988 resultados para Tension Parallel to grain


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Hypoeutectic boron addition (0.1 wt.%) to Ti-6Al-4V is known to cause significant refinement of the cast microstructure. In the present investigation, it has been observed that trace boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloy also ensures excellent microstructural homogeneity throughout the ingot. A subdued thermal gradient, related to the basic grain refinement mechanism by constitutional undercooling, persists during solidification for the boron-containing alloy and maintains equivalent beta grain growth kinetics at different locations in the ingot. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy shows relatively strong texture with preferred components (e.g. ingot axis parallel to[0 0 0 1] or [1 0 (1) over bar 0]) over the entire ingot and gradual transition of texture components along the radius. For Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy, significant weakening characterizes both the high-temperature beta and room-temperature a texture. In addition to solidification factors that are responsible for weak beta texture development, microstructural differences due to boron addition, e.g. the absence of grain boundary alpha phase and presence of TiB particles, strongly affects the mechanism of beta -> alpha phase transformation and consequently weakens the alpha phase texture. Based on the understanding developed for the boron-modified alloy, a novel mechanism has been proposed for the microstructure and texture formation during solidification and phase transformation. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the recent years, there has been a trend to run metallic pipelines carrying petroleum products and high voltage AC power lines parallel to each other in a relatively narrow strip of land. Due to this sharing of the right-of-way, verhead AC power line electric field may induce voltages on the metallic pipelines running in close vicinity leading to serious adverse effects. In this paper, the induced voltages on metallic pipelines running in close vicinity of high voltage power transmission lines have been computed. Before computing the induced voltages, an optimum configuration of the phase conductors based on the lowest conductor surface gradient and field under transmission line has been arrived at. This paper reports the conductor surface field gradients calculated for the various configurations. Also the electric fields under transmission line, for single circuit and double circuit (various phase arrangements) have been analyzed. Based on the above results, an optimum configuration giving the lowest field under the power line as well as the lowest conductor surface gradient has been arrived at and for this configuration, induced voltage on the pipeline has been computed using the Charge Simulation Method (CSM). For comparison, induced voltages on the pipeline has been computed for the various other phase configurations also.


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The Morse-Smale complex is a useful topological data structure for the analysis and visualization of scalar data. This paper describes an algorithm that processes all mesh elements of the domain in parallel to compute the Morse-Smale complex of large two-dimensional data sets at interactive speeds. We employ a reformulation of the Morse-Smale complex using Forman's Discrete Morse Theory and achieve scalability by computing the discrete gradient using local accesses only. We also introduce a novel approach to merge gradient paths that ensures accurate geometry of the computed complex. We demonstrate that our algorithm performs well on both multicore environments and on massively parallel architectures such as the GPU.


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A new and efficient approach to construct a 3D wire-frame of an object from its orthographic projections is described. The input projections can be two or more and can include regular and complete auxiliary views. Each view may contain linear, circular and other conic sections. The output is a 3D wire-frame that is consistent with the input views. The approach can handle auxiliary views containing curved edges. This generality derives from a new technique to construct 3D vertices from the input 2D vertices (as opposed to matching coordinates that is prevalent in current art). 3D vertices are constructed by projecting the 2D vertices in a pair of views on the common line of the two views. The construction of 3D edges also does not require the addition of silhouette and tangential vertices and subsequently splitting edges in the views. The concepts of complete edges and n-tuples are introduced to obviate this need. Entities corresponding to the 3D edge in each view are first identified and the 3D edges are then constructed from the information available with the matching 2D edges. This allows the algorithm to handle conic sections that are not parallel to any of the viewing directions. The localization of effort in constructing 3D edges is the source of efficiency of the construction algorithm as it does not process all potential 3D edges. Working of the algorithm on typical drawings is illustrated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Boron addition to conventional titanium alloys below the eutectic limit refines the cast microstructure and improves mechanical properties. The present work explores the influence of hypoeutectic boron addition on the microstructure and texture evolution in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under beta extrusion. The beta extruded microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V is characterized by shear bands parallel to the extrusion direction. In contrast, the extruded Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy shows a regular beta worked microstructure consisting of fine prior beta grains and acicular alpha-lamellae with no signs of the microstructural instability. Crystallographic texture after extrusion was almost identical for the two alloys indicating the similarity in their transformation behavior, which is attributed to complete dynamic recrystallization during beta processing. Microstructural features as well as crystallographic texture indicate dominant grain boundary related deformation processes for the boron modified alloy that leads to homogeneous deformation without instability formation. The absence of shear bands has significant technological importance as far as the secondary processing of boron added alloys in (alpha + beta)-phase field are concerned. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combined 3D finite element simulation and experimental study of interaction between a notch and cylindrical voids ahead of it in single edge notch (tension) aluminum single crystal specimens is undertaken in this work. Two lattice orientations are considered in which the notch front is parallel to the crystallographic 10 (1) over bar] direction. The flat surface of the notch coincides with the (010) plane in one orientation and with the (1 (1) over bar1) plane in the other. Three equally spaced cylindrical voids are placed directly ahead of the notch tip. The predicted load-displacement curves, slip traces, lattice rotation and void growth from the finite element analysis are found to be in good agreement with the experimental observations for both the orientations. Finite element results show considerable through-thickness variation in both hydrostatic stress and equivalent plastic slip which, however, depends additionally on the lattice orientation. The through-thickness variation in the above quantities affects the void growth rate and causes it to differ from the center-plane to the free surface of the specimen. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cast Mg/SiCp and AZ91/SiCp composites were successfully hot extruded vis-a-vis cast and unreinforced Mg and AZ91 alloy up to low (R=15:1) and high (R=54:1) extrusion ratios at 350 degrees C. Significant matrix grain refinement was noticed after extrusion due to dynamic recrystallization; the degree of refinement being relatively higher for the two composites. The AZ91 based materials (AZ91 and AZ91/SiCp) exhibited comparatively finer grain size both in cast condition and after extrusion due to strong pinning effect from alloying elements as well as Mg17Al12 intermetallic phase. Compositional analyses eliminated the possibility of any interfacial reaction between matrix (Mg/AZ91) and second phase reinforcement (SiCp) in case of the composites. Texture evolution shows the formation of < 10 (1) over bar0 >parallel to ED texture fibre for all the materials after extrusion irrespective of SiCp addition or alloying which is primarily due to the deformation of the matrix phase. Micro-hardness did not significantly increased on extrusion in comparison to the respective cast materials for both composites and unreinforced alloys. Dynamic mechanical analysis, however, confirmed that the damping properties were affected by the extrusion ratio and to a lesser extent, due to the presence of second phase at room temperature as well as at higher temperature (300 degrees C). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization, and grain growth phenomena of pure magnesium after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) by route A and B-C at 523 K (250 A degrees C) followed by 80 pct cold rolling. The ECAP-deformed and the subsequently rolled samples were annealed at 373 K and 773 K (100 A degrees C and 500 A degrees C). The associated changes in the microstructure and texture were studied using electron back-scattered diffraction. ECAP produced an average grain size of 12 to 18 A mu m with B and C-2 fiber textures. Subsequent rolling led to an average grain size 8 to 10 A mu m with basal texture fiber parallel to ND. There was no noticeable increase in the average grain size on annealing at 373 K (100 A degrees C). However, significant increase in the average grain size occurred at 773 K (500 A degrees C). The occurrence of different DRX mechanisms was detected: discontinuous dynamic recrystallization was attributed to basal slip activity and continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization to prismatic/pyramidal slip systems. Only continuous static recrystallization could be observed on annealing.


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Pressure-swirl nozzles (simplex nozzles) are used in various field applications such as aero-engines, power generation, spray painting and agricultural irrigation. For this particular nozzle, research in the past decade has dealt with the development of numerical models for predicting droplet distribution profiles. Although these results have been valuable, the experimental results have been contradictory, therefore fundamental understanding of the influence of properties in nozzle is important. This paper experimentally investigates the effect of surfactants on breakup and coalescence. Since most of the fuels and biofuels have low surface tension compared to water, a comparative analysis between a surfactant solution and a liquid fuel is imperative. For this experimental study, a simplex nozzle characterized as flow number 0.4 will be utilized. The injection pressures will range from 0.3 - 4Mpa while altering the surface tension from 72 to 28mN/m. By applying Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA) which is a non-intrusive laser diagnostic technique, the differences in spray characteristics due to spray surface tension can be highlighted. The average droplet diameter decreases for a low surface tension fluid in the axial direction in comparison to pure water. The average velocity of droplets is surprisingly lower in the same spray zone. Measurements made in the radial direction show no significant changes, but at the locations close to the nozzle, water droplets have larger diameter and velocity. The results indicate the breakup and coalescence regimes have been altered when surface tension is lowered. A decrease in surface tension alters the breakup length while increasing the spray angle. Moreover, higher injection pressure shortens the breakup length and decrease in overall diameter of the droplets. By performing this experimental study the fundamentals of spray dynamics, such as spray formation, liquid breakup length, and droplet breakup regimes can be observed as a function of surface tension and how a surrogate fuel compares with a real fuel for experimental purposes. This knowledge potentially will lead to designing a better atomizer or new biofuels.


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This paper provides an overview of ongoing studies in the area of thermocapillary convection driven by a surface tension gradient parallel to the free surface in a floating zone. Here, research interests are focused around the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection, also known as the transition from quasisteady convection to oscillatory convection. The onset of oscillation depends on a set of critical parameters, and the margin relationship can be represented by a complex function of the critical parameters. The experimental results indicate that the velocity deviation of an oscillatory flow has the same order of magnitude as that of an average flow, and the deviations of other quantities, such as temperature and free surface radii fluctuations, are much smaller when compared with their normal counterparts. Therefore, the onset of oscillation should be a result of the dynamic process in a fluid, and the problem is a strongly nonlinear one. In the past few decades, several theoretical models have been introduced to tackle the problem using analytical methods, linear instability analysis methods, energy instability methods, and unsteady 3D numerical methods. The last of the above mentioned methods is known to be the most suitable for a thorough analysis of strong nonlinear processes, which generally leads to a better comparison with the experimental results. The transition from oscillatory thermocapillary convection to turbulence falls under the studies of chaotic behavior in a new system, which opens a fascinating new frontier in nonlinear science, a hot research area drawing many recent works. This paper reviews theoretical models and analysis, and also experimental research, on thermocapillary connection in floating zones. It cites 93 references.


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Singular perturbation theory of two-time-scale expansions was developed in inviscid fluids to investigate patternforming, structure of the single surface standing wave, and its evolution with time in a circular cylindrical vessel subject to a vertical oscillation. A nonlinear slowly varying complex amplitude equation, which involves a cubic nonlinear term, an external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from the potential flow equation. Surface tension was introduced by the boundary condition of the free surface in an ideal and incompressible fluid. The results show that when forced frequency is low, the effect of surface tension on the mode selection of surface waves is not important. However, when the forced frequency is high, the surface tension cannot be neglected. This manifests that the function of surface tension is to cause the free surface to return to its equilibrium configuration. In addition, the effect of surface tension seems to make the theoretical results much closer to experimental results.


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The geology and structure of two crustal scale shear zones were studied to understand the partitioning of strain within intracontinental orogenic belts. Movement histories and regional tectonic implications are deduced from observational data. The two widely separated study areas bear the imprint of intense Late Mesozoic through Middle Cenozoic tectonic activity. A regional transition from Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary plutonism, metamorphism, and shortening strain to Middle Tertiary extension and magmatism is preserved in each area, with contrasting environments and mechanisms. Compressional phases of this tectonic history are better displayed in the Rand Mountains, whereas younger extensional structures dominate rock fabrics in the Magdalena area.

In the northwestern Mojave desert, the Rand Thrust Complex reveals a stack of four distinctive tectonic plates offset along the Garlock Fault. The lowermost plate, Rand Schist, is composed of greenschist facies metagraywacke, metachert, and metabasalt. Rand Schist is structurally overlain by Johannesburg Gneiss (= garnet-amphibolite grade orthogneisses, marbles and quartzites), which in turn is overlain by a Late Cretaceous hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Biotite granite forms the fourth and highest plate. Initial assembly of the tectonic stack involved a Late Cretaceous? south or southwest vergent overthrusting event in which Johannesburg Gneiss was imbricated and attenuated between Rand Schist and hornblende-biotite granodiorite. Thrusting postdated metamorphism and deformation of the lower two plates in separate environments. A post-kinematic stock, the Late Cretaceous Randsburg Granodiorite, intrudes deep levels of the complex and contains xenoliths of both Rand Schist and mylonitized Johannesburg? gneiss. Minimum shortening implied by the map patterns is 20 kilometers.

Some low angle faults of the Rand Thrust Complex formed or were reactivated between Late Cretaceous and Early Miocene time. South-southwest directed mylonites derived from Johannesburg Gneiss are commonly overprinted by less penetrative north-northeast vergent structures. Available kinematic information at shallower structural levels indicates that late disturbance(s) culminated in northward transport of the uppermost plate. Persistence of brittle fabrics along certain structural horizons suggests a possible association of late movement(s) with regionally known detachment faults. The four plates were juxtaposed and significant intraplate movements had ceased prior to Early Miocene emplacement of rhyolite porphyry dikes.

In the Magdalena region of north central Sonora, components of a pre-Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy are used as strain markers in tracking the evolution of a long lived orogenic belt. Important elements of the tectonic history include: (1) Compression during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, accompanied by plutonism, metamorphism, and ductile strain at depth, and thrust driven? syntectonic sedimentation at the surface. (2) Middle Tertiary transition to crustal extension, initially recorded by intrusion of leucogranites, inflation of the previously shortened middle and upper crustal section, and surface volcanism. (3) Gravity induced development of a normal sense ductile shear zone at mid crustal levels, with eventual detachment and southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy by Early Miocene time.

Elucidation of the metamorphic core complex evolution just described was facilitated by fortuitous preservation of a unique assemblage of rocks and structures. The "type" stratigraphy utilized for regional correlation and strain analysis includes a Jurassic volcanic arc assemblage overlain by an Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous quartz pebble conglomerate, in turn overlain by marine strata with fossiliferous Aptian-Albian limestones. The Jurassic strata, comprised of (a) rhyolite porphyries interstratified with quartz arenites, (b) rhyolite cobble conglomerate, and (c) intrusive granite porphyries, are known to rest on Precambrian basement north and east of the study area. The quartz pebble conglomerate is correlated with the Glance Conglomerate of southeastern Arizona and northeastern Sonora. The marine sequence represents part of an isolated arm? of the Bisbee Basin.

Crosscutting structural relationships between the pre-Middle Cretaceous supracrustal section, younger plutons, and deformational fabrics allow the tectonic sequence to be determined. Earliest phases of a Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary orogeny are marked by emplacement of the 78 ± 3 Ma Guacomea Granodiorite (U/Pb zircon, Anderson et al., 1980) as a sill into deep levels of the layered Jurassic series. Subsequent regional metamorphism and ductile strain is recorded by a penetrative schistosity and lineation, and east-west trending folds. These fabrics are intruded by post-kinematic Early Tertiary? two mica granites. At shallower crustal levels, the orogeny is represented by north directed thrust faulting, formation of a large intermontane basin, and development of a pronounced unconformity. A second important phase of ductile strain followed Middle Tertiary? emplacement of leucogranites as sills and northwest trending dikes into intermediate levels of the deformed section (surficial volcanism was also active during this transitional period to regional extension). Gravitational instabilities resulting from crustal swelling via intrusion and thermal expansion led to development of a ductile shear zone within the stratigraphic horizon occupied by a laterally extensive leucogranite sill. With continued extension, upper crustal brittle normal faults (detachment faults) enhanced the uplift and tectonic denudation of this mylonite zone, ultimately resulting in southwestward displacement of the upper crustal stratigraphy.

Strains associated with the two ductile deformation events have been successfully partitioned through a multifaceted analysis. R_f/Ø measurements on various markers from the "type" stratigraphy allow a gradient representing cumulative strain since Middle Cretaceous time to be determined. From this gradient, noncoaxial strains accrued since emplacement of the leucogranites may be removed. Irrotational components of the postleucogranite strain are measured from quartz grain shapes in deformed granites; rotational components (shear strains) are determined from S-C fabrics and from restoration of rotated dike and vein networks. Structural observations and strain data are compatable with a deformation path of: (1) coaxial strain (pure shear?), followed by (2) injection of leucogranites as dikes (perpendicular to the minimum principle stress) and sills (parallel to the minimum principle stress), then (3) southwest directed simple shear. Modeling the late strain gradient as a simple shear zone permits a minimum displacement of 10 kilometers on the Magdalena mylonite zone/detachment fault system. Removal of the Middle Tertiary noncoaxial strains yields a residual (or pre-existing) strain gradient representative of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deformation. Several partially destrained cross sections, restored to the time of leucogranite emplacement, illustrate the idea that the upper plate of the core complex bas been detached from a region of significant topographic relief. 50% to 100% bulk extension across a 50 kilometer wide corridor is demonstrated.

Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Magdalena region are dominated by Basin and Range style faulting. Northeast and north-northwest trending high angle normal faults have interacted to extend the crust in an east-west direction. Net extension for this period is minor (10% to 15%) in comparison to the Middle Tertiary detachment related extensional episode.


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This thesis presents the results of an experimental investigation of the initiation of brittle fracture and the nature of discontinuous yielding in small plastic enclaves in an annealed mild steel. Upper and lower yield stress data have been obtained from unnotched specimens and nominal fracture stress data have been obtained from specimens of two scale factors and two grain sizes over a range of nominal stress rates from 10^2 to 10^7 lb/in.^2 sec at -111°F and -200°F. The size and shape of plastic enclaves near the notches were revealed by an etch technique.

A stress analysis utilizing slip-line field theory in the plastic region has been developed for the notched specimen geometry employed in this investigation. The yield stress of the material in the plastic enclaves near the notch root has been correlated with the lower yield stress measured on unnotched specimens through a consideration of the plastic boundary velocity under dynamic loading. A maximum tensile stress of about 122,000 lb/in.^2 at the instant of fracture initiation was calculated with the aid of the stress analysis for the large scale specimens of ASTM grain size 8 1/4.

The plastic strain state adjacent to a plastic-elastic interface has been shown to cause the maximum shear stress to have a larger value on the elastic than the plastic side of the interface. This characteristic of dis continuous yielding is instrumental in causing the plastic boundaries to be nearly parallel to the slip-line field where the plastic strain is of the order of the Lüder's strain.


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Part I. Novel composite polyelectrolyte materials were developed that exhibit desirable charge propagation and ion-retention properties. The morphology of electrode coatings cast from these materials was shown to be more important for its electrochemical behavior than its chemical composition.

Part II. The Wilhelmy plate technique for measuring dynamic surface tension was extended to electrified liquid-liquid interphases. The dynamical response of the aqueous NaF-mercury electrified interphase was examined by concomitant measurement of surface tension, current, and applied electrostatic potential. Observations of the surface tension response to linear sweep voltammetry and to step function perturbations in the applied electrostatic potential (e.g., chronotensiometry) provided strong evidence that relaxation processes proceed for time-periods that are at least an order of magnitude longer than the time periods necessary to establish diffusion equilibrium. The dynamical response of the surface tension is analyzed within the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and a kinetic model that requires three simultaneous first order processes.


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An understanding of the mechanics of nanoscale metals and semiconductors is necessary for the safe and prolonged operation of nanostructured devices from transistors to nanowire- based solar cells to miniaturized electrodes. This is a fascinating but challenging pursuit because mechanical properties that are size-invariant in conventional materials, such as strength, ductility and fracture behavior, can depend critically on sample size when materials are reduced to sub- micron dimensions. In this thesis, the effect of nanoscale sample size, microstructure and structural geometry on mechanical strength, deformation and fracture are explored for several classes of solid materials. Nanocrystalline platinum nano-cylinders with diameters of 60 nm to 1 μm and 12 nm sized grains are fabricated and tested in compression. We find that nano-sized metals containing few grains weaken as sample diameter is reduced relative to grain size due to a change from deformation governed by internal grains to surface grain governed deformation. Fracture at the nanoscale is explored by performing in-situ SEM tension tests on nanocrystalline platinum and amorphous, metallic glass nano-cylinders containing purposely introduced structural flaws. It is found that failure location, mechanism and strength are determined by the stress concentration with the highest local stress whether this is at the structural flaw or a microstructural feature. Principles of nano-mechanics are used to design and test mechanically robust hierarchical nanostructures with structural and electrochemical applications. 2-photon lithography and electroplating are used to fabricate 3D solid Cu octet meso-lattices with micron- scale features that exhibit strength higher than that of bulk Cu. An in-situ SEM lithiation stage is developed and used to simultaneously examine morphological and electrochemical changes in Si-coated Cu meso-lattices that are of interest as high energy capacity electrodes for Li-ion batteries.