980 resultados para Sports activities


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Abstrac: Today our society is constantly facing the need to adapt to a globalized world; ever changing life styles increase social differences; this circumstance leads to critical situations such as: extreme poverty, undernourishment, the need of a dignified life, shelter, clothing and labor; elements that become obstacles in building a culture of peace. Among the multiplicity of activities that contribute to peace; we will focus on highlighting the importance of sport as a bond of peace in which human beings find the ability to live and coexist peacefully. Considering including education for peace through sports, as it is a global medium that is not distinguished among cultures and which can be achieved with study, practice and internalization of values, lifestyles and education, would mean building a sense of enduring peace in our daily lives. En la actualidad nuestra sociedad se enfrenta constantemente a la necesidad de adaptación en un mundo globalizado; los cambios de ritmos de vida y el crecimiento de las diferencias sociales, son circunstancias que han generado situaciones críticas como la pobreza extrema, desnutrición, necesidad de una vida digna, vivienda, vestido y trabajo, elementos que se convierten en obstáculos en la construcción de una cultura de paz. Dentro de la multiplicidad de actividades que contribuyen a la paz, nos centraremos en destacar la relevancia del deporte como vínculo de paz en el que los seres humanos encuentran esa capacidad de vivir y convivir pacíficamente. Consideramos incluso la educación para la paz a través de los deportes, ya que son un medio global que no distingue entre culturas y que se puede lograr con el estudio, la práctica y la interiorización de valores, estilos de vida y educación, con lo cual estaríamos construyendo una idea de paz perdurable en nuestra vida diaria.


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The purpose of this research is to examine the utility of a theoretical model to predict parental involvement activities in children’s sport. Participants included 486 parents of young athletes of various sports, subdivided in two studies (n1 = 206, n2 = 280). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) conducted in Study 1 supported the proposed measurement model. All factors also show reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. In the Study 2, a structural equation model demonstrated that the parental role beliefs, parental self-efficacy, perceptions of child invitations, selfperceived time and energy, and knowledge and skills predicted parents’ home-based involvement. Perceptions of coach invitations were a significant negative predictor. These same constructs, with the exception of perceptions of knowledge and skills and perceptions of coach invitations, predicted parents’ club-based involvement. Multi-group analysis demonstrated the invariance of the model. Findings suggest that this model offers a useful framework to understand parents’ home and clubbased involvement.


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This paper analyses the concept of public interest in sport and the criteria that must be taken into consideration in terms of Government support to clubs and sports associations. The data was collected through semi structured interviews that were applied to nine sports directors with board responsibilities: seven of them from sport clubs and sport associations, and two of them from public administration. The directors pointed out that sport is considered to be of public interest when: it is developed in the concept of “sport for all”, provides health benefi ts and serves as a means of education and social development. Regarding advantages used with public utility status, tax benefi ts and partnerships with the sports system organizations were the most mentioned aspects. Given a better use of fi nancial resources provided by public administration to clubs and associations, sport directors believe that the Government should have a strategy focused on setting priorities and ranking fi nancing criteria for sport. If the government had that strategy, the development of sports results would be much better. The participants also suggest that the Government should conduct an assessment of the social role of sport clubs and associations, according to the public and social interest of sport. In conclusion, sport and physical activity should be considered as public interest activities, provided that: are able to ensure positive effects on health plans and wellness, provide a qualitative and sustainable sport development, improve economic and social development of a population.


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A new Expiratory Droplet Investigation System (EDIS) was used to conduct the most comprehensive program of study to date, of the dilution corrected droplet size distributions produced during different respiratory activities.----- Distinct physiological processes were responsible for specific size distribution modes. The majority of particles for all activities were produced in one or more modes, with diameters below 0.8 µm. That mode occurred during all respiratory activities, including normal breathing. A second mode at 1.8 µm was produced during all activities, but at lower concentrations.----- Speech produced particles in modes near 3.5 µm and 5 µm. The modes became most pronounced during continuous vocalization, suggesting that the aerosolization of secretions lubricating the vocal chords is a major source of droplets in terms of number.----- Non-eqilibrium droplet evaporation was not detectable for particles between 0.5 and 20 μm implying that evaporation to the equilibrium droplet size occurred within 0.8 s.


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Extreme sports have unfortunately gained a reputation for being risk focused and adrenaline fuelled. This perspective has obscured the place of the natural world, making extreme athletes appear to seek to conquer, compete against or defeat natural forces. In contrast, this paper explores findings from a larger hermeneutic phenomenological study that suggests extreme sports can initiate a positive change in participants’ relationships with the natural world. Data sources include first-hand accounts of extreme sports participants such as biographies, videos, papers and journals as well as interviews with ten male and five female extreme sports participants. Reports indicate that extreme sport participants develop feelings of connection to the natural world and describe themselves as being at one with the natural world or connected through a life enhancing energy. The paper draws on theoretical perspectives in ecopsychology which suggest that feeling connected to nature leads to a desire to care for the natural world and contributes to more environmentally sustainable practices.


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There is increased recognition that determinants of health should be investigated in a life-course perspective. Retirement is a major transition in the life course and offers opportunities for changes in physical activity that may improve health in the aging population. The authors examined the effect of retirement on changes in physical activity in the GLOBE Study, a prospective cohort study known by the Dutch acronym for "Health and Living Conditions of the Population of Eindhoven and surroundings," 1991–2004. They followed respondents (n = 971) by postal questionnaire who were employed and aged 40–65 years in 1991 for 13 years, after which they were still employed (n = 287) or had retired (n = 684). Physical activity included 1) work-related transportation, 2) sports participation, and 3) nonsports leisure-time physical activity. Multinomial logistic regression analyses indicated that retirement was associated with a significantly higher odds for a decline in physical activity from work-related transportation (odds ratio (OR) = 3.03, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.97, 4.65), adjusted for sex, age, marital status, chronic diseases, and education, compared with remaining employed. Retirement was not associated with an increase in sports participation (OR = 1.12, 95% CI: 0.71, 1.75) or nonsports leisure-time physical activity (OR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.54, 1.19). In conclusion, retirement introduces a reduction in physical activity from work-related transportation that is not compensated for by an increase in sports participation or an increase in nonsports leisure-time physical activity.


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This research investigates the prevalence of sports-related terms among the Web sites of the world’s leading companies, the Fortune Global 500. An automated process copied about four gigabytes of textual data, around 70 million words, from their sites. The subsequent analysis revealed regional and industry differences in the distribution of sports-related terms, the popularity of tennis stars and few references to sports stars, especially in Asia.


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Technology is continually changing, and evolving, throughout the entire construction industry; and particularly in the design process. One of the principal manifestations of this is a move away from team working in a shared work space to team working in a virtual space, using increasingly sophisticated electronic media. Due to the significant operating differences when working in shared and virtual spaces adjustments to generic skills utilised by members is a necessity when moving between the two conditions. This paper reports an aspect of a CRC-CI research project based on research of ‘generic skills’ used by individuals and teams when engaging with high bandwidth information and communication technologies (ICT). It aligns with the project’s other two aspects of collaboration in virtual environments: ‘processes’ and ‘models’. The entire project focuses on the early stages of a project (i.e. design) in which models for the project are being developed and revised. The paper summarises the first stage of the research project which reviews literature to identify factors of virtual teaming which may affect team member skills. It concludes that design team participants require ‘appropriate skills’ to function efficiently and effectively, and that the introduction of high band-width technologies reinforces the need for skills mapping and measurement.


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Team games conceptualized as dynamical systems engender a view of emergent decision-making behaviour under constraints, although specific effects of instructional and body-scaling constraints have yet to be verified empirically. For this purpose, we studied the effects of task and individual constraints on decision-making processes in basketball. Eleven experienced female players performed 350 trials in 1 vs. 1 sub-phases of basketball in which an attacker tried to perturb the stable state of a dyad formed with a defender (i.e. break the symmetry). In Experiment 1, specific instructions (neutral, risk taking or conservative) were manipulated to observe effects on emergent behaviour of the dyadic system. When attacking players were given conservative instructions, time to cross court mid-line and variability of the attacker's trajectory were significantly greater. In Experiment 2, body-scaling of participants was manipulated by creating dyads with different height relations. When attackers were considerably taller than defenders, there were fewer occurrences of symmetry-breaking. When attackers were considerably shorter than defenders, time to cross court mid-line was significantly shorter than when dyads were composed of athletes of similar height or when attackers were considerably taller than defenders. The data exemplify how interacting task and individual constraints can influence emergent decision-making processes in team ball games.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a contemporary summary of statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures that have relevance to the type of experimental designs often used by sport scientists when examining differences/change in dependent measure(s) as a result of one or more independent manipulation(s). Using worked examples from studies on observational learning in the motor behaviour literature, we adopt a random effects model and give a detailed explanation of the statistical procedures for the three types of raw score difference-based analyses applicable to between-participant, within-participant, and mixed-participant designs. Major merits and concerns associated with these quantitative procedures are identified and agreed methods are reported for minimizing biased outcomes, such as those for dealing with multiple dependent measures from single studies, design variation across studies, different metrics (i.e. raw scores and difference scores), and variations in sample size. To complement the worked examples, we summarize the general considerations required when conducting and reporting a meta-analysis, including how to deal with publication bias, what information to present regarding the primary studies, and approaches for dealing with outliers. By bringing together these statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures, we provide the tools required to clarify understanding of key concepts and principles.