940 resultados para Temperature Change
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades estruturais e termomagnéticas dos pseudobinários Ho1-yGdyAl2, através de abordagens experimentais e teóricas. A parte experimental envolveu a preparação de cinco amostras, com as concentrações y = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75 e 1, assim como medidas de magnetização, calor especifico e da variação adiabática da temperatura. Na parte teórica usamos um hamiltoniano modelo que leva em consideração a interação dos íons com o campo magnético aplicado, com o campo elétrico cristalino e a troca entre os íons magnéticos. A entropia da rede foi considerada na aproximação de Debye e a entropia eletrônica na aproximação do gás de elétrons livres. A influência das reorientações de spin, espontâneas e induzidas pelo campo magnético, na magnetização e no calor especifico foram investigadas sistematicamente tanto a partir de dados experimentais quanto teoricamente. Também obtemos resultados teóricos para a variação de entropia e variação adiabática da temperatura alterando a intensidade ou a direção do campo magnético.
O efeito magnetocalórico, i.e., o aquecimento e/ou resfriamento de um material magnético sob variação do campo magnético aplicado é a base da refrigeração magnética.O efeito magnetocalórico é caracterizado pela variação da entropia em um processo isotérmico (O efeito magnetocalórico, i.e., o aquecimento e/ou resfriamento de um material magnético sob variação do campo magnético aplicado é a base da refrigeração magnética. O efeito magnetocalórico é caracterizado pela variação da entropia em um processo isotérmico (ΔSiso) e pela variação da temperatura em um processo adiabático ΔTad.Apesar dos inúmeros trabalhos experimentais e teóricos publicados nessa área, muitos aspectos desse efeito ainda não são bem compreendidos.Nesse trabalho discutimos os efeitos da anisotropia sobre as propriedades magnetocalóricas de um sistema de momentos magnéticos localizados. Para essa finalidade, utilizamos um modelo de spins interagentes com um termo de anisotropia uniaxial do tipo DS2 z , onde D é um parâmetro. Nesse modelo, em que o eixo z é a direção de fácil magnetização, a magnitude do parâmetro de anisotropia e a direção do campo magnético aplicado têm um papel fundamental no comportamento das grandezas magnetocalóricas ΔSiso e ΔTad. Realizamos um estudo sistemático para um sistema com J = 1 aplicando o campo magnético em diferentes direções. Os resultados mostram que, quando o campo magnético é aplicado ao longo da direção z, as grandezas magnetocalóricas apresentam o comportamento normal (valores positivos de ΔTad e valores negativos de ΔSiso para ΔB > 0). Quando o campo magnético é aplicado em uma direção diferente do eixo z, as grandezas magnetocalóricas podem apresentar o comportamento inverso (valores negativos de ΔTad e valores positivos de ΔSiso para ΔB > 0) ou o comportamento anômalo (troca de sinal nas curvas de ΔTad e ΔSiso). Resultados equivalentes também foram obtidos para um sistema com J = 7=2.
Em geral, o efeito magnetocalórico (EMC) é caracterizado pela variação adiabática da temperatura (ΔTad) e a variação isotérmica da entropia (ΔST) sob variações do campo magnético. Devido as aplicações tecnológicas do EMC na refrigeração magnética, que não apresentam efeitos perigosos para o meio ambiente e tem o potencial para reduzir o consumo de energia, os estudos sobre o EMC tem crescido ao longo dos anos . Neste trabalho, estudamos as propriedades magnéticas e magnetocalóricos da série Gd (1-Y) Pr (Y) Ni2 com Y = 0; 0,25; 0,5; 0,75 e 1 A série dos compostos RNi2 compostos cristalizam na fase de Laves cúbico C15, o que torna o Campo Elétrico Cristalino cúbico um quadro adequado para descrever a anisotropia magnética sobre estes compostos . Além do modelo hamiltoniano inclui contribuições do efeito Zeeman e as interações de troca indireta entre Gd-Gd, Gd-Pr e íons Pr-Pr. Vale a pena notar que o GdNi2 apresenta um arranjo ferromagnético com temperatura de transição de cerca de 78 K e o composto PrNi2 é paramagnético. Os potenciais magnetocalóricos foram calculados e comparados com os dados experimentais. Além disso, investigamos a influência da direção do campo magnético sobre as quantidades magnéticas e no EMC investigada.
城市增温的原因包括全球变暖和城市热岛效应两个方面,二者对城市环境、社会经济和市民健康均有相当程度的影响。本文的研究目的是:(1)通过比较处于不同气候带上同样规模城市的气温变化趋势和速率差异,探讨地理位置对城市增温现象的影响;(2)通过分析近期人类活动和城市发展规模与城市增温现象的相关性,搞清楚城市化发展过程中显著影响热岛效应的因素。了解城市增温的地理分异规律及其受城市化发展的影响,对全面认识城市增温现象、积极寻求应对城市增温所造成的环境危害的策略具有重要的科学和实践意义。 本文按照经纬度在全国范围内选取6个特大城市:济南、西安、兰州、广州、上海和北京为研究对象,按城市所处地理位置分为代表水分梯度的同纬度经向分布城市,近海到内陆依次为济南、西安和兰州,以及代表温度梯度的纬向分布城市,低纬度到高纬度依次为广州、上海和北京,借助统计学方法,对各城市分别进行了年均气温比较分析,并对近期人类活动对不同城市增温效应的影响进行了分析。结果表明: 1.各城市气温均呈上升趋势,其中年均最低气温上升幅度最大,年均气温上升幅度次之,年均最高温度上升幅度最小;温度普遍升高的前提下高纬度地区温度升幅较大,内陆地区增温比近海地区大,即城市增温幅度与水分梯度和温度梯度呈负相关关系;不同城市在不同年代冷暖变化的强度和峰谷相位不尽一致,北京、西安和广州从上世纪50年代到70年代气温整体趋势变冷,其他城市缓慢升温,进入80年代后6个城市均进入加速增温阶段。 2.城市热岛效应对最低气温影响最明显,即城市最低气温与参照站差值增长趋势最为显著,其次为年均温,市区最高气温与参照站差值增长趋势最缓慢;自1978年改革开放以来,6个城市年均最低气温和年均温城乡差值均达到极显著水平,兰州最高,达0.69℃/lOa和0.49℃/lOa;从近海到内陆随着年降水量减少,3个城市(依次为济南、西安和兰州)热岛效应依次增加,从高纬度到底纬度随着温度升高(北京、上海和广州),城市热岛效应有减小趋势。 3.不同城市增温均表现出与人口(包括市辖区年末总人口、市辖区人口密度)、市辖区地区生产总值、年末实有道路面积、建成区面积和第二产业占GDP比重等代表城市发展因素的指标呈显著正相关,与绿地有关的因素,包括园林绿地面积和年末耕地面积呈显著负相关,而同样的因素对同一个城市不同气候参数的影响也不相同,最低气温对增温因子的敏感度高于其他气温参数,而对降低增温效应因子的敏感度小于其他气候参数,同样的因素对不同城市气候参数也有不同效应。 本项研究的结果证实了城市增温是一个比较复杂的过程,其中即反映了全球气候变化的大背景,也受到了影响水热环境的地理因素的制约,同时又与城市化发展的进程密切相关。
In order to design a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) machine that is able to operate safely and reliably, studies on the characterization of Second Generation (2G) HTS tapes are of paramount importance. This paper presents an experimental setup to measure critical current of 2G HTS tapes in high DC magnetic fields (up to 5 Tesla) with an AC current ripple superimposed, as well as various temperatures ranging from 25 K to 77 K. The 2G tape measured is the SGS12050 coated conductor made by SuperPower. The critical current is measured by a flux vector with reference to the widest sample face from 0 to 90 degrees in 10 degree steps. Smaller steps are required close to 0 . A Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) is utilized to control temperature change. © 2010 IEEE.
Thermal effects will make chip temperature change with bias current of semiconductor lasers, which results in inaccurate intrinsic response by the conventional subtraction method. In this article, an extended subtraction method of scattering parameters for characterizing adiabatic responses of laser diode is proposed. The pulsed injection operation is used to determine the chip temperature of packaged semiconductor laser, and an optimal injection condition is obtained by investigating the dependence of the lasing wavelength on the width and period of the injection pulse in a relatively wide temperature range. In this case, the scattering parameters of laser diode are measured on adiabatic condition and the adiabatic intrinsic responses of packaged laser diode are first extracted. It is found that the adiabatic intrinsic responses are evidently superior to those without thermal consideration. The analysis results indicate that inclusion of thermal. effects is necessary to acquire accurate intrinsic responses of semiconductor lasers. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Illustrated in this paper are two examples of altering planar growth into self-assembled island formation by adapting experimental conditions. Partial oxidation, undersaturated solution and high temperature change Frank-Van der Merwe (FM) growth of Al0.3Ga0.7As in liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) into isolated island deposition. Low growth speed, high temperature and in situ annealing in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) cause the origination of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) to happen while the film is still below critical thickness in Stranski-Krastanow (SK) mode. Sample morphologies are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or atomic force microscopy (AFM). It is suggested that such achievements are of value not only to fundamental researches but also to spheres of device applications as well. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have observed the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation induced by a transverse magnetic field and the sample temperature in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice. The observations can be very well explained by a general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunnelling current in superlattices based solely on the magnitude of the negative differential resistance region in the tunnelling characteristic of a single barrier. Both increasing magnetic field and sample temperature change the negative differential resistance and cause the transition between static and dynamic electric field domain formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We have observed the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation induced by a transverse magnetic field and the sample temperature in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice. The observations can be very well explained by a general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunnelling current in superlattices based solely on the magnitude of the negative differential resistance region in the tunnelling characteristic of a single barrier. Both increasing magnetic field and sample temperature change the negative differential resistance and cause the transition between static and dynamic electric field domain formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
It has been 10 years since the publication of the relative risk model (RRM) for regional scale ecological risk assessment. The approach has since been used successfully for a variety of freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments in North America, South America, and Australia. During this period the types of stressors have been expanded to include more than contaminants. Invasive species, habitat loss, stream alteration and blockage, temperature, change in land use, and climate have been incorporated into the assessments. Major developments in the RRM have included the extensive use of geographical information systems, uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo techniques, and its application to retrospective assessments to determine causation. The future uses of the RRM include assessments for forestry and conservation management, an increasing use in invasive species evaluation, and in sustainability. Developments in risk communication, the use of Bayesian approaches, and in uncertainty analyses are on the horizon.
Atmospheric dust as an important factor for climate feedbacks is mainly derived from and drove by the aeolian activities of the semi-arid regions in Asia. Therefore, reconstructing the history of aeolian activities in this region has a great significance in understanding the dynamics of past and future climate changes. This paper made a systematical sedimentology, geochemisty and high-resolution chronology analysis on the sediments from the Xiarinao Lake, which located in Hunshandake Desert, Inner Mongolia, and compared with the meteorological records for identifying the indicator of aeolian activities and climate changes. Based on above work, the evolution history of the aeolian activities and climate changes since 11,000 a BP was reconstructed and the dynamics of the aeolian activities and climate changes in the Hunshandake Desert was discussed. The indicator of aeolian activities was established through the comparison of the clastic and chemical records with the meteorological registers in recent 50 years: 1. The sediments of Xiarinao Lake are mainly derived from eaolian clastic materials and composed of two major components: one is the sand fraction (<4 ) similar to the composition of sand dunes, the other is the silt fraction (>4 ) similar to the atmospheric dust. The sand content and the median grain size, particularly the sand content, show a close association with the intensity of wind, indicating that the particle-size composition of the sediments reflect the variations of the aeolian activities. 2. The proportion of soluble salts relative to the total carbonates in the sediments was correlated to the arid degree registered in meteorological records, suggesting that arid degree might be associated with changes of wind speed and the relative proportion of soluble salts to the total carbonate could be used as the indicator of aridity. 3. The δ18O of authigenic calcite in the Xiarinao Lake show a well correlation with both the atmosphere precipitation and variation of the moisture indicated by the concentrations of soluble salts, suggesting that δ18O of anthigenic calcite is a reliable indicator of humidity. Based on above studies, the evolution history of the aeolian activities and climate changes since 11,000 a BP was reconstructed. At the same time, their association and underlying dynamics was discussed: 1. The evolution history of the eaolian activity was reconstructed by the sand content and median grain size. The result showed that aeolian activities had experienced several different climate periods in the Holocene: the aeolian activities fluctuated with a 500-year cycles during the interval from 10,900 to 8200 a BP; no significant aeolian activities had been developed from 8200 to 6300 a BP; during the interval of 6300 to 2600 a BP, sand content and media grain size had increased gradually, the sand content increased from about 5% to 25%, indicating the intensity of aeolian activity increased in the Hunshandake Desert; since 2600 a BP, intensity of aeolian activity has become stronger and activated the sand dunes. 2. The relative arid degree indicated by the proportion of soluble salts relative to the total carbonate show that both the wind speed and dry degree had being increased since 11,000 a BP. During the interval of 10900 to 6300 a BP, no detectable soluble salt was found in the sediments, indicating the humidity condition; the proportion increased to 20% from 6300 to 4200 a BP, showing the climate became drier; the little change of proportion (20%) suggest that the climate was relative stable during the interval of 4200 to 2600 a BP; after 2600 a BP, the proportion increased, showing the climate became further dry. 3. The δ18O evolution of the lake water was established through analysis of authigenetic calcite δ18O for revealing the variations of relative effective humidity in the Hunshandake Desert. δ18O maintained around -6 ‰ during the interval of 10900 to 8200 a BP, showing the climate was a little dry relative to that of the whole Holocnene; in the period of 8200 to 6300 a BP, δ18O had the most negative values, indicating that it was the most humid interval in Holocene; from 6300 to 4200 a BP, δ18O increased from about -7.5 ‰ to about -3 ‰ gradually, suggesting increased aridity; since 4200 a BP, the climate has become stable and dry. On the whole, the records in this study show that the variation of the relative humidity and aridity is consistent with that of summer monsoon in the Hunshandake Desert. The relationships among the grain size, soluble salts relative content, and the authigenic calcite δ18O indicate aeolian activities is controlled by the aridity in the studied area, and the increased aeolian activities is closely associated with the temperature changes under the relative dry condition. The high wind speed under the low temperature leads to the increased aeolian activity, and the temperature change associated with the aeolian activities might be related with the perturbations of the Siberian High Pressure.
This paper is concerned of the I0Be and 26A1 exposure ages of bedrocks in the Grove Mountains (GMs), inland of East Antarctica, and in the Larsemann Hills, peripheral alongshore of East Antarctica, respectively. The results of our study indicate that the higher bedrock samples in two profiles in the GMs have minimum exposure ages of-2 Ma, and their 26Al/10Be can be projected into the erosion island, which means they only have simple exposure history. The actual exposure ages may be mid-late Pliocene because the bedrocks should have erosion. The relationship between the altitudes and cosmogenic nuclide concentrations of those higher samples suggests that they have not reached secular equilibrium, means that a higher than -2300m East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) existed in the GMs before mid-Pliocene, and decreased monotonously for a period since mid-Pliocene. Lower samples of the two profiles have much younger exposure ages, and had been covered at least once obviously implicated by that their 26Al/10Be are projected down to the erosion island. Using a 10Be-26Al project figure to determine the history of the GMs samples shows that the lower samples have minimum total initial exposure and cover time of 1.7-2.8Ma, suggesting that those samples were exposed initially since about late Pliocene too, and the interior EAIS fluctuated after late Plicoene obviously. The altitudes and exposure ages of all the GMs samples indicate that the ice surface level of the interior EAIS in the GMs was >2300m during or before mid Pliocene (more than 200m higher than present ice surface level), and only rose to -2200m during the fluctuation occurred after late Pliocene, thus the elevation of the interior EAIS in the GMs after mid-Pliocene was never higher than during or before mid Pliocene even during the Quaternary Glacial Maximum. According to data from the GMs and other parts of East Antarctica, a larger East Antarctic Ice Sheet existed before mid-Pliocene, thus the elevation decrease of interior EAIS in the GMs after mid Pliocene may be a director of volume decrease of the EAIS. Since the Antarctic climate has a cooling trend since ~3Ma, similar to the global climate change, the volume decrease of the EAIS since mid-Pliocene may beause of moisture supply decrease directly rather than atmosphere temperature change. As for the Larsemann Hills, samples farther to the glacier have exposure age of 40~50ka, means they exposed in the early time of Last Glacier Cycle, obviously earlier than the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Samples nearer to the glacier have exposure ages younger than LGM. Thus, different to the GMs, exposure ages of the Larsemann Hills samples have more obvious relationship to their distance from the glacier margin rather than to the altitudes of the samples.
A complete understanding of high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced temperature changes in tissue requires insight into all potential mechanisms for heat deposition. Applications of therapeutic ultrasound often utilize acoustic pressures capable of producing cavitation activity. Recognizing the ability of bubbles to transfer acoustic energy into heat generation, a study of the role bubbles play in tissue hyperthermia becomes necessary. These bubbles are typically less than 50μm. This dissertation examines the contribution of bubbles and their motion to an enhanced heating effect observed in a tissue-mimicking phantom. A series of experiments established a relationship between bubble activity and an enhanced temperature rise in the phantom by simultaneously measuring both the temperature change and acoustic emissions from bubbles. It was found that a strong correlation exists between the onset of the enhanced heating effect and observable cavitation activity. In addition, the likelihood of observing the enhanced heating effect was largely unaffected by the insonation duration for all but the shortest of insonation times, 0.1 seconds. Numerical simulations were used investigate the relative importance of two candidate mechanisms for heat deposition from bubbles as a means to quantify the number of bubbles required to produce the enhanced temperature rise. The energy deposition from viscous dissipation and the absorption of radiated sound from bubbles were considered as a function of the bubble size and the viscosity of the surrounding medium. Although both mechanisms were capable of producing the level of energy required for the enhanced heating effect, it was found that inertial cavitation, associated with high acoustic radiation and low viscous dissipation, coincided with the the nature of the cavitation best detected by the experimental system. The number of bubbles required to account for the enhanced heating effect was determined through the numerical study to be on the order of 150 or less.
Prostate and breast cancers are two of the most common types of cancer in the United States, and those cancers metastasize to bone in more than two thirds of patients. Recent evidence suggests that thermal therapy is effective at treating metastatic bone cancer. For example, thermal therapy enables targeted drug delivery to bone, ablation of cancer cells in bone marrow, and palliation of bone pain. Thermal therapy of bone metastases would be greatly improved if it were possible to image the temperature of the tissue surrounding the disease, which is usually red bone marrow (RBM). Unfortunately, current thermal imaging techniques are inaccurate in RBM.
This dissertation shows that many of the difficulties with thermal imaging of RBM can be overcome using a magnetic resonance phenomenon called an intermolecular multiple quantum coherence (iMQC). Herein, iMQCs are detected with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence called multi-spin-echo HOMOGENIZED with off resonance transfer (MSE-HOT). Compared to traditional methods, MSE-HOT provided ten-fold more accurate images of temperature change. Furthermore, MSE-HOT was translated to a human MRI scanner, which enabled imaging of RBM temperature during heating with a clinical focused ultrasound applicator. In summary, this dissertation develops a MRI technique that enables thermal imaging of RBM during thermal therapy of bone metastases.
Mid-ocean ridges are common features of the world’s oceans but there is a lack of understanding as to how their presence affects overlying pelagic biota. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a dominant feature of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, we examined data on euphausiid distribution and abundance arising from several international research programmes and from the continuous plankton recorder. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) framework to explore spatial patterns of variability in euphausiid distribution on, and at either side of, the MAR from 60°N to 55°S in conjunction with variability in a suite of biological, physical and environmental parameters. Euphausiid species abundance peaked in mid-latitudes and was significantly higher on the ridge than in adjacent waters, but the ridge did not influence numerical abundance significantly. Sea surface temperature (SST) was the most important single factor influencing both euphausiid numerical abundance and species abundance. Increases in sea surface height variance, a proxy for mixing, increased the numerical abundance of euphausiids. GAM predictions of variability in species abundance as a function of SST and depth of the mixed layer were consistent with present theories, which suggest that pelagic niche availability is related to the thermal structure of the near surface water: more deeply-mixed water contained higher euphausiid biodiversity. In addition to exposing present distributional patterns, the GAM framework enables responses to potential future and past environmental variability including temperature change to be explored.