885 resultados para Transformative consumer research


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'Transformative learning' is a term used by Mezirow (1991) and his followers to designate a specifically 'adult' kind of learning that involves shifts in how learners view the world and themselves. New research into learning in VET suggests that in some subject areas transformative learning may play more than an incidental role. Among the implications of this finding is that the trainer's practice may be more important in VET than it has been the custom to acknowledge. When transformative learning systematically contributes to VET, the trainer becomes a co-constructor of competence rather than a transmitter of skills and knowledge.

This paper reports on this new research and reflects on the role of the trainer in the process of VET-oriented transformative learning. Results indicate that some trainers of youth workers develop a practice that responds to the contours and dangers of transformative learning without necessarily being aware of the body of knowledge that has built up around this type of learning. The paper suggests that in some VET sectors, trainers and RTO's could enhance their work by taking stock of transformative learning research and theory.


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Responses from a large (801) random sample of Beijing’s adult population were used to carry out this "values and lifestyles" segmentation process and it measured consumers’ "values" and "lifestyles" directly. The results indicate that "values and lifestyle" segmentation provides marketers with a more comprehensive understanding of the consumers than by demographics alone. This study also demonstrates that marketers should not carry out segmentation automatically. They need to determine where consumers perceive a particular category of product on the "luxury" and "non-luxury" continuum before deciding whether to carry out the segmentation process or not.


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Chinese consumers employ Western brands to assert competing versions of Chinese national identity. These uses emerged from findings that Chinese form meanings of Western brands, drawing from select historical national narratives of East-West relations: the West as liberator and Western brands as instruments of democratization; the West as oppressor and Western brands as instruments of domination; the West as subjugated and Western brands, by their own subjugation, as symbolically erasing China’s past humiliations; and the West as partner and Western brands as instruments of economic progress. Our emergent theory elaborates processes by which Western brands are shaped by macrolevel, sociohistorical forces to motivate consumers’ responses to them as political action tied to nation making.


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This study of the meanings of possessions displayed in the offices of employees in a high technology firm suggests extensions to the concept of extended self. Work self and home self contend for dominance in these displays. Employees must decide which aspects of the self belong to the domain of work and which belong elsewhere. In these ongoing negotiations self may be extended, but it may also be retracted and hidden. Furthermore, although possessions can serve to stabilize the self, they also facilitate shifting among various self-aspects in response to workplace events. We explicate these processes and discuss implications for extended self theory.


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Consumers acquire and display material possessions for the purpose of feeling differentiated from other people and, thus, are targeted with a variety of marketing stimuli that attempt to enhance self‐perceptions of uniqueness. Because the pursuit of differentness (or counterconformity motivation) varies across individuals to influence consumer responses, we develop and validate a trait measure of consumers’ need for uniqueness. Consumers' need for uniqueness is defined as an individual’s pursuit of differentness relative to others that is achieved through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods for the purpose of developing and enhancing one’s personal and social identity. Following assessments of the scale’s latent structure, a series of validation studies examines the scale’s validity. The presentation of empirical work is followed by a discussion of how consumers' need for uniqueness could be used in better understanding consumer behavior and the role consumption plays in people’s expression of identity.


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When social and economic conditions change dramatically, status hierarchies in place for hundreds of years can crumble as marketization destabilizes once rigid boundaries. This study examines such changes in symbolic power through an ethnographic study of a village in North India. Marketization and accompanying privatization do not create an independent sphere where only money matters, but due to a mix of new socioeconomic motives, they produce new social obligations, contests, and solidarities. These findings call into question the emphasis in consumer research on top-down class emulation as an essential characteristic of status hierarchies. This study offers insights into sharing as a means of enacting and reshaping symbolic power within a status hierarchy. A new order based on markets and consumption is disrupting the old order based on caste. As the old moral order dissolves, so do the old status hierarchies, obligations, dispositions, and norms of sharing that held the village together for centuries. In the microcosm of these gains and losses, we may see something of the broader social and economic changes taking place throughout India and other industrializing countries.


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The literature on whether varying plate size has an effect on consumption is mixed and contradictory.This meta-analysis of 56 studies from 20 papers shows that varying the size of the container holding food (e.g., plate orbowl) has a substantial effect on amount self-served and/or consumed (Cohen’s d 5 .43). More generally, we found adoubling of plate size increased the amount self-served or amount consumed by 41%. Our analysis resolves the variouscontradictions of past reviews: we found that the plate-size effect had a substantial effect on amount self-served (d 5.51) and on amount consumed when the portion was self-served (d 5 .70) or manipulated along with (confoundedwith) plate size (d 5 48). However, plate size had no effect on amount consumed when the portion size was held constant(d 5 .03). Overall, plate size had a stronger effect when participants were unaware that they were participatingin a food study (d 5 .76).


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The present study demonstrates how consumers can suffer from sequential overchoice. Customizing a tailor-made suit from combined-attribute choices (e.g., deciding on color and fabric in combination) leads to less satisfaction, more information overload, and less additional consumption than customizing it from single-attribute choices (e.g., deciding on color, then on fabric).


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Recalling an egoistic act nudges people to choose healthy over unhealthy food options. Conversely, participants preferred unhealthy over healthy food options when they recalled an altruistic deed. Consistent with this choice pattern participants were willing to pay more for healthy than for unhealthy options. This experiment extends the self-licensing literature.


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It is commonly assumed that an object capable of satisfying a need will be perceived as subjectively more valuable as the need for it intensifies. For example, the more active the need to eat, the more valuable food will become. This outcome could be called a valuation effect. In this article, we suggest a second basic influence of needs on evaluations: that activating a focal need (e.g., to eat) makes objects unrelated to that need (e.g., shampoo) less valuable, an outcome we refer to as the devaluation effect. Two existing studies support the existence of a devaluation effect using manipulations of the need to eat and to smoke and measuring attractiveness of consumer products and willingness to purchase raffle tickets. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that consumers are not aware of the devaluation effect and its influence on their preferences.


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We demonstrate that the IAT is crucially influenced by the order in which the two IAT-blocks are administered. In three studies the IAT-effect is shown to change in magnitude and sign when the order of the ‘compatible’ and the ‘incompatible’ block is reversed. Order effects are caused by cognitive inertia, the difficulty to switch from one categorization rule to another categorization rule. Cognitive inertia distorts correlations between IAT-scores and other variables. While the common practice of counterbalancing block-order between-subjects does not cancel out these distortions, we show in study 4 that counterbalancing block-order repeatedly within-subjects can eliminate order effects.