994 resultados para Test de matrices progresivas
Mejorar una serie de habilidades de pensamiento y por tanto conseguir un mayor logro en los aprendizajes escolares de aquellos sujetos que presentan diversos tipos de deficiencia. Hacer una evaluación dinámica del funcionamiento cognitivo; evaluar los resultados tras un programa de intervención; fomentar la evaluación de prerrequisitos de pensamiento. La muestra es de 18 sujetos (8 niñas y 10 niños) entre 10-13 años que cursan ciclo medio en el Colegio Público 'Azorín' de Los Molinos Marfagones de Cartagena. La investigación se dividió en tres fases: 1. Evaluación del potencial de aprendizaje. 2. Aplicación del programa de enriquecimiento instrumental. 3. Valoración de los resultados. Hipótesis: los sujetos con bajo rendimiento intelectual obtienen una mejora de su nivel después de un modelo de enriquecimiento cognitivo. Como variable independiente se considera la situación de privación cultural de los sujetos de la muestra y como variable dependiente el 'programa de enriquecimiento instrumental' de R. Feuerstein. Matrices progresivas de Raven, cuyo objetivo es: A) Evaluar la capacidad para comprender un principio fundamental y aplicarlo a la solución de un problema, B) Evaluar las preferencias de los sujetos por un modelo diferente al dado, C) Evaluar los efectos diferenciales de distintas estrategias de aprendizaje. Figura compleja de rey con el objetivo de evaluar: A) Capacidad de estructurar un campo complejo. B) Precisión en la reproducción de los elementos componentes. C) Proceso por el que el sujeto reestructura el campo complejo a través de Feed-Back continuo. Análisis cuantitativo de comparación de resultados entre una fase de pretest y otra de posttest.. Mejoras en las tres fases del acto mental: imput-elaboración-output. Esto supone una mejora general debido a que todas la funciones cognitivas de cada una de las fases están interrelacionadas. Los mayores avances se han producido en los sujetos de más alto rendimiento cognitivo de la muestra. La alta modificabilidad cognitiva anima a hacer extensiva esta experiencia, muy idónea, por otra parte, para el municipio de Cartagena.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
"Supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under Grant U.S. AEC AT(11-1)1469."
The test based on comparison of the characteristic coefficients of the adjancency matrices of the corresponding graphs for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains has been shown to fail in the case of two pairs of ten-link, simple-jointed chains, one pair corresponding to single-freedom chains and the other pair corresponding to three-freedom chains. An assessment of the merits and demerits of available methods for detection of isomorphism in graphs and kinematic chains is presented, keeping in view the suitability of the methods for use in computerized structural synthesis of kinematic chains. A new test based on the characteristic coefficients of the “degree” matrix of the corresponding graph is proposed for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains. The new test is found to be successful in the case of a number of examples of graphs where the test based on characteristic coefficients of adjancency matrix fails. It has also been found to be successful in distinguishing the structures of all known simple-jointed kinematic chains in the categories of (a) single-freedom chains with up to 10 links, (b) two-freedom chains with up to 9 links and (c) three-freedom chains with up to 10 links.
The problem of identification of stiffness, mass and damping properties of linear structural systems, based on multiple sets of measurement data originating from static and dynamic tests is considered. A strategy, within the framework of Kalman filter based dynamic state estimation, is proposed to tackle this problem. The static tests consists of measurement of response of the structure to slowly moving loads, and to static loads whose magnitude are varied incrementally; the dynamic tests involve measurement of a few elements of the frequency response function (FRF) matrix. These measurements are taken to be contaminated by additive Gaussian noise. An artificial independent variable τ, that simultaneously parameterizes the point of application of the moving load, the magnitude of the incrementally varied static load and the driving frequency in the FRFs, is introduced. The state vector is taken to consist of system parameters to be identified. The fact that these parameters are independent of the variable τ is taken to constitute the set of ‘process’ equations. The measurement equations are derived based on the mechanics of the problem and, quantities, such as displacements and/or strains, are taken to be measured. A recursive algorithm that employs a linearization strategy based on Neumann’s expansion of structural static and dynamic stiffness matrices, and, which provides posterior estimates of the mean and covariance of the unknown system parameters, is developed. The satisfactory performance of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering the problem of the identification of the dynamic properties of an inhomogeneous beam and the axial rigidities of members of a truss structure.
In this article we introduce and evaluate testing procedures for specifying the number k of nearest neighbours in the weights matrix of spatial econometric models. The spatial J-test is used for specification search. Two testing procedures are suggested: an increasing neighbours testing procedure and a decreasing neighbours testing procedure. Simulations show that the increasing neighbours testing procedures can be used in large samples to determine k. The decreasing neighbours testing procedure is found to have low power, and is not recommended for use in practice. An empirical example involving house price data is provided to show how to use the testing procedures with real data.
Combinatorial testing is an important testing method. It requires the test cases to cover various combinations of parameters of the system under test. The test generation problem for combinatorial testing can be modeled as constructing a matrix which has certain properties. This paper first discusses two combinatorial testing criteria: covering array and orthogonal array, and then proposes a backtracking search algorithm to construct matrices satisfying them. Several search heuristics and symmetry breaking techniques are used to reduce the search time. This paper also introduces some techniques to generate large covering array instances from smaller ones. All the techniques have been implemented in a tool called EXACT (EXhaustive seArch of Combinatorial Test suites). A new optimal covering array is found by this tool.
Porcine urine enzyme immunoassays for sulfamethazine and sulfadiazine have previously been employed as screening tests to predict the concentrations of the drugs in the corresponding tissues (kidneys), If a urine was found positive (> 800 ng ml(-1)) the corresponding kidney was then analysed by an enzyme immunoassay and, if found positive, a confirmatory analysis by HPLC was performed. Urine was chosen as the screening matrix since sulfonamides are mainly eliminated through this body fluid, However, after obtaining a number of false positive predictions, an investigation was carried out to assess the possibility of using an alternative body fluid which would act as a superior indicator of the presence of sulfonamides in porcine kidney, An initial study indicated that serum, plasma and bile could all be used as screening matrices. From these, bile was chosen as the preferred sample matrix and an extensive study followed to compare the efficiencies of sulfonamide positive bile and urine at predicting sulphonamide positive kidneys, Bile was found to be 17 times more efficient than urine at predicting a sulfamethazine positive kidney and 11 times more efficient at predicting a sulfadiazine positive kidney, With this enhanced performance of the initial screening test, the need for the costly and time consuming kidney enzyme immunoassay, prior to HPLC analysis, was eliminated
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodologies were evaluated for the detection and quantification of thyreostatic drug residues in cattle serum and thyroid tissue. The paper details a protocol, using a simple ethyl acetate extraction for the determination of thiouracil, tapazole, methyl thiouracil, propyl thiouracil and phenyl thiouracil in thyroid tissue. Using two sequential HPLC injections, and quantitative analysis, in two steps, all five thyreostats were detectable at concentrations greater than 2.45-4.52 ng/g. Modifications to a published method for detection of thyreostatic residues in serum involving the addition of mercaptoethanol and a freezing step are described. The modifications improved sensitivity and allowed detection of the five thyreostats at levels greater than 16.98-35.25 ng/ml. Young bulls were treated with thyreostats to demonstrate the validity of the methodologies described. Administered thyreostats were not absorbed equally by the test animals and the compounds were not all detected in the serum samples removed at 7 days following drug withdrawal. These experiments indicate the necessity to be able to detect thyreostat residues in a variety of matrices. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Unraveling the effect of selection vs. drift on the evolution of quantitative traits is commonly achieved by one of two methods. Either one contrasts population differentiation estimates for genetic markers and quantitative traits (the Q(st)-F(st) contrast) or multivariate methods are used to study the covariance between sets of traits. In particular, many studies have focused on the genetic variance-covariance matrix (the G matrix). However, both drift and selection can cause changes in G. To understand their joint effects, we recently combined the two methods into a single test (accompanying article by Martin et al.), which we apply here to a network of 16 natural populations of the freshwater snail Galba truncatula. Using this new neutrality test, extended to hierarchical population structures, we studied the multivariate equivalent of the Q(st)-F(st) contrast for several life-history traits of G. truncatula. We found strong evidence of selection acting on multivariate phenotypes. Selection was homogeneous among populations within each habitat and heterogeneous between habitats. We found that the G matrices were relatively stable within each habitat, with proportionality between the among-populations (D) and the within-populations (G) covariance matrices. The effect of habitat heterogeneity is to break this proportionality because of selection for habitat-dependent optima. Individual-based simulations mimicking our empirical system confirmed that these patterns are expected under the selective regime inferred. We show that homogenizing selection can mimic some effect of drift on the G matrix (G and D almost proportional), but that incorporating information from molecular markers (multivariate Q(st)-F(st)) allows disentangling the two effects.
In the analysis of stability of a variant of the Crank-Nicolson (C-N) method for the heat equation on a staggered grid a class of non-symmetric matrices appear that have an interesting property: their eigenvalues are all real and lie within the unit circle. In this note we shall show how this class of matrices is derived from the C-N method and prove that their eigenvalues are inside [-1, 1] for all values of m (the order of the matrix) and all values of a positive parameter a, the stability parameter sigma. As the order of the matrix is general, and the parameter sigma lies on the positive real line this class of matrices turns out to be quite general and could be of interest as a test set for eigenvalue solvers, especially as examples of very large matrices. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A MATHEMATICA notebook to compute the elements of the matrices which arise in the solution of the Helmholtz equation by the finite element method (nodal approximation) for tetrahedral elements of any approximation order is presented. The results of the notebook enable a fast computational implementation of finite element codes for high order simplex 3D elements reducing the overheads due to implementation and test of the complex mathematical expressions obtained from the analytical integrations. These matrices can be used in a large number of applications related to physical phenomena described by the Poisson, Laplace and Schrodinger equations with anisotropic physical properties.
The mineral phase of dentin is located primarily within collagen fibrils. During development, bone or dentin collagen fibrils are formed first and then water within the fibril is replaced with apatite crystallites. Mineralized collagen contains very little water. During dentin bonding, acid-etching of mineralized dentin solubilizes the mineral crystallites and replaces them with water. During the infiltration phase of dentin bonding, adhesive comonomers are supposed to replace all of the collagen water with adhesive monomers that are then polymerized into copolymers. The authors of a recently published review suggested that dental monomers were too large to enter and displace water from collagen fibrils. If that were true, the endogenous proteases bound to dentin collagen could be responsible for unimpeded collagen degradation that is responsible for the poor durability of resin-dentin bonds. The current work studied the size-exclusion characteristics of dentin collagen, using a gel-filtration-like column chromatography technique, using dentin powder instead of Sephadex. The elution volumes of test molecules, including adhesive monomers, revealed that adhesive monomers smaller than ∼1000 Da can freely diffuse into collagen water, while molecules of 10,000 Da begin to be excluded, and bovine serum albumin (66,000 Da) was fully excluded. These results validate the concept that dental monomers can permeate between collagen molecules during infiltration by etch-and-rinse adhesives in water-saturated matrices. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc.
We analyzed 46,161 monthly test-day records of milk production from 7453 first lactations of crossbred dairy Gyr (Bos indicus) x Holstein cows. The following seven models were compared: standard multivariate model (M10), three reduced rank models fitting the first 2, 3, or 4 genetic principal components, and three models considering a 2-, 3-, or 4-factor structure for the genetic covariance matrix. Full rank residual covariance matrices were considered for all models. The model fitting the first two principal components (PC2) was the best according to the model selection criteria. Similar phenotypic, genetic, and residual variances were obtained with models M10 and PC2. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.14 to 0.21 and from 0.13 to 0.21 for models M10 and PC2, respectively. The genetic correlations obtained with model PC2 were slightly higher than those estimated with model M10. PC2 markedly reduced the number of parameters estimated and the time spent to reach convergence. We concluded that two principal components are sufficient to model the structure of genetic covariances between test-day milk yields. © FUNPEC-RP.
Drug testing is used by employers to detect drug use by employees or job candidates. It can identify recent use of alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs as a screening tool for potential health and safety and performance issues. Urine is the most commonly used sample for illicit drugs. It detects the use of a drug within the last few days and as such is evidence of recent use; but a positive test does not necessarily mean that the individual was impaired at the time of the test. Abstention from use for three days will often produce a negative test result. Analysis of hair provides a much longer window of detection, typically 1 to 3 months. Hence the likelihood of a falsely negative test using hair is very much less than with a urine test. Conversely, a negative hair test is a substantially stronger indicator of a non-drug user than a negative urine test. Oral fluid (saliva) is also easy to collect. Drugs remain in oral fluid for a similar time as in blood. The method is a good way of detecting current use and is more likely to reflect current impairment. It offers promise as a test in post-accident, for cause, and on-duty situations. Studies have shown that within the same industrial settings, hair testing can detect twice as many drug users as urine testing. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.