974 resultados para Technological changes


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Em virtude da necessidade de inovação das empresas, gerada pelas transformações tecnológicas e pela velocidade da globalização, uma tendência mundial começa a surgir: o enfraquecimento de mão de obra no setor industrial e um considerável aumento no setor de serviços. Essa realidade pressupõe a criação de várias empresas, na sua maioria, de pequeno porte, o que dá especial importância a esse estudo, pois aliado à criação de novas empresas, o seu índice de mortalidade extremamente alto indica um problema a ser investigado. Portanto, a presente pesquisa procura sugerir estratégias de marketing eficientes como fatores amenizadores desse problema, e um caminho possível para a manutenção e o desenvolvimento das pequenas empresas. Criou-se, então, um modelo para a aplicação de estratégias de marketing, específico para empresas de pequeno porte. O modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho parte de uma revisão crítica da bibliografia referente às peculiaridades das pequenas empresas, como também das práticas de marketing, e busca correlacioná -las, através de uma pesquisa descritiva no formato de estudo de caso e determinando quais as condições para o uso do marketing nas pequenas empresas, quais as estratégias compatíveis e quais as mudanças necessárias à sua prática.


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The concept of mobility, related to technology in particular, has evolved dramatically over the last two decades including: (i) hardware ranging from walkmans to Ipods, laptops to netbooks, PDAs to 3G mobile phone; (ii) software supporting multiple audio and video formats driven by ubiquitous mobile wireless access, WiMax, automations such as radio frequency ID tracking and location aware services. Against the background of increasing budget deficit, along with the imperative for efficiency gains, leveraging ICT and mobility promises for work related tasks, in a public administration context, in emerging markets, point to multiple possible paths. M-government transition involve both technological changes and adoption to deliver government services differently (e.g. 24/7, error free, anywhere to the same standards) but also the design of digital strategies including possibly competing m-government models, the re-shaping of cultural practices, the creation of m-policies and legislations, the structuring of m-services architecture, and progress regarding m-governance. While many emerging countries are already offering e-government services and are gearing-up for further m-government activities, little is actually known about the resistance that is encountered, as a reflection of civil servants' current standing, before any further macro-strategies are deployed. Drawing on the resistance and mobility literature, this chapter investigates how civil servants' behaviors, in an emerging country technological environment, through their everyday practice, react and resist the influence of m-government transition. The findings points to four main type of resistance namely: i) functional resistance; ii) ideological resistance; iii) market driven resistance and iv) geographical resistance. Policy implication are discussed in the specific context of emerging markets. © 2011, IGI Global.


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Customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects reflect a growing conceptual shift from the traditional engineering view of projects. Such projects are complex and risky because they call for both organisational and technological changes. This requires effective project management across various phases of the implementation process. However, few empirical researches have dealt with these project management issues. The aim of this research is to investigate how a “project team” manages CRM implementation projects successfully, across the different phases of the implementation process. We conducted an in-depth case study of the “Firm-Clients Branch” of a large telecommunications company in France. The findings show that, to manage CRM implementation projects successfully, an integrated and balanced approach is required. This involves appropriate system selection, effective process re-engineering and further development of organizational structures. We highlight the need for a “technochange approach” to achieve successful organisational transition and effective CRM implementation. The study reveals that the project team plays a central role throughout the implementation phases. Furthermore the effectiveness of technochange depends on project team performance, technology efficiency and close coordination with stakeholders.


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Globalization and technological changes that has happened since the 80s have brought remarkable changes in the industrial and commercial paradigm, which are expressed mainly in the international fragmentation of production and in the formation of Global Value Chains (GVC). This thesis sought to understand such phenomena and discuss new relevant variables in this context for a more accurate analysis of the current trade patterns not addressed by the seminal economic theories that relate trade and economic growth. It sought to evaluate how the trade specialization pattern of Brazil evolved compared to other economies (China, India, Russia, United States, Japan and selected Latin American economies) in the light of these phenomena from 1995 to 2011. Therefore, we have used the methodology of gross exports decomposition in value added measures, developed by Koopman et al. (2014), and indicators estimated from data of two global matrices I-O: a WIOT (2013) and the TiVA (2015). It was also tested two hypotheses regarding the role of these phenomena as determinants of economic growth in recent years: 1º) fragmentation and participation in GVC ensure higher growth rates for countries; 2º) the place (stage) in which the country finds itself in GVC associated with sectoral technological aspects is also important for economic growth. For this, we used dynamic panel models (Difference GMM and System GMM) for a sample of 40 countries from 2003 to 2011. The studies carried out on Brazil show that the country is no longer on the margins of these phenomena, because it shows increasing rates of participation in GVC, including in sectors considered most strategic for fragmentation. However, there is not a standard convergence of trade specialization of the country to those presented by developed countries or movements earned by China and Mexico in terms of their position and profile of participating in GVC. Another important result obtained by the thesis is the identification of these phenomena are in fact new variables relevant for economic growth, because it shows empirical evidences to support the hypothesis 1 and, partially, the hypothesis 2. A joint analysis of the estimated econometric results with the results of the descriptive analysis of the Brazilian economy, it leads us to conclude that the trade specialization pattern of the country in the context of the new trade setups is presented unfavorably to its growth strategy.


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Este trabalho propõe o estudo comparativo do uso de infográficos multimídia pelos sites Clarín.com, da Argentina e Folha.com, do Brasil. A pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar e analisar como esses dois importantes veículos de comunicação online da América Latina têm utilizado a tecnologia HTML5 para avançar nas possibilidades interativas do gênero jornalístico. Para tanto, a análise comparada trata da infografia multimídia, que tem passado por profundas mudanças tecnológicas, alterando o formato e o conteúdo da notícia. Além da conceituação teórica e revisão de literatura sobre infografia, newsgame, narrativa transmídia, jornalismo online, interatividade e as linguagens de programação voltadas para a produção de infografia multimídia, o trabalho realizou análise comparativa das seções Infográficos, veiculada pela Folha.com, e Especiales Multimedia, do Clarín.com. O estudo, quantitativo e qualitativo, verificou os recursos narrativos e informativos, ferramentas e tecnologias de linguagem de programação para Internet que são empregadas pelos dois meios de comunicação, com base no modelo de análise proposto por Alberto Cairo em Infografia 2.0 – visualización interactiva de información en prensa. A pesquisa demonstrou que ainda que o Clarín.com tenha utilizado a tecnologia Flash na maioria dos infográficos multimídia analisados, os resultados da análise comparada mostram que os infográficos do jornal online argentino possibilitaram níveis mais elevados de interatividade do que os infográficos multimídia da Folha.com, desenvolvidos majoritariamente em HTML5.


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News agencies compete for a foothold as providers of information and mass media. Covered by a technological class infrastructure, Associated Press, Reuters, Agence FrancePresse (AFP) and EFE are leaders of the global media system because they introduce revolutionary changes in their production routines, professional culture, journalistic genres and styles; also for its innovative product offerings and services. This article also focuses on the strategies of the agencies to get closer to their audiences, from the agreements established and the treatment of very specific themes. Some solutions that contribute to the future survival of these entities are also proposed.


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Educational systems worldwide are facing an enormous shift as a result of sociocultural, political, economic, and technological changes. The technologies and practices that have developed over the last decade have been heralded as opportunities to transform both online and traditional education systems. While proponents of these new ideas often postulate that they have the potential to address the educational problems facing both students and institutions and that they could provide an opportunity to rethink the ways that education is organized and enacted, there is little evidence of emerging technologies and practices in use in online education. Because researchers and practitioners interested in these possibilities often reside in various disciplines and academic departments the sharing and dissemination of their work across often rigid boundaries is a formidable task. Contributors to Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning include individuals who are shaping the future of online learning with their innovative applications and investigations on the impact of issues such as openness, analytics, MOOCs, and social media. Building on work first published in Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, the contributors to this collection harness the dispersed knowledge in online education to provide a one-stop locale for work on emergent approaches in the field. Their conclusions will influence the adoption and success of these approaches to education and will enable researchers and practitioners to conceptualize, critique, and enhance their understanding of the foundations and applications of new technologies.


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Global competition requires that the companies adapt themselves to technological changes rapidly, develop new products, reduce the cost, shorten the time to market, and increase the quality. In this context, supplier involvement in New Product Development (NPD) is determinant for a company to respond to the requirements of the increasingly dynamic markets. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of supplier involvement in NPD, buyer-supplier relationships and their effects on buyer’s NPD process, highlighting the benefits of supplier involvement, the barriers, the strategic aspects and industry aspects. These issues are addressed with a case study from the semiconductor industry. Besides helping to understand NPD in the semiconductor industry, the contribution and fi ndings of this work are clear: the results achieved confirm the findings of studies referred in the literature review, and confirm that the semiconductor industry sector requires a closer and more complex relationship structure with suppliers, given the specificities and challenges of the sector, such as rapid technological changes, permanent innovation, global competition, reduction of cost and time-to-market cycle, increased capacity, among other. The main contribution of the paper to the scientific literature and to managers is the better understanding of the buyer-supplier relationships in NPD in the semiconductor industry.


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This thesis is a case study of a primary school in a highly diverse urban neighbourhood in Sweden. Basic pre-conditions for intercultural school development are studied by examining the overall organisation of teaching, learning and opportunities for collaboration in the investigated case. The study focuses on the targeted support measures to enhance learning for students with an immigrant background: Mother tongue instruction, Swedish as a Second Language, and tutoring in the mother tongue, as well as looking at pedagogical support provided by the school library. The latter has a mission to promote learning and inclusion, where non-native speakers of Swedish are a prioritised group. Communities of practice linked to the work organisation at a meso-level are investigated, and the collaborative relationships between professional groups at the school involved in the various support measures. Teacher relationships and categorisations implied by support measures impact the learning spaces that are shaped for students and the teaching spaces within which teachers work. Collaborative opportunities and convergence of concerns in the teaching spaces combine to shape the overall space for intercultural development. The raw data for the case study consists of interviews, national policy documents and additional information on local work organisation gained through documents and observations. Four articles resulted from the case study, each focusing a specific support measure. An overarching analysis is then made of findings from these articles and the other dimensions of the investigation. The analysis describes the organisation in terms of monocultural or intercultural school cultures, pointing to significant characteristics of the landscapes of practice, with respect to their overall implications for the spaces of school development. In the discussion, findings are considered in relation to research on professional development in education, collaboration, democracy and inclusive schooling. The relative positioning of languages and cultures is given particular attention, to ascertain if the school culture is monocultural or intercultural in the sense given by Lahdenperä (2008), and to what extent it could enable intercultural development. Such positioning plays a role interms of affordances for identity, participation and engagement discussed by Wenger (1998). This case study should be understood against the wider background of recent social developments in Europe linked to globalisation and technological changes. It is argued that looking at the concrete specifics which facilitate or obstruct school development, and simultaneously reflecting on how the different forms of teaching interrelate in the overall organisation and in policy may provide a useful vantage point from which structural changes can be contemplated.The discussion underlines the importance of the physical localisation of activities, continuity in personal contacts and time available for joint pedagogical reflection, as basic conditions for effective intercultural dialogue in the organisation. Finally, the impact of policy is considered, looking at connections between levels of policy, expressed in official steering documents, and conditions for teaching and learning at the level of an individual school.


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Vivemos um momento de crise, com profundas mudanças globais, a nível político, económico-social e tecnológico, que afetam todos os setores de atividade de forma transversal. A iluminação não está de forma alguma imune a estas alterações. A sobrevivência das empresas requer uma atenção permanente às mudanças do mercado. As formas tradicionais de olhar os mercados e os consumidores, podem tornar-se insuficientes face à rapidez com que as mudanças ocorrem. Algumas metodologias heterodoxas de abordagem ao mercado, como é o caso do coolhunting, começam a ser olhadas de outra forma. Uma das limitações apresentadas na literatura relativamente ao coolhunting é o peso da intuição ou de outras metodologias subjetivas nos resultados obtidos. Numa altura de escassez de recursos, poderá ser problemático para um empresário apostar recursos sem poder contar com números na tomada de decisão, mas apenas em imagens e conceitos. Partindo dos resultados qualitativos de um relatório de coolhunting, este Projeto de Mestrado propõe-se criar e testar uma metodologia que seja capaz de fazer uma análise quantitativa desses resultados de forma que seja possível responder à questão: num determinado mercado que conceitos-chave poderão ter um maior potencial de difusão? Um conjunto de países, de entre os chamados BRIC e os PALOP, foram escolhidos para testar a metodologia. Foi assim possível obter valores em forma de índice comparativo desse potencial de difusão. A metodologia utilizada tem ainda um grande potencial de aperfeiçoamento. Na parte final é apresentada um conjunto de pistas com este objetivo.


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In a context of rapid demographic and technological changes, digital skills are essential in order for citizens to actively participate in society. However, digital literacy for all citizens, especially for the older population, is not yet a reality. It is increasingly crucial for active ageing, lifelong learning, and life-wide learning that the elderly learn digital skills. Intergenerational learning can play a key role in achieving a wide range of goals. This paper focuses on the contribution of intergenerational learning to digital and social inclusion. We promoted ICT intergenerational workshops and chose the case study methodolog y to study three distinct cases of intergenerational learning with ICT. The results show that intergenerational learning with ICT contributes to the digital literacy of adults and seniors and fosters lifelong learning, active ageing, and understanding and solidarity among generations. We reveal the benefits of the intergenerational learning process for all participants and suggest some ways to achieve intergenerational learning through ICT in order to build more socially and digitally cohesive societies.


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As exigências da sociedade atual obrigam a mudanças tecnológicas cada vez mais rápidas e constantes para satisfazer as necessidades empresariais, especialmente no que concerne à transmissão de informações de forma cada vez mais rápidas, mas sempre mantendo um elevado padrão de qualidade de conteúdos, bem como níveis de segurança elevados para impedir que os mesmos sejam corrompidos. Desde o aparecimento da Internet que a informação circula de forma cada vez mais veloz, em maiores quantidades e alcança cada vez mais pessoas. No entanto, nem todas as pessoas têm acesso a conteúdos de qualidade, sendo nesse ponto que o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho terá importância na respectiva área. O portveb.com é um website que pretende colmatar uma carência de conteúdos de qualidade para especialistas web designers, programadores e optimizadores de motores de busca. A importância do trabalho desenvolvido deve-se à escassez de websites da referida temática, sendo uma oportunidade para explorar a utilização de soluções técnicas como o Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javacript, PHP, MYSQL e desenvolver um website cuja funcionalidade não esteja só restrita a computadores pessoais, mas também a plataformas móveis. O desenvolvimento do website portveb.com demonstrou que a utilização das soluções técnicas já referidas foram a melhor opção do que concerne à obtenção de resultados, por assentar em plataformas onde não foi necessário elaborar um design de raíz, sendo que a interacção com bases de dados como PHP e MySQL tornaram o website mais dinâmico. A realização deste trabalho possibilitou ainda a descoberta de potencialidades do website para soluções técnicas futuras que se destinam a aumentar a partilha de conhecimento entre os utilizadores de forma mais prática e eficiente.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Arqueologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Mestrado em Economia


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Focusing on the cultural landscape of the mid-1980s, this paper explores the Australian experience of Bruce Springsteen. Australian author Peter Carey’s short story collection, The Fat Man in History, anticipates two phases of Australia’s relationship to the United States, phases expressed by responses to Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. (1984) and the 1986 blockbuster Crocodile Dundee. Springsteen’s album was received by an Australian audience who wanted to be like Americans; Crocodile Dundee, on the other hand, provided a representation of what Australians thought Americans wanted Australians to be. This paper argues that the first phase was driven by emergent technologies, in particular the Walkman, which allowed for personal and private listening practices. However, technological changes in the 1990s facilitated a more marked shift in listening space towards individualization, a change reflected in Springsteen’s lyrics.