992 resultados para alluvial fan
Thèse écrite grâce au financement du Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC)
Resumen tomado del autor. Contiene tablas de clasificación y de resultados; gráficas de resultados
Resumen del autor en catalán
Resumen de la revista en catalán
Éste artículo pretende hacer reflexiones a partir de algunos de los postulados teóricos de las corrientes lingüísticas actuales, que conciben la actividad comunicativa como un conjunto de habilidades y de actitudes que el individuo utiliza en un contexto sociocultural definido y que potencian una visión interdisciplinar del lenguaje. Por otro lado, presenta una propuesta didáctica para el aula para que el ámbito escolar promueva no sólamente una manera de trabajar, sinó también una manera de entender cualquier tipo de texto como producto de una actividad discursiva primariamente oral, que puede reflejarse o no por convennciones ortográticas en un texto escrito.
La feina dels gerents de les cooperatives ??s potser la m??s desconeguda pel p??blic: quina feina fan?, quins tipus de gestors ens trobama les diferents cooperatives d???ensenyament?...
La responsabilitat de les fam??lies, concretament de les dones, pel que fa a la cura de les persones dependents generalment s???ha ent??s com una tend??ncia natural d???algunes societats tradicionals en qu?? valors com la solidaritat dins l?????mbit privat s???imposen sobre la protecci?? p??blica. Aquest argument est?? relacionat amb el model familista d???estat de benestar propi del sistema de protecci?? espanyol i del estats del sud d???Europa. Des d???una perspectiva diferent, m??s que d???una opci?? es tractaria d???una obligaci?? que recau sobre les fam??lies, a causa d???un sistema ocupacional que no facilita a aquestes ocupar-se dels seus membres i d???un sistema p??blic insuficient. Concretament, en relaci?? amb el paper que assumeixen els padrins en aquestes relacions de solidaritat familiar, al treball es presenten dades que mostren que als pa??sos del sud la freq????ncia en la cura dels padrins als n??ts ??s m??s baixa per?? la cura ??s m??s intensiva. Aquests estudis confirmen que un estat del benestar fort amb un grau elevat de cobertura social no redueix la solidaritat familiar. La inversi?? en pol??tiques familiars afavoreix la solidaritat intergeneracional, en tant que permet una complementarietat entre l???ajuda p??blica i l???ajuda familiar, sense esgotar ni saturar la darrera. A la inversa, la manca o un nivell molt baix d???inversi?? en pol??tiques familiars pot fer m??s prec??ria l???ajuda.
La presente tesis analiza las relaciones del Ministerio del Ambiente (MAE), con el Fondo Ambiental Nacional, FAN, en el marco de la alianza estratégica que mantienen para apoyar la conservación de la biodiversidad del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, SNAP. Con este enfoque, se revisa puntualmente el marco jurídico e institucional para la gestión de la biodiversidad en general y del SNAP en particular; y en este contexto se resume la trayectoria del SNAP, su conformación, problemática y situaciones recurrentes de debilidades para su gestión, desde 1973 hasta la actualidad. Se revisan el contexto político y económico que motivaron la creación y luego puesta en marcha del FAN; sus características legales y organizacionales, ámbito de acción y enfoque estratégico; así como las características de la alianza MAE FAN, direccionada a apoyar al MAE en la gestión de recursos financieros que apoyen la gestión del SNAP, la cual se agravó como resultado de la implementación en 1998 de la Ley Especial de Galápagos, que eliminó los fondos que subsidiariamente recibía el SNAP. Se analiza los sistemas y modelos de gestión, tanto del MAE, como del FAN, para ubicar en ellos los arreglos institucionales realizados para implementar la alianza de apoyo al SNAP; y en este sentido se describen el diseño, elaboración e implementación del Fondo de gastos operativos básicos, para las áreas protegidas, FAP, como un mecanismo de capitalización de un fondo patrimonial cuyos rendimientos se destinan a apoyar la gestión de las áreas protegidas del SNAP; mecanismo implementado conjuntamente por las dos entidades desde el 2002. Luego de una revisión de la implementación de los macro procesos del Fondo de áreas protegidas: FAP, se analizan los planes estratégicos del SNAP y del FAN, para ubicar los avances, reflexionar sobre los problemas recurrentes; y en base de ello proceder a proponer recomendaciones que fortalezcan la alianza MAE y FAN, tanto en la implementación del FAP, como en potenciales temas de interacción entre el MAE y el FAN, para un fortalecimiento más integral a la gestión del SNAP como un objetivo de país, a cuyo cumplimiento el FAN debe contribuir de manera más eficiente y con la consiguiente corresponsabilidad del MAE.
Many shorebirds are long-distance migrants and depend on the energy gained at stopover sites to complete migration. Competing hypotheses have described strategies used by migrating birds; the energy-selection hypothesis predicts that shorebirds attempt to maximize energy gained at stopover sites, whereas the time-selection hypothesis predicts that shorebirds attempt to minimize time spent at stopover sites. The energy- and time-selection hypotheses both predict that birds in better condition will depart sites sooner. However, numerous studies of stopover duration have found little support for this prediction, leading to the suggestion that migrating birds operate under energy and time constraints for only a small portion of the migratory season. During fall migration 2002, we tested the prediction that birds in better condition depart stopover sites sooner by examining the relationship between stopover duration and body condition for migrating Least Sandpipers (Calidris minutilla) at three stopover sites in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. We also tested the assumption made by the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Migratory Bird Science Team that shorebirds stay in the Mississippi Valley for 10 d. The assumption of 10 d was used to estimate the amount of habitat required by shorebirds in the Mississippi Valley during fall migration; a period longer than 10 d would increase the estimate of the amount habitat required. We used multiple-day constancy models of apparent survival and program MARK to estimate stopover duration for 293 individually color-marked and resighted Least Sandpipers. We found that a four-day constancy interval and a site x quadratic time trend interaction term best modeled apparent survival. We found only weak support for body condition as a factor explaining length of stopover duration, which is consistent with findings from similar work. Stopover duration estimates were 4.1 d (95% CI = 2.8–6.1) for adult Least Sandpipers at Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas, 6.5 d (95% CI = 4.9–8.7) for adult and 6.1 d (95% CI =4.2–9.1) for juvenile Least Sandpipers at Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi, and 6.9 d (95% CI = 5.5–8.7) for juvenile Least Sandpipers at Morgan Brake National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi. Based on our estimates of stopover duration and the assumption made by the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Migratory Bird Science Team, there is sufficient habitat in the lower Mississippi Valley to support shorebirds during fall migration.
A detailed study of the morphology and micro-morphology of Quaternary alluvial calcrete profiles from the Sorbas Basin shows that calcretes may be morphologically simple or complex. The 'simple' profiles reflect pedogenesis occurring after alluvial terrace formation and consist of a single pedogenic horizon near the land surface. The 'complex' profiles reflect the occurrence of multiple calcrete events during terrace sediment aggradation and further periods of pedogenesis after terrace formation. These 'complex' calcrete profiles are consequently described as composite profiles. The exact morphology of the composite profiles depends upon: (1) the number of calcrete-forming events occurring during terrace sediment aggradation; (2) the amount of sediment accretion that occurs between each period of calcrete formation; and (3) the degree of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Simple calcrete profiles are most useful in establishing landform chronologies because they represent a single phase of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Composite profiles are more problematic. Pedogenic calcretes that form within them may inherit carbonate from calcrete horizons occurring lower down in the terrace sediments. In addition erosion may lead to the exhumation of older calcretes within the terrace sediment. Calcrete 'inheritance' may make pedogenic horizons appear more mature than they actually are and produce horizons containing carbonate embracing a range of ages. Calcrete exhumation exposes calcrete horizons whose morphology and radiometric ages are wholly unrelated to terrace surface age. Composite profiles are, therefore, only suitable for chronological studies if the pedogenic horizon capping the terrace sequence can be clearly distinguished from earlier calcrete-forming events. Thus, a detailed morphological/micro-morphological study is required before any chronological study is undertaken. This is the only way to establish whether particular calcrete profiles are suitable for dating purposes. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
*** Purpose – Computer tomography (CT) for 3D reconstruction entails a huge number of coplanar fan-beam projections for each of a large number of 2D slice images, and excessive radiation intensities and dosages. For some applications its rate of throughput is also inadequate. A technique for overcoming these limitations is outlined. *** Design methodology/approach – A novel method to reconstruct 3D surface models of objects is presented, using, typically, ten, 2D projective images. These images are generated by relative motion between this set of objects and a set of ten fanbeam X-ray sources and sensors, with their viewing axes suitably distributed in 2D angular space. *** Findings – The method entails a radiation dosage several orders of magnitude lower than CT, and requires far less computational power. Experimental results are given to illustrate the capability of the technique *** Practical implications – The substantially lower cost of the method and, more particularly, its dramatically lower irradiation make it relevant to many applications precluded by current techniques *** Originality/value – The method can be used in many applications such as aircraft hold-luggage screening, 3D industrial modelling and measurement, and it should also have important applications to medical diagnosis and surgery.
Deposit modelling based on archived borehole logs supplemented by a small number of dedicated boreholes is used to reconstruct the main boundary surfaces and the thickness of the main sediment units within the succession of Holocene alluvial deposits underlying the floodplain in the Barking Reach of the Lower Thames Valley. The basis of the modelling exercise is discussed and the models are used to assess the significance of floodplain relief in determining patterns of sedimentation. This evidence is combined with the results of biostratigraphical and geochronological investigations to reconstruct the environmental conditions associated with each successive stage of floodplain aggradation. The two main factors affecting the history and spatial pattern of Holocene sedimentation are shown to be the regional behaviour of relative sea level and the pattern of relief on the surface of the sub-alluvial, Late Devensian Shepperton Gravel. As is generally the case in the Lower Thames Valley, three main stratigraphic units are recognised, the Lower Alluvium, a peat bed broadly equivalent to the Tilbury III peat of Devoy (1979) and an Upper Alluvium. There is no evidence to suggest that the floodplain was substantially re-shaped by erosion during the Holocene. Instead, the relief inherited from the Shepperton Gravel surface was gradually buried either by the accumulation of peat or by deposition of fine-grained sediment from suspension in standing or slow-moving water. The palaeoenvironmental record from Barking confirms important details of the Holocene record observed elsewhere in the Lower Thames Valley, including the presence of Taxus in the valley-floor fen carr woodland between about 5000 and 4000 cal BP, and the subsequent growth of Ulmus on the peat surface.
This article recovers and contextualizes the politics of British punk fanzines produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It argues that fanzines – and youth cultures more generally – provide a contested cultural space for young people to express their ideas, opinions and anxieties. Simultaneously, it maintains that punk fanzines offer the historian a portal into a period of significant socio-economic, political and cultural change. As well as presenting alternative cultural narratives to the formulaic accounts of punk and popular music now common in the mainstream media, fanzines allow us a glimpse of the often radical ideas held by a youthful milieu rarely given expression in the political arena.