960 resultados para Tnf Family-member
We identified a novel human AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family member, designated ARK5, encoding 661 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 74 kDa. The putative amino acid sequence reveals 47, 45.8, 42.4, and 55% homology to AMPK-alpha1, AMPK-alpha2, MELK and SNARE respectively, suggesting that it is a new member of the AMPK family. It has a putative Akt phosphorylation motif at amino acids 595600, and Ser(600) was found to be phosphorylated by active Akt resulting in the activation of kinase activity toward the SAMS peptide, a consensus AMPK substrate. During nutrient starvation, ARK5 supported the survival of cells in an Akt-dependent manner. In addition, we also demonstrated that ARK5, when activated by Akt, phosphorylated the ATM protein that is mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia and also induced the phosphorylation of p53. On the basis of our current findings, we propose that a novel AMPK family member, ARK5, is the tumor cell survival factor activated by Akt and acts as an ATM kinase under the conditions of nutrient starvation.
Objective: To examine the association between gain in motor and cognitive functional status with patient satisfaction 3-6 mo after rehabilitation discharge. Design: Patient satisfaction and changes in functional status were examined in 18,375 patients with stroke who received inpatient medical rehabilitation. Information was obtained from 144 hospitals and rehabilitation facilities contributing records to the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation and the National Follow-up Services. Results: Data analysis revealed significant (P < 0.05) differences in satisfaction responses based on whether information was collected from patient self-report or from a family member proxy, and the two subsets were analyzed separately. Logistic regression revealed the following significant predictors of satisfaction for data collected from stroke patients: cognitive and motor gain, rehospitalization, who the patient was living with at follow-up, age, and follow-up therapy. In the patient-reported data subset, compared with patients who showed improved cognitive or motor functional status, those with no change, respectively, had a 31% and 33% reduced risk of dissatisfaction. In addition, rehospitalized patients had a higher risk of dissatisfaction. For the proxy reported data subset, significant influences on satisfaction were health maintenance, rehospitalization, stroke type, ethnicity, cognitive FIM(TM) gain, length of stay, and follow-up therapy. Conclusions: Ratings of satisfaction with rehabilitation services were affected by change in functional status and whether the information was collected from patient rating or proxy response.
A criança com incapacidade é parte integrante da sua família, devendo as suas necessidades ser contempladas conjuntamente com as dos restantes elementos familiares (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1994). A abordagem da Qualidade de Vida Familiar (QVF) é a expressão da mudança de paradigma na prestação de serviços a pessoas com incapacidade, de um foco de suporte na criança para um foco familiar (Turnbull et al. 2007 citados por Samuel, Rillotta & Brown, 2012), tendo como objetivo assegurar suportes adequados às necessidades das famílias, permitindo-lhes tomar decisões ajustadas a si e às suas crianças com incapacidade e garantindo o empowerment familiar (Brown & Brown, 2004a). O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a satisfação dos cuidadores de crianças com incapacidade intelectual com a QVF e determinar a adequabilidade dos recursos à disposição das famílias, de modo a analisar a associação entre estas variáveis. As famílias reportaram níveis de satisfação elevados com a QVF e boa adequação dos recursos, existindo relação entre os mesmos e a QVF. Verificaram-se correlações significativas entre as habilitações académicas e zona de residência e a QVF, com cuidadores com habilitações académicas superiores e a residirem em zonas rurais a percecionarem maior satisfação a esse nível. Os cuidadores com rendimentos superiores identificaram maior adequação dos recursos, existindo correlação positiva entre o rendimento e os recursos da família. Dadas as escassas investigações nacionais relacionadas com a QVF de famílias de crianças com incapacidade, serão necessários estudos futuros que incidam sobre a temática, com amostras de maior dimensão e diversidade.
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss : evaluation of co-morbidities and potential clinical associations
RESUMO: A surdez súbita (SS) caracteriza-se por uma perda abrupta de audição, mais frequentemente unilateral e associada a sensação de preenchimento aural, acufenos e vertigem. Afecta 5-20/100.000pessoas/ano (sobretudo adultos em fase activa na década de 40), com grande impacto na qualidade de vida. Possíveis causas incluem doenças infecciosas, circulatórias, traumáticas, imunológicas, neoplásicas, neurológicas, tóxicas e cocleares. No entanto, a causa da SS permanece desconhecida na maioria dos casos (80%), o que origina tratamentos controversos e frequentemente ineficientes. Os tratamentos disponíveis variam desde corticosteróides a antivirais, vasodilatadores, anti-agregantes, anticoagulantes, vitaminas e oxigénio hiperbárico (OHB). Atendendo a falta de informação relativa à etiologia e fisiopatologia da SS, pretendemos avaliar a evolução clínica dos doentes com SS tratados com OHB no Centro de Medicina Subaquática e Hiperbárica (CMSH) de Lisboa entre 2000 e 2005, durante um período mínimo de 5 anos, na tentativa de identificar eventuais factores de risco ou noxas clínicas com a SS. O estudo retrospectivo proposto baseia-se na revisão de processos clínicos do CMSH e na aplicação telefónica de questionários médicos de “follow-up” confidenciais – tanto a doentes (grupo de estudo), como aos respectivos esposos/companheiros/membros próximos da família (grupo de controlo) –, com particular ênfase nos antecedentes médicos e história clínica actual. Um estudo preliminar de 20 pessoas (10 doentes e 10 controlos) foi efectuado para antecipar dificuldades e estimar as necessidades logísticas. As dificuldades identificadas foram: 1) selecção dos doentes com números de telefone válidos e processos clínicos completos (com audiograma inicial e final); 2) contacto telefónico com os participantes de ambos os grupos (de estudo e controlo); 3) recursos humanos requeridos. Dado que a SS não é uma doença em si, mas um sintoma de uma doença subjacente, acreditamos que este estudo epidemiológico seja importante e útil, capaz de gerar novas luzes sobre a fisiopatologia e mecanismos desta entidade clínica.-------------ABSTRACT:Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is characterized by abrupt, mostly unilateral loss of hearing, frequently associated to aural fullness, tinnitus and vertigo. It affects 5-20/100.000 people/year (particularly working adults in the 40ths), with huge impact on quality of life. Possible causes include infectious, circulatory, traumatic, immunologic, metabolic, neoplastic, neurologic, toxic and unidentified cochlear diseases. Nevertheless, SSHL’s etiology remains unknown in most cases (80%), giving rise to controversial (and frequently ineffective) treatments. Available therapies range from corticosteroids to antivirals, vasodilators, antiaggregants, anticoagulants, vitamins and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Given the lack of data concerning SSHL’s etiology and physiopathology, we intend to evaluate clinical evolution of such patients treated with HBO in the Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Center (UHMC) at Lisbon from 2000 to 2005 during a minimum period of 5 years, in an attempt to identify eventual risk factors or clinical associations to SSHL. The intended retrospective study is based on the review of patients’ medical charts from UHMC and confidential follow-up questionnaires applied telephonically both to patients (study group) and patients’ spouse/partner/close family member (control group), focusing past and present medical history. A preliminary study of 20 subjects (10 of each group) was performed to anticipate difficulties and to estimate the required logistics. The identified difficulties were: 1) selection of subjects with valid phone numbers and complete medical charts (with initial and final audiograms); 2) telephonic contact with subjects from the study and control group; 3) human logistics required. As it is believed that SSHL is not a disease by itself but rather a symptom of an underlying disease, we believe that this epidemiologic study is important and will hopefully generate sound scientific knowledge concerning physiopathology and mechanism of disease of SSHL.
RESUMO: Os indivíduos com doença mental grave, assim como os seus familiares, podem ser caracterizados como uma população em que ocorre uma combinação complexa de necessidades médicas e psicossociais, nomeadamente a nível do diagnóstico e do acesso aos serviços de saúde mental. A avaliação de necessidades pode fornecer informações importantes para o desenvolvimento de intervenções eficazes, tanto a nível da população como a nível individual. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as diferentes necessidades reportadas pelos pacientes com doença mental grave e seus familiares , assim como investigar as possíveis relações entre o estado de necessidades e as variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas. Simultaneamente, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrecarga familiar e a satisfação dos utentes com os serviços de saúde mental. Foi elaborado um estudo transversal, realizado numa amostra de conveniência de cinquenta díades de paciente/membro da família, seguidos em regime de ambulatório no Centro Nacional de Saúde Mental. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de avaliação um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala Breve de Avaliação Psiquiátrica (BPRS), o questionário de Avaliação de Necessidades de Camberwell (CAN), o Questionário de Avaliação do Envolvimento (IEQ) e a Escala de Verona de Satisfação com os Serviços (VSSS). As mais frequentes necessidades não-satisfeitas foram o ‘sofrimento psicológico’, as ‘atividades sociais’ e os ‘benefícios sociais’. O estudo mostrou uma sobrecarga significativa nas famílias que cuidam de pessoas com doença mental grave, que se correlacionou com as suas opiniões sobre as necessidades dos pacientes e teve um impacto negativo sobre o bem-estar psicológico. Os três mais importantes predictores de sofrimento psíquico em familiares foram o sexo, a situação laboral e a relação com o paciente. A avaliação da satisfação com os serviços revelou a existência de um hiato significativo entre os serviços prestados e os serviços desejados, reportados pelos pacientes e seus familiares. A maioria dos participantes do estudo desejavam ter um trabalho protegido, ou receber ajuda para encontrar emprego. Os resultados deste estudo poderão ser usados para fins de planeamento desenvolvimento e avaliação de serviços de saúde mental no Azerbeijão. Algumas recomendações sobre a melhoria dos serviços de saúde mental para pacientes com doença mental grave e suas famílias são feitas na secção final do trabalho.----------ABSTRACT: Patients suffering from severe mental illness, in addition to their family members, may be characterized as a population with a complex combination of medical and psychosocial needs, which are under-recognized and under-addressed by mental health services. At the same time, needs assessment provides important information necessary for developing effective interventions at both population and individual level. The study was aimed to determine various needs perceived by patients with SMI and their family members, as well as to find out possible relations between the needs and socio-demographic and clinical variables. Similarly the study was intended to evaluate family burden and users’ satisfaction with services. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a convenience sample. Fifty dyads of a patient and family member applying for out-patient services to the National Mental Health Centre participated in the study. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Camberwell Assessment of Need, Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, and Verona Service Satisfaction Scale were used as assessment tools. The most prominent unmet needs reported by people with SMI and their relatives were psychological distress, social activities and welfare benefits. The study showed significant burden in families caring for people with SMI, which correlated with their views about patients’ needs and had a negative impact on the psychological well-being. The three most important predictors of psychological distress in family members were gender, employment status and relationship to patient. Evaluation of satisfaction with services pointed out the gap between provided and desired services reported by patients and their relatives. Most of study participants wished to have sheltered work, or receive help in finding employment. The results of this study may be used for the purposes of mental health service planning, development and evaluation in our country. Some recommendations on improvement of mental health services for patients with SMI and their families have been made in the conclusion.
Cuidar de um familiar com doença avançada e/ou em fim de vida pode representar uma grande sobrecarga emocional, física e financeira que afeta a qualidade de vida dos cuidadores. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a sobrecarga no cuidar, os fatores relacionados e suas consequências nos cuidadores de pacientes com câncer avançado em fim de vida ou em cuidados paliativos. Foi realizada uma busca de artigos científicos publicados nas bases de dados EBSCO, Web of Knowledge e Bireme, desde os primeiros registros nas respectivas bases de dados sobre o tema até março de 2014. Dos 582 artigos encontrados, apenas 27 foram selecionados. A maioria dos artigos afirma que os cuidadores familiares estão sobrecarregados. Em alguns estudos, a sobrecarga no cuidar aparece associada a características do paciente e da sua doença; em outros, a um pior estado de saúde do cuidador, a uma maior sintomatologia psicopatológica (ansiedade, depressão, distress emocional) e também ao desenvolvimento de complicações no luto. Porém, a esperança, o apoio social, a capacidade do cuidador de atribuir um significado à experiência de cuidar e se sentir confortável com as tarefas de cuidar foram associados a menores níveis de sobrecarga.
Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. We studied 31 patients (18 males and 13 females) affected by this disorder regarding their clinical and genetic characteristics. The most frequent clinical findings were short stature (71%); craniofacial dysmorphisms, especially hypertelorism, ptosis, downslanting of the palpebral fissures; short or webbed neck (87%); cardiac anomalies (65%), and fetal pads in fingers and toes (70%). After studying the probands' first-degree relatives, we made the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome in more than one family member in three families. Therefore, the majority of our cases were sporadic.
Os cuidadores informais têm de lidar com situações potencialmente causadoras de stress e Sobrecarga. Uma amostra com 120 cuidadores de Dependentes de Substâncias, residentes em Portugal, completou uma bateria de questionários que incluía o BDI (Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961; McIntyre & Araújo-Soares, 1999), BSI (Canavarro, 1999; Derogatis, 1975, 1993), CRA (Given, et al., 1992), WHOQOL – Bref (Fleck, 2000; Vaz Serra, et al., 2006) e o IESSS (Ensel & Woelfel, 1986; Faria, 1999). De seguida, os participantes foram distribuídos por três grupos (G1, G2 e G3), dependendo do tempo de abstinência do familiar a quem prestavam cuidados. O estudo explorou a relação entre diversas variáveis clínicas e psicológicas e o suporte social nesses cuidadores. Os resultados revelaram que a coabitação com o paciente, o distress psicológico, a qualidade de vida (relações sociais e psicológica) e a sobrecarga são preditores, do suporte social explicando 48% da variância observada. O modelo de mediação demonstrou que o suporte social é um mediador parcial da relação entre o distress e a sobrecarga, explicando 60% da variância observada. Deste modo, verifica-se a importância de intervir no suporte social no sentido de diminuir o impacto do distress e sobrecarga nos cuidadores.
AbstractThe vertebrate immune system is composed of the innate and the adaptive branches. Innate immune cells represent the first line of defense and detect pathogens through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), detecting evolutionary conserved pathogen- and danger- associated molecular patterns. Engagement of these receptors initiates the inflammatory response, but also instructs antigen-specific adaptive immune cells. NOD-like receptors (NLRs) are an important group of PRRs, leading to the production of inflammatory mediators and favoring antigen presentation to Τ lymphocytes through the regulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules.In this work we focused our attention on selected NOD-like receptors (NLRs) and their role at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. First, we describe a new regulatory mechanism controlling IL-1 production. Our results indicate that type I interferons (IFNs) block NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasome activity and interfere with LPS-driven proIL-Ια and -β induction. As type I IFNs are produced upon viral infections, these anti-inflammatory effects of type I IFN could be relevant in the context of superinfections, but could also help explaining the efficacy of IFN-β in multiple sclerosis treatment.The second project addresses the role of a novel NLR family member, called NLRC5. The function of this NLR is still matter of debate, as it has been proposed as both an inhibitor and an activator of different inflammatory pathways. We found that the expression of this protein is restricted to immune cells and is positively regulated by IFNs. We generated Nlrc5-deficient mice and found that this NLR plays an essential role in Τ, NKT and, NK lymphocytes, in which it drives the expression of MHC class I molecules. Accordingly, we could show that CD8+ Τ cell-mediated killing of target lymphocytes lacking NLRC5 is strongly impaired. Moreover, NLRC5 expression was found to be low in many lymphoid- derived tumor cell lines, a mechanism that could be exploited by tumors to escape immunosurveillance.Finally, we found NLRC5 to be involved in the production of IL-10 by CD4+ Τ cells, as Nlrc5- deficient Τ lymphocytes produced less of this cytokine upon TCR triggering. In line with these observations, Mrc5-deficient CD4+ Τ cells expanded more than control cells when transferred into lymphopenic hosts and led to a more rapid appearance of colitis symptoms. Therefore, our work gives novel insights on the function of NLRC5 by using knockout mice, and strongly supports the idea that NLRs direct not only innate, but also adaptive immune responses.
SummaryEwing's sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent cancer of bone in adolescents and young adults. ESFT are characterized by a chromosomal translocation that involves the 5' segment of the EWSR1 gene and the 3' segment of an ets transcription factor family member gene. In 85% of cases the chromosomal translocation generates the fusion protein EWSR1-FLI-1. Recent work from our laboratory identified mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as the putative cell of origin of ESFT and characterized a CD133+ subpopulation of ESFT cells with tumor initating and self-renewal capacity, known as cancer stem cells (CSC). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA that regulate protein expression at the post-transcriptional level by either repressing translation or destabilizing mRNA. MiRNAs participate in several biological processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. We used miRNA expression profile comparison between MSC and ESFT cell lines and CD133+ ESFT cells and CD133" ESFT cells to investigate the role of miRNAs in ESFT pathogenesis. MiRNA expression profile comparison of MSC and ESFT cell lines identified 35 differentially expressed miRNAs. Among these was down-regulation of let-7a which results, in part, by the direct repression of let-7a-l promoter by EWSR1-FLI-1. Overexpression of let-7a in ESFT cells blocked ESFT tumorigenesis through an High-motility group AT-hook2 (HMGA2)-mediated mechanism.MiRNA profiling of CD133+ ESFT and CD 133" ESFT cells revealed a broad repression of miRNAs in CD133+ ESFT mediated by down-regulation of TARBP2, a central regulator of the miRNA maturation pathway. Down-regulation of TARBP2 in ESFT cell lines results in a miRNA expression profile reminescent of that observed in CD133+ ESFT and associated with increased tumorigenicity. Enhancement of TARBP2 activity using the antibiotic enoxacin or overexpression of miRNA-143 or miRNA-145, two targets of TARBP2, impaired ESFT CSC self-renewal and block ESFT tumorigenicity. Moreover in vivo administration of synthetic let- 7a, miRNA-143 or miRNA-145 blocks ESFT tumor growth.Thus, dysregulation of miRNA expression is a key feature in ESFT pathogenesis and restoration of their expressions might be used as a new therapeutic tool.RésuméLe sarcome d'Ewing est la deuxième tumeur osseuse la plus fréquente chez l'enfant et le jeune adolescent. Le sarcome d'Ewing est caractérisé par une translocation chromosomique qui produit une protéine de fusion EWSR1-FLI-1. Des récents travaux ont identifié les cellules mésenchymateuses souches (MSC) comme étant les cellules à l'origine du sarcome d'Ewing ainsi qu'une sous-population de cellules exprimant le marqueur CD 133, dans le sarcome d'Ewing connu comme les cellules cancéreuses souches (CSC). Ces cellules ont la capacité d'initier la croissance tumorale et possèdent des propriétés d'auto-renouvellement. Les microRNAs (miRNAs) sont de petits ARN qui ne codent pas pour des protéines et qui contrôlent l'expression des protéines en bloquant la traduction ou en dégradant l'ARNm. Les miRNAs participent à différents processus biologiques comme la prolifération et la différenciation cellulaires.Le but de ce travail est d'étudier le rôle des miRNAs dans le sarcome d'Ewing. Un profil d'expression de miRNAs entre les MSC et des lignées cellulaires de sarcome d'Ewing a mis en évidence 35 miRNAs différemment exprimés. Parmi ceux-ci, la répression de let-7a est liée à la répression directe du promoteur de let-7a-l par EWSR-FLI-1. La sur-expression de let-7a dans des lignées cellulaires de sarcome d'Ewing inhibe leur croissance tumorale. Cette inhibition de croissance tumorale est régulée par la protéine high-motility group AT-hook2 (HMGA2).Un profil d'expression de miRNAs entre les cellules du sarcome d'Ewing CD133+ et CD133" montre une sous-expression d'un grand nombre de miRNAs dans les cellules CD133+ par rapport aux cellules CD133". Cette différence d'expression de miRNAs est due à la répression du gène TARBP2 qui participe à la maturation des miRNAs. La suppression de TARBP2 dans des cellules d'Ewing induit un profil d'expression de miRNAs similaire aux cellules CD133+ du sarcome d'Ewing et augmente la tumorigenèse des lignées cellulaires. De plus l'utilisation d'enoxacin, une molécule qui augmente l'activité de TARBP2 ou la sur- expression des miRNA143 ou miRNA-145 dans les CSC du sarcome d'Ewing bloque l'auto- renouvellement des cellules et la croissance tumorale. Finalement, l'administration de let-7a, miRNA-143 ou miRNA-145, dans des souris bloque la croissance du sarcome d'Ewing. Ces résultats indiquent que la dysrégulation des miRNAs participe à la pathogenèse du sarcome d'Ewing et que les miRNAs peuvent être utilisés comme des agents thérapeutiques.
PURPOSE: To present the light and electron microscopic findings of a unique corneal dystrophy never before described in a German family carrying the Gly623Asp Mutation of the TGFBI gene with late clinical onset. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Four affected and 6 nonaffected family members. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination, photographic documentation, and isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from each family member examined. Exons 3, 4, 5, and 11 to 14 of the TGFBI gene were amplified and sequenced in these family members. Five corneal buttons of 3 affected siblings were excised at the time of penetrating keratoplasty. Light and electron microscopic examination were performed including immunohistochemistry with antibodies against keratoepithelin (KE) 2 and 15. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histologic characteristics of corneal opacification in affected patients and presence of coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: The specimens showed destructive changes in Bowman's layer and the adjacent stroma. Patchy Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were found within the epithelium in 1 cornea, in Bowman's layer and in the anterior stroma of all specimens also showing KE2, but not KE15, immunostaining. Electron microscopy revealed deposits mainly located in the anterior stroma and Bowman's layer and in small amounts in the basal area of some epithelial cells. The destroyed areas were strongly Alcian blue-positive, the Masson Trichrome stain proved mainly negative for the deposits. All affected but none of the unaffected family members had a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 14 of the TGFBI gene (G-->A transition at nucleotide 1915) replacing glycin by aspartic acid amino acid (Gly623Asp) at position 623 of the KE protein. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast with the patient carrying the Gly623Asp mutation of the TGFBI gene described by Afshari et al, our cases presented with Salzmann's nodular degeneration-like clinical features and their specimens contained KE2-positive amyloid. The reason for this now "meeting the expectation histologic phenotype" is unclear. The histologic findings emphasize that this is a unique corneal dystrophy, which shares no clinical characteristics with Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy and should be treated as a distinct entity. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.
Methyl-CpG Binding Domain (MBD) proteins are thought to be key molecules in the interpretation of DNA methylation signals leading to gene silencing through recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. In cancer, the MBD-family member, MBD2, may be primarily involved in the repression of genes exhibiting methylated CpG at their 5' end. Here we ask whether MBD2 randomly associates methylated sequences, producing chance effects on transcription, or exhibits a more specific recognition of some methylated regions. Using chromatin and DNA immunoprecipitation, we analyzed MBD2 and RNA polymerase II deposition and DNA methylation in HeLa cells on arrays representing 25,500 promoter regions. This first whole-genome mapping revealed the preferential localization of MBD2 near transcription start sites (TSSs), within the region analyzed, 7.5 kb upstream through 2.45 kb downstream of 5' transcription start sites. Probe by probe analysis correlated MBD2 deposition and DNA methylation. Motif analysis did not reveal specific sequence motifs; however, CCG and CGC sequences seem to be overrepresented. Nonrandom association (multiple correspondence analysis, p < 0.0001) between silent genes, DNA methylation and MBD2 binding was observed. The association between MBD2 binding and transcriptional repression weakened as the distance between binding site and TSS increased, suggesting that MBD2 represses transcriptional initiation. This hypothesis may represent a functional explanation for the preferential binding of MBD2 at methyl-CpG in TSS regions.
OBJECTIVE: To collect data on the consultation frequency and demographic profile of victims of violence attending an emergency department (ED) in Switzerland. METHODS: We undertook screening of all admitted adult patients (>16 years) in the ED of the CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, over a 1 month period, using a modified version of the Partner Violence Screen questionnaire. Exclusionary criteria were: life threatening injury (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics score > or =4), or inability to understand or speak French, to give oral informed consent, or to be questioned without a family member or accompanying person being present. Data were collected on history of physical and/or psychological violence during the previous 12 months, the type of violence experienced by the patient, and if violence was the reason for the current consultation. Sociodemographic data were obtained from the registration documents. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 1602 patients (participation rate of 77.2%), with a refusal rate of 1.1%. Violence during the past 12 months was reported by 11.4% of patients. Of the total sample, 25% stated that violence was the reason for the current consultation; of these, 95% of patients were confirmed as victims of violence by the ED physicians. Patients reporting violence were more likely to be young and separated from their partner. Men were more likely to be victims of public violence and women more commonly victims of domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this monthly prevalence rate, we estimate that over 3000 adults affected by violence consult our ED per annum. This underlines the importance of the problem and the need to address it. Health services organisations should establish measures to improve quality of care for victims. Guidelines and educational programmes for nurses and physicians should be developed in order to enhance providers' skills and basic knowledge of all types of violence, how to recognise and interact appropriately with victims, and where to refer these patients for follow up care in their local networks.
A woman's risk of breast cancer is strongly affected by her reproductive history. The hormonal milieu is also a key determinant of the course of the disease. Combining mouse genetics with tissue recombination techniques, we have established that the female reproductive hormones, estrogens, progesterone, and prolactin, act sequentially on the mammary epithelium to trigger distinct developmental steps. The hormones impinge directly on a subset of luminal mammary epithelial cells that express the respective hormone receptors and act as sensor cells translating and amplifying systemic signals into local stimuli. Local signaling is stage and age specific. During puberty, estrogens promote proliferation using the EGF family member, amphiregulin, as essential paracrine mediator. In adulthood, progesterone, rather than estrogen, is the major inducer of stem cell activation and cell proliferation of the mammary epithelium. Hormonal signaling modulates crucial developmental pathways that impinge on mammary stem cell populations, while Notch signaling, by inhibiting p63, is central to mammary cell fate determination. Cell proliferation occurs in two waves. The first results from direct stimulation of the small fraction of hormone receptor positive cells. It is followed by a second wave of progesterone-induced proliferation involving mostly hormone receptor negative cells, in which RANKL is a key mediator. A model in which repeated activation of paracrine signaling by progesterone with resulting stem cell activation promotes breast carcinogenesis is proposed.
Recently, corticosteroid hormone-induced factor (CHIF) and the gamma-subunit, two members of the FXYD family of small proteins, have been identified as regulators of renal Na,K-ATPase. In this study, we have investigated the tissue distribution and the structural and functional properties of FXYD7, another family member which has not yet been characterized. Expressed exclusively in the brain, FXYD7 is a type I membrane protein bearing N-terminal, post-translationally added modifications on threonine residues, most probably O-glycosylations that are important for protein stabilization. Expressed in Xenopus oocytes, FXYD7 can interact with Na,K-ATPase alpha 1-beta 1, alpha 2-beta 1 and alpha 3-beta 1 but not with alpha-beta 2 isozymes, whereas, in brain, it is only associated with alpha 1-beta isozymes. FXYD7 decreases the apparent K(+) affinity of alpha 1-beta 1 and alpha 2-beta 1, but not of alpha 3-beta1 isozymes. These data suggest that FXYD7 is a novel, tissue- and isoform-specific Na,K-ATPase regulator which could play an important role in neuronal excitability.