807 resultados para alzheimer disease
OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistemática de artigos científicos que analisaram os efeitos da atividade física sistematizada nos sintomas de depressão de pacientes com demência de Alzheimer. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, MedLine e Biological Abstracts, utilizando-se as seguintes palavras-chave: Alzheimer dementia , Alzheimer disease , Alzheimer, physical activity, physical exercise, motor intervention , physical therapy , exercise , aerobic , strength , fitness , depression , dysphoria , depressive symptoms e depressive episodes. Além da busca nas bases de dados, foi realizada também uma busca manual nas listas de referências dos artigos selecionados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados quatro estudos que preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão adotados para o presente trabalho. Dois estudos apresentaram reduções dos sintomas depressivos, e outros dois não encontraram redução desses sintomas. CONCLUSÃO: Com a realização desta revisão sistemática, observou-se que não há consenso em relação aos benefícios da atividade física aos sintomas depressivos em pacientes com demência de Alzheimer.
O P300 desempenha um papel fundamental como método de avaliação e monitoramento das demências, entre elas a doença de Alzheimer. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma busca por artigos que analisaram os valores de latência e amplitude de P300 na doença de Alzheimer. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Web of Science, PubMed/Medline, Psyc Info, Biological Abstracts e Scielo. Utilizaram-se as seguintes palavras-chave: speed of information processing, speed of processing, information processing, aged, older, elderly, older people, alzheimer dementia, alzheimer disease, Alzheimer, além de referências cruzadas dos artigos selecionados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados oito estudos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão adotados para o presente trabalho. Estes estudos mostraram que existe um consenso em relação ao aumento da latência de P300 de idosos com doença de Alzheimer quando comparados com idosos sem a doença. Porém, verifica-se que, com relação à amplitude de P300, ainda não há um consenso, mas, isso pode estar relacionado às diferentes variáveis metodológicas adotadas nos estudos revisados. CONCLUSÃO: Há necessidade de se padronizar as variáveis envolvidas no método de avaliação do P300 para idosos com doença de Alzheimer, para que seja possível comparar os valores de latência e amplitude de P300 dessa população.
Is common the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease (AD), this is resulted of anatomical and biochemical changes in the brain. The objective of present study was to look for papers relating physical activity and neuropsychiatric symptoms through a systematic review. The following data bases was accessed: Academic Search Premier, Biological Abstracts, Medline, PsycINFO, Pubmed, Scielo, Science direct on line, Sport Discus and Web of Science, using the following key-words: (Neuropsychiatric disturbances OR Neuropsychiatric symptoms OR Neuropsychological disturbances OR Aberrant behavior OR Aberrant behaviour OR Behavior disturbances OR Behaviour disturbances OR Behavior management OR Behaviour management OR Disruptive behavior OR Disruptive behaviour) and (Alzheimer) and (Exercise OR Motor intervention OR training OR Physical activity OR fitness), besides crossing the references in the selected articles. Eight studies had filled the inclusion criteria. It was possible to conclude there are evidences of positive results for agitation and sleep disturbances in patients with AD. However, there's no consensus of what kind of activity is better for these patients.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative pathology with severe economic and social impact. There is currently no cure, although cholinesterase inhibitors provide effective temporary relief of symptoms in some patients. Nowadays drug research and development are based on the cholinergic hypothesis that supports the cognition improvement by regulation of the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. There are only four commercial medicines approved for treatment of AD and natural products have played an important role in the research for new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho descreve características da linguagem, em especial de alguns dos aspectos discursivos, de idosos com envelhecimento saudável, com declínio cognitivo senil, ou com doença de Alzheimer leve e moderada. Foram avaliados um total de 44 idosos sendo 22 saudáveis, 4 com declínio cognitivo senil, 9 com doença de Alzheimer leve e 9 com doença de Alzheimer moderada, classificados pelos critérios do CDR. Foram aplicados os testes neuropsicológicos do mini exame do estado mental, nomeação de Boston resumido, fluência verbal e narrativa por confronto visual (figura do roubo dos bolinhos). Foram estimados os desempenhos nos testes selecionados e aplicada a avaliação dos relatos pelos critérios propostos por Groves-Wright (2004) assim como foi feita a tipificação da narrativa. Tratamento estatístico paramétrico determinou os valores de média, erro-padrão e o nível de significância das diferenças entre as médias foi fixado para valores de p<0.05. Em seguida foi realizado inventário e análise do léxico e das categorias gramaticas das narrativas, e realizada análise paramétrica a partir dos escores Z, através do programa STABLEX. Encontrou-se que a fluência verbal semântica é melhor nos idosos saudáveis quando comparados aos com declínio cognitivo leve. As narrativas mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os idosos saudáveis e os com declínio cognitivo leve nas análises de frequência de uso do vocabulário e das categorias gramaticais como um todo, e também entre saudáveis e todos os demais grupos nas análises de cada uma das categorias gramaticais. A análise do vocabulário e das categorias gramaticais permitiu identificar comprometimentos da função narrativa medida pelo tipo de vocabulário e pelas categorias gramaticais preferidas ou rejeitadas. Os resultados contribuem para distinguir as características da narrativa de idosos saudáveis, daquelas de idosos com declínio cognitivo leve ou com Alzheimer leve ou moderado, apontando alterações que possivelmente são indicadores precoces que podem ser usados para avaliar o curso temporal da doença.
The regular practice of physical therapy is indicated as a non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease by promoting cognitive, behavioral and functional benefits. However, little is known about the protocols with home-based motor intervention for this population. Thinking about it, this review aimed to investigate and analyze the protocols for home-based motor intervention for elderly with Alzheimer's disease described in scientific articles. A systematic search was performed in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus, using the following keywords and Boolean operators: home-based exercise OR home-based physical exercise OR home-based physical fitness OR home-based rehabilitation OR home-based physical therapy OR home-based physical activity OR home-based engine Intervention and AD OR Alzheimer's disease OR AlzheimerOR Alzheimer's dementia. We also conducted a manual search of reference lists of selected articles. Of the five articles that met the inclusion criteria adopted, three performed a protocol for home motor intervention, achieving good compliance with the program, improvement of general health and reduction of depressive symptoms. The other two studies were limited to describing the protocols. Although more studies are needed, with detailed protocols, this review allowed to show that protocols for home motor intervention can also produce positive effects for both patients and caregivers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes the main steps in the study of Senna spectabilis, as part of our bioprospection studies, with the isolation of spectaline, cassine and other piperidine alkaloids, as well as the preparation of semi-synthetic analogues, and the studies of their pharmacological and toxicological properties, which led to the establishment of two candidate drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer disease.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudo exploratório-descritivo que objetivou descrever variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos cuidadores de idosos com Alzheimer, associando os cuidados realizados à resiliência. Participaram do estudo 101 cuidadores, maiores de 18 anos, que acompanhavam os idosos em unidade básica e em hospital público, no ano 2009. Foram aplicados questionários para perfil, Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Escala de Resiliência. Realizada análise estatística dos dados. A maioria dos cuidadores eram mulheres, sem depressão, recebia ajuda de outras pessoas para cuidar e possuía alto grau de resiliência. Houve associação significativa da resiliência com as variáveis: grau de parentesco, tratamento médico, uso de medicamentos, cansaço, esgotamento, desânimo e saúde mental do cuidador. Saúde física foi associada, significativamente, à experiência no cuidado, sendo que 82 idosos tinham prejuízos cognitivos graves. O idoso no contexto familiar pode ser beneficiado quando o cuidador é mais resiliente.
Die massive Bildung und Ablagerung von aggregiertem Amyloid Beta-Peptid im Gehirn wird allgemein als zentrales Ereignis im Rahmen des Neurodegenerationsprozesses der Alzheimer Demenz betrachtet. Als einer der ursächlichen Risikofaktoren gilt das Vorliegen des ε4-Allels des Apolipoprotein E. Die Alzheimer´sche Krankheit ist dabei in sehr vielfältige Weise mit Apolipoprotein E verknüpft. ApoE begünstigt isoformenabhängig Aβ-Ablagerungen, ApoE-Fragmente kommen im Gehirn und der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit von Alzheimer Patienten vor und ApoE ist darüber hinaus als Cholesterintransportprotein über den zellulären Cholesterinstoffwechsel mit der Amyloidbildung verknüpft. Mit Hilfe einer Doppeltransfektion von ApoE und ADAM10 in HEK-Zellen und durch Studien mit Inhibitoren der ADAM-Familie an HepG-2-Zellen wurde in vitro gezeigt, dass ApoE nicht durch α-Sekretasen der ADAM-Familie gespalten wird. Weiterhin konnte bewiesen werden, dass ApoE in Astrogliomazellen keinen Einfluss auf die APP-Prozessierung ausübt. Durch in vitro Modulation des Cholesteringehaltes an Astrogliomazellen mit MβCD und seine Cholesterin-Komplexverbindungen ist gezeigt worden, dass die ApoE-Sekretion durch abnehmenden Cholesteringehalt gesenkt wird. Indem Statine alleine oder in Kombination mit Isoprenylierungssubstraten eingesetzt wurden ist der Beweis erbracht worden, dass Statine in vitro die ApoE-Sekretionsinhibition alleine durch Hemmung der Cholesterinbiosynthese bewirken. Bestätigt wurde dies weiterhin durch Experimente mit Isoprenylierungsinhibitoren. Aus dem Wirkmechanismus von Statinen auf die ApoE-Sekretionssenkung leitet sich womöglich der für bestimmte Statine berichtete neuroprotektive Effekt bei Morbus Alzheimer in retrospektiven Humanstudien ab, der sich durch reine Cholesterinsenkung nicht erklären lässt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Cholesterinhomöostase und dem gesteigerten 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterinspiegel bei Morbus Alzheimer, haben die Ergebnisse gezeigt, dass 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterin [24(S)-OH-chol] zur ApoE-Sekretions- und Expressionssteigerung führt. In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmals der Nachweis erbracht werden, dass der stimulatorische Effekt von 24(S)-OH-Chol durch gleichzeitige Lovastatingabe reduziert werden kann. Dies stellt einen möglichen Ansatz im Kampf gegen die Alzheimer Demenz dar. Weiterführend müssen diese Ergebnisse noch in vivo beispielsweise durch Versuche an ApoE-transgenen Mäusen bestätigt werden. Darüber hinaus könnte nach einer Statintherapie der ApoE-Gehalt in humaner, cerebrospinaler Flüssigkeit ermittelt werden.
OBJECTIVE: Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer disease is a highly stressful experience that is associated with significant depressive symptoms. Previous studies indicate a positive association between problem behaviors in patients with Alzheimer disease (e.g., repeating questions, restlessness, and agitation) and depressive symptoms in their caregivers. Moreover, the extant literature indicates a robust negative relationship between escape-avoidance coping (i.e., avoiding people, wishing the situation would go away) and psychiatric well-being. The purpose of this study was to test a mediational model of the associations between patient problem behaviors, escape-avoidance coping, and depressive symptoms in Alzheimer caregivers. METHODS: Ninety-five spousal caregivers (mean age: 72 years) completed measures assessing their loved ones' frequency of problem behaviors, escape-avoidance coping, and depressive symptoms. A mediational model was tested to determine if escape-avoidant coping partially mediated the relationship between patient problem behaviors and caregiver depressive symptoms. RESULTS: Patient problem behaviors were positively associated with escape-avoidance coping (beta = 0.38, p < 0.01) and depressive symptoms (beta = 0.26, p < 0.05). Escape-avoidance coping was positively associated with depressive symptoms (beta = 0.33, p < 0.01). In a final regression analysis, the impact of problem behaviors on depressive symptoms was less after controlling for escape-avoidance coping. Sobel's test confirmed that escape-avoidance coping significantly mediated the relationship between problem behaviors and depressive symptoms (z = 2.07, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Escape-avoidance coping partially mediates the association between patient problem behaviors and depressive symptoms among elderly caregivers of spouses with dementia. This finding provides a specific target for psychosocial interventions for caregivers.
OBJECTIVE To quantify visual discrimination, space-motion, and object-form perception in patients with Parkinson disease dementia (PDD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and Alzheimer disease (AD). METHODS The authors used a cross-sectional study to compare three demented groups matched for overall dementia severity (PDD: n = 24; DLB: n = 20; AD: n = 23) and two age-, sex-, and education-matched control groups (PD: n = 24, normal controls [NC]: n = 25). RESULTS Visual perception was globally more impaired in PDD than in nondemented controls (NC, PD), but was not different from DLB. Compared to AD, PDD patients tended to perform worse in all perceptual scores. Visual perception of patients with PDD/DLB and visual hallucinations was significantly worse than in patients without hallucinations. CONCLUSIONS Parkinson disease dementia (PDD) is associated with profound visuoperceptual impairments similar to dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) but different from Alzheimer disease. These findings are consistent with previous neuroimaging studies reporting hypoactivity in cortical areas involved in visual processing in PDD and DLB.
The central event in protein misfolding disorders (PMDs) is the accumulation of a misfolded form of a naturally expressed protein. Despite the diversity of clinical symptoms associated with different PMDs, many similarities in their mechanism suggest that distinct pathologies may cross talk at the molecular level. The main goal of this study was to analyze the interaction of the protein misfolding processes implicated in Alzheimer's and prion diseases. For this purpose, we inoculated prions in an Alzheimer's transgenic mouse model that develop typical amyloid plaques and followed the progression of pathological changes over time. Our findings show a dramatic acceleration and exacerbation of both pathologies. The onset of prion disease symptoms in transgenic mice appeared significantly faster with a concomitant increase on the level of misfolded prion protein in the brain. A striking increase in amyloid plaque deposition was observed in prion-infected mice compared with their noninoculated counterparts. Histological and biochemical studies showed the association of the two misfolded proteins in the brain and in vitro experiments showed that protein misfolding can be enhanced by a cross-seeding mechanism. These results suggest a profound interaction between Alzheimer's and prion pathologies, indicating that one protein misfolding process may be an important risk factor for the development of a second one. Our findings may have important implications to understand the origin and progression of PMDs.