897 resultados para Tail-approximation


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A fully discrete C-0 interior penalty finite element method is proposed and analyzed for the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) equation u(t) + gamma Delta(2)u - Delta u + u(3) - u = 0 with appropriate initial and boundary conditions, where gamma is a positive constant. We derive a regularity estimate for the solution u of the EFK equation that is explicit in gamma and as a consequence we derive a priori error estimates that are robust in gamma. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a novel multi-timescale Q-learning algorithm for average cost control in a Markov decision process subject to multiple inequality constraints. We formulate a relaxed version of this problem through the Lagrange multiplier method. Our algorithm is different from Q-learning in that it updates two parameters - a Q-value parameter and a policy parameter. The Q-value parameter is updated on a slower time scale as compared to the policy parameter. Whereas Q-learning with function approximation can diverge in some cases, our algorithm is seen to be convergent as a result of the aforementioned timescale separation. We show the results of experiments on a problem of constrained routing in a multistage queueing network. Our algorithm is seen to exhibit good performance and the various inequality constraints are seen to be satisfied upon convergence of the algorithm.


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The accuracy of pairing of the anticodon of the initiator tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) and the initiation codon of an mRNA, in the ribosomal P-site, is crucial for determining the translational reading frame. However, a direct role of any ribosomal element(s) in scrutinizing this pairing is unknown. The P-site elements, m(2)G966 (methylated by RsmD), m(5)C967 (methylated by RsmB) and the C-terminal tail of the protein S9 lie in the vicinity of tRNA(fMet). We investigated the role of these elements in initiation from various codons, namely, AUG, GUG, UUG, CUG, AUA, AUU, AUC and ACG with tRNA(CAU)(fmet) (tRNA(fMet) with CAU anticodon); CAC and CAU with tRNA(GUG)(fme); UAG with tRNA(GAU)(fMet) using in vivo and computational methods. Although RsmB deficiency did not impact initiation from most codons, RsmD deficiency increased initiation from AUA, CAC and CAU (2- to 3.6-fold). Deletion of the S9 C-terminal tail resulted in poorer initiation from UUG, GUG and CUG, but in increased initiation from CAC, CAU and UAC codons (up to 4-fold). Also, the S9 tail suppressed initiation with tRNA(CAU)(fMet)lacking the 3GC base pairs in the anticodon stem. These observations suggest distinctive roles of 966/967 methylations and the S9 tail in initiation.


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The ribosomal P-site hosts the peptidyl-tRNAs during translation elongation. Which P-site elements support these tRNA species to maintain codon-anticodon interactions has remained unclear. We investigated the effects of P-site features of methylations of G966, C967, and the conserved C-terminal tail sequence of Ser, Lys, and Arg (SKR) of the S9 ribosomal protein in maintenance of the translational reading frame of an mRNA. We generated Escherichia coli strains deleted for the SKR sequence in S9 ribosomal protein, RsmB (which methylates C967), and RsmD (which methylates G966) and used them to translate LacZ from its +1 and -1 out-of-frame constructs. We show that the S9 SKR tail prevents both the +1 and -1 frameshifts and plays a general role in holding the P-site tRNA/peptidyl-tRNA in place. In contrast, the G966 and C967 methylations did not make a direct contribution to the maintenance of the translational frame of an mRNA. However, deletion of rsmB in the S9 Delta 3 background caused significantly increased -1 frameshifting at 37 degrees C. Interestingly, the effects of the deficiency of C967 methylation were annulled when the E. coli strain was grown at 30 degrees C, supporting its context-dependent role.


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The boxicity (cubicity) of a graph G, denoted by box(G) (respectively cub(G)), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes (cubes) in ℝ k . The problem of computing boxicity (cubicity) is known to be inapproximable in polynomial time even for graph classes like bipartite, co-bipartite and split graphs, within an O(n 0.5 − ε ) factor for any ε > 0, unless NP = ZPP. We prove that if a graph G on n vertices has a clique on n − k vertices, then box(G) can be computed in time n22O(k2logk) . Using this fact, various FPT approximation algorithms for boxicity are derived. The parameter used is the vertex (or edge) edit distance of the input graph from certain graph families of bounded boxicity - like interval graphs and planar graphs. Using the same fact, we also derive an O(nloglogn√logn√) factor approximation algorithm for computing boxicity, which, to our knowledge, is the first o(n) factor approximation algorithm for the problem. We also present an FPT approximation algorithm for computing the cubicity of graphs, with vertex cover number as the parameter.


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The sparse estimation methods that utilize the l(p)-norm, with p being between 0 and 1, have shown better utility in providing optimal solutions to the inverse problem in diffuse optical tomography. These l(p)-norm-based regularizations make the optimization function nonconvex, and algorithms that implement l(p)-norm minimization utilize approximations to the original l(p)-norm function. In this work, three such typical methods for implementing the l(p)-norm were considered, namely, iteratively reweighted l(1)-minimization (IRL1), iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), and the iteratively thresholding method (ITM). These methods were deployed for performing diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction, and a systematic comparison with the help of three numerical and gelatin phantom cases was executed. The results indicate that these three methods in the implementation of l(p)-minimization yields similar results, with IRL1 fairing marginally in cases considered here in terms of shape recovery and quantitative accuracy of the reconstructed diffuse optical tomographic images. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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A new representation of spatio-temporal random processes is proposed in this work. In practical applications, such processes are used to model velocity fields, temperature distributions, response of vibrating systems, to name a few. Finding an efficient representation for any random process leads to encapsulation of information which makes it more convenient for a practical implementations, for instance, in a computational mechanics problem. For a single-parameter process such as spatial or temporal process, the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix leads to the well-known Karhunen-Loeve (KL) decomposition. However, for multiparameter processes such as a spatio-temporal process, the covariance function itself can be defined in multiple ways. Here the process is assumed to be measured at a finite set of spatial locations and a finite number of time instants. Then the spatial covariance matrix at different time instants are considered to define the covariance of the process. This set of square, symmetric, positive semi-definite matrices is then represented as a third-order tensor. A suitable decomposition of this tensor can identify the dominant components of the process, and these components are then used to define a closed-form representation of the process. The procedure is analogous to the KL decomposition for a single-parameter process, however, the decompositions and interpretations vary significantly. The tensor decompositions are successfully applied on (i) a heat conduction problem, (ii) a vibration problem, and (iii) a covariance function taken from the literature that was fitted to model a measured wind velocity data. It is observed that the proposed representation provides an efficient approximation to some processes. Furthermore, a comparison with KL decomposition showed that the proposed method is computationally cheaper than the KL, both in terms of computer memory and execution time.


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The boxicity (resp. cubicity) of a graph G(V, E) is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes (resp. cubes) in R-k. Equivalently, it is the minimum number of interval graphs (resp. unit interval graphs) on the vertex set V, such that the intersection of their edge sets is E. The problem of computing boxicity (resp. cubicity) is known to be inapproximable, even for restricted graph classes like bipartite, co-bipartite and split graphs, within an O(n(1-epsilon))-factor for any epsilon > 0 in polynomial time, unless NP = ZPP. For any well known graph class of unbounded boxicity, there is no known approximation algorithm that gives n(1-epsilon)-factor approximation algorithm for computing boxicity in polynomial time, for any epsilon > 0. In this paper, we consider the problem of approximating the boxicity (cubicity) of circular arc graphs intersection graphs of arcs of a circle. Circular arc graphs are known to have unbounded boxicity, which could be as large as Omega(n). We give a (2 + 1/k) -factor (resp. (2 + log n]/k)-factor) polynomial time approximation algorithm for computing the boxicity (resp. cubicity) of any circular arc graph, where k >= 1 is the value of the optimum solution. For normal circular arc (NCA) graphs, with an NCA model given, this can be improved to an additive two approximation algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithms to approximately compute the boxicity (resp. cubicity) is O(mn + n(2)) in both these cases, and in O(mn + kn(2)) = O(n(3)) time we also get their corresponding box (resp. cube) representations, where n is the number of vertices of the graph and m is its number of edges. Our additive two approximation algorithm directly works for any proper circular arc graph, since their NCA models can be computed in polynomial time. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the context of wireless sensor networks, we are motivated by the design of a tree network spanning a set of source nodes that generate packets, a set of additional relay nodes that only forward packets from the sources, and a data sink. We assume that the paths from the sources to the sink have bounded hop count, that the nodes use the IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA for medium access control, and that there are no hidden terminals. In this setting, starting with a set of simple fixed point equations, we derive explicit conditions on the packet generation rates at the sources, so that the tree network approximately provides certain quality of service (QoS) such as end-to-end delivery probability and mean delay. The structures of our conditions provide insight on the dependence of the network performance on the arrival rate vector, and the topological properties of the tree network. Our numerical experiments suggest that our approximations are able to capture a significant part of the QoS aware throughput region (of a tree network), that is adequate for many sensor network applications. Furthermore, for the special case of equal arrival rates, default backoff parameters, and for a range of values of target QoS, we show that among all path-length-bounded trees (spanning a given set of sources and the data sink) that meet the conditions derived in the paper, a shortest path tree achieves the maximum throughput. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present two new stochastic approximation algorithms for the problem of quantile estimation. The algorithms uses the characterization of the quantile provided in terms of an optimization problem in 1]. The algorithms take the shape of a stochastic gradient descent which minimizes the optimization problem. Asymptotic convergence of the algorithms to the true quantile is proven using the ODE method. The theoretical results are also supplemented through empirical evidence. The algorithms are shown to provide significant improvement in terms of memory requirement and accuracy.


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We report the first atomistic simulation of two stacked nucleosome core particles (NCPs), with an aim to understand, in molecular detail, how they interact, the effect of salt concentration, and how different histone tails contribute to their interaction, with a special emphasis on the H4 tail, known to have the largest stabilizing effect on the NCP-NCP interaction. We do not observe specific K16-mediated interaction between the H4 tail and the H2A-H2B acidic patch, in contrast with the findings from crystallographic studies, but find that the stacking was stable even in the absence of this interaction. We perform simulations with the H4 tail (partially/completely) removed and find that the region between LYS-16 and LYS-20 of the H4 tail holds special importance in mediating the inter-NCP interaction. Performing similar tail-clipped simulations with the H3 tail removed, we compare the roles of the H3 and H4 tails in maintaining the stacking. We discuss the relevance of our simulation results to the bilayer and other liquid-crystalline phases exhibited by NCPs in vitro and, through an analysis of the histone-histone interface, identify the interactions that could possibly stabilize the inter-NCP interaction in these columnar mesophases. Through the mechanical disruption of the stacked nucleosome system using steered molecular dynamics, we quantify the strength of inter-NCP stacking in the presence and absence of salt. We disrupt the stacking at some specific sites of internucleosomal tail-DNA contact and perform a comparative quantification of the binding strengths of various tails in stabilizing the stacking. We also examine how hydrophobic interactions may contribute to the overall stability of the stacking and find a marked difference in the role of hydrophobic forces as compared with electrostatic forces in determining the stability of the stacked nucleosome system.


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A two-point closure strategy in mapping closure approximation (MCA) approach is developed for the evolution of the probability density function (PDF) of a scalar advected by stochastic velocity fields. The MCA approach is based on multipoint statistics. We formulate a MCA modeled system using the one-point PDFs and two-point correlations. The MCA models can describe both the evolution of the PDF shape and the rate at which the PDF evolves.


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It is now possible to improve the precision of well survey calculations by order of magnitude with numerical approximation.

Although the most precise method of simulating and calculating a wellbore trajectory generally requires more calculation than other, less-accurate methods, the wider use of computers in oil fields now eliminates this as an obstacle.

The results of various calculations show that there is a deviation of more than 10 m among the different methods of calculation for a directional well of 3,000 m.1 Consequently, it is important to improve the precision and reliability of survey calculation-the fundamental, necessary work of quantitatively monitoring and controlling wellbore trajectories.


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The Mapping Closure Approximation (MCA) approach is developed to describe the statistics of both conserved and reactive scalars in random flows. The statistics include Probability Density Function (PDF), Conditional Dissipation Rate (CDR) and Conditional Laplacian (CL). The statistical quantities are calculated using the MCA and compared with the results of the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The results obtained from the MCA are in agreement with those from the DNS. It is shown that the MCA approach can predict the statistics of reactive scalars in random flows.