888 resultados para Therapeutic drug monitoring


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Acepromazine (ACP) is a useful therapeutic drug, but is a prohibited substance in competition horses. The illicit use of ACP is difficult to detect due to its rapid metabolism, so this study investigated the ACP metabolite 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)promazine sulphoxide (HEPS) as a potential forensic marker. Acepromazine maleate, equivalent to 30 mg of ACP, was given IV to 12 racing-bred geldings. Blood and urine were collected for 7 days post-administration and analysed for ACP and HEPS by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Acepromazine was quantifiable in plasma for up to 3 h with little reaching the urine unmodified. Similar to previous studies, there was wide variation in the distribution and metabolism of ACP. The metabolite HEPS was quantifiable for up to 24 h in plasma and 144 h in urine. The metabolism of ACP to HEPS was fast and erratic, so the early phase of the HEPS emergence could not be modelled directly, but was assumed to be similar to the rate of disappearance of ACP. However, the relationship between peak plasma HEPS and the y-intercept of the kinetic model was strong (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.72), allowing accurate determination of the formation pharmacokinetics of HEPS. Due to its rapid metabolism, testing of forensic samples for the parent drug is redundant with IV administration. The relatively long half-life of HEPS and its stable behaviour beyond the initial phase make it a valuable indicator of ACP use, and by determining the urine-to-plasma concentration ratios for HEPS, the approximate dose of ACP administration may be estimated.


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The fabrication of hydrogen bonded polymer self-assembly for drug delivery has been accomplished via layer-by-layer sequential assembly from aqueous solution. In this study, the self-assembly was constructed based on hydrogen bonding between DNA base (adenine and thymine) pairs substituted on the backbone of chitosan and hyaluronic acid. Chitosan was modified with adenine, whereas hyaluronic acid was modified with thymine. Subsequently, these two polymers were sequentially absorbed on flat substrate by taking advantage of interactions of DNA base pairs via hydrogen bonding. Interlayer hydrogen bonding of these two polymers produces stable multilayer film without using any cross-linking agent. Thin film formation on quartz substrate has been monitored with UV-vis spectra and an AFM study. Formation of multilayer hydrogen-bonded thin film has been further confirmed with SEM. Encapsulation and release behavior of the therapeutic drug from the multilayer thin film at different conditions has been illustrated using UV-vis spectra. Cell viability of modified polymers using MTT assay confirmed no cytotoxic effect.


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Currently beta-adrenergic receptor blockers are considered to be potential drugs under investigation for preventive or therapeutic effect in osteoporosis. However, there is no published data showing the comparative study of beta-blockers with well accepted agents for the treatment of osteoporosis. To address this question, we compared the effects of propranolol with well accepted treatments like zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Five days after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided into 6 equal groups, randomized to treatments zoledronic acid (100 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose); alfacalcidol (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily); propranolol (0.1 mg/kg, subcutaneously 5 days per week) for 12 weeks. Untreated OVX and sham OVX were used as controls. At the end of treatment serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase were assayed. Femurs were removed and tested for bone density, bone porosity, bone mechanical properties and trabecular micro-architecture. Propranolol showed a significant decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels and bone porosity in comparison to OVX control. Moreover, propranolol significantly improved bone density, bone mechanical properties and inhibited the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture when compared with OVX control. The osteoprotective effect of propranolol was comparable with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol. Based on this comparative study, the results strongly suggest that propranolol can be a candidate therapeutic drug for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


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Nonadherence to prescribed treatment is an important cause of difficult asthma. Rates of nonadherence amongst asthmatic patients have been shown to range between 30% and 70%. This is associated with poor health care outcomes and increased health care costs. There is no such thing as a "typical" nonadherent patient. The reasons driving nonadherence are multifactorial. Furthermore, adherence is a variable behavior and not a trait characteristic. Adherence rates can vary between the same individual across treatments for different conditions. There is no consistent link between socioeconomic status and nonadherence, and although some studies have shown that nonadherence is more common amongst females, this is not a universal finding. The commonly held perception that better adherence is driven by greater disease severity has been demonstrated to not be the case, in both pediatric and adult patients. Identification of nonadherence is the first step. If adherence is not checked, it is likely that poor adherence will be labeled as refractory disease. Failure to identify poor adherence may lead to inappropriate escalation of therapy, including the potential introduction of complex biological therapies. Surrogate measures, such as prescription counting, are not infallible. Nonadherence can be difficult to identify in clinical practice, and a systematic approach using a variety of tools is required. Nonadherence can be successfully addressed. Therefore, assessment of adherence is of paramount importance in difficult asthma management, in order to reduce exacerbations and steroid-related side effects as well as hospital and intensive care admissions, health care cost, and inappropriate treatment escalation. In this paper, we present an overview of the literature surrounding nonadherence in difficult asthma. We explore the facts and myths surrounding the factors driving nonadherence as well as how it can be identified and addressed.


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Background Since August 2004, HIV patients who encounter -or are at risk of -problems with their antiretroviral treatment (ART) are referred by their physician to a medication adherence program at the community pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne (Switzerland). The program combines motivational interviewing and electronic drug monitoring. Objective To compare the demographic and clinical characteristics as well as ART of HIV patients referred to the adherence program versus those of the entire HIV population followed in the same infection disease department in the same time frame. Method Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study. Study time frame was defined according to the period with the highest number of HIV patients visiting the adherence program. Results Subjects included in the adherence program had more often a protease inhibitor-based regimen (64 %; 95 % CI [52-75 %] vs. 37 %) and lower CD4 cell counts (419 (252.0, 521.0); 95 % CI [305-472] vs. 500 (351.0, 720.0)) than the entire HIV population. A majority of women were included in the adherence program (66 %; 95 % CI [54-76 %] vs. 39% in the entire HIV population). Conclusion Subjects referred to the adherence program were different from the entire HIV population and showed worse clinical outcomes and were more often under salvage therapy. More women than men were included. Reasons for such a difference need to be further explored.


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Nutrient ingestion triggers a complex hormonal response aimed at stimulating glucose utilization in liver, muscle and adipose tissue to minimize the raise in blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells plays a major role in this response. Although the beta cell secretory response is mainly controlled by blood glucose levels, gut hormones secreted in response to food intake have an important role in potentiating glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. These gluco-incretin hormones are GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (gluco-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). Their action on pancreatic beta cells depends on binding to specific G-coupled receptors linked to activation of the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In addition to their effect on insulin secretion both hormones also stimulate insulin production at the transcriptional and translational level and positively regulate beta cell mass. Because the glucose-dependent insulinotropic action of GLP-1 is preserved in type 2 diabetic patients, this peptide is now developed as a novel therapeutic drug for this disease.


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Introducción: La tuberculosis es considerada una enfermedad de alta prevalencia a nivel mundial y un problema de salud pública por la disminución en la tasa de cura desde la aparición de TB con resistencia múltiple y extendida, por lo cual se requiere diseñar estrategias de manejo emergentes que permitan frenar el aumento en la incidencia de la TB a nivel mundial. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura a través de PubMed y HINARI, dirigida a estudios que evaluaran los desenlaces de manejo de la TB MDR según los objetivos planteados por la última guía de la OMS1. Resultados: Se recolectaron 9 artículos de seguimiento a una cohorte en diferentes lugares del mundo según los criterios de inclusión, de la muestra recolectada en los 9 artículos, 4720 personas recibieron tratamiento desde el inicio, 4163 (88%) fueron TB MDR y 557 (12%) TB XDR. De esta muestra se excluyeron los transferidos a otras instituciones al hacer el análisis, quedando un total de 4455 casos. Se encontró de las muestras con el manejo individualizado, sin embargo la mortalidad continua siendo representativa y mayor en relación con algunas variables. Conclusiones: Los estudios evaluaron las múltiples estrategias de manejo en diferentes países sin obtener resultados contundentes sobre una estrategia de manejo estandarizada. La realización de un meta análisis no es posible por la pobre caracterización de los esquemas de tratamiento usados en los diferentes estudios y definiciones mal delineadas.


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The important role of platelets in the development of arterial thrombosis and cardiovascular disease is well established. Current treatments for arterial thrombosis include anti-platelet agents such as aspirin, thienopyridines and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors. Despite these drugs being effective there remains a substantial unmet clinical demand for more effective therapeutic approaches, which may reflect the existence of alternative underlying regulatory mechanisms to those already targeted. Recent publications have demonstrated a key role for tachykinins in the positive feedback regulation of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. The pro-thrombotic effects of tachykinins on platelets are mediated through the neurokinin 1 receptor, which may therefore offer a novel therapeutic drug target in the prevention and the treatment of arterial thrombosis.


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Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most prevalent neoplasms that affect skin and soft tissue in dogs. Because mast cell tumors present a great variety of clinical appearance and behavior, their treatment becomes a challenge. Trichostatin A (TSA), an antifungal antibiotic, has shown inhibitory effects on the proliferation and induction of apoptosis in various types of cancer cells. In order to evaluate the potential of trichostatin A as a therapeutic drug, cells of grade 3 MCT were cultured and treated with concentrations of 1 nM to 400 nM of TSA. MTT assay and trypan blue exclusion assays were performed to estimate cell growth and cell viability, and cell cycle analysis was evaluated. TSA treatment showed a reduction in numbers of viable cells and an increase of cell death by apoptosis. The cell cycle analysis showed an increase of hypodiploid cells and a reduction of G0/G1 and G2/M -phases. According to these results, trichostatin A may be an interesting potential chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of canine MCT.


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To measure the rate of medication incidents associated with the prescription and administration of high-alert medications and to identify patient-, environment- and medication-related factors associated with these incidents.


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Abstract The incorporation of a high percentage of targeting molecules into drug delivery system is one of the important methods for improving efficacy of targeting therapeutic drugs to cancer cells. PLGA-based drug delivery carriers with folic acid (FA) as targeting molecule have a low targeting efficiency due to a low FA conjugation ratio. In this work, we fabricated a FA-conjugated PLGA system using a crosslinker 1, 3-diaminopropane and have achieved a high conjugation ratio of 46.7% (mol/mol). The as-prepared PLGA-based biomaterial was used to encapsulate therapeutic drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) into nanoparticles. In the in vitro experiments, an IC50 of 5.69 µg/mL has been achieved for 5-FU loaded PLGA-1, 3-diaminopropane-folic acid nanoparticles on HT-29 cancer cells and is significantly lower than that of 5-FU and 5-FU loaded PLGA nanoparticles which only have an IC50 of 22.9 and 14.17 µg/mL, respectively. The fluorescent microscopy images showed that nanoparticles with FA are largely taken up by HT-29 cancer cells and the targeting nanoparticles have more affinity to cancer cells than the pure drugs and untreated nanoparticles. Therefore, the 1, 3-diaminopropane can facilitate the conjugation of FA to PLGA to form a novel polymer and 5-FU loaded PLGA-1, 3-diaminopropane-folic acid nanoparticles can be a highly efficient system for specific delivery of drugs to cancer cells.


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Human health is severely hampered by a majority of the neurological disorders such as the brain tumors, degenerative Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and those involving inflammatory component. Owing to the stringent protection offered by the blood brain barrier, conventional therapeutics gain limited access and therefore, are therapeutically suboptimal. Hence, research has now focused to develop the novel drug delivery systems with a prime motto of maintaining therapeutic drug levels inside the brain, avoiding non-specific tissue distribution. The introduction of nanotechnology has addressed few of these objectives and opened up new avenues for even more improvization. To some extent, nanodelivery systems were successful in crossing the blood brain barrier and accessing the remote areas of the brain. They also have shown tremendous potential in delivering the therapeutic and diagnostic aids following systemic administration. What revolutionised the nano applications is the development of "smart" nanosystems, whose surface is tailor made for the effective theranostic delivery. However, a detailed understanding of the long term nanoformulation toxicities, along with the neuropathology, is the critical future question to be addressed. In this review, a brief introduction of the prominent neurological disorders and detailed applications of nanotechnology are discussed.


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The effects of Vimang((R)), an aqueous extract of the stem bark of Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaccae), on cell migration in an experimental model of asthma was investigated. In vivo treatment of Toxocara canis-infected BALB/c mice for 18 days with 50 mg/kg Vimang((R)) reduced eosinophil migration into the bronchoalveolar space and peritoneal cavity. Also, eosinophil generation in bone marrow and blood eosinophilia were inhibited in infected mice treated with Vimang((R)). This reduction was associated with inhibition of IL-5 production in serum and eotaxin in lung homogenates. In all these cases the effects of Vimang((R)) were more selective than those observed with dexamethasone. Moreover, Virnang((R)) treatment is not toxic for the animals, as demonstrated by the normal body weight increase during infection. These data confirm the potent anti-inflammatory effect of Vimang R and support its potential use as an alternative therapeutic drug to the treatment of eosinophilic disorders including those caused by nematodes and allergic diseases. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a simple, environmentally friendly and rapid quantitative spot test procedure for the determination of captopril (CPT) in bulk drug and in pharmaceutical formulations by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The proposed method is based on the reflectance measurements of the orange compound (λ max 490 nm) produced by the spot test reaction between CPT and p-chloranil (CL). Under optimal conditions, calibration curves were obtained for CPT by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the mol L -1 concentration, from 6.91×10 -3 to 1.17×10 -1, with a good coefficient of determination (R 2 = 0.9992). The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine CPT in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method are compared favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. The method validation results showed that the sensitivity and selectivity of the methods were adequated for drug monitoring in industrial quality control laboratories. © 2011 Moment Publication.