917 resultados para Web-Application Google-Drive Fatture Drive SDK Invoice OAuth 2.2 JavaScript


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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This paper presents the development of a Web application called CityFreedom based on 3D modeling. The developed system demonstrates the use of most revolutionary and innovative techniques to create Web portals with the integrated 3D navigation scenarios to their own pages, without requiring any kind of plug-ins or external software. Everything works on the basis of compatible browsers. The CtyFreedom aims to give the user the feeling of immersion in virtual reality so get to interact with a three-dimensional city in order to see new places, traveling in an area of town that has always thought of knowing or even analyze establishments long before attend-them. It's the freedom to know and traveling around the city in a simple and trivial way. It is a new trend, the future of Web systems development


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This project brings the development of an Android application which will allow users to access 3D models on web. The application developed allows Android devices to access web pages which have code that should use OPENGL to renderize. To demonstrate this functionality, an example web application was build, using technologies such as X3DOM and HTML5, which uses WebGL to get renderized. This web application gives to the user an environment of a virtual city, where he could surf by and interact with the objects. The Android application brings this immersion to the mobile world, also. The access and storage of data was developed a Webserver, which bring to the web application a simple API to give access to the database


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The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program São Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of São Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of São Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..


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The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program São Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of São Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of São Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..


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The behavior of composed Web services depends on the results of the invoked services; unexpected behavior of one of the invoked services can threat the correct execution of an entire composition. This paper proposes an event-based approach to black-box testing of Web service compositions based on event sequence graphs, which are extended by facilities to deal not only with service behavior under regular circumstances (i.e., where cooperating services are working as expected) but also with their behavior in undesirable situations (i.e., where cooperating services are not working as expected). Furthermore, the approach can be used independently of artifacts (e.g., Business Process Execution Language) or type of composition (orchestration/choreography). A large case study, based on a commercial Web application, demonstrates the feasibility of the approach and analyzes its characteristics. Test generation and execution are supported by dedicated tools. Especially, the use of an enterprise service bus for test execution is noteworthy and differs from other approaches. The results of the case study encourage to suggest that the new approach has the power to detect faults systematically, performing properly even with complex and large compositions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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[ES] El cuaderno de campo agrícola es un documento donde los productores agrariosregistran determinadas operaciones llevadas a cabo en su explotación. Esta herramienta debe ser supervisada por un técnico agrícola y sintetizar todos los requerimientos existentes en la legislación europea, nacional y autonómica en las siguientes materias: seguridad alimentaria; trazabilidad; seguridad en la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios; protección de aguas y suelos frente a la contaminación; protección de hábitats naturales; salud pública; condicionalidad. De esta manera, se garantiza que se llevan a cabo buenas prácticas agrícolas en laproducción hortofrutícola, respetando el medio ambiente y aportando confianza a los consumidores finales. Los modelos de cuaderno de campo agrícola existentes consisten en varias hojas con diferentes tablas que se cumplimentan en papel, con la dificultad que implica tanto para el agricultor en el registro de operaciones como para ser supervisado por los técnicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una aplicación web que facilite al agricultor y a los técnicos agrícolas la gestión y supervisión del cuaderno de campo.


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[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha tenido como objetivo el desarrollo de un gestor de menús de restaurantes como aplicación web para una empresa que ofrece hostings de menús y publicidad mediante la publicación de dichos menús en pantallas y portales web. Las empresas asociadas (bares y restaurantes) podrán elaborar menús compuestos de dos platos (primero y segundo), postre y bebidas para ser ‘enviados’ al servicio de publicación. La aplicación proporciona un sistema de gestión de dichos menús facilitando la reutilización de platos entre menús, la personalización de la imagen representativa de cada plato, así como diversas operaciones de copia, visualización y modificación de los menús y de los platos. Los usuarios registrados tendrán la posibilidad de recuperar su contraseña de forma automática en caso de que la misma sea olvidada. La información relacionada con los platos, menús y usuarios registrados será almacenada automáticamente sobre una base de datos diseñada al efecto. Por otro lado, la aplicación web dispone de una página accesible únicamente para el administrador para la gestión de los usuarios, por ejemplo, editar, alta, baja, habilitar y deshabilitar cuentas de usuarios. Por último, las tecnologías y herramientas utilizadas en la elaboración de este trabajo incluyen Php, Mysql, jQuery, CSS, HTML y sobre todo el framework Twitter Bootstrap que ha sido de gran ayuda en el desarrollo del proyecto.


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[ES] Esta aplicación surgió de la necesidad real del equipo de desarrolladores encargados de llevar a cabo el proceso de despliegue de aplicaciones web en empresas que siguen modelos de desarrollo iterativos, con grandes procesos de despliegue que deben ser aplicados con bastante frecuencia. El objetivo fundamental del proyecto es proporcionar a estos usuarios una aplicación que sirva de ayuda en el proceso de despliegue y centralice toda la información importante y útil que debe ser comprobada de manera constante y automatice todas aquellas tareas triviales que constituyen una pérdida de tiempo para los encargados del proceso de despliegue y disminuyen la concentración en el propio proceso y los detalles importantes y por lo tanto la calidad final del proceso de despliegue. La aplicación desarrollada será útil para la organización y control del proceso y además ofrecerá beneficios en cuanto a comunicación entre aquellos interesados en la nueva versión a desplegar. De modo general, la aplicación ofrecerá una forma de monitorizar los distintos estados de la nueva versión y mantendrá un sistema de rastreo de todos los eventos sucedidos durante la etapa de despliegue e información relacionada, además de automatizar tantas tareas como sea posible.


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PEr rispondere ai quiz e utilizzare il browser web


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Web is constantly evolving, thanks to the 2.0 transition, HTML5 new features and the coming of cloud-computing, the gap between Web and traditional desktop applications is tailing off. Web-apps are more and more widespread and bring several benefits compared to traditional ones. On the other hand reference technologies, JavaScript primarly, are not keeping pace, so a paradim shift is taking place in Web programming, and so many new languages and technologies are coming out. First objective of this thesis is to survey the reference and state-of-art technologies for client-side Web programming focusing in particular on what concerns concurrency and asynchronous programming. Taking into account the problems that affect existing technologies, we finally design simpAL-web, an innovative approach to tackle Web-apps development, based on the Agent-oriented programming abstraction and the simpAL language. == Versione in italiano: Il Web è in continua evoluzione, grazie alla transizione verso il 2.0, alle nuove funzionalità introdotte con HTML5 ed all’avvento del cloud-computing, il divario tra le applicazioni Web e quelle desktop tradizionali va assottigliandosi. Le Web-apps sono sempre più diffuse e presentano diversi vantaggi rispetto a quelle tradizionali. D’altra parte le tecnologie di riferimento, JavaScript in primis, non stanno tenendo il passo, motivo per cui la programmazione Web sta andando incontro ad un cambio di paradigma e nuovi linguaggi e tecnologie stanno spuntando sempre più numerosi. Primo obiettivo di questa tesi è di passare al vaglio le tecnologie di riferimento ed allo stato dell’arte per quel che riguarda la programmmazione Web client-side, porgendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti inerenti la concorrenza e la programmazione asincrona. Considerando i principali problemi di cui soffrono le attuali tecnologie passeremo infine alla progettazione di simpAL-web, un approccio innovativo con cui affrontare lo sviluppo di Web-apps basato sulla programmazione orientata agli Agenti e sul linguaggio simpAL.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è dimostrare che è possibile effettuare in maniera proficua esami di tecnologie web all'università senza utilizzare carta e penna. Nello specifico si parla di ExaM Bin, piattaforma open-source creata come adattamento del tool di web playground JSBIN per fare esami di tecnologie web.


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Conversione delle interfaccie grafiche legay di un gestionale ERP verso più moderne interfaccie grafiche Windows Form. Si descrive inoltre come realizzare un interfaccia web alternativa che si basa su Ajax.