542 resultados para Towers


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In Taita Hills, south-eastern Kenya, remnants of indigenous mountain rainforests play a crucial role as water towers and socio-cultural sites. They are pressurized due to poverty, shortage of cultivable land and the fading of traditional knowledge. This study examines the traditional ecological knowledge of Taitas and the ways it may be applied within transforming natural resource management regimes. I have analyzed some justifications for and hindrances to ethnodevelopment and participatory forest management in light of recently renewed Kenyan forest policies. Mixed methods were applied by combining an ethnographic approach with participatory GIS. I learned about traditionally protected forests and their ecological and cultural status through a seek out the expert method and with remote sensing data and tools. My informants were: 107 household interviewees, 257 focus group participants, 73 key informants and 87 common informants in participatory mapping. Religious leaders and state officials shared their knowledge for this study. I have gained a better understanding of the traditionally protected forests and sites through examining their ecological characteristics and relation to social dynamics, by evaluating their strengths and hindrances as sites for conservation of cultural and biological diversity. My results show that, these sites are important components of a complex socio-ecological system, which has symbolical status and sacred and mystical elements within it, that contributes to the connectivity of remnant forests in the agroforestry dominated landscape. Altogether, 255 plant species and 220 uses were recognized by the tradition experts, whereas 161 species with 108 beneficial uses were listed by farmers. Out of the traditionally protected forests studied 47 % were on private land and 23% on community land, leaving 9% within state forest reserves. A paradigm shift in conservation is needed; the conservation area approach is not functional for private lands or areas trusted upon communities. The role of traditionally protected forests in community-based forest management is, however, paradoxal, since communal approaches suggests equal participation of people, whereas management of these sites has traditionally been the duty of solely accredited experts in the village. As modernization has gathered pace such experts have become fewer. Sacredness clearly contributes but, it does not equal conservation. Various social, political and economic arrangements further affect the integrity of traditionally protected forests and sites, control of witchcraft being one of them. My results suggest that the Taita have a rich traditional ecological knowledge base, which should be more determinately integrated into the natural resource management planning processes.


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Characteristics of pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layer structure and turbulence were studied in New Delhi and Bangalore, India during the summer of 1987. Micrometeorological towers were installed and instrumented at these locations to provide mean and turbulent surface layer measurements, while information on the vertical structure of the atmosphere was obtained using miniradiosondes. Thermal structures of the pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layers were quite distinct. The daytime, pre-monsoon boundary layer observed over New Delhi was much deeper than that of the monsoon boundary layer observed over Bangalore and at times was characterized by multiple inversions. Surface, turbulent sensible heat fluxes at both sites were approximately the same (235 and 200 Wm−2 for New Delhi and Bangalore, respectively). Diurnal variations in the monsoon boundary layer at Bangalore were more regular compared to those under pre-monsoon conditions at New Delhi. One-dimensional numerical simulations of the pre-monsoon boundary layer using a turbulent energy closure scheme show good agreement with observations.


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A lightning strike in the neighborhood can induce significant currents in tall down conductors. Though the magnitude of induced current in this case is much smaller than that encountered during a direct strike, the probability of occurrence and the frequency content is higher. In view of this, appropriate knowledge on the characteristics of such induced currents is relevant for the scrutiny of the recorded currents and in the evaluation of interference to the electrical and electronic system in the vicinity. Previously, a study was carried out on characteristics of induced currents assuming ideal conditions, that there were no influencing objects in the vicinity of the down conductor and channel. However, some influencing conducting bodies will always be present, such as trees, electricity and communication towers, buildings, and other elevated objects that can affect the induced currents in a down conductor. The present work is carried out to understand the influence of nearby conducting objects on the characteristics of induced currents due to a strike to ground in the vicinity of a tall down conductor. For the study, an electromagnetic model is employed to model the down conductor, channel, and neighboring conducting objects, and Numerical Electromagnetic Code-2 is used for numerical field computations. Neighboring objects of different heights, of different shapes, and at different locations are considered. It is found that the neighboring objects have significant influence on the magnitude and nature of induced currents in a down conductor when the height of the nearby conducting object is comparable to that of the down conductor.


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Lead telluride micro and nanostructures have been grown on silicon and glass substrates by a simple thermal evaporation of PbTe in high vacuum of 3 x 10(-5) mbar. Growth was carried out for two different distances between the evaporation source and the substrates. Synthesized products consist of nanorods and micro towers for 2.4 cm and 3.4 cm of distance between the evaporation source and the substrates respectively. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies confirmed crystalline nature of the nanorods and micro towers. Nanorods were grown by vapor solid mechanism. Each micro tower consists of nano platelets and is capped with spherical catalyst particle at their end, suggesting that the growth proceeds via vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. EDS spectrum recorded on the tip of the micro tower has shown the presence of Pb and Te confirming the self catalytic VLS growth of the micro towers. These results open up novel synthesis methods for PbTe nano and microstructures for various applications.


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A circuit topology based on accumulate-and-use philosophy has been developed to harvest RF energy from ambient radiations such as those from cellular towers. Main functional units of this system are antenna, tuned rectifier, supercapacitor, a gated boost converter and the necessary power management circuits. Various RF aspects of the design philosophy for maximizing the conversion efficiency at an input power level of 15 mu W are presented here. The system is characterized in an anechoic chamber and it has been established that this topology can harvest RF power densities as low as 180 mu W/m(2) and can adaptively operate the load depending on the incident radiation levels. The output of this system can be easily configured at a desired voltage in the range 2.2-4.5 V. A practical CMOS load - a low power wireless radio module has been demonstrated to operate intermittently by this approach. This topology can be easily modified for driving other practical loads, from harvested RF energy at different frequencies and power levels.


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Lightning strike to instrumented and communication towers can be a source of electromagnetic disturbance to the system connected. Long cables running on these towers can get significant induction to their sheath/core, which would then couple to the connected equipments. For a quantitative analysis of the situation, suitable theoretical analysis is necessary. Due to the dominance of the transverse magnetic mode during the fast rising portion of the stroke current, which is the period of significant induction, a full wave solution based on Maxwell's equations is necessary. Owing to the large geometric aspect ratio of tower lattice elements and for feasibility of a numerical solution, the thin-wire formulation for the electric field integral equation is generally adopted. However, the classical thin-wire formulation is not set for handling non-cylindrical conductors like tower lattice elements and the proximity of other conductors. The present work investigates further into a recently proposed method for handling such a situation and optimizes the numerical solution approach.


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Electromagnetic field produced by a lightning strike to ground causes significant induction to tall objects in the vicinity. The frequency of occurrence of such nearby ground strikes can be higher than the number of direct strikes. Therefore, a complete knowledge on these induced currents is of practical relevance. However, limited efforts towards the characterisation of such induced currents in tall down-conductors could be seen in the literature. Due to the intensification of the background field caused by the descending stepped leader, tall towers/down-conductors can launch upward leaders of significant length. The nonlinearity in the conductance of upward leader and the surrounding corona sheath can alter the characteristics of the induced currents. Preliminary aspects of this phenomenon have been studied by the author previously and the present work aims to perform a detailed investigation on the role of upward leaders in modifying the characteristics of the induced currents. A consistent model for the upward leader, which covers all the essential electrical aspects of the phenomena, is employed. A first order arc model for representing the conductance of upward leader and a field dependant quadratic conductivity model for the corona sheath is employed. The initial gradient in the upward leader and the field produced by the return stroke forms the excitation. The dynamic electromagnetic response is determined by solving the wave equation using thin-wire time-domain formulation. Simulations are carried out initially to ascertain the role of individual parameters, including the length of the upward leader. Based on the simulation results, it is shown that the upward leader enhances the induced current, and when significant in length, can alter the waveshape of induced current from bipolar oscillatory to unipolar. The duration of the induced current is governed by the length of upward leader, which in turn is dependant on the return stroke current and the effective length of the down-conductor. If the current during the upward leader developmental phase is considered along with that after the stroke termination to ground, it would present a bipolar current pulse. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula


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[ES] Para más información véase el trabajo LDGP_mem_003-2: "Estudio topográfico de las deformaciones del conjunto arquitectónico de la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Blanca (Agoncillo, La Rioja) [Julio 2007 – Octubre 2009]", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/7050


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[ES]A finales de la Edad Media la nobleza rural del País Vasco desarrolló actividades violentas y delictivas como medio para superar los efectos de la crisis. Dentro de este contexto las torres y casas fuertes desempeñaron un papel capital. Todo ello se analiza a través del ejemplo de la torre del señor de Berna, en la Vizcaya del siglo XV.


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[ES] El Castillo se encuentra coronando, junto a la iglesia de San Pedro, el cerro sobre el que se asienta el caserío de Cornago. Actualmente está formado por un patio interior de forma rectangular y rematado por cuatro torres en las esquinas, de las cuales tres son circulares de diferentes radios y una cuarta (NE) cuadrada, la superficie total ocupada es de unos 50 x 30 metros al exterior.


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A presente pesquisa busca compreender o papel do Estado e do Capital Incorporador no processo de reestruturação urbana do bairro de Campo Grande, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, através da produção de moradias. Para isto, parte das reflexões sobre a atuação destes dois agentes. O incorporador como responsável pela construção e comercialização de habitações, e o Estado apresentado como medidor de conflitos e provedor de políticas públicas voltadas para a requalificação urbana e solução da questão habitacional. Ambos, também agem no processo de valorização, onde a produção da mercadoria solo urbano e a renda da terra são atributos herdados pela ação destes agentes. Neste sentido, a expansão do capital de incorporação com o auxilio do Estado, principalmente com o advento do Programa Minha Casa, Minha vida, estimulou o crescimento da atuação do mercado imobiliário no bairro. Como fatores atrativos estimulado pelos investidores estão a importante centralidade construída ao longo do tempo e o atual e futuro subcentro planejado, ou seja, os shoppings West Shopping e o ParkShopping Campo Grande. Contudo, este processo de expansão imobiliária em curso no bairro vem atraindo novos moradores e maior atuação do capital privado, como a construção de torres empresariais.


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O potencial eólico do Brasil, de vento firme e com viabilidade econômica de aproveitamento, é de 143 GW. Isso equivale ao dobro de toda a capacidade da geração já instalada no país. No Brasil, a energia eólica tem uma sazonalidade complementar à energia hidrelétrica, porque os períodos de melhor condição de vento coincidem com os de menor capacidade dos reservatórios. O projeto desenvolvido neste trabalho nasceu de uma chamada pública do FINEP, e sob os auspícios do recém criado CEPER. Ao projeto foi incorporado um caráter investigativo, de contribuição científica original, resultando em um produto de tecnologia inovadora para aerogeradores de baixa potência. Dentre os objetivos do projeto, destacamos a avaliação experimental de turbinas eólicas de 5000 W de potência. Mais especificamente, dentro do objetivo geral deste projeto estão incluídas análise estrutural, análise aerodinâmica e análise de viabilidade de novos materiais a serem empregados. Para cada uma das diferentes áreas de conhecimento que compõem o projeto, será adotada a metodologia mais adequada. Para a Análise aerodinâmica foi realizada uma simulação numérica preliminar seguida de ensaios experimentais em túnel de vento. A descrição dos procedimentos adotados é apresentada no Capítulo 3. O Capítulo 4 é dedicado aos testes elétricos. Nesta etapa, foi desenvolvido um banco de testes para obtenção das características específicas das máquinas-base, como curvas de potência, rendimento elétrico, análise e perdas mecânicas e elétricas, e aquecimento. Este capítulo termina com a análise crítica dos valores obtidos. Foram realizados testes de campo de todo o conjunto montado. Atualmente, o aerogerador de 5kW encontra-se em operação, instrumentado e equipado com sistema de aquisição de dados para consolidação dos testes de confiabilidade. Os testes de campo estão ocorrendo na cidade de Campos, RJ, e abrangeram as seguintes dimensões de análise; testes de eficiência para determinação da curva de potência, níveis de ruído e atuação de dispositivos de segurança. Os resultados esperados pelo projeto foram atingidos, consolidando o projeto de um aerogerador de 5000W.


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Diversas formas de geração de energia vêm sendo desenvolvidas com o objetivo de oferecer alternativas ecologicamente corretas. Neste contexto, a energia eólica vem se destacando na região Nordeste do Brasil, devido ao grande potencial dos ventos da região. As torres, que representam parcela significativa do custo total do sistema, tendem a crescer buscando ventos mais fortes e permitindo assim a utilização de aerogeradores com maior capacidade de geração de energia. Este trabalho tem como objetivo formular um modelo de otimização de torres tubulares de aço, para aerogeradores eólicos. Busca-se minimizar o volume total (custo, indiretamente), tendo como variáveis de projeto as espessuras da parede da torre. São impostas restrições relativas à frequência natural e ao comportamento estrutural (tensão e deslocamento máximo de acordo com recomendações da norma Europeia). A estrutura da torre é modelada com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos e o carregamento atuante na estrutura inclui os pesos da torre, do conjunto de equipamentos instalados no topo (aerogerador), e o efeito estático da ação do vento sobre a torre. Para verificação das tensões, deslocamentos e frequências naturais, foram utilizados elementos finitos de casca disponíveis na biblioteca do programa de análise ANSYS. Os modelos de otimização foram também implementados no modulo de otimização do programa ANSYS (design optimization), que utiliza técnicas matemáticas em um processo iterativo computadorizado até que um projeto considerado ótimo seja alcançado. Nas aplicações foram usados os métodos de aproximação por subproblemas e o método de primeira ordem. Os resultados obtidos revelam que torres para aerogeradores merecem atenção especial, em relação à concepção do projeto estrutural, sendo que seu desempenho deve ser verificado através de metodologias completas que englobem além das análises clássicas (estáticas e dinâmicas), incluam também as análises de otimização.