999 resultados para Sociopolitical action
The in vitro activity of thiabendazole on Ascaris lumbricoides eggs, which were recovered from uteri of worm excreted after chemotherapeutic treatment, was studied. Four concentrations of the drug were used: 1 -- 2.5 -- 5 -- and 10 ppm during 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure. Subsequently, the eggs were centrifuged, washed three times and H2SO4 0.1N was added. The eggs were maintained in an incubator for 20 days at 28°C. Finally, the percentage of embryonated eggs was determined under a lightmicroscope at a 100X magnification. After 48 and 72 hours of thiabendazole exposure, at a concentration of 10ppm, the drug showed complete inhibition of egg embryonation.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
RESUMO: A OMS lançou em 2008, o Programa de Acção do Gap em Saúde Mental (mhGAP) para suprir a falta de cuidados, especialmente em países de rendimento baixo e médio, para as pessoas que sofrem de perturbações mentais, neurológicas e de uso de substâncias (MNS). Um componente crucial do mhGAP é representado pelo esforço no sentido da integração da saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários. Na Etiópia, o mhGAP foi monitorizado durante 3 anos, graças a um projeto de demonstração implementado em clínicas selecionadas em quatro regiões do país. A fase de demonstração de mhGAP na Etiópia traduziu-se principalmente na formação de profissionais de saúde não especializados, fornecendo-lhes orientação e supervisão apoiada para a utilização de medicamentos psicotrópicos essenciais e na coordenação com o Ministério Etíope Federal da Saúde, Hospital Amanuel de Saúde Mental e as Secretarias Regionais de Saúde ( RHBs ). O presente trabalho investigou a eficácia do pacote de formação mhGAP através de uma análise das pontuações dos participantes no pré- e pós-testes. A análise estatística mostrou - com uma exceção - que a melhoria dos formandos é estatisticamente significativa, o que sugere que os conhecimentos dos participantes é melhorada na fase de pós-teste. A eficácia do pacote de formação mhGAP para profissionais de saúde não especializados é uma evidência promissora de que os mesmos podem ser treinados com sucesso para realizar um pacote básico de intervenções para a prestação de cuidados e tratamento para pessoas com perturbações mentais, neurológicas e de uso de substâncias. Este trabalho destaca, também, várias limitações não apenas inerentes ao próprio projecto de investigação tais como o número limitado de respostas que foram analisadas e a falta de dados de uma das quatro regiões onde mhGAP foi testado na Etiópia. As principais limitações decorrem de facto da abordagem global limitar as intervenções de saúde mental ao programa de formação e supervisão dos trabalhadores de cuidados de saúde primários . Este processo só será bem sucedido se, juntamente com outras intervenções - que vão desde o desenvolvimento de currículos para o desenvolvimento de uma legislação de saúde mental -, fôr incluído numa estratégia mais abrangente para a reforma da saúde mental e desafiar o status quo.-----------ABSTRACT:In 2008, WHO launched the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) to address the lack of care, especially in low- and middle- income countries, for people living with mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders. A crucial component of mhGAP is represented by the endeavor towards integration of mental health into primary health care. In Ethiopia, mhGAP has been piloted for 3 years thanks to a demonstration project implemented in selected clinics in 4 regions of the country. The demonstration phase of mhGAP in Ethiopia has mainly translated into training of non-specialized health workers, providing them with mentorship and supportive supervision, availing essential psychotropic medications and coordinating with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health, Amanuel Mental Health Hospital and the Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs). The present paper investigated the efficacy of the mhGAP training package through an analysis of the participants’ scores at pre-test and post-test. The statistical analysis showed - with one exception - that the improvement of trainees is statistically significant, therefore suggesting that the knowledge of participants is improved in the post-test phase. The efficacy of the mhGAP training package on non-specialized health workers is promising evidence that non-specialized health-care providers can be successfully trained to deliver a basic package of interventions for providing care and treatment for people with mental, neurological and substance use disorders. However, this paper also highlights several limitations, which are not only inherent to the research itself, such as the limited number of scores that was analyzed, or the lack of data from one of the four regions where mhGAP has been piloted in Ethiopia; major limitations occur in fact in the overall approach of confining mental health interventions to training and supervising primary health care workers. This process will only be successful if coupled with other interventions – ranging from curricula development to development of a mental health legislation - and if it is included in a more comprehensive strategy to reform mental health and challenge the status quo.
INTRODUCTION: Toxoplasmosis is usually a benign infection, except in the event of ocular, central nervous system (CNS), or congenital disease and particularly when the patient is immunocompromised. Treatment consists of drugs that frequently cause adverse effects; thus, newer, more effective drugs are needed. In this study, the possible activity of artesunate, a drug successfully being used for the treatment of malaria, on Toxoplasma gondii growth in cell culture is evaluated and compared with the action of drugs that are already being used against this parasite. METHODS: LLC-MK2 cells were cultivated in RPMI medium, kept in disposable plastic bottles, and incubated at 36ºC with 5% CO2. Tachyzoites of the RH strain were used. The following drugs were tested: artesunate, cotrimoxazole, pentamidine, pyrimethamine, quinine, and trimethoprim. The effects of these drugs on tachyzoites and LLC-MK2 cells were analyzed using nonlinear regression analysis with Prism 3.0 software. RESULTS: Artesunate showed a mean tachyzoite inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.075µM and an LLC MK2 toxicity of 2.003µM. Pyrimethamine was effective at an IC50 of 0.482µM and a toxicity of 11.178µM. Trimethoprim alone was effective against the in vitro parasite. Cotrimoxazole also was effective against the parasite but at higher concentrations than those observed for artesunate and pyrimethamine. Pentamidine and quinine had no inhibitory effect over tachyzoites. CONCLUSIONS: Artesunate is proven in vitro to be a useful alternative for the treatment of toxoplasmosis, implying a subsequent in vivo effect and suggesting the mechanism of this drug against the parasite.
The first part of this research work regards the assessment of the mathematical modelling of reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fibre (CFRP) sheets under axial loading. The purpose was to evaluate existing analytical models, contribute to possible improvements and choose the best model(s) to be part of a new model for the prediction of the behaviour of confined columns under bending and compression. For circular columns, a wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete. The analysis of some of the existing models was carried out by comparing these with several tested columns. Although several models predict fairly the peak load only few can properly estimate the load-strain and dilation behaviour of the columns. Square columns confined with CFRP show a more complex interpretation of their behaviour. Accordingly, the analysis of two experimental programs was carried out to propose new modelling equations for the whole behaviour of columns. The modelling results show that the analytical curves are in general agreement with the presented experimental curves for a wide range of dimensions. An analysis similar to the one done for circular columns was this turn carried out for square columns. Few models can fairly estimate the whole behaviour of the columns and with less accuracy at all levels when compared with circular columns. The second part of this study includes seven experimental tests carried out on reinforced concrete rectangular columns with rounded corners, different damage condition and with confinement and longitudinal strengthening systems. It was concluded that the use of CFRP confinement is viable and of effective performance enhancement alone and combined with other techniques, maintaining a good ductile behaviour for established threshold displacements. As regards the use of external longitudinal strengthening combined with CFRP confinement, this system is effective for the performance enhancement and viable in terms of execution. The load capacity was increased significantly, preserving also in this case a good ductile behaviour for threshold displacements. As to the numerical nonlinear modelling of the tested columns, the results show a variation of the peak load of 1% to 10% compared with tests results. The good results are partly due to the inclusion of the concrete constitutive model by Mander et al. modified by Faustino, Chastre & Paula taking into account the confinement effect. Despite the reasonable approximation to tests results, the modelling results showed higher unloading, which leads to an overestimate dissipated energy and residualdisplacement.
This Special Issue gathers selected contributions from experts of the action on several aspects of food structure design explored throughout the actions activity, from basic science to applications and behavior of foods during digestion.
In this paper, we present an integrated system for real-time automatic detection of human actions from video. The proposed approach uses the boundary of humans as the main feature for recognizing actions. Background subtraction is performed using Gaussian mixture model. Then, features are extracted from silhouettes and Vector Quantization is used to map features into symbols (bag of words approach). Finally, actions are detected using the Hidden Markov Model. The proposed system was validated using a newly collected real- world dataset. The obtained results show that the system is capable of achieving robust human detection, in both indoor and outdoor environments. Moreover, promising classification results were achieved when detecting two basic human actions: walking and sitting.
[Excerpt] The incidence of fungal infections has greatly increased in patients under sustained immunosuppression with considerable risk associated. Difficulties regarding prompt diagnosis and the limited therapeutic options dictate high mortality rates. Available antifungals display substantial toxicity, a predictable consequence of the cellular structure of the organisms involved, reduced spectrum of activity, and drug interactions. Our group had previously identified three (Z)-5-amino-N'-aryl-1-methyl-1H-imidazole-4-carbohydrazonamides 1 [aryl= phenyl (1a), 4-fluorophenyl (1b), 3fluorophenyl (1c)] as potent antifungal agents.1 (...)
COST Action TU1406 aims to address the European economic and societal needs by standardizing the condition assessment and maintenance level of roadway bridges. Currently, bridge quality control plans vary from country to country and, in some cases, within the same country. This therefore urges the establishment of a European guideline to surpass the lack of a standard methodology to assess bridge condition and to define quality control plans for roadway bridges. Such a guideline will comprise specific recommendations for assessing performance indicators as well as for the definition of performance goals, bringing together different stakeholders (e.g. universities, institutes, operators, consultants and owners) from various scientific disciplines (e.g. on-site testing, visual inspection, structural engineering, sustainability, etc.) in order to establish a common transnational language. COST Action TU1406 Workshops aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences between active researchers and practitioners as well as to stimulate discussions on new and emerging issues in line with the conference topics. This first Workshop essentially focuses on WG1 issues, namely, intends to address performance indicators, how these are assessed (e.g. visual inspection, nondestructive tests and monitoring systems), with what frequency and what values are generally obtained. The main outcomes, given in this eBook, were really important, not only for WG1 developments, but also for all the other WGs and for the Action itself.
Regenerative action of the wall on the heat transfer for directly and indirectly heated rotary kilns
Rotary kilns, Regenerative wall, heat transfer, directly fired, indirectly fired