174 resultados para TORUS


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We study the 1-parameter Wecken problem versus the restricted Wecken problem, for coincidence free pairs of maps between surfaces. For this we use properties of the function space between two surfaces and of the pure braid group on two strings of a surface. When the target surface is either the 2-sphere or the torus it is known that the two problems are the same. We classify most pairs of homotopy classes of maps according to the answer of the two problems are either the same or different when the target is either projective space or the Klein bottle. Some partial results are given for surfaces of negative Euler characteristic. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We define topological and measure-theoretic mixing for nonstationary dynamical systems and prove that for a nonstationary subshift of finite type, topological mixing implies the minimality of any adic transformation defined on the edge space, while if the Parry measure sequence is mixing, the adic transformation is uniquely ergodic. We also show this measure theoretic mixing is equivalent to weak ergodicity of the edge matrices in the sense of inhomogeneous Markov chain theory.


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A k-L(2,1)-labelling of a graph G is a mapping f:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,k} such that |f(u)−f(v)|≥2 if uv∈E(G) and f(u)≠f(v) if u,v are distance two apart. The smallest positive integer k such that G admits a k-L(2,1)-labelling is called the λ-number of G. In this paper we study this quantity for cubic Cayley graphs (other than the prism graphs) on dihedral groups, which are called brick product graphs or honeycomb toroidal graphs. We prove that the λ-number of such a graph is between 5 and 7, and moreover we give a characterisation of such graphs with λ-number 5.


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Networking of computing devices has been going through rapid evolution and thus continuing to be an ever expanding area of importance in recent years. New technologies, protocols, services and usage patterns have contributed to the major research interests in this area of computer science. The current special issue is an effort to bring forward some of these interesting developments that are being pursued by researchers at present in different parts of the globe. Our objective is to provide the readership with some insight into the latest innovations in computer networking through this. This Special Issue presents selected papers from the thirteenth conference of the series (ICCIT 2010) held during December 23-25, 2010 at the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. The first ICCIT was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1998. Since then the conference has grown to be one of the largest computer and IT related research conferences in the South Asian region, with participation of academics and researchers from many countries around the world. Starting in 2008 the proceedings of ICCIT are included in IEEExplore. In 2010, a total of 410 full papers were submitted to the conference of which 136 were accepted after reviews conducted by an international program committee comprising 81 members from 16 countries. This was tantamount to an acceptance rate of 33%. From these 136 papers, 14 highly ranked manuscripts were invited for this Special Issue. The authors were advised to enhance their papers significantly and submit them to undergo review for suitability of inclusion into this publication. Of those, eight papers survived the review process and have been selected for inclusion in this Special Issue. The authors of these papers represent academic and/or research institutions from Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea and USA. These papers address issues concerning different domains of networks namely, optical fiber communication, wireless and interconnection networks, issues related to networking hardware and software and network mobility. The paper titled “Virtualization in Wireless Sensor Network: Challenges and Opportunities” argues in favor of bringing in different heterogeneous sensors under a common virtual framework so that the issues like flexibility, diversity, management and security can be handled practically. The authors Md. Motaharul Islam and Eui-Num Huh propose an architecture for sensor virtualization. They also present the current status and the challenges and opportunities for further research on the topic. The manuscript “Effect of Polarization Mode Dispersion on the BER Performance of Optical CDMA” deals with impact of polarization mode dispersion on the bit error rate performance of direct sequence optical code division multiple access. The authors, Md. Jahedul Islam and Md. Rafiqul Islam present an analytical approach toward determining the impact of different performance parameters. The authors show that the bit error rate performance improves significantly by the third order polarization mode dispersion than its first or second order counterparts. The authors Md. Shohrab Hossain, Mohammed Atiquzzaman and William Ivancic of the paper “Cost and Efficiency Analysis of NEMO Protocol Entities” present an analytical model for estimating the cost incurred by major mobility entities of a NEMO. The authors define a new metric for cost calculation in the process. Both the newly developed metric and the analytical model are likely to be useful to network engineers in estimating the resource requirement at the key entities while designing such a network. The article titled “A Highly Flexible LDPC Decoder using Hierarchical Quasi-Cyclic Matrix with Layered Permutation” deals with Low Density Parity Check decoders. The authors, Vikram Arkalgud Chandrasetty and Syed Mahfuzul Aziz propose a novel multi-level structured hierarchical matrix approach for generating codes of different lengths flexibly depending upon the requirement of the application. The manuscript “Analysis of Performance Limitations in Fiber Bragg Grating Based Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer due to Crosstalk” has been contributed by M. Mahiuddin and M. S. Islam. The paper proposes a new method of handling crosstalk with a fiber Bragg grating based optical add drop multiplexer (OADM). The authors show with an analytical model that different parameters improve using their proposed OADM. The paper “High Performance Hierarchical Torus Network Under Adverse Traffic Patterns” addresses issues related to hierarchical torus network (HTN) under adverse traffic patterns. The authors, M.M. Hafizur Rahman, Yukinori Sato, and Yasushi Inoguchi observe that dynamic communication performance of an HTN under adverse traffic conditions has not yet been addressed. The authors evaluate the performance of HTN for comparison with some other relevant networks. It is interesting to see that HTN outperforms these counterparts in terms of throughput and data transfer under adverse traffic. The manuscript titled “Dynamic Communication Performance Enhancement in Hierarchical Torus Network by Selection Algorithm” has been contributed by M.M. Hafizur Rahman, Yukinori Sato, and Yasushi Inoguchi. The authors introduce three simple adapting routing algorithms for efficient use of physical links and virtual channels in hierarchical torus network. The authors show that their approaches yield better performance for such networks. The final title “An Optimization Technique for Improved VoIP Performance over Wireless LAN” has been contributed by five authors, namely, Tamal Chakraborty, Atri Mukhopadhyay, Suman Bhunia, Iti Saha Misra and Salil K. Sanyal. The authors propose an optimization technique for configuring the parameters of the access points. In addition, they come up with an optimization mechanism in order to tune the threshold of active queue management system appropriately. Put together, the mechanisms improve the VoIP performance significantly under congestion. Finally, the Guest Editors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the 15 reviewers besides the guest editors themselves (Khalid M. Awan, Mukaddim Pathan, Ben Townsend, Morshed Chowdhury, Iftekhar Ahmad, Gour Karmakar, Shivali Goel, Hairulnizam Mahdin, Abdullah A Yusuf, Kashif Sattar, A.K.M. Azad, F. Rahman, Bahman Javadi, Abdelrahman Desoky, Lenin Mehedy) from several countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, Pakistan, UK and USA) who have given immensely to this process. They have responded to the Guest Editors in the shortest possible time and dedicated their valuable time to ensure that the Special Issue contains high-quality papers with significant novelty and contributions.


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Foram analisados espectros óticos de fenda longa de 29 galáxias que hospedam núcleos ativos (AGNs), sendo 6 galáxias Seyfert 1, 18 galáxias Seyfert 2, 4 Rádio-galáxias de linhas estreitas (NLRG) e 1 Rádio-galáxia de linhas largas (BLRG). Estas galáxias apresentam emissão por gás de alta excitação que se estende em alguns casos a 10 kpc do núcleo. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em estudar e caracterizar as propriedades físicas da região estendida de linhas estreitas (ENLR) destes objetos bem como propriedades da fonte central. A distribuição radial de parâmetros que caracterizam o gás emissor em cada galáxia, tais como brilho superficial das linhas de emissão, densidade do gás, massa, extinção e excitação são obtidos. Estes valores característicos são comparados entre as diferentes classes de atividade nuclear presentes em nossa amostra, bem como às propriedades de galáxias normais com o mesmo tipo de Hubble quando possível. Nós encontramos que a massa de gás ionizado é consistente com a hipótese de que o gás é “originado” na fotoionização pela fonte central das nuvens de HI préexistentes na galáxia hospedeira. Os valores observados das razões entre as linhas estreitas de emissão são comparados com os obtidos através de modelos de fotoionização gerados com o código MAPPINGS Ic, obtendo os parâmetros do modelo – densidade, índice espectral da distribuição de energia e da metalicidade do gás – que melhor reproduzem as observações. Observamos que a variação da abundância química do gás é necessária para explicar o espalhamento nos valores observados. Adicionalmente, comparamos os valores observados com os obtidos com modelos de choques gerados por Dopita & Sutherland. Investigamos também a influência da emissão proveniente de regiões HII ao espectro observado – a qual concluímos ser importante particularmente nas regiões emissoras mais distantes do que 2 kpc do núcleo. Nós determinamos a luminosidade ionizante da fonte central nos AGNs usando a aproximação de que as nuvens de gás são limitadas por radiação, e obtivemos os correspondentes valores para o fator de cobertura do gás. Esta luminosidade ionizante foi então comparada com a luminosidade observada em raios-X na banda 2 –10 keV, através de aproximações para a distribuição espectral de energia (SED). Para 9 galáxias Seyfert 2 a luminosidade observada está disponível, e verificamos que nosso método recupera a luminosidade do AGN em raios-X – assim como obtida dos dados do satélite ASCA – bem como identifica os 3 casos Compton espessos. Por fim, investigamos a natureza do contínuo infravermelho (IR) médio e distante – comparandose a luminosidade observada no IR, calculada a partir dos fluxos IRAS, com a luminosidade predita para um toro que envolve a fonte central absorvendo a radiação incidente e re-emitindo esta no infravermelho. Encontramos que a luminosidade observada no IR é consistente com a luminosidade predita para o torus.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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2-Keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) aldolase from Pseudomonas putida is a key enzyme in the Entner-Doudoroff pathway which catalyses the cleavage of KDPG via a class I Schiff-base mechanism. The crystal structure of this enzyme has been refined to a crystallographic residual R = 17.1% (R-free = 21.4%). The N-terminal helix caps one side of the torus of the (betaalpha)(8)-barrel and the active site is located on the opposite, carboxylic side of the barrel. The Schiff-base-forming Lys145 is coordinated by a sulfate (or phosphate) ion and two solvent water molecules. The interactions that stabilize the trimer are predominantly hydrophobic, with the exception of the cyclically permuted bonds formed between Glu132 OE1 of one molecule and Thr129 OG1 of a symmetry-equivalent molecule. Except for the N-terminal helix, the structure of KDPG aldolase from P. putida closely resembles the structure of the homologous enzyme from Escherichia coli.


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The main purpose of this work is to study fixed points of fiber-preserving maps over the circle S(1) for spaces which are fiber bundles over S(1) and the fiber is the Klein bottle K. We classify all such maps which can be deformed fiberwise to a fixed point free map. The similar problem for torus fiber bundles over S(1) has been solved recently.


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Bone exostosis has long been described in the literature, appearing in most cases as a torus palatinus or mandibularis. These two variations are relatively common and affect approximately 30% of the world's population. Incidence is even higher when human skulls are examined post mortem, indicating that in some cases the exostosis is small and cannot be seen under the soft tissue. Removal of an exostosis is usually associated with the construction of a prothesis, but in rare cases such as the present, the lesion enlarges enough to affect speech and feeding. Few studies have reported the removal of such a large exostosis, and all were conducted in a hospital environment. In this case, complete removal was successfully conducted in an ambulatory clinic under local anesthesia.


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Motivated by return maps near saddles for three-dimensional flows and also by return maps in the torus associated to Cherry flows, we study gap maps with derivative positive and smaller than one outside the discontinuity point. We prove that the lamination of infinitely renormalizable maps (or else maps with irrational rotation numbers) has analytic leaves in a natural subset of a Banach space of analytic maps of this kind. With maps having Hölder continuous derivative and derivative bounded away from zero, we also prove Hölder continuity of holonomies of the lamination and also of conjugacies between maps having the same combinatorics. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)