878 resultados para Vastus Medialis Oblique
We show that the diffusion approximation breaks down for particle acceleration at oblique shocks with velocities typical of young supernova remnants. Higher order anisotropies flatten the spectral index at quasi-parallel shocks and steepen the spectral index at quasi-perpendicular shocks. We compare the theory with observed spectral indices.
This study presents the design of a thin electromagnetic absorber which exhibits radar backscatter suppression that is independent of the wave polarisation at large incidence angles. The structure consists of a metal backed printed frequency selective surface (FSS), with resistors placed across narrow gaps inserted in the middle of each of the four sides of the conductor loops. The geometry of the periodic array and the value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen to present a real impedance of 377 Ω at the centre operating frequency for both TE and TM polarised waves. Angular sensitivity and reflectivity bandwidth have been investigated for FSS absorber designs with thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Each of the three structures was optimised to work at a centre frequency of 10 GHz and an incident angle of 45°. The design methodology is verified by measuring the radar backscatter suppression from a 3 mm (l / 10) thick screen in the frequency range 8–12 GHz. The absorber construction was simplified by filling the four metal gaps in each unit cell with shielding paint, and selecting the ink thickness to give the two required surface resistance values.
Older adults use a different muscle strategy to cope with postural instability, in which they ‘co-contract’ the muscles around the ankle joint. It has been suggested that this is a compensatory response to age-related proprioceptive decline however this view has never been assessed directly. The current study investigated the association between proprioceptive acuity and muscle co-contraction in older adults. We compared muscle activity, by recording surface EMG from the bilateral tibalis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis muscles, in young (aged 18-34) and older adults (aged 65-82) during postural assessment on a fixed and sway-referenced surface at age-equivalent levels of sway. We performed correlations between muscle activity and proprioceptive acuity, which was assessed using an active contralateral matching task. Despite successfully inducing similar levels of sway in the two age groups, older adults still showed higher muscle co-contraction. A stepwise regression analysis showed that proprioceptive acuity measured using variable error was the best predictor of muscle co-contraction in older adults. However, despite suggestions from previous research, proprioceptive error and muscle co-contraction were negatively correlated in older adults, suggesting that better proprioceptive acuity predicts more co-contraction. Overall, these results suggest that although muscle co-contraction may be an age-specific strategy used by older adults, it is not to compensate for age-related proprioceptive deficits.
The hypothesis that rapid y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation is a plant defense against phytophagous insects was investigated. Simulation of mechanical damage resulting from phytophagous insect activity increased soybean (Glycine max L.) leaf GABA 10- to 25-fold within 1 to 4 min. Pulverizing leaf tissue resulted in a value of 2. 15 (±O. 11 SE) ~mol GABA per gram fresh weight. Increasing the GABA levels in a synthetic diet from 1.6 to 2.6 Jlffiol GABA per gram fresh weight reduced the growth rates, developmental rates, total biomass (50% reduction), and survival rates (30% reduction) of cultured Oblique banded leaf-roller (OBLR) (Choristonellra rosacealla Harris) larvae. In field experiments OBLR larvae were found predominantly on young terminal leaves which have a reduced capacity to produce GABA in response to mechanical damage. Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) is a cytosolic enzyme which catalyses the decarboxylation of L-Glu to GABA. GAD is a calmodulin binding enzyme whose activity is stimulated dramatically by increased cytosolic H+ or Ca2 + ion concentrations. Phytophagous insect activity will disrupt the cellular compartmentation of H+ and Ca2 +, activate GAD and subsequent GABA accumulation. In animals GABA is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter. The possible mechanisms resulting in GABA inhibited growth and development of insects are discussed.
The growth of Fe–Ni based amorphous nanocolumns has been studied using atomic force microscopy. The root mean square roughness of the film surface increased with the deposition time but showed a little change at higher deposition time. It was found that the separation between the nanostructures increased sharply during the initial stages of growth and the change was less pronounced at higher deposition time. During the initial stages of the column growth, a roughening process due to self shadowing is dominant and, as the deposition time increases, a smoothening mechanism takes place due to the surface diffusion of adatoms
The effect of flux angle, substrate temperature and deposition rate on obliquely deposited germanium (Ge) films has been investigated. By carrying out deposition with the vapor flux inclined at 87° to the substrate normal at substrate temperatures of 250°C or 300°C, it may be possible to obtain isolated Ge nanowires. The Ge nanowires are crystalline as shown by Raman Spectroscopy.
The implications of whether new surfaces in cutting are formed just by plastic flow past the tool or by some fracturelike separation process involving significant surface work, are discussed. Oblique metalcutting is investigated using the ideas contained in a new algebraic model for the orthogonal machining of metals (Atkins, A. G., 2003, "Modeling Metalcutting Using Modern Ductile Fracture Mechanics: Quantitative Explanations for Some Longstanding Problems," Int. J. Mech. Sci., 45, pp. 373–396) in which significant surface work (ductile fracture toughnesses) is incorporated. The model is able to predict explicit material-dependent primary shear plane angles and provides explanations for a variety of well-known effects in cutting, such as the reduction of at small uncut chip thicknesses; the quasilinear plots of cutting force versus depth of cut; the existence of a positive force intercept in such plots; why, in the size-effect regime of machining, anomalously high values of yield stress are determined; and why finite element method simulations of cutting have to employ a "separation criterion" at the tool tip. Predictions from the new analysis for oblique cutting (including an investigation of Stabler's rule for the relation between the chip flow velocity angle C and the angle of blade inclination i) compare consistently and favorably with experimental results.
The propagation of 7.335 MHz, c.w. signals over a 5212 km sub-auroral, west-east path is studied. Measurements and semi-empirical predictions are made of the amplitude distributions and Doppler shifts of the received signals. The observed amplitude distribution is fitted with one produced by a numerical fading model, yielding the power losses suffered by the signals during propagation via the predominating modes. The signals are found to suffer exceptionally low losses at certain local times under geomagnetically quiet conditions. The mid-latitude trough in the F2 peak ionization density is predicted by a statistical model to be at the latitudes of this path at these times and at low Kp values. A sharp cut-off in low-power losses at a mean Kp of 2.75 strongly implicates the trough in the propagation of these signals. The Doppler shifts observed at these times cannot be explained by a simple ray-tracing model. It is shown however, that a simple extension of this model to allow for the trough can reproduce the form of the observed diurnal variation.
The objective of this study was to verify if differences in the design of internal hex (IH) and internal conical (IC) connection implant systems influence fracture resistance under oblique compressive forces. Twenty implant-abutment assemblies were utilized: 10 with IH connections and 10 with IC connections. Maximum deformation force for IC implants (90.58 +/- 6.72 kgf) was statistically higher than that for IH implants (83.73 +/- 4.94 kgf) (P = .0182). Fracture force for the IH implants was 79.86 +/- 4.77 kgf. None of the IC implants fractured. The friction-locking mechanics and the solid design of the IC abutments provided greater resistance to deformation and fracture under oblique compressive loading when compared to the IH abutments. Int J Prosthodont 2009;22:283-286.
Genetic mutations responsible for oblique facial clefts (ObFC), a unique class of facial malformations, are largely unknown. We show that loss-of-function mutations in SPECC1L. are pathogenic for this human developmental disorder and that SPECC1L is a critical organizer of vertebrate facial morphogenesis. During murine embryogenesis, Speed 1 1 is expressed in cell populations of the developing facial primordial, which proliferate and fuse to form the face. In zebrafish, knockdown of a SPECC1L homolog produces a faceless phenotype with loss of jaw and facial structures, and knockdown in Drosophila phenocopies mutants in the integrin signaling pathway that exhibit cell-migration and -adhesion defects. Furthermore, in mammalian cells, SPECC1L colocalizes with both tubulin and actin, and its deficiency results in defective actin-cytoskeleton reorganization, as well as abnormal cell adhesion and migration. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SPECC1L functions in actin-cytoskeleton reorganization and is required for proper facial morphogenesis.
DIEFENTHAELER, F. Avaliação dos efeitos da posição do selim na técnica da pedalada de ciclistas: estudo de casos. Dissertação de mestrado. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano. Escola de Educação Física. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2004. Tendo em vista a importância da otimização das forças aplicadas no pedal por ciclistas, o presente estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos de diferentes posturas do ciclista durante a pedalada, por meio da variação da posição do selim, e relacionando-as com as seguintes variáveis: (1) economia de movimento (EC); (2) aplicação das forças no pedal; (3) índice de efetividade (IE) da pedalada; (4) alterações nos ângulos das articulações do tronco, do quadril, do joelho e do tornozelo; e (5) ativação dos músculos selecionados. Participaram deste estudo três ciclistas da elite gaúcha. O protocolo constou da avaliação de quatro diferentes posições de selim (mais para frente, mais para trás, mais para cima e mais para baixo) a partir da posição de referência na qual o ciclista treina e na sua cadência preferida. Os atletas permaneceram durante 30 s em cada posição, contados após a estabilização da taxa da troca respiratória entre 0,90 e 1. A avaliação foi realizada em um ciclossimulador magnético com a bicicleta do atleta, na qual foi acoplado um pedal instrumentado para obtenção das forças aplicadas no pedal. Os músculos do membro inferior direito monitorados para a eletromiografia foram estes: gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis e tibialis anterior. A partir das forças normal e tangencial, foram calculadas as forças resultante e efetiva para obtenção do IE. A EC foi calculada a partir do VO2 e da potência gerada. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a média de 10 ciclos consecutivos de pedalada. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os ajustes na posição do selim modificaram a direção e a magnitude das forças e, conseqüentemente, o IE; e que os três ciclistas avaliados apresentaram IE e EC maiores na posição de referência. Os dados cinemáticos mostraram pequenas variações nos ângulos articulares em função das mudanças na posição do selim. A ativação muscular apresentou variação no período de ativação assim como na magnitude do valor RMS, nas diferentes posições de selim avaliadas.
Foram estudados o arranjo e o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas do ligamento colateral medial da articulação do cotovelo do cão, isolado ou associado ao ligamento oblíquo e tracionado até a ruptura. Dezoito articulações foram divididas em três grupos. O primeiro grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial coletado, mas não tracionado; o segundo grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial tracionado isoladamente; o terceiro grupo teve os ligamentos colateral medial e oblíquo tracionados associadamente. O ligamento colateral medial não submetido ao ensaio de tração apresentou um padrão ondulado das fibras colágenas, o qual não foi totalmente destruído quando foi tracionado, associado ao ligamento oblíquo, e perdeu totalmente o padrão reticular das fibras colágenas quando testado isoladamente. Quando o ligamento colateral medial foi submetido à tensão isoladamente, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas aumentou em relação ao grupo não submetido à tensão. Associado ao ligamento oblíquo, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas foi o maior na região de inserção e o menor na região média, em relação aos outros grupos. Concluiu-se que o ligamento oblíquo pode favorecer a integridade da região de inserção do ligamento colateral medial, aumentando a eficácia de sua reconstrução após a lesão.
We compute the one-loop oblique corrections in a typical model with neutrino masses due to the seesaw mechanism. We verify that a Dirac neutrino mass up to 178 GeV is still allowed by the experimental data.
This paper is part of the special publication Continental transpressional and transtensional tectonics (eds R.E. Holdsworth, R.A. Strachan and J.F. Dewey). Two orogenic belts have been recognized in south- east Brazil, which are interpreted to have been formed as a product of diachronous collisions between three continental plates. Wide crustal-scale shear belts have developed both between and inboard of the collided and amalgamated plate borders. These shear belts record frontal, oblique or lateral displacements during oblique plate convergence and A-type subduction. The overall structural style of each belt depends on the angle subtended between the plate boundary and the convergence vector. The E-W branch between the Sao Paulo and Brasilia plates the Campo do Meio strike-slip shear belt, has undergone dominantly sinistral wrench dominated transpression along a set of folds and shear zones dipping southwards. The NE-SW branch between the Sao Paulo and Vitoria plates, the Paraiba do Sul strike-slip shear belt, has undergone a partitioned dextral transpression, whereas the north-south branch between the Brasilia and Vitoria plates is essentially a frontal thrust system with only a weak component of dextral strike-slip. These complex structural patterns, formed at deep to mid-crustal levels, reflect temporal and spatial partitioning at all scales between flattening and non- coaxial deformation, and down-dip and strike-slip shearing, in tangential as well as in transcurrent structural domains. Additionally, this area demonstrates that regional flower structures, lateral extrusion and other secondary deformations across the yz sections of transpressional belts are important in accommodating shortening in obliquely convergent orogens.