963 resultados para Vertebrate Paleontology


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To open this Third Vertebrate Pest Conference is a real privilege. It is a pleasure to welcome all of you in attendance, and I know there are others who would like to be meeting with us, but, for one reason or another cannot be. However, we can serve them by taking back the results of discussion and by making available the printed transactions of what is said here. It has been the interest and demand for the proceedings of the two previous conferen- ces which, along with personal contacts many of you have with the sponsoring committee, have gauged the need for continuing these meetings. The National Pest Control Association officers who printed the 1962 proceedings still are supplying copies of that conference. Two reprintings of the 1964 conference have been necessary and repeat orders from several universities indicate that those proceedings have become textbooks for special classes. When Dr. Howard mentioned in opening the first Conference in 1962 that publication of those papers would make a valuable handbook of animal control, he was prophetic, indeed. We are pleased that this has happened, but not surprised, since to many of us in this specialized field, the conferences have provided a unique opportunity to meet colleagues with similar interests, to exchange information on control techniques and to be informed by research workers of problem solving investigations as well as to hear of promising basic research. The development of research is a two-way street and we think these conferences also identify areas of inadequate knowledge, thereby stimulating needed research. We have represented here a number of types of specialists—animal ecologists, public health and transmissible disease experts, control methods specialists, public agency administration and enforcement staffs, agricultural extension people, manufacturing and sale industry representatives, commercial pest control operators, and others—and in addition to improving communications among these professional groups an equally important purpose of these conferences is to improve understanding between them and the general public. Within the term general public are many individuals and also organizations dedicated to appreciation and protection of certain animal forms or animal life in general. Proper concepts of vertebrate pest control do not conflict with such views. It is worth repeating for the record the definition of "vertebrate pest" which has been stated at our previous conferences. "A vertebrate pest is any native or introduced, wild or feral, non-human spe- cies of vertebrate animal that is currently troublesome locally or over a wide area to one or more persons either by being a general nuisance, a health hazard or by destroying food or natural resources. In other words, vertebrate pest status is not an inherent quality or fixed classification but is a circumstantial relationship to man's interests." I believe progress has been made in reducing the misunderstanding and emotion with which vertebrate pest control was formerly treated whenever a necessity for control was stated. If this is true, I likewise believe it is deserved, because control methods and programs have progressed. Control no longer refers only to population reductions by lethal means. We have learned something of alternate control approaches and the necessity for studying the total environment; where reduction of pest animal numbers is the required solution to a problem situation we have a wider choice of more selective, safe and efficient materials. Although increased attention has been given to control methods, research when we take a close look at the severity of animal damage to so many facets of our economy, particularly to agricultural production and public health, we realize it still is pitifully small and slow. The tremendous acceleration of the world's food and health requirements seems to demand expediting vertebrate pest control to effectively neutralize the enormous impact of animal damage to vital resources. The efforts we are making here at problem delineation, idea communication and exchange of methodology could well serve as both nucleus and rough model for a broader application elsewhere. I know we all hope this Third Conference will advance these general objectives, and I think there is no doubt of its value in increasing our own scope of information.


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The Fifth Vertebrate Pest Conference drew a registered attendance of 239 with an estimated additional 50-75 persons who attended portions of the conference but did not register. As in past conferences, the attendance was made up of individuals having varying interests in vertebrate pest problems from twenty two states plus the District of Columbia. Participants from Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, India and New Zealand contributed greatly to the success of the conference and provided further exchange of information on an international level.


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The identification of northern and southern components in different vertebrate species led researchers to accept a two-component hypothesis for the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF). Nevertheless, neither a formal proposal nor a meta-analysis to confirm this coincidence was ever made. Our main objective here was therefore to systematically test in how many vertebrate components the BAF could be divided by analysing existing empirical data. We used two approaches: (1) mapping and comparing the proposed areas of vertebrate endemism in the BAF and (2) analysing studies mentioning spatial subdivisions in distinct forest-dependent vertebrates within the biome, by the use of panbiogeography. The four large-scale endemism area components together with the six small-scale panbiogeographical ones allowed the definition of three BAF greater regions, subdivided into nine vertebrate components, latitudinally and longitudinally organized. Empirical time estimates of the diversification events within the BAF were also reviewed. Diversification of these vertebrates occurred not only in the Pleistocene but also throughout the Miocene. Our results confirm the BAF's complex history, both in space and time. We propose that future research should be small-scale and focused in the vertebrate components identified herein. Given the BAF's heterogeneity, studying via sections will be much more useful in identifying the BAF's historical biogeography. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107, 39-55.


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The vertebrate retina has a very high dynamic range. This is due to the concerted action of its diverse cell types. Ganglion cells, which are the output cells of the retina, have to preserve this high dynamic range to convey it to higher brain areas. Experimental evidence shows that the firing response of ganglion cells is strongly correlated with their total dendritic area and only weakly correlated with their dendritic branching complexity. On the other hand, theoretical studies with simple neuron models claim that active and large dendritic trees enhance the dynamic range of single neurons. Theoretical models also claim that electrical coupling between ganglion cells via gap junctions enhances their collective dynamic range. In this work we use morphologically reconstructed multi-compartmental ganglion cell models to perform two studies. In the first study we investigate the relationship between single ganglion cell dynamic range and number of dendritic branches/total dendritic area for both active and passive dendrites. Our results support the claim that large and active dendrites enhance the dynamic range of a single ganglion cell and show that total dendritic area has stronger correlation with dynamic range than with number of dendritic branches. In the second study we investigate the dynamic range of a square array of ganglion cells with passive or active dendritic trees coupled with each other via dendrodendritic gap junctions. Our results suggest that electrical coupling between active dendritic trees enhances the dynamic range of the ganglion cell array in comparison with both the uncoupled case and the coupled case with cells with passive dendrites. The results from our detailed computational modeling studies suggest that the key properties of the ganglion cells that endow them with a large dynamic range are large and active dendritic trees and electrical coupling via gap junctions.


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The effects of habitat configuration on species persistence are predicted to be most apparent when remaining habitat cover is below 30%. We tested this prediction by comparing vertebrate communities in 21 landscapes located in the southern Amazonia, including 7 control landscapes (similar to 100% of forest cover) and 14 fragmented landscapes (4 x 4 km). The fragmented landscapes retained similar proportions of forest (similar to 25%), but had contrasting configurations, resulting from two different deforestation patterns: the "fish-bone pattern" common in small properties, and the large-property pattern generally used by large ranchers. Vertebrates were surveyed in all landscapes in February-July 2009 with interviews (n = 150). We found a significant difference in reported species richness among the fish-bone, large-property, and control areas (mean = 29.3, 38.8 and 43.5 respectively). Control areas and large-properties tended to have a higher number of specialist species (mean = 13.7, and 11.7, respectively), when compared with the fish-bone pattern (5.1). Vertebrate community composition in the control and large-properties was more similar to one another than to those of the fish-bone landscapes. The number of fragments was the main factor affecting the persistence of species, being negatively associated with specialist species richness. Species richness was also positively related with the size of the largest fragment structurally connected to the studied landscapes (i.e., a regional scale effect). Our results demonstrated that the large-property pattern, which results in less fragmented landscapes, can maintain a more diverse community of large vertebrates, including top predators, which are considered fundamental for maintaining ecosystem integrity. These results support the hypothesis that landscape configuration contributes to the persistence and/or extirpation of species.


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CYP3A verstoffwechselt mehr als 50% aller gegenwärtig in der Therapie eingesetzten Wirkstoffe, die häufig an klinisch relevanten Arzneimitttel-Wechselwirkungen beteiligt sind. Das Verständnis über die Bedeutung und die Regulation von einzelnen CYP3A Genen in der Pharmakologie und Physiologie ist unvollständig. Wir untersuchten die Evolution des CYP3 Genlokus über einen Zeitraum von 450 Millionen Jahre mittels genomischer Sequenzen von 16 Tierarten. Neue CYP3 Unterfamilien (CYP3B, C und D) entstanden über eine beschleunigte Evolution aus CYP3A Vorstufen von Clupeocephala Spezies. Ausgeprägte funktionelle Unterschiede traten zwischen CYP3A in Säugern und Clupeocephala CYP3 auf. Alle amnioten CYP3A Gene entwickelten sich aus zwei CYP3A Urgenen. Aufgrund der Entstehung von Säugern mit Plazenta ging eines von ihnen verloren während das andere eine neue genomische Umgebung infolge einer Translokation erlangte. In Primaten unterzog sich CYP3A mit mehreren Genduplikationen, Deletionen, Pseudogenisierung und Genkonversionen einer raschen evolutionären Veränderung. Die Entwicklung von CYP3A in Schmalnasenaffen (Alte Welt Affen, große Menschenaffen und Menschen) unterschieden sich wesentlich von Neue Welt Primaten (z.B. gewöhnlichen Krallenaffen) und Feuchtnasenaffen (z.B. Galago). Stellvertretend für die CYP3A Protein-codierende Sequenz entdeckten wir zwei frühe Episoden von besonders starker positiver Selektion: (1) auf CYP3A7 in der frühen hominoiden Evolution, welche im fetalen Zeitraum von einer Einschränkung der hepatischen Expression begleitet war, und (2) auf humanes CYP3A4 im Anschluss an die Teilung der Abstammungslinie in Schimpansen und Mensch. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden beeinflussen drei von vier positiv ausgewählten Aminosäuren, die in früheren biochemischen CYP3A Studien untersucht wurden, die Aktivität und Regioselektivität. Es ist somit naheliegend, dass CYP3A7 und CYP3A4 katalytische Funktionen erworben haben können, die besonders wichtig waren für die Evolution von Hominoiden und Menschen. Die Charakterisierung von CYP3A Promotoren in Primaten zeigte eine Anreicherung von ER6 Elementen in CYP3A Promotoren von Primaten und einen Trend in Richtung Erhöhung der ER6 Enstehung entlang den Abstammungslinien, die zu humanen und Schimpansen CYP3A4 führten. Die steigende Anzahl an ER6 Elementen kann durch die ausgeprägte CYP3A4 Induzierbarkeit und Expressionsvariabilität im Menschen verursacht sein.


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The ‘Continental Intercalaire’ deposits of the Tataouine basin of southern Tunisia preserve one of the most diverse Cretaceous vertebrate fauna from Africa. This research project focuses on a detailed revision of the stratigraphic distribution of mid-Cretaceous fossil beds in the Tataouine Basin and includes the description of four, newly discovered vertebrate tracksites. In the Tataouine region, macro- and microvertebrate remains are recovered from three stratigraphic intervals: the lower Douiret Formation (Barremian), the Chenini (rare) and Oum ed Diab members of the Aïn El Guettar Formation (Albian). A detailed, basin-scale revision of the stratigraphic occurrence of fossil-bearing strata indicates 1. lateral facies variability within the context of a low gradient, circalittoral to coastal-plain environment; 2. multiple and diachronous fossil beds which include elasmobranchs, actinopterygians, sarcopterygians, turtles, crocodyliforms, pterosaurs, and non-avian dinosaurs remains. Four vertebrate tracksites have been discovered in the study area: 1. the Middle Jurassic Beni Ghedir site which preserves approximately 130 tridactyl footprints distributed over an area of 200 square meters, representing the oldest evidence of a dinosaur fauna in Tunisia; 2. the late Albian Chenini tracksite, which includes poorly preserved crocodilian tracks and the dinosaur ichnospecies Apulosauripus federicianus; 3. the Cenomanian Ksar Ayaat locality, where footprints assigned to a pleurodiran turtle are exposed, and 4. the upper Cenomanian Jebel Boulouha site which presents almost 100 well-preserved tridactyl tracks referred to small-sized theropods, fossil bird tracks - ichnogenus Koreanaorins – and tracks referred to a mammalian trackmaker, representing the first report of fossil bird and mammal from the Cretaceous of continental Africa and Tunisia respectively. In addition, data collected from the Tunisian tracksites have been compared with coeval tracksites in Italy and Croatia, showing analogies in morphology and paleoenvironment of dinosaur ichnoassociations, supporting the already hypothesized subaerial connection between these areas during the mid-Cretaceous.


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Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is required for the assembly and maintenance of cilia. In this study we analyzed the subcellular localization of IFT proteins in retinal cells by correlative high-resolution immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The rod photoreceptor cell was used as a model system to analyze protein distribution in cilia. To date the expression of IFT proteins has been described in the ciliary region without deciphering the precise spatial and temporal subcellular localization of IFT proteins, which was the focus of my work. rnThe establishment of the pre-embedding immunoelectron method was an important first step for the present doctoral thesis. Results of this work reveal the differential localization of IFT20, IFT52, IFT57, IFT88, IFT140 in sub-ciliary compartments and also their presence in non-ciliary compartments of retinal photoreceptor cells. Furthermore, the localization of IFT20, IFT52 and IFT57 in dendritic processes of non-ciliated neurons indicates that IFT protein complexes also operate in non-ciliated cells and may participate in intracellular vesicle trafficking in eukaryotic cells in general.rnIn addition, we have investigated the involvement of IFT proteins in the ciliogenesis of vertebrate photoreceptor cilia. Electron microscopy analyses revealed six morphologically distinct stages. The first stages are characterized by electron dense centriolar satellites and a ciliary vesicle, while the formation of a ciliary shaft and of the light sensitive outer segment disks are features of the later stages. IFT proteins were expressed during all stages of photoreceptor cell development and found to be associated with the ciliary apparatus. In addition to the centriole and basal body IFT proteins are present in the photoreceptor cytoplasm, associated with centriolar satellites, post-Golgi vesicles and with the ciliary vesicle. Therewith the data provide an evidence for the involvement of IFT proteins during ciliogenesis, including the formation of the ciliary vesicle and the elongation of the primary cilium of photoreceptor cells. Moreover, the cytoplasmic localization of IFT proteins in the absence of a ciliary shaft in early stages of ciliogenesis indicates roles of IFT proteins beyond their well-established function for IFT in mature cilia and flagella. rn


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Recent claims of blood vessels extracted from dinosaur fossils challenge classical views of soft-tissue preservation. Alternatively, these structures may represent postdepositional,diagenetic biofilms that grew on vascular cavity surfaces within the fossil. Similar red, hollow, tube-shaped structures were recovered from well-preserved and poorly-preserved (abraded, desiccated, exposed) Upper Cretaceous dinosaur fossils in this study. Integration of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy was used to compare these vessel structures to the fossils from which they are derived. Vessel structures are typically 100-400 μm long, 0.5-1.5 μm thick, 10-40 μm in diameter and take on a wide range of straight, curved, andbranching morphologies. Interior surfaces vary from smooth to globular and typically contain spheres, rods, and fibrous structures (< 2 μm in diameter) incorporated into the surface. Exterior surfaces exhibit 2-μm-tall converging ridges, spaced 1-3 μm apart, that are sub-parallel to the long axis of the vessel structure. Fossil vascular cavities are typically coated with a smooth or grainy orange layer that shows a wide range of textures including smooth, globular, rough, ropy, and combinations thereof. Coatings tend to overlay secondary mineral crystals and framboids, confirming they are not primary structures of the fossil. For some cavity coatings, the surface that had been in contact with the bone exhibits a ridged texture, similar to that of vessel structures, having formed as a mold of the intravascular bone surface. Thus, vessel structures are interpreted as intact cavity coatings isolated after the fossil is demineralized. The presence of framboids and structures consistent in size and shape with bacteria cells, the abundance of iron in cavity coatings, and the growth of biofilms directly from the fossil that resemble respective cavity coatings support the hypothesis that vessel structures result from ironconsuming bacteria that form biofilms on the intravascular bone surfaces of fossil dinosaur bone. This also accounts for microstructures resembling osteocytes as some fossil lacunae are filled with the same iron oxide that comprises vessel structures andcoatings. Results of this study show that systematic, high-resolution SEM analyses of vertebrate fossils can provide improved insight on microtaphonomic processes, including the role of bacteria in diagenesis. These results conflict with earlier claims of dinosaurblood vessels and osteocytes.


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During vertebrate development, the lung inaugurates as an endodermal bud from the primitive foregut. Dichotomous subdivision of the bud results in arborizing airways that form the prospective gas exchanging chambers, where a thin blood-gas barrier (BGB) is established. In the mammalian lung, this proceeds through conversion of type II cells to type I cells, thinning, and elongation of the cells as well as extrusion of the lamellar bodies. Subsequent diminution of interstitial tissue and apposition of capillaries to the alveolar epithelium establish a thin BGB. In the noncompliant avian lung, attenuation proceeds through cell-cutting processes that result in remarkable thinning of the epithelial layer. A host of morphoregulatory molecules, including transcription factors such as Nkx2.1, GATA, HNF-3, and WNT5a; signaling molecules including FGF, BMP-4, Shh, and TFG- β and extracellular proteins and their receptors have been implicated. During normal physiological function, the BGB may be remodeled in response to alterations in transmural pressures in both blood capillaries and airspaces. Such changes are mitigated through rapid expression of the relevant genes for extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors. While an appreciable amount of information regarding molecular control has been documented in the mammalian lung, very little is available on the avian lung.


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A conspicuous two hundred and fifty foot sandstone of central Montana, known as the Eagle Formation, constitutes part of the some five thousand feet of Cretaceous sediments in the state. It stands out in steep cliffs which stretch for many miles in the outcrop area from Wyoming to Canada.


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A three-point linkage group comprised of loci coding for adenosine deaminase (ADA), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) is described in fish of the genus Xiphophorus (Poeciliidae). The alleles at loci in this group were shown to assort independently from the alleles at three other loci--isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1. Alleles at the latter three loci also assort independently from each other. Data were obtained by observing the segregation of electrophoretically variant alleles in reciprocal backcross hybrids derived from crosses between either X. helleri guentheri or X. h. strigatus and X. maculatus. The linkage component of chi2 was significant (less than 0.01) in all crosses, indicating that the linkage group is conserved in all populations of both species of Xiphophorus examined. While data from X. h. guentheri backcrosses indicate the linkage relationship ADA--6%--G6PDH--24%--6PGD, and ADA--29%--6PGD (30% when corrected for double crossovers), data from backcrosses involving strigatus, while supporting the same gene order, yielded significantly different recombination frequencies. The likelihood of the difference being due to an inversion could not be separated from the possibility of a sex effect on recombination in the present data. The linkage of 6PGD and G6PDH has been shown to exist in species of at least three classes of vertebrates, indicating the possibility of evolutionary conservation of this linkage.


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POLN is a nuclear A-family DNA polymerase encoded in vertebrate genomes. POLN has unusual fidelity and DNA lesion bypass properties, including strong strand displacement activity, low fidelity favoring incorporation of T for template G and accurate translesion synthesis past a 5S-thymine glycol (5S-Tg). We searched for conserved features of the polymerase domain that distinguish it from prokaryotic pol I-type DNA polymerases. A Lys residue (679 in human POLN) of particular interest was identified in the conserved 'O-helix' of motif 4 in the fingers sub-domain. The corresponding residue is one of the most important for controlling fidelity of prokaryotic pol I and is a nonpolar Ala or Thr in those enzymes. Kinetic measurements show that K679A or K679T POLN mutant DNA polymerases have full activity on nondamaged templates, but poorly incorporate T opposite template G and do not bypass 5S-Tg efficiently. We also found that a conserved Tyr residue in the same motif not only affects sensitivity to dideoxynucleotides, but also greatly influences enzyme activity, fidelity and bypass. Protein sequence alignment reveals that POLN has three specific insertions in the DNA polymerase domain. The results demonstrate that residues have been strictly retained during evolution that confer unique bypass and fidelity properties on POLN.


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The hepatitis E virus (HEV) was first identified in 1990, although hepatitis E-like diseases in humans have been recorded for a long time dating back to the 18th century. The HEV genotypes 1–4 have been subsequently detected in human hepatitis E cases with different geographical distribution and different modes of transmission. Genotypes 3 and 4 have been identified in parallel in pigs, wild boars and other animal species and their zoonotic potential has been confirmed. Until 2010, these genotypes along with avian HEV strains infecting chicken were the only known representatives of the family Hepeviridae. Thereafter, additional HEV-related viruses have been detected in wild boars, distinct HEV-like viruses were identified in rats, rabbit, ferret, mink, fox, bats and moose, and a distantly related agent was described from closely related salmonid fish. This review summarizes the characteristics of the so far known HEV-like viruses, their phylogenetic relationship, host association and proposed involvement in diseases. Based on the reviewed knowledge, a suggestion for a new taxonomic grouping scheme of the viruses within the family Hepeviridae is presented.


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A geochemical and paleontological reconstruction of paleoproductivity, upwelling intensity and sea surface temperature (SST) off central Chile at 35°S (GeoB3359-3) reveals marked changes from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) through the Early Holocene. Surface-water productivity was determined by the interaction between the atmospheric (the Southern Westerlies) and oceanographic (the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, ACC) systems from the LGM through early Termination I (TI). The northward shift of the climate zones during the LGM brought the ACC, as the main macronutrient source, closer to the GeoB3359-3, SST lowered, and surface water productivity and accumulation rates of biogenic components enhanced. With the poleward return of the Southern Westerlies and the ACC, the subtropical high-pressure system became the dominant atmospheric component southward till 35°S during the late TI and Early Holocene and caused surface water productivity to increase through enhanced upwelling.