973 resultados para bridge topologies


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The need to upgrade a large number of understrength and obsolete bridges in the U.S. has been well documented in the literature. Through several Iowa DOT projects, the concept of strengthening simple-span bridges by post-tensioning has been developed. The purpose of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of post-tensioning for strengthening continuous composite bridges. In a previous, successfully completed investigation, the feasibility of strengthening continuous, composite bridges by post-tensioning was demonstrated on a laboratory 1/3-scale-model bridge (3 spans: 41 ft 11 in. x 8 ft 8 in.). This project can thus be considered the implementation phase. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Pocahontas County near Fonda, Iowa, on County Road N28. With finite element analysis, a post-tensioning system was developed that required post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of both the interior and exterior beams. During the summer of 1988, the strengthening system was installed along with instrumentation to determine the bridge's response and behavior. Before and after post-tensioning, the bridge was subjected to truck loading (1 or 2 trucks at various predetermined critical locations) to determine the effectiveness of the strengthening system. The bridge, with the strengthening system in place, was inspected approximately every three months to determine any changes in its appearance or behavior. In 1989, approximately one year after the initial strengthening, the bridge was retested to identify any changes in its behavior. Post-tensioning forces were removed to reveal any losses over the one-year period. Post-tensioning was reapplied to the bridge, and the bridge was tested using the same loading program used in 1988. Except for at a few locations, stresses were reduced in the bridge the desired amount. At a few locations flexural stresses in the steel beams are still above 18 ksi, the allowable inventory stress for A7 steel. Although maximum stresses are above the inventory stress by about 2 ksi, they are about 5 ksi below the allowable operating stress; therefore, the bridge no longer needs to be load-posted.


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Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used as subdecks in bridge construction in Iowa and other states. To investigate the performance of these types of composite slabs at locations adjacent to abutment and pier diaphragms in skewed bridges, a research prcject which involved surveys of design agencies and precast producers, field inspections of existing bridges, analytical studies, and experimental testing was conducted. The survey results from the design agencies and panel producers showed that standardization of precast panel construction would be desirable, that additional inspections at the precast plant and at the bridge site would be beneficial, and that some form of economical study should be undertaken to determine actual cost savings associated with composite slab construction. Three bridges in Hardin County, Iowa were inspected to observe general geometric relationships, construction details, and to note the visual condition of the bridges. Hairline cracks beneath several of the prestressing strands in many of the precast panels were observed, and a slight discoloration of the concrete was seen beneath most of the strands. Also, some rust staining was visible at isolated locations on several panels. Based on the findings of these inspections, future inspections are recommended to monitor the condition of these and other bridges constructed with precast panel subdecks. Five full-scale composite slab specimens were constructed in the Structural Engineering Laboratory at Iowa State University. One specimen modeled bridge deck conditions which are not adjacent to abutment or pier diaphragms, and the other four specimens represented the geometric conditions which occur for skewed diaphragms of 0, 15, 30, and 40 degrees. The specimens were subjected to wheel loads of service and factored level magnitudes at many locations on the slab surface and to concentrated loads which produced failure of the composite slab. The measured slab deflections and bending strains at both service and factored load levels compared reasonably well with the results predicted by simplified Finite element analyses of the specimens. To analytically evaluate the nominal strength for a composite slab specimen, yield-line and punching shear theories were applied. Yield-line limit loads were computed using the crack patterns generated during an ultimate strength test. In most cases, these analyses indicated that the failure mode was not flexural. Since the punching shear limit loads in most instances were close to the failure loads, and since the failure surfaces immediately adjacent to the wheel load footprint appeared to be a truncated prism shape, the probable failure mode for all of the specimens was punching shear. The development lengths for the prestressing strands in the rectangular and trapezoidal shaped panels was qualitatively investigated by monitoring strand slippage at the ends of selected prestressing strands. The initial strand transfer length was established experimentally by monitoring concrete strains during strand detensioning, and this length was verified analytically by a finite element analysis. Even though the computed strand embedment lengths in the panels were not sufficient to fully develop the ultimate strand stress, sufficient stab strength existed. Composite behavior for the slab specimens was evaluated by monitoring slippage between a panel and the topping slab and by computation of the difference in the flexural strains between the top of the precast panel and the underside of the topping slab at various locations. Prior to the failure of a composite slab specimen, a localized loss of composite behavior was detected. The static load strength performance of the composite slab specimens significantly exceeded the design load requirements. Even with skew angles of up to 40 degrees, the nominal strength of the slabs did not appear to be affected when the ultimate strength test load was positioned on the portion of each slab containing the trapezoidal-shaped panel. At service and factored level loads, the joint between precast panels did not appear to influence the load distribution along the length of the specimens. Based on the static load strength of the composite slab specimens, the continued use of precast panels as subdecks in bridge deck construction is recommended.


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The need to upgrade understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. The concept of strengthening steel stringer bridges in Iowa has been developed through several Iowa DOT projects. The objective of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of one such strengthening system on a three-span continuous steel stringer bridge in the field. In addition, a design methodology was developed to assist bridge engineers with designing a strengthening system to obtain the desired stress reductions. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Cerro Gordo County near Mason City, Iowa on County Road B65. The strengthening system was designed to remove overstresses that occurred when the bridge was subjected to Iowa legal loads. A two part strengthening system was used: post-tensioning the positive moment regions of all the stringers and superimposed trusses in the negative moment regions of the two exterior stringers at the two piers. The strengthening system was installed in the summers of 1992 and 1993. In the summer of 1993, the bridge was load tested before and after the strengthening system was activated. The load test results indicate that the strengthening system was effective in reducing the overstress in both the negative and positive regions of the stringers. The design methodology that was developed includes a procedure for determining the magnitude of post-tensioning and truss forces required to strengthen a given bridge. This method utilizes moment and force fractions to determine the distribution of strengthening axial forces and moments throughout the bridge. Finite element analysis and experimental results were used in the formulation and calibration of the methodology. A spreadsheet was developed to facilitate the calculation of these required strengthening forces.


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The purpose of this manual is to organize, document, and combine Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) policies and procedures for bridge inspection practices and post-inspection recommendations so Iowa DOT personnel, local agencies, and consultants will have a readily available resource for their use. Previously, bridge inspection policies and procedures were documented by various means, making it difficult to provide consistent answers to questions regarding bridge inspection topics. This manual is intended to ensure uniformity and document best practices for inspection of Iowa’s bridges, especially as experienced inspection personnel retire.


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The purpose of this manual is to document the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) policy and procedures for load rating and posting of structures within the State of Iowa. This manual is intended to ensure that every bridge is rated as to its safe load carrying capacity. This manual presents guidelines and procedures for rating bridges and outlines the documentation required


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The Bridge Maintenance Manual is published solely to provide information and guidance to bridge maintenance personnel when repairing bridges in the state of Iowa. This manual is issued to secure, so far as possible, uniformity of practice and procedure in methods developed by experience. Budgetary limitations, volumes and types of traffic, local conditions and other factors may render complete compliance with the guidelines set forth, in this manual, impossible or impractical. This manual is not purported to be a complete guide in all areas of bridge maintenance and is not a substitute for engineering judgment.


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Video from the Iowa Department of Transportation about the construction and remodel of the Benton Street Bridge in Iowa City. This video is a interview of Samuel Cartsens interviewed but Hank Zeletel the Librarian of the DOT at the time the video was produced.


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Flood-plain and channel-aggradation rates were estimated at selected bridge sites in central and eastern Iowa using four aggradation-measurement methods. Aggradation rates were quantified at 10 bridge sites on the Iowa River upstream of Coralville Lake and at two bridge sites in the central part of Skunk River Basin. Measurement periods used to estimate average aggradation rates ranged in length from 1 to 98 years and varied among methods and sites. A direct comparison cannot be made between aggradation rates calculated using each of the four measurement methods because of differences in time periods and aggradational processes that were measured by each method.


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The Iowa demonstration project to promote the rehabilitation of bridge deck concrete by rebonding delaminations with injected epoxy is a 150 ft x 150 ft high truss bridge on Iowa route No. 210 over Indian Creek near Maxwell in Story County (Service level D, AADT-730, Inventory Rating HS-16.9, Operating Rating HS-25). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of repairing a delaminated bridge deck by epoxy injection, specifically a bridge deck with a delaminated portland cement concrete overlay. Observations noted during the project lead to the following conclusions: The delaminations rebonded with epoxy have remained solid through five years. The percentage of delamination has stayed essentially the same for both the epoxy injected and non-repaired areas. Epoxy injection appears to be a practical, cost effective alternative to other forms of deck rehabilitation when undertaken at the proper time. Cost effectiveness would reduce dramatically if delayed until breakouts have occurred. On the other hand it would be a slow, labor intensive process if undertaken too early when delaminations are small.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining approximately 3800 bridges throughout the State. Of these bridges approximately 3200 have concrete decks. The remaining bridges have been constructed or repaired with a Portland Cement (P. C.) concrete overlay. Surveys of the overlays have indicated a growing incidence of delaminations and surface distress. The need to replace or repair the overlay may be dictated by the amount of delamination in the deck. Additionally, the concrete bridges are periodically inspected and scheduled for the appropriate rehabilitation. Part of this analysis is an assessment of the amount of delamination present in the deck. The ability to accurately and economically identify delamination in overlays and bridge decks is necessary to cost-effectively evaluate and schedule bridge rehabilitation. There are two conventional methods currently being used to detect delaminations. One is ref erred to as a chain drag method. The other a electro-mechanical sounding method (delamtect). In the chain drag method, the concrete surface is struck using a heavy chain. The inspector then listens to the sound produced as the surface is struck. The delaminated areas produce a dull sound as compared to nondelaminated areas. This procedure has proved to be very time consuming, especially when a number of small areas of delamination are present. With the · electro-mechanical method, the judgement of the inspector has been eliminated. A· device with three basic components, a tapping device, a sonic receiver, and a system of signal interpretation has been developed. This· device is wheeled along the deck and the instrument receives and interprets the acoustic signals generated by the instrument which in turn are reflected through the concrete. A recently developed method of detecting delaminations is infrared thermography. This method of detection is based on the difference in surface temperature which exists between delaminated and nondelaminated concrete under certain atmospheric conditions. The temperature difference can reach 5°C on a very sunny day where dry pavement exists. If clouds are present, or the pavement is wet, then the temperature difference between the delaminated and nondelaminated concrete will not be as great and therefore more difficult to detect. Infrared thermography was used to detect delaminations in 17 concrete bridge decks, 2 P. C. concrete overlays, and 1 section of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) in Iowa. Thermography was selected to assess the accuracy, dependability, and potential of the infrared thermographic technique.


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Research funds were approved for the purchase of equipment designed to proportion and inject epoxy resins into delaminated areas of bridge decks. Through investigation and refining of this process, it was anticipated that a maintenance procedure would be developed to delay spalling of bridge decks by "gluing down" delaminated areas before spalling occurred.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a cumene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the HMWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans. Leakage through the double application occurred during a rain. Neither the single or double application were successful in preventing leakage through the cracks.


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Many reports have been written concerning investigations of concrete sealants. The primary concern of most investigators is the protection of bridge decks from de-icing chemicals which cause surface scaling and, when allowed to permeate to reinforcing steel, result in deep spalling and general concrete deterioration. The problem of protecting abutments and pier tops from salt solutions entails a significantly different approach than the problem of protecting bridge decks. The epoxy resins become eligible as a protective material since one need not be concerned with slipperiness or its abrasive characteristics. Protection with linseed oil at regular intervals would prove bothersome because of the inaccessibility of pier tops after the deck is placed. The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate various commercial products in terms of their ability to prevent concrete scaling of bridge abutments and pier tops which are subject to salt water deterioration.


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The large concrete placements at the Burlington Bridge were expected to cause great temperature differentials within the individual placements. In an attempt to reduce cracking due to the large temperature differentials, the Iowa Department of Transportation required that contractors continuously monitor the temperatures and temperature differentials in the concrete placement to assure that the temperature differentials did not exceed 35 deg F. It was felt that if temperature differentials remained below 35 deg F, cracking would be minimized. The following is a summary of the background of the project, and what occurred during individual concrete placements. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Side temperatures are cooler and more greatly affected by ambient air temperatures; 2) When the 35 deg F limit was exceeded, it was almost exclusively the center to side differential; 3) The top temperature increases substantially when a new pour is placed; 4) The use of ice and different cement types did seem to affect the overall temperature gain and the amount of time taken for any one placement to reach a peak, but did not necessarily prevent the differentials from exceeding the 35 deg F limit, nor prevent cracking in any placement; and 5) Larger placements have a greater tendency to exceed the differential limit.


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"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 3 - Road and Bridge Design. This module provides hands on examples of how to use metric measurements in the design of roads and structures.