928 resultados para Users Guides


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Converging evidence from epidemiological, clinical and neuropsychological research suggests a link between cannabis use and increased risk of psychosis. Long-term cannabis use has also been related to deficit-like “negative” symptoms and cognitive impairment that resemble some of the clinical and cognitive features of schizophrenia. The current functional brain imaging study investigated the impact of a history of heavy cannabis use on impaired executive function in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Whilst performing the Tower of London task in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, event-related blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) brain activation was compared between four age and gender-matched groups: 12 first-episode schizophrenia patients; 17 long-term cannabis users; seven cannabis using first-episode schizophrenia patients; and 17 healthy control subjects. BOLD activation was assessed as a function of increasing task difficulty within and between groups as well as the main effects of cannabis use and the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Cannabis users and non-drug using first-episode schizophrenia patients exhibited equivalently reduced dorsolateral prefrontal activation in response to task difficulty. A trend towards additional prefrontal and left superior parietal cortical activation deficits was observed in cannabis-using first-episode schizophrenia patients while a history of cannabis use accounted for increased activation in the visual cortex. Cannabis users and schizophrenia patients fail to adequately activate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, thus pointing to a common working memory impairment which is particularly evident in cannabis-using first-episode schizophrenia patients. A history of heavy cannabis use, on the other hand, accounted for increased primary visual processing, suggesting compensatory imagery processing of the task.


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This study investigates the rates of primary psychotic disorders (PPD) and substance induced psychotic disorders (SIPDs) in methamphetamine (MA) users accessing needle and syringe programs (NSPs). The aim was to determine if there are systematic differences in the characteristics of MA users with PPDs and SIPDs compared to those with no psychotic disorder. Participants were 198 MA users reporting use in the previous month. Diagnosis was determined using the Psychiatric Research Interview for DSM-IV Substance and Mental Disorders (PRISM-IV). Current psychiatric symptoms and substance use were also measured. Just over half (N=101) of participants met DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime psychotic disorder, including 81 (80%) with a SIPD and 20 (20%) with a PPD. Those with a younger age of onset of weekly MA use were at increased risk of a lifetime SIPD. A current psychotic disorder was found in 62 (39%), comprising 49 SIPDs (79%) and 13 PPDs (21%). MA users with a current PPD were more likely to have received psychiatric treatment in the past month than those with a current SIPD, despite a similar level of psychotic symptom severity. A high proportion of MA users accessing NSPs have psychotic disorders, the majority of which are substance-induced.


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In this paper, we present a dynamic model to identify influential users of micro-blogging services. Micro-blogging services, such as Twitter, allow their users (twitterers) to publish tweets and choose to follow other users to receive tweets. Previous work on user influence on Twitter, concerns more on following link structure and the contents user published, seldom emphasizes the importance of interactions among users. We argue that, by emphasizing on user actions in micro-blogging platform, user influence could be measured more accurately. Since micro-blogging is a powerful social media and communication platform, identifying influential users according to user interactions has more practical meanings, e.g., advertisers may concern how many actions – buying, in this scenario – the influential users could initiate rather than how many advertisements they spread. By introducing the idea of PageRank algorithm, innovatively, we propose our model using action-based network which could capture the ability of influential users when they interacting with micro-blogging platform. Taking the evolving prosperity of micro-blogging into consideration, we extend our actionbaseduser influence model into a dynamic one, which could distinguish influential users in different time periods. Simulation results demonstrate that our models could support and give reasonable explanations for the scenarios that we considered.


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This study started with the aim to develop an approach that will help designers create interfaces that are more intuitive for older adults to use. Two objectives were set for this study: 1) to investigate one of the possible strategies for developing intuitive interfaces for older people, and; 2) to investigate factors that could interfere with intuitive use. This paper briefly presents the outcome of the two experiments and how it has lead to the development of an adaptable interface design model that will help designers develop interfaces that are intuitive to learn and, over time, intuitive to use for users with diverse technology prior experience and cognitive abilities.


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This paper addresses two common problems that users of various products and interfaces encounter— over-featured interfaces and product documentation. Over-featured interfaces are seen as a problem as they can confuse and over-complicate everyday interactions. Researchers also often claim that users do not read product documentation, although they are often exhorted to ‘RTFM’(read the field manual).We conducted two sets of studies with users which looked at the issues of both manuals and excess features with common domestic and personal products. The quantitative set was a series of questionnaires administered to 170 people over 7 years. The qualitative set consisted of two 6-month longitudinal studies based on diaries and interviews with a total of 15 participants. We found that manuals are not read by the majority of people, and most do not use all the features of the products that they own and use regularly. Men are more likely to do both than women, and younger people are less likely to use manuals than middle-aged and older ones. More educated people are also less likely to read manuals. Over-featuring and being forced to consult manuals also appears to cause negative emotional experiences. Implications of these findings are discussed.


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An expanding education market targeted through ‘bridging material’ enabling cineliteracies has the potential to offer Australian producers with increased distribution opportunities, educators with targeted teaching aids and students with enhanced learning outcomes. For Australian documentary producers, the key to unlocking the potential of the education sector is engaging with its curriculum-based requirements at the earliest stages of pre-production. Two key mechanisms can lead to effective educational engagement; the established area of study guides produced in association with the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) and the emerging area of philanthropic funding coordinated by the Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF). DAF has acted as a key financial and cultural philanthropic bridge between individuals, foundations, corporations and the Australian documentary sector for over 14 years. DAF does not make or commission films but through management and receipt of grants and donations provides ‘expertise, information, guidance and resources to help each sector work together to achieve their goals’. The DAF application process also requires film-makers to detail their ‘Education and Outreach Strategy’ for each film with 582 films registered and 39 completed as of June 2014. These education strategies that can range from detailed to cursory efforts offer valuable insights into the Australian documentary sector's historical and current expectations of education as a receptive and dynamic audience for quality factual content. A recurring film-maker education strategy found in the DAF data is an engagement with ATOM to create a study guide for their film. This study guide then acts as a ‘bridging material’ between content and education audience. The frequency of this effort suggests these study guides enable greater educator engagement with content and increased interest and distribution of the film to educators. The paper Education paths for documentary distribution: DAF, ATOM and the study guides that bind them will address issues arising out of the changing needs of the education sector and the impact targeting ‘cineliteracy’ outcomes may have for Australian documentary distribution.


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Aim: The aim of this evaluation was to evaluate the use of Individualised Medication Administration Guides (IMAGs) for patients with dysphagia on one stroke ward over a 6month period. Background: Patients with dysphagia (PWD) are more likely to suffer an administration error than patients without swallowing difficulties. To both standardise and improve medicines administration to patients with dysphagia I-MAGs were introduced on one stroke ward over a 6 month period. Methods: A software package supported with data on current national guidelines on the administration of medicines to PWD was designed by a specialised pharmacist in dysphagia to enable him to create individualised medication administration guides for patients with dysphagia which stated how each medicine should be optimally prepared and administered. On completion of the pilot service a questionnaire was given to all nurses, pharmacist and speech and language therapists who had experienced the I-MAGs. All the professionals received the same questionnaire but questions relevant only to their practice were added to the nurse’s questionnaire. Results: Of 26 Healthcare professionals (HCPs) approached, 19 returned completed questionnaires. Higher variability was found in the 13 responses from the nurse respondents than in the ones from the 3 pharmacist and the 3 SALTs. 8 (61%) of the nurses felt more confident in their practice when I-MAGs were in place. 10 (76%) of the nurses admitted that the guides could sometimes increase the time of the administration, but saw that it made practice safer. All the pharmacists considered the recommendations in the guides useful and all the respondents with the exception of one nurse (12:13) would like this service to continue. Conclusion: I-MAGs were well received on the ward and they support individualised care for patients with dysphagia. But the guides needed additional pharmacist input and greater nursing time. Research to determine the cost effectiveness of I-MAGs is needed.


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Introduction Patients with dysphagia (PWDs) have been shown to be four times more likely to suffer medication administration errors (MAEs).1 2 Individualised medication administration guides (I-MAGs) which outline how each formulation should be administered, have been developed to standardise medication administration by nurses on the ward and reduce the likelihood of errors. This pilot study aimed to determine the recruitment rates, estimate effect on errors and develop the intervention to design a future full scale randomised controlled trial to determine the costs and effects of I-MAG implementation. Ethical approval was granted by local ethics committee. Method Software was developed to enable I-MAG production (based on current best practice)3 4 for all PWDs on two care of the older person wards admitted during a six month period from January to July 2011. I-MAGs were attached to the medication administration record charts to be utilised by nurses when administering medicines. Staff training was provided for all staff on the intervention wards. Two care of the older person wards in the same hospital were used for control purposes. All patients with dysphagia were recruited for follow up purposes at discharge. Four ward rounds at each intervention and control ward were observed pre and post I-MAG implementation to determine the level of medication administration errors. NHS ethical approval for the study was obtained. Results 164 I-MAGs were provided for 75 patients with dysphagia (PWDs) in the two intervention wards. At discharge, 23 patients in the intervention wards and 7 patients in the control wards were approached for recruitment of which 17 (74%) & 5 (71.5%) respectively consented. Discussion Recruitment rates were low on discharge due to the dysphagia remitting during hospitalisation. The introduction of the I-MAG demonstrated no effect on the quality of administration on the intervention ward and interestingly practice improved on the control ward. The observation of medication rounds at least one month post I-MAG removal may have identified a reversal to normal practice and ideally observations should have been undertaken with I-MAGs in place. Identification of the reason for the improvement in the control ward is warranted.


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As energy use information is becoming increasingly visible and sharable, this research aimed to inform the design of eco-feedback systems for the home. It involved observation and analysis of people's practices, which involve energy use, and their use of a domestic eco-feedback system. The question was asked: how can design best engage people with energy consumption information- making feedback more relevant to home occupants? In addressing this, a specifically bottom-up approach was employed, studying what people actually do with eco-feedback, rather than what technologists imagine eco-feedback will do to people.


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Through ubiquitous computing and location-based social media, information is spreading outside the traditional domains of home and work into the urban environment. Digital technologies have changed the way people relate to the urban form supporting discussion on multiple levels, allowing more citizens to be heard in new ways (Fredericks et al. 2013; Houghton et al. 2014; Caldwell et al. 2013). Face-to-face and digitally mediated discussions, facilitated by tangible and hybrid interaction, such as multi-touch screens and media façades, are initiated through a telephone booth inspired portable structure: The InstaBooth. The InstaBooth prototype employs a multidisciplinary approach to engage local communities in a situated debate on the future of their urban environment. With it, we capture citizens’ past stories and opinions on the use and design of public places. The way public consultations are currently done often engages only a section of the population involved in a proposed development; the more vocal citizens are not necessarily the more representative of the communities (Jenkins 2006). Alternative ways to engage urban dwellers in the debate about the built environment are explored at the moment, including the use of social media or online tools (Foth 2009). This project fosters innovation by providing pathways for communities to participate in the decision making process that informs the urban form. The InstaBooth promotes dialogue and mediation between a bottom-up and a top-down approach to urban design, with the aim of promoting community connectedness with the urban environment. The InstaBooth provides an engagement and discussion platform that leverages a number of locally developed display and interaction technologies in order to facilitate a dialogue of ideas and commentary. The InstaBooth combines multiple interaction techniques into a hybrid (digital and analogue) media space. Through the InstaBooth, urban design and architectural proposals are displayed encouraging commentary from visitors. Inside the InstaBooth, visitors can activate a multi-touch screen in order to browse media, write a note, or draw a picture to provide feedback. The purpose of the InstaBooth is to engage with a broader section of society, including those who are often marginalised. The specific design of the internal and external interfaces, the mutual relationship between these interfaces with regards to information display and interaction, and the question how visitors can engage with the system, are part of the research agenda of the project.


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The main aim of the present study was to estimate size segregated doses from e-cigarette aerosols as a function of the airway generation number in lung lobes.. After a 2-second puff, 7.7×1010 particles (DTot) with a surface area of 3.6×103 mm2 (STot), and 3.3×1010 particles with a surface area of 4.2×103 mm2 were deposited in the respiratory system for the electronic and conventional cigarettes, respectively. Alveolar and tracheobronchial deposited doses were compared to the ones received by non-smoking individuals in Western countries, showing a similar order of magnitude. Total regional doses (DR), in head and lobar tracheobronchial and alveolar regions, ranged from 2.7×109 to 1.3×1010 particles and 1.1×109 to 5.3×1010 particles, for the electronic and conventional cigarettes, respectively. DR in the right-upper lung lobe was about twice that found in left-upper lobe and 20% greater in right-lower lobe than the left-lower lobe.


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As conditions such as stroke, cancer, Parkinson's disease and Huntingdon's chorea are commonly found in care homes between 15% and 30% of residents in care homes have been found to have difficulties in swallowing their medicines.To address the difficulties associated with administering medicines to patients who cannot swallow (with dysphagia), Individualised Medication Administration Guides (I-MAGs) were introduced by a specialised pharmacist in Care for Elderly wards in a general hospital in East Anglia. The guides contained detailed information about how to administer each medication and they were individualised to the needs of the patient. The I-MAGs were printed in green forms and attached to the medication chart in order to be used in conjunction with it. The ward nurses reported an increase in their confidence when administering medication when I-MAGs were present in the ward. Some patients with I-MAG were discharged to care homes where the I-MAG might have been equally useful. However, the design of such guides is not known to be suitable for care homes environment where they have never been used before. This study aims to explore the opinions of nurses and carers within care homes on the relevance and acceptability of individualised medication administration guides for patients with dysphagia (PWD).


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The provision of effective training of supervisors and operators is essential if sugar factories are to operate profitably and in an environmentally sustainable and safe manner. The benefits of having supervisor and operator staff with a high level of operational skills are reduced stoppages, increased recovery, improved sugar quality, reduced damage to equipment, and reduced OH&S and environmental impacts. Training of new operators and supervisors in factories has traditionally relied on on-the-job training of the new or inexperienced staff by experienced supervisors and operators, supplemented by courses conducted by contractors such as Sugar Research Institute (SRI). However there is clearly a need for staff to be able to undertake training at any time, drawing on the content of online courses as required. An improved methodology for the training of factory supervisors and operators has been developed by QUT on behalf of a syndicate of mills. The new methodology provides ‘at factory’ learning via self-paced modules. Importantly, the training resources for each module are designed to support the training programs within sugar factories, thereby establishing a benchmark for training across the sugar industry. The modules include notes, training guides and session plans, guidelines for walkthrough tours of the stations, learning activities, resources such as videos, animations, job aids and competency assessments. The materials are available on the web for registered users in Australian Mills and many activities are best undertaken online. Apart from a few interactive online resources, the materials for each module can also be downloaded. The acronym SOTrain (Supervisor and Operator Training) has been applied to the new training program.