950 resultados para Work procedural law
Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc) en Criminologie option stage en intervention
The present work deals with the Gender discrimination in the law of divorce and succession among christians.Inquiries Into the personal laws bereft of the historical develcpment of the concerned communities will be extremely inadequate as they may not help the researcher to Identify the laws' real source.In this view, the origin and development of Christian law In india has not so far been adequately gone into. Keeping In view the Importance of such a study calling for an exploration of the origin and development of the Christian community and its branching out In india as a prelude to the inqury into the Christian laws, the history of the conmunity in india was examined and the present study IndIcates that christianity In india has a diverse origin in dIfferent parts of India.And this diversity has resulted in the development of different systems of personal law for different sects among them. At present Christians in India constitute a minority but their numerical strength is not negligible. Yet they have not been able to act as an Influential group either socially or politically.The social changes and developments that swept away the community of its feet have overturned the position and the liberals in the community inspired by the changes elsewhere could bring in some statute law to govern the arena traditionally held by the customs.The history of reception of canon law concepts In different parts of India throws some light on the differences In the personal laws applicable to Christians In India.
This study pertain to legal control of pollution from transboundary movement of hazardous substances through sea. It is an emerging area in international maritime law. There is growing environmental awareness that oceans are no longer an inexhaustible resource. This has resulted in a complex system of integrated ocean policies and international legal frame work in this regard. Considering the peculiar nature of hazardous substances, the development of law in this regard has been haphazard. The legal framework in this area is not comprehensive and lacks coherence. India is geo-strategically located in the central part of Indian Ocean through which many international sea routes lie. India is also fast emerging as a maritime hub. Indian legal framework in this respect also suffers from serious pitfalls. In this backdrop, this study makes a sincere attempt to identify and analyse the legal intricacies in this area, in order to evolve a better regime for control of pollution pursuant to transboundary movement of hazardous substances through sea
Some study has been made earlier, but no attempt has ever been made to make the study comprehensive and comparative. There exists also no information as to the working of the system. Hence the work is undertaken to provide first hand knowledge of the legal institutions that had handled and now handles annually large masses of deprived and neglected population. An investigation is also necessary to know the legal and social characteristics of the jurisdiction enjoined on the court so that this will help compare the law in the statute with the law and practice. The evaluation of the working system in the changed social atmosphere is also an urgent need of the hour
El trabajo realizado tiene como objetivo revisar la problemática planteada en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa, a través de un estudio concentrado de aspectos procesales esenciales en la estructura de la acción popular como (i) el incentivo (en este caso, se evaluará el impacto de su eliminación), (ii) la efectividad de la audiencia de pacto, (iii) las medidas cautelares como quiera que fueron objeto de modificación en la Ley 1437 de 2011 y por último, (iv) el estudio del mecanismo de revisión eventual incorporado en el año 2009 como mecanismo de unificación.
El presente trabajo se enmarca en la Ley de Víctimas, Ley 1448 del año 2011, y aborda específicamente los casos en que se presenta oposición de una víctima o bien de un sujeto vulnerable, de especial protección, frente a la reclamación de restitución de un predio por una víctima. No aborda la generalidad de los casos de oposición. Habiendo delimitado el objeto de estudio que atañe, es necesario señalar que el presente trabajo, se centra en indagar la posición procesal y las capacidades probatorias del opositor víctima o sujeto vulnerable en este tipo de procesos bajo las circunstancias ya enunciadas, para entrar a estudiar si, a este sujeto procesal se le respeta o se le viola su derecho a la igualdad de parte dentro del proceso de restitución de tierras y qué alternativas pueden establecerse para hacer del acto de oponerse un acto más garantista.
Esta tesis doctoral presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada por la autora sobre desarrollo sostenible, grandes proyectos de minería de oro y derechos humanos en países en desarrollo como Brasil y Colombia. En este trabajo doctoral fueron seleccionados dos grandes proyectos de minería aurífera, uno en Brasil y el otro en Colombia, ambos ejecutados por la misma empresa minera en contextos geográficos y condiciones ambientales similares. El objetivo fue realizar un estudio comparativo de las diferentes legislaciones ambientales y mineras, las instituciones, las políticas nacionales y la protección de los derechos humanos de las comunidades impactadas por los proyectos mineros en cada país. La metodología utilizada para esta investigación doctoral, en primer lugar, consistió en la revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias, a través de la literatura disponible en español, portugués e inglés sobre los grandes ejes temáticos del estudio. En segundo lugar, se utilizó la metodología de derecho comparado para el análisis de las legislaciones de Brasil y Colombia y finalmente, se realizaron visitas de campo a cada uno de los proyectos seleccionados y se trabajó con autoridades ambientales nacionales. Algunas conclusiones de la investigación señalaron que para garantizar la efectividad del derecho ambiental, el desarrollo sostenible y los derechos humanos en grandes proyectos mineros se requiere: •Fortalecer las legislaciones y las instituciones mineras y ambientales y en particular el proceso de licenciamiento ambiental. •Fortalecer la capacidad del Ministerio Público y de los jueces involucrados que deciden casos ambientales. •Reconocer el rol fundamental de los derechos procedimentales ambientales para resolver conflictos socioambientales, esto es, el empoderamiento de las comunidades con información de calidad y mecanismos de participación y justicia ambiental efectiva para la adecuada protección de derechos colectivos. •Incorporar el enfoque de derechos humanos en la gestión ambiental.
Rejecting the concept of law as subservient to social pathology, the principle aim of this article is to locatc law as a critical matter of social structure - and power - which requires to be considered as a central element in the construction of society and social institutions. As such, this article contends that wider jurisprudential notions such as legal procedure and procedural justice, and juridical power and discretion are cogent, robust normative social concerns (as much as they are legal concerns) that positively require consideration and representation in the ernpifical study of sociological phenomena. Reflecting upon scholarship and research evidence on legal procedure and decision-making, the article attempts to elucidate the inter-relationship between power, 'the social', and the operation of law. It concludes that law is not 'socially marginal' but socially, totally central. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper concerns the prospective implementation of the proposed 'corporate killing' offence. These proposals suggested that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)-the body currently responsible for regulating work-related health and safety issues-should handle cases in which a 'corporate killing' charge is a possibility. Relatively little attention has been paid to this issue of implementation. An empirical investigation was undertaken to assess the compatibility of the HSE's methodology and enforcement philosophy with the new offence. It was found that inspectors categorize themselves as enforcers of criminal law, see enforcement action as valuable and support the new offence, but disagree over its use. They also broadly supported the HSE taking responsibility for the new offence. This suggests that 'corporate killing' may not necessarily be incompatible with the HSE's modus operandi, and there may be positive reasons forgiving the HSE this responsibility.
This paper concerns an empirical investigation into public attitudes towards work-related fatality cases, where organizational offenders cause the death of workers or members of the public. This issue is particularly relevant following the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 into UK law. Here, as elsewhere, the use of criminal law against companies reflects governmental concerns over public confidence in the law’s ability to regulate risk. The empirical findings demonstrate that high levels of public concern over these cases do not translate into punitive attitudes. Such cases are viewed rationally and constructively, and lead to instrumental rather than purely expressive enforcement preferences.
This paper addresses the movement towards criminalization as a tool for the regulation of work-related deaths in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the last 20 years. This can be seen as reflecting dissatisfaction with the relevant law, although it is best understood in symbolic terms as a response to a disjunction between the instrumental nature and communicative aspirations of regulatory law. This paper uses empirical data gathered from interviews with members of the public to explore the role that such an offence might play. The findings demonstrate that the failures of regulatory law give rise to a desire for criminalization as a means of framing work-related safety events in normative terms.
Consent's capacity to legitimise actions and claims is limited by conditions such as coercion, which render consent ineffective. A better understanding of the limits to consent's capacity to legitimise can shed light on a variety of applied debates, in political philosophy, bioethics, economics and law. I show that traditional paternalist explanations for limits to consent's capacity to legitimise cannot explain the central intuition that consent is often rendered ineffective when brought about by a rights violation or threatened rights violation. I argue that this intuition is an expression of the same principles of corrective justice that underlie norms of compensation and rectification. I show how these principles can explain and clarify core intuitions about conditions which render consent ineffective, including those concerned with the consenting agent's option set, his mental competence, and available information.