897 resultados para Special education necessities


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As trends in favour of inclusion continue, questions arise concerning the extent to which teachers in mainstream schools feel prepared for the task of meeting pupils' special educational needs. Little previous research has considered how the subject taught impacts upon the attitudes of mainstream teachers towards pupils with special educational needs. In this article, Jean Ellins, research fellow at the University of Birmingham, and Jill Porter, senior lecturer at the University of Bath, report on their research into the attitudes of teachers in one mainstream secondary school. Building a detailed case study using documents, records of pupil progress, an interview and a questionnaire using a Likert-type attitude scale and open-ended questions, these researchers set out to explore distinctions between the attitudes of teachers working in different departments. Their findings suggest that the teachers of the core subjects, English, mathematics and science, had less positive attitudes than their colleagues. Further, pupils with special educational needs made least progress in science where teacher attitudes were the least positive. Jean Ellins and Jill Porter review the implications of these findings and make recommendations for future practice and further enquiry.


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The overall aim of this thesis is to increase our knowledge of different occupational groups´ views on work with children in need of special support. This is explored in four separate studies. The first study investigates the views of occupational groups in preschools and schools in one municipality. A questionnaire was handed out to all personnel (N=1297) in the municipality in 2008 (72.5 % response rate). The second study explores the views of educational leaders (N=45) in the same municipality. Questionnaire # 2 was distributed in 2009. All the educational leaders responded to the questionnaire. The third study describes the views of different occupational groups concerning special educational needs coordinators´ (SENCOs) role and work. This was highlighted by comparing responses from questionnaire #1 and # 2. Responses concerning SENCOs´ work were also added using a third questionnaire. This questionnaire was handed out in 2006 to chief education officers (N=290) in all municipalities in Sweden. The response rate was 90.3%. Finally, the fourth study presents five head teachers´ descriptions of their work with special needs issues. Study four was a follow-up study of questionnaire # 2. These head teachers were selected because of their inclusive values and because they seemed to be effective according to certain criteria. They were interviewed in January 2012. The results reveal a number of interesting findings. For example, there are both similar and different views among the occupational groups concerning work with children in need of special support. A majority of the respondents in all groups state that children´s individual deficiencies is one common reason why children need special support in preschools/schools. Differences between the occupational groups become especially visible regarding their views of SENCOs‟ work. Critical pragmatism (Cherryholmes, 1988) is applied as a theoretical point of departure. Skrtic´s (1991) critical reading and analysis of special education relative to general education is specifically used to interpret and discuss the outcome of the studies. Additionally, Abbott´s (1988) reasoning concerning the “division of expert labor” is used to discuss the occupational groups´ replies concerning “who should do what to whom”. The findings in the studies are contextualized and theoretically interpreted in the separate articles. However in the first part of this thesis (in Swedish: Kappa), the theoretical interpretations of the empirical outcome are discussed in more detail and the results are further contextualized and synthesised. Inclusion and premises for inclusive education are also discussed in more depth in the first part of the present thesis.


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Nowadays the discussion about providing a quality education for all students is more and more recurrent, including for those who have special educational necessities. The discussion increases regarding that it is not enough to include these students in the regular school, but also to provide conditions of learning and development. This requirement implies changes in the educational system, as well as in the teachers‟ everyday; and these changes manifest themselves through the complexity of the functions which are assigned to the teachers and the school. The news that are generated from the perspective of the inclusive education asks for new formative models for teacher‟s performance, once he tries to (re)build knowledge, knowings and doings among troubles and conflicts as a way to decrease the impact caused by the necessary transformations. This research approached this context in order to understand the social representation about the inclusive education from teachers who work in the regular public school system in the Municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, State of Acre. To approach the symbolic content, we elected the Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) as the methodological approach. For that, it was necessary to apply the Technique of Free-Association of Words (TFAW) to 60 participants what provided data to the first step of the chosen methodological procedure. The criterion of choice of the participants took into account if they dealt with student who has special educational necessities and with public schools. Later, we applied MCP to 50 teachers from specialized course in inclusive education subgroup 01 and 30 teachers who has no specialized formation subgroup 02. The collected data from this step was examined through multidimensional and content analysis for a better understanding of their symbolic dimensions. The results from the multidimensional analysis showed that the subject inclusive education‟ for subgroup 01 involved the following facets: circulating discourses that meant the naming of the characteristics that teachers think indispensable to inclusive education; teachers in relation to the inclusive practice that was focused on the relation between teaching and included student, and repercussion to the student that showed the advantages that the inclusive education provided to the student who has special educational necessities. Subgroup 02 dealt with the following facets: characteristics of the included student that approached teachers‟ view on this student; negative aspects that regarded the naming of the obstacles in the achievement of inclusive education; and teacher‟s relations to the inclusive education that approach professional, affective, and formative elements. The content analysis revealed four categories: disagreeing concepts; conception of inclusive education; dimension of the teacher‟s inclusive doing, and difficulties and resistance to carry out the inclusion of a student who has special educational necessities in the regularschool. Both analyses multidimensional and content one showed that the constitution of elements in a social representation of inclusive education was a mixture formed by the characteristics of this sort of education and the school integration, materialized on the figure of the different‟ student. The representational field of the subject inclusive education‟ was associated to the social representation of the student who has special educational necessities, making clear the deficiency/ difference, and causing the difficulty of the teachers in achieving what they say about the phenomenon


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho investigou como se deu a implementação de Políticas Públicas para Educação Especial no município de Marabá-Pará. Para tanto se fez necessário analisar e refletir o papel da Secretaria Municipal de Educação na efetivação dessas políticas, tendo como focos a política de inclusão escolar e o processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental. A temática foi desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre o processo de inclusão escolar, pois a última década, em nosso país, marca o início da luta da sociedade civil para que se façam valer os direitos preconizados pela Constituição Federal de 1988, dentre os quais garantia do acesso e permanência de todos na escola. O problema de pesquisa que norteou este trabalho foi o de verificar a relação entre as políticas públicas educacionais para a educação especial traçadas pelo governo federal e a implementação das mesmas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Marabá-Pará para a inclusão escolar dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A pesquisa se desenvolveu metodologicamente por meio de um estudo de caso de uma escola da rede municipal de educação de Marabá. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados a entrevista semÍ-estruturada e a análise interpretativa das entrevistas e dos documentos cujos dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A partir de nossas análises e reflexões constatamos que a implantação da Educação Especial em âmbito municipal deu-se por força do processo de municipalização ocorrido em Marabá no de 2000. Ressaltamos que a implementação da mesma na prática, vem sofrendo muitos complicadores, dentre eles a falta de conhecimento de grande parte dos professores da rede em relação às questões mais específicas apresentadas pela maioria das deficiências de seus alunos, além da falta de infra-estrutura adequada das escolas para atender os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais matriculados nas classes comuns.


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Este estudo está vinculado à linha de pesquisa Currículo e Formação de Professores, do Programa de Pós Graduação do Instituto de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará. Defini como objetivo geral analisar se a formação continuada de professores, desenvolvida no Programa “Conhecer para Acolher: capacitação de educadores para atuar junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no contexto da escola regular da Rede Pública Estadual do Pará”, trouxe contribuições para a prática pedagógica docente no processo de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas públicas da rede estadual do Pará e como objetivos específicos identificar como os professores articulam o vivenciado no processo da formação com sua ação docente; avaliar que aspectos da formação podem ter favorecido (ou não) sua ação docente na perspectiva da inclusão e investigar se processo formativo gerou mudanças atitudinais nos professores. A investigação configurou-se como pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem descritiva, apoiada nos teóricos que discutem a formação de professores e inclusão, para compreensão dos fenômenos educacionais e do papel da formação continuada para a ressignificação das ações do professor no processo de construção da educação inclusiva. Foram sujeitos participantes quatro professoras que participaram da referida formação, selecionadas a partir dos critérios: participação na primeira formação do Programa, ocorrida em 2002; participação em módulo de aprofundamento; não ter participado de outras formações sobre educação especial/inclusão; ter no momento da pesquisa aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais em suas turmas. Elegi como instrumentos de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental e entrevista semi-estruturada. Considerando a importância da pesquisa como possível auxiliar em formações continuadas para o processo de inclusão educacional de alunos com necessidades especiais, para análise dos dados me apoiei nos constructos teóricos que são veiculados sobre a educação inclusiva e busquei pontos de interface entre esses constructos para a compreensão dos aspectos da complexidade que envolvem o processo de formação continuada de professores e seus reflexos na atuação profissional dos mesmos. A análise dos dados permitiu perceber que a formação proporcionou às professoras o repensar de suas práticas pela assimilação e uso dos conceitos teórico-práticos como recurso para sua ação, ao afirmarem que ativaram postura mais reflexiva, mais participativa em seu contexto profissional; ao se perceberem como mais sensíveis às diferenças que se manifestam em suas salas de aula; ao recorrerem a estratégias diferenciadas para efetivar o processo de ensino e se perceberem como co-responsáveis pela organização da inclusão educacional.


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The organization of the inclusive education is a slow and complex process, which has the necessity of investments in supports for all the scholar team. Aiming at spreading one of the actions carried out for the promotion of the inclusive educational practices in a municipal education system in a western city in the state of São Paulo, this paperwork has the objective of presenting an elaborated manual of orientations for the implementation of the individual curricular adaptations (ACIs) for students who demand special educational necessities (NEEs). The material was constituted on the basis of three data sets: 1) tabulation of the evaluations of the curricular adaptations already made; 2) the literature review; 3) analysis of the themes which have emerged during case discussion meetings mediated by the researchers with teachers from the Specialized Pedagogical Support Service (SAPE), with teachers and administrators from the common education system and the technical-pedagogical team. The final version of the manual contemplates the theoretical-operational aspects about the themes: flexibility and curricular adequation, inclusive education, definitions of NEEs, how SAPE works; and it finishes with a model proposal of ACI. It is expected that the spreading of this material can subside new curricular propositions for students with deficiency that are very distant from the academic level expected for the current scholar year.


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It was aimed to identify how the physical education teachers worked to include a student with visual impairment; intervene with the teacher from the identified necessities and assess the intervention. Data were collected in three stages: 1) Weekly monitoring and filming the classes, 2) intervention by the reflection of videos coming from the previous step and suggesting new actions, 3) development of filming for evaluating the intervention. Before the intervention, it was identified that the explanation of the activities happened collectively. It was held the physical help as the first form of instruction, the student with visual impairment participation occurred depending on the company of a classmate who held hands and did the activities together. Along the intervention it was reflected about the structure of the classes, the ways of explanation of the activities and the strategies and the resources to assure an enjoyable participation of students with visual impairments. The training of peer tutors was a strategy used. After the intervention it was identified in the classroom the assistance of the trained peer tutors; the maintenance of oral explanation and demonstration, though, the first way to explanation for the student with visual impairment started to be the oral tip.


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Relátorio de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Educação Pré-escolar