954 resultados para Tempo de experiência


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La Educación a distancia (EAD) ha sido una realidad en la formación de profesores a través de la ofrenda de diversos cursos de licenciaturas por todo Brasil, posibilitando el crecimiento de ingresantes a la enseñanza superior por estudiantes de regiones más alejadas de las grandes capitales. A esa modalidad se atribuye un valor social al tiempo que posibilita la democratización de la enseñanza por medio de la inclusión a la ciudadanía. La vida de los alumnos del interior, que desean la formación superior en el área de enseñanza, es el objeto de estudio de esta pesquisa, a través de la cual será enfatizada la historia de vida de 76 alumnos, desde el período en que realizaron el ingreso a la universidad hasta la obtención del nivel superior a través de la EAD, una modalidad de gran valor social. Se reflejará sobre la enseñanza superior en el contexto de la globalización, la importancia de la acción de esta modalidad y la manifestación de ella a través del curso de Letras Portugués/ Español en la formación de esos 76 profesores, así como la visión de los alumnos que participaron de esta formación, especialmente en la interpretación de las etapas vividas en el curso por medio de los memoriales. El proyecto de pesquisa fue realizado en el Estado de Sergipe, en El interior de Porto da Folha, localizado a 190 km de la capital Aracaju, donde los alumnos cursaron Letras Portugués/ Español en la modalidad EAD, dentro de los cuales traen perfiles diferenciados. El acceso al curso ocurrió a través del convenio entre la Universidad Tiradentes (Unit) e la Secretaria de Estado de Educación (SEED) donde este financió 100% del curso para los alumnos, que quedaron exentos del pagamento desde el inicio hasta el término del curso. A través de la investigación, in loco, documental, bibliográfica e de los memoriales, se desarrollaron las observaciones, encuestas, talleres y declaraciones, donde se buscó conocer un poco más sobre el cotidiano de los alumnos y los temas abordados en esta pesquisa. Con eso se pude ver la contribución de la EAD, como forma de democratización y emancipación social de ciudadanos de regiones lejanas, como el sertón de Porto da Folha, la cual puede ayudar a comprender y valorar la inclusión a la diversidad a partir de los saberes construidos en esa experiencia


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Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary


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The aim of this paper was to understand women s time as seen through the experiences of the women workers of Sobral-CE, who build free time and leisure time through the subjectivity of their histories as delineated by an everyday life as full of work as it is empty of leisure. The approach used here is an ethnographic one, through participative observation and narratives of working and leisure experiences. These workers everyday life reveals itself in the construction of their leisure time as related to their time of drudgery, in public as well as in private spaces. The responsibility of working away from home, as well as of carrying through domestic chores and of devoting themselves to their husband and their children was imposed upon women in a manipulative manner. This fact deprived women of their possibility of practicing and enjoying leisure activities. With the coming of the so called triple working day, women began organizing new strategies to elaborate, to organize, to create and to turn leisure activities possible. The interpretation of the trajectories of the lives of twenty women workers of a shoe plant in Sobral-CE was realized by the means of an ethnographic study. The thesis consists of the analysis of the construction of social times and of leisure practices, in a context interpenetrated by the cultural conditionings of much work and economic difficulties. The aim of the study was to understand how the women workers of Sobral-CE construct their practices and representations about free time and leisure in the web of sociabilities (possibilities, necessities, dilemmas and dreams). Everyday life is here defined as an ontological dimension of human life. Hence, it does not limit itself to the rituals, the celebrations or the exceptional conditions usually discussed by researchers


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Nesta pesquisa foram utilizadas vinte fêmeas bovinas, sem patologias aparentes nas glândulas mamárias, em lactação, objetivando avaliar estruturas anatômicas das papilas mamárias. Quatro técnicas ultra-sonográficas foram avaliadas. Utilizou-se transdutor linear de 7,5 MHz para uso endoretal, na obtenção das imagens, padronizando-se o lado direito do animal para visualização das papilas craniais e caudais, em dois planos anatômicos (sagital e transversal). Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos (G1, G2, G3, G4) que representaram as diferentes técnicas empregadas em momentos distintos (antes e após ordenha). Os resultados indicaram que entre as técnicas estudadas, as de exame direto e com uso de almofadada de silicone, foram as que apresentaram maior aplicabilidade, quando considerada a sua facilidade de uso na rotina com complementação do exame clinico. Entretanto, pólipos e cálculos lácteos tem sua extensão e localização convenientemente visibilizados mediante uso da técnica de pressão de liquido. Já a técnica de imersão em água, mostrou-se mais eficiente quanto à qualidade das imagens obtidas e na caracterização das estruturas anatômicas. O experimento realizado, traz subsídios anatomo-topográfico que irão contribuir com a qualidade do diagnóstico em pacientes que possam ter indicação cirúrgica (telotomia) e levanta questões que poderão ser respondidas conforme a casuística e a experiência consolidada do cirurgião.


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Este estudio que busca para identificar como la formación de un grupo de profesores experimentados ocurrió, el tener como objetivo para saber el modelo formativo de curso de Pedagogía conveniado con el pasillo de cuidad municipal de Teresina páctico acentuar el educativo en la forma de período supervisado de entrenamiento, para saberlos que habían sido construidos y reconstruidos por medios de learnings continuos de estas noticias para saber que son decurrente del proceso formativo. Para lograr la investigación adentro los dirigimos en la pregunta siguiente: ¿a donde estará eficaz la medida el proceso formativo en la pregunta provoque los cambios cualitativos en el práctico de los profesores, objeto de estudio? Tomando para la base este preguntar, defendimos la tesis de eso que el proceso formativo debe promover cambios cualitativos en práctico el pedagógico y en desarrollo profesional de el colectivo de experimentado profesores. En nosotros todavía los apoyamos, en las cuestiones siguientes de los norteadoras del estudio: 1- ¿Cono el proyecto formativo del departamento de métodos y las técnicas de la técnicas de la educación del UFPI era considerado, en vista del perfil de profesores con el promedio de diez años de experiencia? 2- ¿Cono el proyecto citado contribuye a la cuenta de la elasticidad del necesidades profesionales de los profesores en quienes dice práctico respecto el educativo el período del entrenamiento supervisó elevado a través en servicio? 3- ¿Que obstáculos las dificultades pedagógicas emergen del proceso formativo? Uno esta sobre una investigación que si los rellenos en os parámetros del investigación cualitativa de la matriz del etnográfica, soporte en el método de autobiogáfico, sin, sin embargo, asumís el cono solamente referencia: valorizou desde el punto de vista teórico conceptual y del perspectiva en el paradigma centrado en lo pensamiento de lo profesor. Varios autores fueran consultados para la composición de lo referencial teórico, opción esta que expresa las orientaciones de la línea de la pesquisa Formación y profesionalización docente del Programa de Pós Graduación de la UFRN. Dentre los autores podemos citar: Brzezinski; Freire; García; Gatti; Gauthier; Imbernón; Nóvoa; Nuñez; Perrenoud; Steves; Stenhouse; Schön; Ramalho; Tardif e Zeichner, entre otros. Tomando cono base es a perspectiva, consideramos que la práctica profesional debe ser iluminada por un teoria. Cuando lo profesor se apoya en una referencia su lado profesional gana una consistencia cualitativa e la aprendizaje de los alumnos consiguen niveis deseaveis. Asi, nos apoyamos nos aportes teóricos metodológicos encima citados, para iluminar nuestra relexión sobre nuestro objeto de estudio. La investigación que desarrollada teniendo cono ciudadanos 8 formadoras e 8 profesores pupilas de practico la educativa periodo supervisado del entrenamiento del curso del conveniado Pedagogía. Cono campo de la colección de información, habían estado implicados 7 escuelas de la ciudad, sitio de trabajo de los profesores y la agencia de formadora el UFPI. Los datos recogidos que analizamos habían sido recogidos por medio de cuestionarios, entrevistas biograficas, documentos personales (proyecto de la intervención práctica y diaria del el educativo), comentarios y proyecto del político pedagógico de la agencia formadora. Los resultados confirman que el modele formativo desarrollado práctico adentro el educativo el período supervisado del entrenamiento contribuyo de la manera significativa para avance del profissionalidade de los profesores. Los descubrimientos sugieren, la emergencia de un nuevo perfil de docente, siendo observado la parte de las características ligadas al sexo, edad, tiempo de ejercicio de la docencia, de la formación y de los saberes profesionales adquiridos y construidos en longo del proceso formativo. Lo proceso formativo posibilitó las docente la capacidad de transformación y rompimiento con antiguas practicas tradicionales por uso de nuevas estrategias de acción pedagógica


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It aims to consider the possible relationship between formal school education and work, from the experience of the State School House of the Minor Worker CMT of Natal-RN in this first decade of the 21st century. In this institution, children and adolescents are enrolled in the Fundamental Teaching sponsored by the State Public System studying the regular curriculum contents defined for this level of teaching, and in the opposite shift they take part in career workshops which are kept by members of a religious congregation. CMT has had as its object, since its foundation, to take children and adolescents from the streets and to provide them with a full time education associating basic education and training/qualification for the job market. In our research, we tried to learn a little bit of the expectations, concerns and knowledge of the young participants of two workshops: carpentry and bakery, so that we could gain sufficient understanding of the learning process of these youths, while still keeping an approximation with the reality of the aforementioned subjects. It was possible for us to conduct a description of the contexts and of characteristics of the subjects which make up CMT, capturing concrete aspects and aspects of the thoughts of students, teachers, instructors and coordinators. The main point of our research was: how does the approximation between formal school education and work take place in the House of the Minor Worker? To search for possible answers we have made use of basic techniques for the data construction - questionnaire, observation, conversation groups, assessment drills which allowed an approximation and a good dialogue with the participants. We also discussed the job world in the context of the capitalist exploration, from the contributions of Mèszáros (2005), Frigotto (1989); (1993); (1999); (2002); Ferretti (1994); (2004); Kuenzer (1989); (1997), in order to understand the skills demanded of the worker and the necessity of an education which allows the professional qualification of youths eager to enter the job market, through the first job. In this perspective, the study that we have systematized here aims to show the relevance of an education which manages to take a firm and conscientious stand in connection with the hegemonic capitalist project and to provide for a humane, ethical, responsible, critical and civic background


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The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruará-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history


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This research aims to identify the process of appropriation of audio visual (in digital video) for collective symbolic production (participatory video practice that expresses popular culture) in a socio-cultural context where the minorities are. Therefore, we based this study on the students‟ experience of the film and video workshops held by Cinema para Todos (Culture Point Cine for All), in Natal, RN. Culture Point is the basis of the project Programa Nacional de Cultura, Educação e Cidadania Cultura Viva (National Program of Culture, Education and Citizenship - Living Culture) of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. In 2010, the Cine for All developed three film and video workshops in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern of Brazil), in the municipalities of Açu, Lajes and São Gonçalo do Amarante, within a public policy project of socio-cultural inclusion. These three workshops are the focus of this empirical investigation. To support the analysis of this research we consider that the spaces of workshops are sites of the social practices origin, assuming they show the development of the changes of actions that generate new practices. In this socio-cultural context the students as interlocutors process the communicative culture mediation, where come from the logics of action (using digital video) to become a mediatic practice (video auto ethnographic). With the overall goal set and the field of investigative action delimited we considered the methodology of case study suitable for the observation of the object, because it is a phenomenon of modernity, occurring in a context of real life and with little or no control over events. Participant observation and interviews was also applied to this case study. The analytical theoretical support comes from the notion of mediation by Jesús Martín-Barbero and the concept of habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The research found that a new way of communicating has been developing by this social group, and this reflects the technological change experienced by them. The auto ethnographic videos, short movies, reveal an allegorical trial of the mainstream media, because while they use the mainstream format, they rework the aesthetic, but without revising the history, in fact they proposing to retell the history of themselves full of colorful details and with richness of their forgotten popular culture.


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O método para rápido aumento da produtividade fabril, aplicável principalmente à indústria brasileira de manufatura (17% do PIB), fundamenta-se exclusivamente na redução ou eliminação do tempo inativo do homem, da máquina e do material, que é a grande causa da ineficiência. O método exige a utilização de apenas cinco das mais simples, elementares e conhecidas técnicas e é aplicável às vinte situações mais freqüentes (objetos de estudo) na indústria de manufatura. Nossa experiência atesta que o método pode proporcionar à produtividade fabril um aumento superior a 30%, em poucos meses e de forma perene. Sua aplicação e a implantação das medidas dele decorrentes são feitas com extrema facilidade e, por isto, os resultados surgem muito rapidamente. Atinge portanto seu objetivo: proporcionar aumento da produtividade fabril em curto espaço de tempo. Este artigo (terceiro e último da série) detalhará doze objetos de estudo (situações): 1. redução dos tempos inativos causados por troca de turno, por refeição e por troca de produtos; 2. redução dos tempos improdutivos acarretados por causas mais importantes, por espera pelo serviço de manutenção, por espera pelo serviço de preparação, por espera pelo operador e por causas não apontáveis pelos procedimentos usuais; 3. redução das atividades improdutivas e das produtivas executadas num ritmo improdutivo; e 4. redução do tempo de espera do material em processamento pela redução do tamanho do lote de fabricação e pelo aumento da velocidade de manufatura.


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This research examines the street children s identity construction processes. Recently, the research about this population has focused on the socialization processes that organize their everyday, their situations of interaction, the meanings of their social practices, their street experience. The concept of identitary forms gives coherence to the set of these phenomena, articulating them theoretically, in order to describe their life conditions and details of their trajectories. This research utilized an ethnographic approach with a group of 11 street people, 9 of them boys and girls 16-18 years old, during 3 months. It included participant observation, informal and formal interviews, that resulted in young s narratives of lifestory. These narratives were interpreted according to the principles of positioning analysis and the Labovian Analysis model of oral narratives of personal experience. The observation of interaction among the studied group and other groups has showed that their social practices, supported on many particular bodily technologies, recreate space and time of these interactions semantically, as mediation of meaning negotiations among groups. Such meanings transform again the environment of these interactions, disclosing interpretative systems by means of which the groups apprehend this interaction in a particular way. These street children s bodily technologies imply identitary forms based on scarcity and abandonment, paradoxicalally related to their self-concept. The analysis of narratives revealed diversity and complexity in the meanings assembly for their street experience; it showed that the semantic arrangements reconstruct the temporal experience, creating a moral climate for each lifestory, and determining more or less aperture of identitary forms to change. The study concludes that space and time, builders of interaction regimes, produce identitary forms; that the narratives and the social practices of the studied group are sustained upon a master discourse that opposes the meanings of the home and the life in the streets


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Even with all changes and ruptures related to the social roles that woman had performed, the literature had confirmed that the motherhood still configures it like one of the main roles that she hopes to play in some moment of her life. When the woman did not get pregnant or take ahead a pregnancy, some women find in adoption an alternative to play this role. This research aimed to understand the experience of being mother for adoption in the case of fertile women, but whose partner is infertile. Supported by existential-phenomenological theory, used it the narrative, how methodological instrument. Participated five women, whose adoption process followed the legal ways in the Youngness and Infancy Judgeship of Natal/RN. The results showed that in the selfish training, the woman to see herself how whose role principal is to generate children, although, she think that is natural her participation in others activities go out home too. In male infertile case is a tendency that the woman strikes the infertile status too. The adoption is an alternative to fulfill her desire of being a mother and, meanwhile, please her husband and guarantee the continuity of her love relationship. Through motherly care, the woman discover herself as a mother, what brings a new meaning for her live, independent of to generate a child. Though, exit frustration, sometimes, in association with suffering, on account of the pregnancy and childbirth absence. The end of the research suggests reflections that to become fulfilled herself as mother, the woman does not need, necessarily, to generate a child, being the maternity one of the uncountable possibilities that are shown, and that she can choose, or not, accomplish it


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The depression is one of the most common forms of getting ill nowaday. Due to the increase in incidence of depression cases registered worldwide, this theme has been the subject of important studies, especially regarding the symptomatological description and biological etiology of the disease. This research had the objective to understand the unique experience of depression experienced by people who recognize themselves in depression, under the focus of existential phenomenology of Martin Heidegger. To reach the proposed objective, individuals narratives interviews were conducted with four participants, starting from the triggering question, "from your experience, how is for you to being depressed?". The survey revealed that depression affects the whole person and is related to stressful life contexts. Depression was narrated as an experience of disempowerment and lack of self esteem and personal worth. The collaborators of the research referred to the depression from sad, angry, bored and pessimistic mood. The time is experienced as a restriction to the projective opening towards the possibilities of being in which the future is seen as catastrophic and the past lived as debt and guilt. The corporeality, in depression is experienced through the weight, fatigue and pains for no reason. The space is lived from the notion of fall and collapse. We also realized the desire for isolation and avoidance of social contact. Suicide is desired and represents the end of the suffering in life. The depression has proved, still, very stigmatized, because it is discredited and misunderstood. The stigma also addressed to the experience of hospitalization and the unsuitability to the socially imposed standards of beauty, which generates enough suffering to the depressed person. The medication was described based on its positive effects, as a balance and suffering reducer, but also as a producer of dependence. Were also identified according to the collaborators, traces of selfdemand, ordenality and being-for-others, characteristic of typus melancholicus. This study contributes to an understanding of the depression that goes beyond the merely biological perspective and symptomatology of the pathology. The investigation of the depressive experience, through the lens of Heidegger's phenomenology, showed us the phenomenon of the depression in their singularity, complexity and multiple meanings, showing the close relationship between the formation of the depression and the context of personal and social life of the participants


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INTRODUÇÃO: Dados da literatura sugerem que as taxas de tromboembolismo e sangramento em pacientes com próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas podem ser muito reduzidas se a terapia anticoagulante for otimizada. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a ocorrência de complicações em portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas submetidos à terapêutica anticoagulante, otimizada por meio de ambulatório especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se a ocorrência de complicações ao longo de 10 anos em 261 pacientes com próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas, anticoagulados e acompanhados em ambulatório especializado. Esses pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos conforme porcentual de consultas com tempo de protrombina (RNI) dentro do intervalo desejado: G1-0% a 50,00% e G2-50,01% a 100% das consultas. Foram avaliadas as ocorrências de complicações tromboembólicas e hemorrágicas na sua totalidade, ou subdivididas em maiores e menores, de acordo com a gravidade. Os resultados estão apresentados sob forma de estudo atuarial e de frequência linearizada de ocorrência de eventos. RESULTADOS: O estudo atuarial mostrou que, ao longo do tempo, no grupo G2 (com 50,01% a 100% das consultas com a RNI no intervalo desejado) maior número de pacientes esteve livre da ocorrência de qualquer tipo de evento, de eventos hemorrágicos menores ou da elevação exacerbada da RNI. As frequências linearizadas de ocorrência, em todos os tipos eventos, também foram menores nos pacientes do grupo G2. CONCLUSÕES: O tempo de permanência dentro do intervalo de anticoagulação desejado está diretamente relacionado com a ocorrência de complicações. Entretanto, mesmo com acompanhamento otimizado por meio de ambulatório especializado, apenas cerca de um terço dos pacientes apresentaram nível de anticoagulação adequado em mais da metade das consultas.


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O sucesso do transplante cardíaco com portadores da doença de Chagas está condicionado a cuidados especiais durante todas as fases do transplante, com necessidade de acompanhamento específico e rigoroso pela equipe de saúde. Os receptores devem estar conscientes da permanência do Trypanossoma no organismo, e das possibilidades de reativação da infecção após o transplante. Portanto, seu conhecimento dessa condição, e a sua participação ativa no próprio tratamento, têm importância fundamental. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a experiência do transplante cardíaco vivenciada por pacientes portadores da doença de Chagas, para buscar compreender os significados que eles atribuem a esta experiência. Os procedimentos metodológicos abrangeram: a seleção dos pacientes; as entrevistas; a análise dos dados, indicando as unidades de significado e a análise individual; a busca de convergências dos discursos; e análise hermenêutica das convergências. da análise dos dados emergiram os seguintes temas: o tempo vivido pelo receptor, portador da Doença de Chagas; a concepção do TC apresentado pelo portador de Chagas; o cuidado na trajetória do TC.


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Procurou-se, neste trabalho, pensar o tempo no contexto das ciências da saúde, no qual se entrelaçam aspectos físicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos. Enquanto em nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos o tempo se apresenta sob muitas facetas, na física clássica, conforme o modelo newtoniano, assumia-se a existência de um tempo absoluto, unilinear, homogêneo e independente do observador. Com a teoria da relatividade e o estudo dos sistemas complexos, um novo conceito de tempo apresenta-se na física: o tempo fractal, o qual possibilita maior compatibilidade com as abordagens psicológicas e sociológicas. Nesta perspectiva, a experiência de vida de uma pessoa, e seus respectivos processos de construção da saúde, envolveria uma multiplicidade de tempos, que coexistem e se organizam segundo um padrão coerente de auto-similaridade. Uma quebra desse padrão estaria correlacionada com a ocorrência da doença. Sugere-se que uma abordagem mais adequada do adoecimento deveria levar em conta, como referência para o profissional de saúde, o conceito de tempo fractal, possibilitando maior sintonia do paciente com a complexidade da natureza e, por conseguinte, consigo mesmo.