115 resultados para Specializing
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Résumé : Une définition opérationnelle de la dyslexie qui est adéquate et pertinente à l'éducation n'a pu être identifiée suite à une recension des écrits. Les études sur la dyslexie se retrouvent principalement dans trois champs: la neurologie, la neurolinguistique et la génétique. Les résultats de ces recherches cependant, se limitent au domaine médical et ont peu d'utilité pour une enseignante ou un enseignant. La classification de la dyslexie de surface et la dyslexie profonde est la plus appropriée lorsque la dyslexie est définie comme trouble de lecture dans le contexte de l'éducation. L'objectif de ce mémoire était de développer un cadre conceptuel théorique dans lequel les troubles de lecture chez les enfants dyslexiques sont dû à une difficulté en résolution de problèmes dans le traitement de l'information. La validation du cadre conceptuel a été exécutée à l'aide d'un expert en psychologie cognitive, un expert en dyslexie et une enseignante. La perspective de la résolution de problèmes provient du traitement de l'information en psychologie cognitive. Le cadre conceptuel s'adresse uniquement aux troubles de lectures qui sont manifestés par les enfants dyslexiques.||Abstract : An extensive literature review failed to uncover an adequate operational definition of dyslexia applicable to education. The predominant fields of research that have produced most of the studies on dyslexia are neurology, neurolinguistics and genetics. Their perspectives were shown to be more pertinent to medical experts than to teachers. The categorization of surface and deep dyslexia was shown to be the best description of dyslexia in an educational context. The purpose of the present thesis was to develop a theoretical conceptual framework which describes a link between dyslexia, a text-processing model and problem solving. This conceptual framework was validated by three experts specializing in a specific field (either cognitive psychology, dyslexia or teaching). The concept of problem solving was based on information-processing theories in cognitive psychology. This framework applies specifically to reading difficulties which are manifested by dyslexic children.
During 2012-2013, the homicide rate in El Salvador came down from 69.9 to 42.2 per 100,000 population following a truce between the leaders of the two major gangs, “Mara Salvatrucha” and “Barrio 18”, and government. But despite the apparent successes of the truce, it was speculated that the drop in murders could have been due to the killers simply hid the bodies of their victims. This paper aims at determining whether gangs effectively disappeared their victims to cut down the official counts of murders, or they committed these crimes for other reasons. The results from this study suggest that Salvadoran gangs had been using disappearance as a resource to gain sustained social control among residents of already gang-dominated areas, that together with homicide, disappearance is part of a process of territorial spread and strategic strengthening by which these groups are enhancing their capabilities to interfere in the alliances of Mexican drug trafficking organizations with Central American criminal organizations specializing in the transshipment of drugs and in providing access to local markets to distribute and sell drugs. Our findings show that the risk for disappearance has been large even before the truce was in place and that actually, it continues as such and going through a process of geographic expansion.
Terms like Internet, cyberspace, virtual reality, in short, globalization, have been frequently words for all of us, in recent years. This refers to the phenomenon that has shaken the people of this world. Are rapidly changing due to technological advances and complex levels reaching relations between countries, corporations, partnerships and people.The attempt to understand the phenomenon of globalization is compounded when we try to understand the term, coined by Marshall McLuhan.McLuhan was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and studied at the Universities of Manitoba and Cambridge, the latter of which he received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy specializing in English Literature. He taught at the universities of Wisconsin and St. Louis and University of the Assumption and Saint Michael's College, University of Toronto, where he was director of the Center for Culture and Technology.Marshall McLuhan and B. R. Powers, wrote the play, The Village Global1. The universe has become a village is the future predicted for them in the 60's. Today reality has overtaken the theory. However, this phenomenon is presented in this work, so whimsical style reminiscent of Jules Verne, but does not clarify the content of the term. While we believe that in the past there were attempts; globalize these attempts were very different from what we understand by globalization.
A pesar de que conservamos el nombre arcaico, ligado a la concepción del libro y de la biblioteca como depósito de libros, frente a un acelerado desarrollo que involucro tecnologías y materiales digitales en el manejo de información, es un hecho que en las últimas décadas el prestigio del bibliotecario como erudito y especialista ha cambiado por el de ser un buscador y un proveedor ágil y especializado en la amplia gama de recursos informativos que nos rodea.La tendencia más seguida es que la profesión debe cambiar pasando a enfatizar otras habilidades como la gerencia, puesto que las bibliotecas serán evaluadas por los servicios que ofrecen y no tanto por los acervos que poseen. Sin embargo, que las bibliotecas como tal persisten es un hecho que se comprueba con la famosa Biblioteca de París, que está diseñada en forma de libro precisamente.
We compute how bulk loops renormalize both bulk and brane effective interactions for codimension-two branes in 6D gauged chiral supergravity, as functions of the brane tension and brane-localized flux. We do so by explicitly integrating out hyper- and gauge-multiplets in 6D gauged chiral supergravity compactified to 4D on a flux-stabilized 2D rugby-ball geometry, specializing the results of a companion paper, arXiv:1210.3753 , to the supersymmetric case. While the brane back-reaction generically breaks supersymmetry, we show that the bulk supersymmetry can be preserved if the amount of brane- localized flux is related in a specific BPS-like way to the brane tension, and verify that the loop corrections to the brane curvature vanish in this special case. In these systems it is the brane-bulk couplings that fix the size of the extra dimensions, and we show that in some circumstances the bulk geometry dynamically adjusts to ensure the supersymmetric BPS-like condition is automatically satisfied. We investigate the robustness of this residual supersymmetry to loops of non-supersymmetric matter on the branes, and show that supersymmetry- breaking effects can enter only through effective brane-bulk interactions involving at least two derivatives. We comment on the relevance of this calculation to proposed applications of codimension-two 6D models to solutions of the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems. © 2013 SISSA.
Audit firms are organized along industry lines and industry specialization is a prominent feature of the audit market. Yet, we know little about how audit firms make their industry portfolio decisions, i.e., how audit firms decide which set of industries to specialize in. In this study, I examine how the linkages between industries in the product space affect audit firms’ industry portfolio choice. Using text-based product space measures to capture these industry linkages, I find that both Big 4 and small audit firms tend to specialize in industry-pairs that 1) are close to each other in the product space (i.e., have more similar product language) and 2) have a greater number of “between-industries” in the product space (i.e., have a greater number of industries with product language that is similar to both industries in the pair). Consistent with the basic tradeoff between specialization and coordination, these results suggest that specializing in industries that have more similar product language and more linkages to other industries in the product space allow audit firms greater flexibility to transfer industry-specific expertise across industries as well as greater mobility in the product space, hence enhancing its competitive advantage. Additional analysis using the collapse of Arthur Andersen as an exogenous supply shock in the audit market finds consistent results. Taken together, the findings suggest that industry linkages in the product space play an important role in shaping the audit market structure.
O presente Relatório está contextualizado no plano curricular de estágio do 1º Mestrado em Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre - Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, na Área de Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, que decorreu entre 14 de Fevereiro a 30 de Junho de 2011. O estágio foi dividido em duas áreas de intervenção comunitárias distintas: a primeira na área da educação sexual na adolescência que se realizou na Escola Secundária Mouzinho da Silveira e na Escola Secundária de São Lourenço, surgindo como resposta a um projeto trabalho conjunto entre esta escola e a Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre, onde foi realizado por nós um diagnóstico de situação. A segunda intervenção surge na área da promoção da imagem da Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre, que visou facilitar as escolhas da vida profissional através da promoção da imagem da escola e do conhecimento da oferta formativa nela existente junto dos alunos do 9º e 12º anos do concelho de Portalegre e na informação para o desenvolvimento e promoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis por parte dos jovens e ainda a demonstração da execução do suporte básico de vida. A população alvo de intervenção foram os alunos do 8º,9º 10º, entre os 13 e os 22 anos, num total de 693 jovens. Os objetivos do estágio foram: adquirir competências tendo por base a metodologia do planeamento em saúde, na avaliação do estado de saúde desta comunidade; bem como: Contribuir para o processo de capacitação desta comunidade. Conhecer os comportamentos e os estilos de vida dos adolescentes, integrados no sistema educativo. Em relação ao relatório de estagio o principal objetivo foi: encontrar respostas honestas e proceder a uma auto-avaliação construtiva e de aprendizagem pessoal (Soares et al 1997: 36)
De modo a terminar o mestrado em Gestão, especialização em Recursos Humanos, considerou-se pertinente a realização de um estágio em contexto laboral, como forma a melhorar as competências técnicas e comportamentais. O estágio teve dois objectivos: aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos na primeira fase do mestrado e pesquisa de uma oportunidade de inserção no mercado de trabalho. O mesmo foi realizado na Caixa Geral Depósitos (CGD), empresa escolhida devido à posição de destaque que assume em Portugal e por se considerar que é uma organização líder e forte em muitos aspectos, nomeadamente em áreas da gestão de recursos humanos. Apesar das múltiplas abordagens que a gestão de recursos humanos tem e devido à especialização existente na CGD nesta área, o estágio foi essencialmente centrado no âmbito da formação. Considera-se que trabalhar nessa área trará bastantes beneficias pessoais uma vez que me dotará de competências fundamentais para enfrentar a realidade empresarial actual, que é fortemente acentuada na gestão do conhecimento. ABSTRACT: ln order to finish the master degree in Management, specializing in Human Resources, a pertinent stage-based learning was considered as a way to improve technical and behavioral skills. This stage had two targets: application of the obtained knowledge during the first stage of the master degree, and search for an opportunity of entering the labor market. This same stage was done at Caixa Geral Depósitos (CGD), a company that was chosen because of its prominent position assumed in Portugal, and is also considered a leading and strong organization in many areas, particularly human resource management. Despite the multiple approaches that human resources management has, and due to the know-how of CGD in this area, the stage was mainly focused in the training. It is considered that work in this area will bring many personal benefits as it will give me fundamental skills to deal with the actual business reality, which is strongly marked in knowledge management.
In the early twentieth century, musicology was established as an academic discipline in the United States. Nonetheless, with the exception of Iberian medieval and Renaissance repertories, U.S. scholars largely overlooked the music of the Spanish- and Portuguese- speaking world. Why should this have been the case, especially in light of Spain’s strong historical presence in the United States? This autobiographical essay examines this question by tracing the career of an individual musicologist, the Hispanist musicologist Carol A. Hess. Evaluated here are disciplinary shifts in U.S. musicology —methodological, philosophical, and ideological— over the past thirty years. These transformations have combined to make this repertory a viable field of study today. Musicologists in the United States can now make their careers by specializing in Iberian and Latin American music, as well as the music of the Hispanic diaspora. They research topics ranging from the avant-garde composer Llorenç Barber to the rapper Nach Scratch or the popular bandleader Xavier Cugat and his U.S. audiences of the 1940s, while others also pursue the time-tested areas of medieval and Renaissance music. Iberian and Latin American music is regularly offered in postsecondary institutions while instructors now have a variety of textbooks and other pedagogical resources from which to choose. All add up to a disciplinary freedom that would have been unthinkable only a few decades ago.