966 resultados para Sound recordings.
Soitinnus : lauluäänet (2), piano.
Julkaisumaa: 530 AN ANT Alankomaiden Antillit
Trough computed tomography (CT), it is possible to evaluate lymph nodes in detail and to detect changes in these structures earlier than with radiographs and ultrasound. Lack of information in the veterinary literature directed the focus of this report to normal aspects of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes of adult dogs on CT imaging. A CT scan of 15 normal adult male and female Rottweilers was done. To define them as clinically sound, anamnesis, physical examination, complete blood count, renal and hepatic biochemistry, ECG, and thoracic radiographs were performed. After the intravenous injection of hydrosoluble ionic iodine contrast medium contiguous 10mm in thickness thoracic transverse images were obtained with an axial scanner. In the obtained images mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes were sought and when found measured in their smallest diameter and their attenuation was compared to musculature. Mean and standard deviation of: age, weight, body length and the smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes were determined. Mean and standard deviation of parameters: age 3.87±2.03 years, weight 41.13±5.12, and body length 89.61±2.63cm. Axillary lymph nodes were seen in 60% of the animals, mean of the smallest diameter was 3.58mm with a standard deviation of 2.02 and a minimum value of 1mm and a maximum value of 7mm. From 13 observed lymph nodes 61.53% were hypopodense when compared with musculature, and 30.77% were isodense. Mediastinal lymph nodes were identified in 73.33% of the dogs; mean measure of the smallest diameter was 4.71mm with a standard deviation of 2.61mm and a minimum value of 1mm, and a maximum value of 8mm. From 14 observed lymph nodes 85.71% were isodense when compared with musculature and 14.28% were hypodense. The results show that it is possible to visualize axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes in adult clinically sound Rottweilers with CT using a slice thickness and interval of 10mm. The smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes not surpassed 7mm and 8mm respectively. Their attenuations were equal or smaller than that of musculature in the post contrast scan.
Artikkeli on julkaistu Hymnologi - Nordiskt tidskirft -lehden numerossa 3-4 / 2012.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee äänitehosteiden kääntämistä sarjakuvissa. Tutkimus perustuu seitsemän eri sarjakuvan äänitehosteiden ja niiden suomennoksien vertailuun. Tutkitut tehosteet on kerätty yhdeksi korpukseksi kolmesta Aku Ankka -tarinasta, Tenavat- ja Lassi ja Leevi -stripeistä sekä Batman- ja Vartijat sarjakuvaromaaneista.Sarjakuvat edustavat osittain eri genrejä, jotta saadaan tietoa erityyppisten sarjakuvien mahdollisesti erilaisista käännöskonventioista. Aku Ankka -sarjakuvien määrää on painotettu, jotta olisi mahdollista saada tarkempi kuva yhdestä yksittäisestä sarjakuvasta, jossa oletetaan äänitehosteiden pääsääntöisesti olevan käännettyjä. Äänitehosteita ja äänitehostekäännöksiä tutkitaan kahdesta eri näkökulmasta.Tutkielman ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan äänitehosteissa käytettyjä käännösstrategioita ja etsitään seikkoja, jotka vaikuttavat eri käännösstrategioiden käyttöön ja tehosteiden kääntämiseen tai kääntämättä jättämiseen. Kaindlin (1999) esittelemää sarjakuvien käännösstrategiajaottelua verrataan Celottin (2008) kuvaan upotettuihin teksteihin soveltuviin käännösstrategioihin. Näiden pohjalta muokattua jaottelua käytetään käännösten analysointiin. Korpuksessa yleisimmin käytetyt käännösstrategiat olivat alkutekstin siirtäminen sellaisenaan käännökseen ja kääntäminen suomalaiseksi ilmaisuksi. Jonkin verran esiintyi myös tehosteiden poistoja, siirtämisiä ja jopa lisäyksiä. Paljon muutoksia tapahtui myös esimerkiksi tehosteiden ulkoasussa. Sarjakuvan tyyppi vaikutti oletusten mukaisesti käännösstrategioihin; selvimmin aikuisille suunnatuissa sarjakuvissa paljon tehosteita oli jätetty kääntämättä, kun taas erityisesti Aku Ankoissa tehosteidenkin käännöksiin oli kiinnitetty huomiota. Myös tehosteen sijainti puhekuplassa, kuplan ulkopuolella tai kuvaan upotettuna vaikutti siihen, oliko tehoste käännetty vai ei. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa äänitehosteet jaotellaan semanttisen sisältönsä mukaan seuraaviin ryhmiin: iskut, rikkoutuminen, räjähdykset ja ampuminen, hankaus, ilmavirta, ruoka ja nesteet, pitkäkestoiset äänet sekä äänenkorkeudeltaan selvästi korkeat ja matalat äänet. Jaotteluperusteina toimivat äänten kuvaamat tapahtumat, äänen syntymiseen osallistuvat materiaalit tai äänitehosteiden itsensä ominaisuudet. Ryhmien esimerkeistä löytyi yhteisiä piirteitä, jotka selittynevät samanlaisten äänten samanlaisella äännesymboliikalla tai samankaltaisilla onomatopoeettisilla piirteillä.
Current methods for recording field potentials with tungsten electrodes make it virtually impossible to use the same recording electrode also as a lesioning electrode, for example for histological confirmation of the recorded site, because the lesioning procedure usually wears off the tungsten tip. Therefore, the electrode would have to be replaced after each lesioning procedure, which is a very high cost solution to the problem. We present here a low cost, easy to make, high quality glass pipette-carbon fiber microelectrode that shows resistive, signal/noise and electrochemical coupling advantages over tungsten electrodes. Also, currently used carbon fiber microelectrodes often show problems with electrical continuity, especially regarding electrochemical applications using a carbon-powder/resin mixture, with consequent low performance, besides the inconvenience of handling such a mixture. We propose here a new method for manufacturing glass pipette-carbon fiber microelectrodes with several advantages when recording intracerebral field potentials
Vapaakappalekartuntaan perustuva tilasto Suomessa julkaistuista musiikkiäänitteistä vuodesta 1995 lähtien
Vapaakappalekartuntaan perustuva tilasto Suomessa julkaistuista puheäänitteistä vuodesta 1995 lähtien
The purpose of this study was to compare bone speed of sound (SOS) measured by quantitative ultrasound, circulating levels of IGF- 1 and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pre- (Pr) and post-menarcheal (Po) synchronized swimmers (SS) and controls (NS). Seventy participants were recruited: 8 PrSS, 22 PoSS, 20 PrNS, and 20 PoNS. Anthropometric measures of height, weight, skeletal maturity and percent body fat were taken, and dietary intake evaluated using 24-hour recall. Bone SOS was measured at the distal radius and mid-tibia and blood samples analyzed for IGF-1, osteocalcin, NTx, and 25-OH vitamin D. Results demonstrated maturational effects on bone SOS, IGF-1 and bone turnover (p<0.05), with no differences observed between SS and NS. Main effects were observed for a reduced caloric intake in SS compared to NS (p<0.05). Therefore, SS does not offer additive affects on bone strength but imparts no adverse affects to skeletal health in these athletes.
At head of title: "Great tourist route of America".
Over the last two decades, the prevalence of obesity in the general population has been steadily increasing. Obesity is a major issue in scientific research because it is associated with many health problems, one of which is bone quality. In adult females, adiposity is associated with increased bone mineral density, suggesting that there is a protective effect of fat on bone. However, the association between adiposity and bone strength during childhood is not clear. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare bone strength, as reflected by speed of sound (SOS), of overweight and obese girls and adolescents with normal-weight age-matched controls. Data from 75 females included normal-weight girls (G-NW; body fat:::; 25%; n = 21), overweight and obese girls (GOW; body fat ~ 28%; n = 19), normal-weight adolescents (A-NW, body fat:::; 25%; n = 13) and overweight and obese adolescents (A-OW; body fat ~ 28%; n = 22). Nutrition was assessed with a 24-hour recall questionnaire and habitual physical activity was measured for one week using accelerometry. Using quantitative ultrasound (QUS; Sunlight Omnisense™), bone SOS was measured at the distal radius and mid-tibia. No differences were found between groups in daily total energy, calcium or vitamin D intake. However, all groups were below the recommended daily calcium intake of 1300 mg (Osteoporosis Canada, 2008). Adolescents were significantly less active than girls (14.7 ± 0.6 vs. 6.3 ± 0.6% active for G and A, respectively). OW accumulated significantly less minutes of moderate-to-very vigorous physical activity per day (MVPA) than NW in both age groups (114 ± 6 vs. 57 ± 5 min/day for NW and OW, i respectively). Girls had significantly lower radial SOS (3794 ± 87 vs. 3964 ± 64 mls for G-NW and A-NW, respectively), and tibial SOS (3678 ± 86 vs. 3878 ± 52 mls for G-NW and A-NW, respectively) than adolescents. Radial SOS was similar in the two adiposity groups within each age group. However, tibial SOS was lower in the two overweight groups (3601 ± 75 mls vs. 3739 ± 134 mls for G-OW and A-OW, respectively) compared with the age-matched normal-weight controls. Body fat percentage negatively correlated with tibial SOS in the study sample as a whole (r = -0.30). However, when split into groups, percent bo~y fat correlated with tibial SOS only in the A-OW group (r = -0.53). MVPA correlated with tibial SOS (r = 0.40), once age was partialed out. In conclusion, in contrast withthe higher bone strength characteristic of obese adult women, overweight and obese girls and adolescents are characterized by low tibial bone strength, as assessed with QUS. The differences between adiposity groups in tibial SOS may be at least partially due to the reduced weight-bearing physical activity levels in the overweight girls and adolescents. However, other factors, such as hormonal influences associated with high body fat may also playa role in reducing bone strength in overweight girls. Further research is required to reveal the mechanisms causing low bone strength in overweight and obese children and adolescents.
The finding that serial recall perfonnance for visually presented items is impaired by concurrently presented speech or sounds is referred to as the irrelevant sound effect (lSE). The foremost explanation for the effect is based on interference with rehearsal and seriation processes. The present series of experiments demonstrates tha t neither rehearsal nor seriation processes is necessary to observe the ISE. Evidence comes from three experiments that a) allow participants to report to-be-remembered items in any order, b) eliminate rehearsal by engaging participants in a cover task and surprising them with a memory test, and c) show that surprise non-serial recognition is immune to rehearsal-based experimental manipulations that modulate the ISE in more typical serial recall tasks. Together,the results show that models that rely on rehearsal or seriation processes to account for the ISE need to be reconsidered. Results are discussed in tenns of interference with encoding of to-be-remembered material.
Josephine Sloman is pictured holding a wooden oar at a holiday cabin in Parry Sound, Ontario in this undated black and white photograph. Her husband, Albert, is likely the person standing to her left, visible through the trees. This photograph was in the possession of the Rick Bell family, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell families are descended from former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Ontario.