998 resultados para Thermal Boundary Conductance
Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 215 provides an expanded section across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, the most complete mid-latitude sequence from a Southern Hemisphere location in the Indo-Pacific area. The events of this transition occurred during a span of about 1.2 m.y. Oxygen isotope values derived from benthic foraminiferal calcite decrease by about 1.0 per mil, a decrease most likely related to warming of deep ocean waters. Turnovers of benthic foraminifera accompany d18O changes and culminate in the predominant extinction event at the end of the Paleocene Epoch. Carbon isotope ratios also shift dramatically toward lighter values near the end of the Paleocene, beginning about 0.45 m.y. after oxygen isotope values start to change. The intensity of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation as recorded by grain sizes of eolian particles shows a large and rapid reduction beginning another 0.45 m.y. later. A significant reduction of zonal wind strength at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, until now observed only at Northern Hemisphere locations, appears to have been a global phenomenon related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients occasioned by more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.
The presented works aim at proposing a methodology for the simulation of offshore wind conditions using CFD. The main objective is the development of a numerical model for the characterization of atmospheric boundary layers of different stability levels, as the most important issue in offshore wind resource assessment. Based on Monin-Obukhov theory, the steady k-ε Standard turbulence model is modified to take into account thermal stratification in the surface layer. The validity of Monin-Obukhov theory in offshore conditions is discussed with an analysis of a three day episode at FINO-1 platform.
Conditions are identified under which analyses of laminar mixing layers can shed light on aspects of turbulent spray combustion. With this in mind, laminar spray-combustion models are formulated for both non-premixed and partially premixed systems. The laminar mixing layer separating a hot-air stream from a monodisperse spray carried by either an inert gas or air is investigated numerically and analytically in an effort to increase understanding of the ignition process leading to stabilization of high-speed spray combustion. The problem is formulated in an Eulerian framework, with the conservation equations written in the boundary-layer approximation and with a one-step Arrhenius model adopted for the chemistry description. The numerical integrations unveil two different types of ignition behaviour depending on the fuel availability in the reaction kernel, which in turn depends on the rates of droplet vaporization and fuel-vapour diffusion. When sufficient fuel is available near the hot boundary, as occurs when the thermochemical properties of heptane are employed for the fuel in the integrations, combustion is established through a precipitous temperature increase at a well-defined thermal-runaway location, a phenomenon that is amenable to a theoretical analysis based on activation-energy asymptotics, presented here, following earlier ideas developed in describing unsteady gaseous ignition in mixing layers. By way of contrast, when the amount of fuel vapour reaching the hot boundary is small, as is observed in the computations employing the thermochemical properties of methanol, the incipient chemical reaction gives rise to a slowly developing lean deflagration that consumes the available fuel as it propagates across the mixing layer towards the spray. The flame structure that develops downstream from the ignition point depends on the fuel considered and also on the spray carrier gas, with fuel sprays carried by air displaying either a lean deflagration bounding a region of distributed reaction or a distinct double-flame structure with a rich premixed flame on the spray side and a diffusion flame on the air side. Results are calculated for the distributions of mixture fraction and scalar dissipation rate across the mixing layer that reveal complexities that serve to identify differences between spray-flamelet and gaseous-flamelet problems.
In this work, a combination of numerical methods applied to thermohydrodynamic lubrication problems with cavitation is presented. It should be emphasized the difficulty of the nonlinear mathematical coupled model involving a free boundary problem, but also the simplicity of the algorithms employed to solve it. So, finite element discretizations for the hydrodynamic and thermal equations combined with upwind techniques for the convection terms and duality methods for nonlinear features are proposed. Additionally, a model describing the movement of the shaft is provided. Considering the shaft as a rigid body this model will consist of an ODE system relating acceleration of the center of gravity and external and pressure loads. The numerical experiments of mechanical stability try to clarify the position of the neutral stability curve. Finally, a rotating machine for ship propulsion involving both axial and radial bearings operating with nonconventional lubricants (seawater to avoid environmental pollution) is analyzed by using laminar and turbulent inertial flows.
The classical problem of the thermal explosion in a long cylindrical vessel is modified so that only a fraction α of its wall is ideally thermally conducting while the remaining fraction 1−α is thermally isolated. Partial isolation of the wall naturally reduces the critical radius of the vessel. Most interesting is the case when the structure of the boundary is a periodic one, so that the alternating conductive α and isolated 1−α parts of the boundary occupy together the segments 2π/N (N is the number of segments) of the boundary. A numerical investigation is performed. It is shown that at small α and large N, the critical radius obeys a scaling law with the coefficients depending on N. For large N, the result is obtained that in the central core of the vessel the temperature distribution is axisymmetric. In the boundary layer near the wall having the thickness ≈2πr0/N (r0 is the radius of the vessel), the temperature distribution varies sharply in the peripheral direction. The temperature distribution in the axisymmetric core at the critical value of the vessel radius is subcritical.
Thermal buckling behavior of automotive clutch and brake discs is studied by making the use of finite element method. It is found that the temperature distribution along the radius and the thickness affects the critical buckling load considerably. The results indicate that a monotonic temperature profile leads to a coning mode with the highest temperature located at the inner radius. Whereas a temperature profile with the maximum temperature located in the middle leads to a dominant non-axisymmetric buckling mode, which results in a much higher buckling temperature. A periodic variation of temperature cannot lead to buckling. The temperature along the thickness can be simplified by the mean temperature method in the single material model. The thermal buckling analysis of friction discs with friction material layer, cone angle geometry and fixed teeth boundary conditions are also studied in detail. The angular geometry and the fixed teeth can improve the buckling temperature significantly. Young’s Modulus has no effect when single material is applied in the free or restricted conditions. Several equations are derived to validate the result. Young’s modulus ratio is a useful factor when the clutch has several material layers. The research findings from this paper are useful for automotive clutch and brake discs design against structural instability induced by thermal buckling.
In the deep-sea, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is often marked by clay-rich condensed intervals caused by dissolution of carbonate sediments, capped by a carbonate-rich interval. Constraining the duration of both the dissolution and subsequent cap-carbonate intervals is essential to computing marine carbon fluxes and thus testing hypotheses for the origin of this event. To this end, we provide new high-resolution helium isotope records spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at ODP Site 1266 in the South Atlantic. The extraterrestrial 3He, 3HeET, concentrations replicate trends observed at ODP Site 690 by Farley and Eltgroth (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00017-7). By assuming a constant flux of 3HeET we constrain relative changes in accumulation rates of sediment across the PETM and construct a new age model for the event. In this new chronology the zero carbonate layer represents 35 kyr, some of which reflects clay produced by dissolution of Paleocene (pre-PETM) sediments. Above this layer, carbonate concentrations increase for ~165 kyr and remain higher than in the latest Paleocene until 234 +48/-34 kyr above the base of the clay. The new chronology indicates that minimum d13C values persisted for a maximum of 134 +27/-19 kyr and the inflection point previously chosen to designate the end of the CIE recovery occurs at 217 +44/-31 kyr. This allocation of time differs from that of the cycle-based age model of Röhl et al. (2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784) in that it assigns more time to the clay layer followed by a more gradual recovery of carbonate-rich sedimentation. The new model also suggests a longer sustained d13C excursion followed by a more rapid recovery to pre-PETM d13C values. These differences have important implications for constraining the source(s) of carbon and mechanisms for its subsequent sequestration, favoring models that include a sustained release
This work deals with the random free vibration of functionally graded laminates with general boundary conditions and subjected to a temperature change, taking into account the randomness in a number of independent input variables such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and thermal expansion coefficient of each constituent material. Based on third-order shear deformation theory, the mixed-type formulation and a semi-analytical approach are employed to derive the standard eigenvalue problem in terms of deflection, mid-plane rotations and stress function. A mean-centered first-order perturbation technique is adopted to obtain the second-order statistics of vibration frequencies. A detailed parametric study is conducted, and extensive numerical results are presented in both tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates that contain functionally graded material which is made of aluminum and zirconia, showing the effects of scattering in thermo-clastic material constants, temperature change, edge support condition, side-to-thickness ratio, and plate aspect ratio on the stochastic characteristics of natural frequencies. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Internally heated fluids are found across the nuclear fuel cycle. In certain situations the motion of the fluid is driven by the decay heat (i.e. corium melt pools in severe accidents, the shutdown of liquid metal reactors, molten salt and the passive control of light water reactors) as well as normal operation (i.e. intermediate waste storage and generation IV reactor designs). This can in the long-term affect reactor vessel integrity or lead to localized hot spots and accumulation of solid wastes that may prompt local increases in activity. Two approaches to the modeling of internally heated convection are presented here. These are based on numerical analysis using codes developed in-house and simulations using widely available computational fluid dynamics solvers. Open and closed fluid layers at around the transition between conduction and convection of various aspect ratios are considered. We determine optimum domain aspect ratio (1:7:7 up to 1:24:24 for open systems and 5:5:1, 1:10:10 and 1:20:20 for closed systems), mesh resolutions and turbulence models required to accurately and efficiently capture the convection structures that evolve when perturbing the conductive state of the fluid layer. Note that the open and closed fluid layers we study here are bounded by a conducting surface over an insulating surface. Conclusions will be drawn on the influence of the periodic boundary conditions on the flow patterns observed. We have also examined the stability of the nonlinear solutions that we found with the aim of identifying the bifurcation sequence of these solutions en route to turbulence.
The induced lenses in the Yb:YAG rods and disks end-pumped by a Gaussian beam were analyzed both analytically and numerically. The thermally assisted mechanisms of the lens formation were considered to include: the conventional volume thermal index changes ("dn/dT"), the bulging of end faces, the photoelastic effect, and the bending (for a disk). The heat conduction equations (with an axial heat flux for a disk and a radial heat flux for a rod), and quasi-static thermoelastic equations (in the plane-stress approximation with free boundary conditions) were solved to find the thermal lens power. The population rate equation with saturation (by amplified spontaneous emission or an external wave) was examined to find the electronic lens power in the active elements.
Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.
Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.
Thermal analysis of electronic devices is one of the most important steps for designing of modern devices. Precise thermal analysis is essential for designing an effective thermal management system of modern electronic devices such as batteries, LEDs, microelectronics, ICs, circuit boards, semiconductors and heat spreaders. For having a precise thermal analysis, the temperature profile and thermal spreading resistance of the device should be calculated by considering the geometry, property and boundary conditions. Thermal spreading resistance occurs when heat enters through a portion of a surface and flows by conduction. It is the primary source of thermal resistance when heat flows from a tiny heat source to a thin and wide heat spreader. In this thesis, analytical models for modeling the temperature behavior and thermal resistance in some common geometries of microelectronic devices such as heat channels and heat tubes are investigated. Different boundary conditions for the system are considered. Along the source plane, a combination of discretely specified heat flux, specified temperatures and adiabatic condition are studied. Along the walls of the system, adiabatic or convective cooling boundary conditions are assumed. Along the sink plane, convective cooling with constant or variable heat transfer coefficient are considered. Also, the effect of orthotropic properties is discussed. This thesis contains nine chapters. Chapter one is the introduction and shows the concepts of thermal spreading resistance besides the originality and importance of the work. Chapter two reviews the literatures on the thermal spreading resistance in the past fifty years with a focus on the recent advances. In chapters three and four, thermal resistance of a twodimensional flux channel with non-uniform convection coefficient in the heat sink plane is studied. The non-uniform convection is modeled by using two functions than can simulate a wide variety of different heat sink configurations. In chapter five, a non-symmetrical flux channel with different heat transfer coefficient along the right and left edges and sink plane is analytically modeled. Due to the edge cooling and non-symmetry, the eigenvalues of the system are defined using the heat transfer coefficient on both edges and for satisfying the orthogonality condition, a normalized function is calculated. In chapter six, thermal behavior of two-dimensional rectangular flux channel with arbitrary boundary conditions on the source plane is presented. The boundary condition along the source plane can be a combination of the first kind boundary condition (Dirichlet or prescribed temperature) and the second kind boundary condition (Neumann or prescribed heat flux). The proposed solution can be used for modeling the flux channels with numerous different source plane boundary conditions without any limitations in the number and position of heat sources. In chapter seven, temperature profile of a circular flux tube with discretely specified boundary conditions along the source plane is presented. Also, the effect of orthotropic properties are discussed. In chapter 8, a three-dimensional rectangular flux channel with a non-uniform heat convection along the heat sink plane is analytically modeled. In chapter nine, a summary of the achievements is presented and some systems are proposed for the future studies. It is worth mentioning that all the models and case studies in the thesis are compared with the Finite Element Method (FEM).
Diamond/metal composites are very attractive materials for electronics because their excellent thermal properties make them suitable for use as heat sink elements in multifunctional electronic packaging systems. To enlarge the potential applications of these composites, current efforts are mainly focused on investigating different ways to improve the contact between metal and diamond. In the present work, a theoretical study has been carried out to determine the differences between the interfacial thermal conductance of aluminum/diamond and aluminum/graphite interfaces. Additionally, diamond particles were surface modified with oxygen to observe how it affects the quality of the diamond surface. The characterization of the surface of diamonds has been performed using different surface analysis techniques, especially x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and temperature-programmed desorption.