995 resultados para Vacuum circuit-breaker model
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Traditional cutoff regularization schemes of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model limit the applicability of the model to energy-momentum scales much below the value of the regularizing cutoff. In particular, the model cannot be used to study quark matter with Fermi momenta larger than the cutoff. In the present work, an extension of the model to high temperatures and densities recently proposed by Casalbuoni, Gatto, Nardulli, and Ruggieri is used in connection with an implicit regularization scheme. This is done by making use of scaling relations of the divergent one-loop integrals that relate these integrals at different energy-momentum scales. Fixing the pion decay constant at the chiral symmetry breaking scale in the vacuum, the scaling relations predict a running coupling constant that decreases as the regularization scale increases, implementing in a schematic way the property of asymptotic freedom of quantum chromodynamics. If the regularization scale is allowed to increase with density and temperature, the coupling will decrease with density and temperature, extending in this way the applicability of the model to high densities and temperatures. These results are obtained without specifying an explicit regularization. As an illustration of the formalism, numerical results are obtained for the finite density and finite temperature quark condensate and applied to the problem of color superconductivity at high quark densities and finite temperature.
We consider an electroweak model based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)(L) circle times U(1)(Y') circle times U(1)(B-L) which has right-handed neutrinos with different exotic B - L quantum numbers. Because of this particular feature we are able to write Yukawa terms, and right-handed neutrino mass terms, with scalar fields that can develop vacuum expectation values belonging to different energy scales. We make a detailed study of the scalar and the Yukawa neutrino sectors to show that this model is compatible with the observed solar and atmospheric neutrino mass scales and the tribimaximal mixing matrix. We also show that there are dark matter candidates if a Z(2) symmetry is included.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Due to the wide range of design possibilities, simple manufactured, low maintenance and low cost, cross-flow heat exchangers are extensively used in the petroleum, petrochemical, air conditioning, food storage, and others industries. In this paper a mathematical model for cross-flow heat exchangers with complex flow arrangements for determining epsilon -NTU relations is presented. The model is based on the tube element approach, according to which the heat exchanger outlet temperatures are obtained by discretizing the coil along the tube fluid path. In each cross section of the element, tube-side fluid temperature is assumed to be constant because the heat capacity rate ratio C*=Cmin/Cmax tends toward zero in the element. Thus temperature is controlled by effectiveness of a local element corresponding to an evaporator or a condenser-type element. The model is validated through comparison with theoretical algebraic relations for single-pass cross-flow arrangements with one or more rows. Very small relative errors are obtained showing the accuracy of the present model. epsilon -NTU curves for several complex circuit arrangements are presented. The model developed represents a useful research tool for theoretical and experimental studies on heat exchangers performance.
A careful analysis of the impedance response of SnO2 thick films under vacuum and air atmosphere is reported in the present work. The AC electrical resistance was analyzed and it was shown that it is highly frequency dependent. Different models and its equivalent circuit representation were proposed and carefully analyzed based on the microstructure features of the device. Basically, an interpretation of the frequency dependent resistance was proposed based on the fact that different grains characteristics and junctions exist. These different grains and junctions are the main source of resistance dependent feature. An equivalent circuit model, considering different grain sizes associated with different grain boundary junctions characteristics, was introduced so that a consistent interpretation of the results was possible.
We study the production of a charged-heavy-lepton pair considering the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We show that the cross section for the process pp --> gg --> l+l- is enhanced for large values of the ratio between the two-Higgs-doublet vacuum expectation values, in comparison with the standard model result. The gluon fusion mechanism is the most important contribution to the lepton pair production for M(l) > 50 GeV.
Moisture equilibrium data of pineapple pulp (PP) powders with and without additives - 18% maltodextrin (MD) or 18% gum Arabic (GA) - were determined at 20, 30, 40 and 50 degrees C by using the static gravimetric method in a water activity range of 0.06-0.90. The obtained isotherms were sigmoid, typical type 111, and the Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) model was fitted to the experimental data of equilibrium moisture content versus water activity. Addition of additives was shown to affect the isotherms in such a way that, at the same water activity, samples PP + GA and PP + MD presented lower equilibrium moisture content and were not so affected by varying temperature. The net isosteric heats of sorption of pulp powders with additives were higher (less negative) than those of pineapple pulp powders, suggesting that there are more active polar sites in the product without addition of GA or MD. An empirical exponential relationship could describe the heat of sorption dependence on the material moisture content. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dynamical properties of the U-238-U-238 system at the classical turning point, specifically the distance of closest approach, the relative orientations of the nuclei, and deformations have been studied at the sub-Coulomb energy of E(lab) = 6.07 MeV/nucleon using a classical dynamical model with a variable moment of inertia. Probability of favorable alignment for anomalous positron-electron pair emission through vacuum decay is calculated. The calculated small favorable alignment probability value of 0.116 is found to be enhanced by about 16% in comparison with the results of a similar study using a fixed moment of inertia as well as the results from a semiquantal calculation reported earlier.
The phenomenology of a QCD-Pomeron model based on the exchange of a pair of non-perturbative gluons, i.e. gluon fields with a finite correlation length in the vacuum, is studied in comparison with the phenomenology of QCD chiral symmetry breaking, based on non-perturbative solutions of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the quark propagator including these non-perturbative gluon effects. We show that these models are incompatible, and point out some possibles origins of this problem.
We study the equation of state for neutron matter using the Walecka model including quantum corrections for baryons and sigma mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. We next use this equation of state to calculate the radius, mass, and other properties of rotating neutron stars.
We suggest a constrained instanton (CI) solution in the physical QCD vacuum which is described by large-scale vacuum field fluctuations. This solution decays exponentially at large distances. It is stable only if the interaction of the instanton with the background vacuum field is small and additional constraints are introduced. The CI solution is explicitly constructed in the ansatz form, and the two-point vacuum correlator of the gluon field strengths is calculated in the framework of the effective instanton vacuum model. At small distances the results are qualitatively similar to the single instanton case; in particular, the D1 invariant structure is small, which is in agreement with the lattice calculations.
The leading-twist valence-quark distribution function in the pion is obtained at a low normalization scale of an order of the inverse average size of an instanton pc. The momentum dependent quark mass and the quark-pion vertex are constructed in the framework of the instanton liquid model, using a gauge invariant approach. The parameters of instanton vacuum, the effective instanton radius and quark mass, are related to the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimension quark-gluon operators and to the pion low energy observables. An analytic expression for the quark distribution function in the pion for a general vertex function is derived. The results are QCD evolved to higher momentum-transfer values, and reasonable agreement with phenomenological analyses of the data on parton distributions for the pion is found. ©2000 The American Physical Society.