thoracic pump and upper airway dilator muscles is required for optimal control of upper airway caliber. A mismatch in the force-generating capacity of the complementary muscle groups could have adverse consequences for the control of airway patency and respiratory homeostasis.
Chronic sustained hypoxia (CH) induces structural and functional adaptations in respiratory muscles of animal models, however the underlying molecular mechanisms are unclear. This study explores the putative role of CH-induced redox remodeling in a translational mouse model, with a focus on the sternohyoid—a representative upper airway dilator muscle involved in the control of pharyngeal airway caliber. We hypothesized that exposure to CH induces redox disturbance in mouse sternohyoid muscle in a time-dependent manner affecting metabolic capacity and contractile performance. C57Bl6/J mice were exposed to normoxia or normobaric CH (FiO2 = 0.1) for 1, 3, or 6 weeks. A second cohort of animals was exposed to CH for 6 weeks with and without antioxidant supplementation (tempol or N-acetyl cysteine in the drinking water). Following CH exposure, we performed 2D redox proteomics with mass spectrometry, metabolic enzyme activity assays, and cell-signaling assays. Additionally, we assessed isotonic contractile and endurance properties ex vivo. Temporal changes in protein oxidation and glycolytic enzyme activities were observed. Redox modulation of sternohyoid muscle proteins key to contraction, metabolism and cellular homeostasis was identified. There was no change in redox-sensitive proteasome activity or HIF-1α content, but CH decreased phospho-JNK content independent of antioxidant supplementation. CH was detrimental to sternohyoid force- and power-generating capacity and this was prevented by chronic antioxidant supplementation. We conclude that CH causes upper airway dilator muscle dysfunction due to redox modulation of proteins key to function and homeostasis. Such changes could serve to further disrupt respiratory homeostasis in diseases characterized by CH such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Antioxidants may have potential use as an adjunctive therapy in hypoxic respiratory disease.